mirror of
synced 2025-02-23 14:40:45 +00:00
486 lines
11 KiB
486 lines
11 KiB
// called "ElimBG" to eliminate (elim) background (bg)
// drawing of everything, while the game is in the pause menu
// ElimBG_SaveScreenshot_Chunk
void FUN_80024524(ushort *param_1,ushort *param_2,int param_3)
ushort uVar1;
ushort uVar2;
ushort *puVar3;
if (param_3 != 0) {
puVar3 = param_2 + 3;
do {
uVar2 = (ushort)(((uint)*param_2 & 0x3e0) >> 6);
*param_1 = uVar2;
param_2 = param_2 + 4;
uVar2 = uVar2 | puVar3[-2] >> 2 & 0xf0;
*param_1 = uVar2;
param_3 = param_3 + -4;
uVar2 = uVar2 | (ushort)(((uint)puVar3[-1] & 0x3c0) << 2);
*param_1 = uVar2;
uVar1 = *puVar3;
puVar3 = puVar3 + 4;
*param_1 = uVar2 | (ushort)(((uint)uVar1 & 0x3c0) << 6);
param_1 = param_1 + 1;
} while (param_3 != 0);
// ElimBG_SaveScreenshot_Full
// stores VRAM in RAM (as backup)
// stores screenshot of swapchain in VRAM
void FUN_8002459c(int param_1)
int iVar1;
int iVar2;
int iVar3;
int iVar4;
short sVar5;
undefined4 local_48;
undefined4 local_44;
undefined4 local_40;
undefined4 local_3c;
undefined2 local_38;
short local_36;
undefined2 local_34;
undefined2 local_32;
undefined2 local_30;
short local_2e;
undefined2 local_2c;
undefined2 local_2a;
iVar4 = 0;
// rdataPauseData
local_48 = 0x200;
local_44 = 0x1000040;
local_40 = 0x240;
local_3c = 0x1000040;
// make pointers relative to primMem.end for
// vram copy, then overwrite vram with pause image
// gGT->DB[0].primMem.end
DAT_8008d028 = *(int *)(param_1 + 0x94);
DAT_8008d018 = DAT_8008d028 + -0x8000;
DAT_8008d020 = DAT_8008d028 + -0xc000;
// gGT->DB[1].primMem.end
DAT_8008d02c = *(int *)(param_1 + 0x138);
DAT_8008d028 = DAT_8008d028 + -0xc800;
DAT_8008d01c = DAT_8008d02c + -0x8000;
DAT_8008d024 = DAT_8008d02c + -0xc000;
DAT_8008d02c = DAT_8008d02c + -0xc800;
// set restricted gGT->DB[0,1].primMem.end
*(int *)(param_1 + 0x94) = DAT_8008d028;
*(int *)(param_1 + 0x138) = DAT_8008d02c;
// copy texture vram into PrimMem
// === copy screen into texture vram ===
local_34 = 0x200;
local_38 = 0;
local_32 = 8;
// swapchain index * Y-offset of second swapchain image
sVar5 = (short)*(undefined4 *)(param_1 + 0xc) * 0x128;
local_36 = sVar5;
// start the first Store
iVar2 = 0;
do {
iVar4 = 1 - iVar4;
local_36 = sVar5 + (short)iVar2 + 8;
local_38 = 0;
local_34 = 0x200;
local_32 = 8;
// pause until Store is done
// start next Store, while processing previous store
// ElimBG_SaveScreenshot_Chunk
FUN_80024524((&DAT_8008d028)[1 - iVar4],(&DAT_8008d020)[1 - iVar4],0x1000);
local_30 = 0x200;
local_2c = 0x80;
local_2a = 8;
iVar3 = iVar2 + 8;
local_2e = (short)iVar2;
LoadImage(&local_30,(&DAT_8008d028)[1 - iVar4]);
iVar1 = iVar2 + 0x10;
iVar2 = iVar3;
} while (iVar1 < 0xd8);
// wait for last Store
// ElimBG_SaveScreenshot_Chunk
local_30 = 0x200;
local_2e = (short)iVar3;
local_2c = 0x80;
local_2a = 8;
local_2e = 0xff;
local_2c = 0x10;
local_30 = 0x200;
local_2a = 1;
// ElimBG_Activate
// param1 is PTR_DAT_8008d2ac
void FUN_8002481c(int param_1)
// Sep 3
