2021-09-09 22:42:12 +02:00

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Breath of the Wild Decompilation Cheatsheet

Things to try when a function has major differences

The following actions should help when basic blocks are in the wrong order, or when there are weird issues that involve comparisons or conditionals:

  • Invert conditionals.
  • Introduce inline functions. Or manually inline code.
  • Add or eliminate return statements.
  • Duplicate or deduplicate code.
  • Independent memory loads/stores can be reordered, so you might need to reorder statements or conditions in the source code. For example, if (x || y) might have to be written as if (y || x).
  • Turn if/else into ternaries and vice versa. This doesn't always make a difference, though.
  • uintptr_t do not always produce the same code as pointers, even for simple operations such as comparisons.
  • Loops:
    • Index-based loops
      • u32 / s32 can make a difference, in particular for loop unrolling.
      • < vs != can affect codegen. If the trip count is known at compile-time, Clang will usually change < into !=, but you should still try < first.
      • In some rare cases, Nintendo will use != instead of <.
    • Iterator loops
      • Since we are targeting C++17, the preferred way to iterate over a container is to use a range-based for loop (e.g. for (auto x : array)).
      • Sometimes, making the iterator appear explicitly is required to match the original code. Example: for (auto it = array.begin(), end = array.end(); it != end; ++it)
      • In some rare cases, the end iterator is not kept in a variable, and instead it's recalculated at the end of each iteration. Example: for (auto it = array.begin(); it != array.end(); ++it)
      • Sometimes it is possible to use <algorithm> functions (e.g. std::for_each, std::all_of, etc.) for simpler loops.
      • And in some very rare cases (when dealing with EventFlow for example) it is sometimes required to use <algorithm> to match.

Minor differences

  • Incorrect comparison flags (getting >= instead of > for example)

    • Invert conditionals.
    • For integers: make sure you are using the correct signedness.
      • For example, HI means that you should be using an unsigned integer.
    • For floating-point, keep in mind that x > 5.0 and !(x <= 5.0) are not equivalent because of NaN. This can reveal how an if/else statement is supposed to be written.
  • Swapped CSEL operands

    • Invert conditionals. (For ternaries, also swap the ? and : operands, obviously.)
    • In some rare cases, ptr == nullptr and !ptr do not generate the same code.
  • Extraneous function prologue/epilogue: this can happen when returning references. Change the return type to a pointer.

sinit / static initializer / cxa_atexit

  • If the second argument of a _cxa_atexit call is nullptr and the destructor is a nullsub, the object in question is likely a C-style array (not a std::array or a sead::SafeArray).

Inline functions

This section lists some inline functions that are often used throughout the codebase.


sead is Nintendo's C++ standard library. It provides basic data structures such as strings and tree maps and many other essential components (e.g. threads, critical sections, file IO, etc.)


sead::SafeString constructor
x.vptr = &sead::SafeString::vt;
x.cstr = "some string here";


sead::SafeString x = "some string here";

Note that the SafeString constructor is also implicitly called whenever a string literal is converted into an sead::SafeString (because it was passed as an argument to a function that expects an sead::SafeString for example).

sead::FixedSafeString<N> constructor

A sead::FixedSafeString<N> is a fixed-length SafeString. It derives from sead::BufferedSafeString (which derives from sead::SafeString) and contains a char[N] buffer right after the length.

Note: the field assignments may be in a different order.

x._.cstr = (char*)&xxx; // some buffer right after `x`
x._.vptr = &`vtable for'sead::BufferedSafeStringBase<char>;
x.length = N; // where N is a number
*x._.cstr = sead::SafeStringBase<char>::cNullChar;
x._.vptr = ...;


sead::FixedSafeString<N> x;


sead::SafeString::cstr returns a const char*, like std::string::c_str. You can expect it to be called whenever a SafeString needs to be passed to a function that takes a C-style string (const char*).

const char* ptr = string.cstr;
// do stuff with string.cstr
// note that the variable may not exist in the pseudocode


const char* ptr = string.cstr();

v12 = x.cstr;
str_length = 0LL;
v14 = (signed __int64)(v12 + 1);
while ( v12[str_length] != sead::SafeStringBase<char>::cNullChar )
  if ( *(unsigned __int8 *)(v14 + str_length) == (unsigned __int8)sead::SafeStringBase<char>::cNullChar )
    LODWORD(str_length) = str_length + 1;
  if ( *(unsigned __int8 *)(v14 + str_length + 1) == (unsigned __int8)sead::SafeStringBase<char>::cNullChar )
    LODWORD(str_length) = str_length + 2;
  v15 = str_length + 2;
  str_length += 3LL;
  if ( v15 >= 0x80000 )
    LODWORD(str_length) = 0;


s32 str_length = x.calcLength();