// if game is not fully unpaused
//if (DAT_8008d036 != 0) {
// backup render flags, and hud flags
DAT_8008d030 = *(undefined4 *)(param_1 + 0x256c);
DAT_8008d034 = (ushort)*(byte *)(param_1 + 0x1d31);
// this is now the first frame of pause
DAT_8008d036 = 1;
// ElimBG_ToggleInstance
// param_1 is instance
// param_2 is 0x0 or 0x1
void FUN_80024840(int param_1,int param_2)
uint uVar1;
// if game is being paused
if (param_2 != 0)
// get instance flags
uVar1 = *(uint *)(param_1 + 0x28);
// if visible
if ((uVar1 & 0x80) == 0)
// remove 0x10000000
uVar1 = uVar1 & 0xefffffff;
// if invisible
// add 0x10000000, so the instance
// is not made visible during unpause
uVar1 = uVar1 | 0x10000000;
// store new flags
*(uint *)(param_1 + 0x28) = uVar1;
// make all instances invisible,
// plus 0x20000000, which means made invisible by pausing
*(uint *)(param_1 + 0x28) = *(uint *)(param_1 + 0x28) | 0x20000080;
// if game is being unpaused
// if instance was not already invisible before the game paused
if ((*(uint *)(param_1 + 0x28) & 0x30000000) == 0x20000000)
// remove bit added from pause,
// make instance visible again
*(uint *)(param_1 + 0x28) = *(uint *)(param_1 + 0x28) & 0xdfffff7f;
// ElimBG_ToggleAllInstances
// param_1 is PTR_DAT_8008d2ac
// param_2 is 0x0 or 0x1
void FUN_800248bc(int param_1,undefined4 param_2)
int iVar1;
uint uVar2;
uint uVar3;
// first lev instance
uVar2 = *(uint *)(*(int *)(param_1 + 0x160) + 0x10);
// last lev instance (first + count * 0x40)
uVar3 = uVar2 + *(int *)(*(int *)(param_1 + 0x160) + 0xc) * 0x40;
// loop through all LEV instances
while (uVar2 < uVar3) {
if (*(int *)(uVar2 + 0x2c) != 0)
// ElimBG_ToggleInstance
FUN_80024840(*(int *)(uVar2 + 0x2c),param_2);
// next instance
uVar2 = uVar2 + 0x40;
// LIST_GetFirstItem
// first taken item in InstancePool
iVar1 = FUN_800317d8(param_1 + 0x1904);
// loop through everything in InstancePool,
// Driver, Weapons, everything non-lev
while (iVar1 != 0)
// ElimBG_ToggleInstance
// LIST_GetNextItem
iVar1 = FUN_800317cc(iVar1);
// ElimBG_HandleState
// copying screenshot to VRAM, and backing up previous VRAM,
// draws the screenshot from VRAM
// restores the backup into VRAM when pause is done
// param_1 = PTR_DAT_8008d2ac
void FUN_80024974(int param_1)
short sVar1;
short sVar2;
undefined *puVar3;
char cVar4;
int iVar5;
int iVar6;
void *p;
uint uVar7;
char cVar8;
uint uVar9;
int iVar10;
undefined4 local_30;
undefined4 local_2c;
undefined4 local_28;
undefined4 local_24;
puVar3 = PTR_DAT_8008d2ac;
// if this is last frame of pause
if (DAT_8008d036 == 3)
// rdataPauseData
local_30 = 0x200;
local_2c = 0x1000040;
local_28 = 0x240;
local_24 = 0x1000040;
// load from RAM, back to VRAM
// restore gGT->DB[0,1].primMem.end
*(int *)(param_1 + 0x94) = DAT_8008d018 + 0x8000;
*(int *)(param_1 + 0x138) = DAT_8008d01c + 0x8000;
// ElimBG_ToggleAllInstances
// game is not paused anymore
DAT_8008d036 = 0;
// if this is not last frame of pause
// if game is paused at all
if (DAT_8008d036 != 0)
// if this is the first frame of pause
if (DAT_8008d036 == 1)
// allow rendering of checkered flag, add rendering of RenderBucket,
// so that Adv Pause instances can render, after non-pause instances are disabled
*(uint *)(param_1 + 0x256c) = *(uint *)(param_1 + 0x256c) & 0x1000 | 0x20;
puVar3[0x1d31] = puVar3[0x1d31] & 0xf6;
// ElimBG_SaveScreenshot_Full
// ElimBG_ToggleAllInstances
// you are now ready to draw the screenshot
DAT_8008d036 = 2;
// rest of the function is for drawing screenshot
iVar10 = 0;
do {
uVar9 = 0;
sVar1 = (short)iVar10;
// backBuffer->primMem.curr
p = *(void **)(*(int *)(param_1 + 0x10) + 0x80);
// increment primMem by size of primitive
*(int *)(*(int *)(param_1 + 0x10) + 0x80) = (int)p + 0x28;
// psyq macro setPolyFT4
*(undefined *)((int)p + 3) = 9;
*(undefined *)((int)p + 7) = 0x2c;
sVar2 = (short)uVar9;
// RGB
*(undefined *)((int)p + 6) = 0x80;
*(undefined *)((int)p + 5) = 0x80;
*(undefined *)((int)p + 4) = 0x80;
// four (x,y) positions
*(short *)((int)p + 8) = sVar1;
*(short *)((int)p + 10) = sVar2;
*(short *)((int)p + 0x10) = sVar1 + 0x80;
*(short *)((int)p + 0x12) = sVar2;
*(short *)((int)p + 0x18) = sVar1;
*(short *)((int)p + 0x1a) = sVar2 + 0x10;
*(short *)((int)p + 0x20) = sVar1 + 0x80;
*(short *)((int)p + 0x22) = sVar2 + 0x10;
iVar5 = iVar10;
if (iVar10 < 0) {
iVar5 = iVar10 + 3;
uVar7 = (iVar5 >> 2) + 0x200;
iVar5 = (int)(uVar7 & 0x3ff) >> 6;
// tpage
*(ushort *)((int)p + 0x16) =
(ushort)((int)(uVar9 & 0x100) >> 4) | (ushort)iVar5 | (ushort)((uVar9 & 0x200) << 2);
// clut
*(undefined2 *)((int)p + 0xe) = 0x3fe0;
iVar6 = (uVar7 + iVar5 * -0x40) * 4;
// v0
cVar8 = (char)uVar9;
*(char *)((int)p + 0xd) = cVar8;
// u0
cVar4 = (char)iVar6;
*(char *)((int)p + 0xc) = cVar4;
if (iVar6 + 0x80 < 0x100)
// u1
*(char *)((int)p + 0x14) = cVar4 + -0x80;
// u1
*(undefined *)((int)p + 0x14) = 0xff;
// u2
iVar5 = (uVar7 + iVar5 * -0x40) * 4;
// v2
*(char *)((int)p + 0x1d) = cVar8 + '\x10';
// v1
*(char *)((int)p + 0x15) = cVar8;
// u2
cVar4 = (char)iVar5;
*(char *)((int)p + 0x1c) = cVar4;
if (iVar5 + 0x80 < 0x100)
// u3
*(char *)((int)p + 0x24) = cVar4 + -0x80;
// u3
*(undefined *)((int)p + 0x24) = 0xff;
// v3 = v0 + 0x10
uVar9 = uVar9 + 0x10;
*(undefined *)((int)p + 0x25) = (char)uVar9;
// pointer to OT mem, and pointer to primitive
AddPrim((void *)(*(int *)(PTR_DAT_8008d2ac + 0x147c) + 0x10),p);
// while v0 (tex coord Y) < screensize
} while ((int)uVar9 < 0xd8);
// increment u0
iVar10 = iVar10 + 0x80;
// while u0 (tex coord X) < screensize
} while (iVar10 < 0x200);
// ElimBG_Deactivate
// param1 is PTR_DAT_8008d2ac
void FUN_80024c08(int param_1)
undefined uVar1;
// backup hud flags
uVar1 = (undefined)DAT_8008d034;
// if game is not unpaused
if (DAT_8008d036 != 0)
// this is the last frame of pause
DAT_8008d036 = 3;
// restore render flags
*(uint *)(param_1 + 0x256c) = *(uint *)(param_1 + 0x256c) & 0x1000 | DAT_8008d030 & 0xffffefff;
// restore hud flags
*(undefined *)(param_1 + 0x1d31) = uVar1;