Note that this function is commonly called from other sead::SafeString inline functions.

dest_cstr = dest_safestring.cstr;
source_cstr = source_safestring.cstr;
if ( dest_cstr != source_cstr )
  v6 = 0LL;
  v7 = (signed __int64)(source_safestring.cstr + 1);
  while ( source_safestring.cstr[v6] != sead::SafeStringBase<char>::cNullChar )
    if ( *(unsigned __int8 *)(v7 + v6) == (unsigned __int8)sead::SafeStringBase<char>::cNullChar )
      LODWORD(v6) = v6 + 1;
    if ( *(unsigned __int8 *)(v7 + v6 + 1) == (unsigned __int8)sead::SafeStringBase<char>::cNullChar )
      LODWORD(v6) = v6 + 2;
    v8 = v6 + 2;
    v6 += 3LL;
    if ( v8 >= 0x80000 )
      LODWORD(v6) = 0;
  if ( (signed int)v6 >= dest_safestring.length )
    LODWORD(v6) = dest_safestring.length - 1;
  v9 = (signed int)v6;
  memcpy_0(dest_str, source_str, (signed int)v6);
  dest_str[v9] = sead::SafeStringBase<char>::cNullChar;


dest_safestring = source_safestring;

Note: the while loop comes from an inlined version of sead::SafeString::calcLength.

if ( sead::SafeStringBase<char>::cNullChar != 'E' )
  v11 = string->cstr;
  v12 = "nemy";
  v13 = 'E';
  while ( (unsigned __int8)*v11 == v13 )
    v14 = (unsigned __int8)*v12++;
    v13 = v14;
    if ( v14 == (unsigned __int8)sead::SafeStringBase<char>::cNullChar )
      goto LABEL;


if (string.startsWith("Enemy"))

This weird optimization can lead to malformed strings in Hex-Rays's output for strings that contain Japanese or multibyte characters more generally.

sead::SafeString::isEqual / operator==
v15 = enemy->cstr;
if ( v15 == "Enemy_Assassin_Junior" )
  v16 = 0LL;
    v17 = (unsigned __int8)v15[v16];
    if ( v17 != (unsigned __int8)aEnemyAssassinJ[v16] )
    if ( v17 == (unsigned __int8)sead::SafeStringBase<char>::cNullChar )
      goto LABEL_37;
  while ( v16 < 0x80001 );


// enemy is a sead::SafeString or a derived class
if (enemy == "Enemy_Assassin_Junior")

if ( *string.cstr == sead::SafeStringBase<char>::cNullChar )


if (string.isEmpty())




    auto lock = sead::makeScopedLock(foo);


An sead::Buffer is a non-owning view over a contiguous array of values: it is essentially a wrapper around a raw pointer and a size count.


In this example, 0x108 is the size of each item.

v9 = 0x108LL * (signed int)num_tables;
v10 = is_mul_ok((signed int)num_tables, 0x108uLL) == 0;
v11 = __CFADD__(v9, 8LL);
v12 = v9 + 8;
if ( v11 )
  v13 = 1;
  v13 = 0;
if ( (unsigned int)v10 | v13 )
  size = 1LL;
  size = v12;
v15 = (char *)operator new[](size, &heap->_, 8u, &std::nothrow);
if ( v15 )
    *(_QWORD *)v15 = (signed int)num_tables;
    v16 = (BdropTable *)((char*)v15 + 8);

    // loop over each item and call a constructor
    // note: the constructor may be inlined

    // at the end:
    buffer->size = num_tables;
    buffer->data = v16;


buffer->allocBufferAssert(num_tables, heap);

Another code pattern with a multiplication that looks different:

v13 = operator new[](0x28LL * (unsigned int)count + 8, &heap->_, 8u, &std::nothrow);
if ( v13 )
  *v13 = count;
  v14 = (signed __int64)(v13 + 1);
  // loop over each item and call a constructor
  // note: the constructor may be inlined
  // at the end:
  *buffer = count;
  *((_QWORD *)buffer + 1) = v14;


buffer->allocBufferAssert(count, heap);

If each item is a trivially constructible type (e.g. the buffer stores ints or pointers) then there will be no loop that calls a constructor and the compiler will not store the size of the array in the first 8 bytes of the allocation.


With automatic bounds checks.

if ( buffer->size <= i )
    item = buffer->data;
    item = buffer->data[i];


item = buffer[i];

RTTI (Runtime Type Info)

some_ptr = ...;
x = __ldar(...);  // usually a guard variable, but the variable is not always named
another_ptr = some_ptr;
if ( (x & 1) == 0 && _cxa_guard_acquire_0(...))  // the same guard variable
  ... = &...;
  _cxa_guard_release_0(...);  // the same guard variable
if ( another_ptr && another_ptr->checkDerivedRuntimeTypeInfo(another_ptr, ...) )
  // code that uses another_ptr


if (auto* another_ptr = sead::DynamicCast<T>(some_ptr))

T is a derived type that should be related to the type of the original pointer.


agl is one of Nintendo's in-house graphics libraries.

Parameter utilities

In Breath of the Wild, its parameter utilities are heavily used for the game's configuration files.

name.vptr = &sead::SafeString::vt;
name.cstr = "Item";
label.vptr = &sead::SafeString::vt;
label.cstr = "表示距離";
meta.vptr = &sead::SafeString::vt;
meta.cstr = (char *)&nullbyte;
foo.value = default_value;


foo.init(default_value, "Item", "表示距離", bar);

agl::utl::IParameterObj::applyResParameterObj_(foo, 0, bar, 0LL, 0.0, 0LL);



agl::utl::ResParameterArchive::ResParameterArchive(&archive, data);
root.ptr = (agl::utl::ResParameterListData *)((char *)&archive.ptr[1] + (unsigned int)archive.ptr->rootOffsetAfterHeader);


agl::utl::ResParameterArchive archive{data};
auto root = archive.getRootList();

Getting ResParameterObj or ResParameterList
key.vptr = &sead::SafeString::vt;
key.cstr = "InvalidWeathers";
key_hash = agl::utl::ParameterBase::calcHash(&key);
idx = agl::utl::ResParameterList::searchObjIndex(&foo, key_hash);
if ( idx == 0xFFFFFFFF )
  obj = 0LL;
  obj = (__int64)v30.ptr + 8 * idx + 4 * (unsigned __int16)v30.ptr->objOffsetNum;
  if ( obj )


const auto obj = agl::utl::getResParameterObj(foo, "InvalidWeathers");
if (obj.ptr())

C++ features



If you see a function that modifies the vtable pointer and/or calls a lot of other constructors, chances are that you are dealing with a constructor.

In C++, most of the code in constructor functions tends to be automatically generated by the compiler. For example, the following function:

void __fastcall ksys::res::Handle::Handle(ksys::res::Handle *this)
  this->mFlags = 1;
  this->mStatus = 0;
  this->mUnit = 0LL;
  this->vtable = &ksys::res::Handle::vt;
  this->field_40 = 0LL;
  this->field_48 = 0LL;

is automatically generated based on the class definition:

// irrelevant details were simplified or removed
struct Handle {
    u8 mFlags = 1;
    Status mStatus = Status::_0;
    ResourceUnit* mUnit = nullptr;
    util::ManagedTaskHandle mTaskHandle;
    sead::ListNode mListNode;

Note that the sead::ListNode constructor was inlined here, and that constructor was also automatically generated by the compiler:

class ListNode
    // ...
    ListNode* mPrev = nullptr;
    ListNode* mNext = nullptr;

Member functions and member variables

C++ member functions are called as if they had the this pointer as the first argument.

ksys::res::ResourceUnit::attachHandle(unit, handle);



Member variables are accessed using the this pointer. In C++, explicitly writing this is usually unnecessary:

if ( this->mNumCaches <= idx )
    cache = this->mCaches;
    cache = &this->mCaches[idx];


if (mNumCaches <= idx)
    cache = mCaches;
    cache = &mCaches[idx];

Custom operator new

sead defines several custom allocation functions. You should #include <basis/seadNew.h> to ensure they are used for heap allocations.

void* ptr = ::operator new(SOME_SIZE_HERE, heap, 8u);
SomeClass::SomeClass(ptr);  //< constructor call


auto* ptr = new (heap) SomeClass;

Sometimes, a non-throwing overload of operator new is used:

void* ptr = ::operator new(SOME_SIZE_HERE, heap, 8u, &std::nothrow);
SomeClass::SomeClass(ptr);  //< constructor call


auto* ptr = new (heap, std::nothrow) SomeClass;

This also applies for new[].