139 lines
4.6 KiB

#pragma once
#include <array>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "common/common_types.h"
#include "goalc/build_level/Entity.h"
#include "goalc/build_level/FileInfo.h"
#include "goalc/build_level/Tfrag.h"
#include "goalc/build_level/collide_bvh.h"
#include "goalc/build_level/collide_common.h"
#include "goalc/build_level/collide_drawable.h"
#include "goalc/build_level/collide_pack.h"
#include "goalc/build_level/drawable_ambient.h"
struct VisibilityString {
std::vector<u8> bytes;
struct DrawableTreeInstanceTie {};
struct DrawableTreeActor {};
struct DrawableTreeInstanceShrub {};
struct DrawableTreeArray {
std::vector<DrawableTreeTfrag> tfrags;
std::vector<DrawableTreeInstanceTie> ties;
std::vector<DrawableTreeActor> actors; // unused?
std::vector<DrawableTreeCollideFragment> collides;
std::vector<DrawableTreeAmbient> ambients;
std::vector<DrawableTreeInstanceShrub> shrubs;
size_t add_to_object_file(DataObjectGenerator& gen,
size_t ambient_count,
size_t ambient_arr_slot) const;
struct TextureRemap {};
struct TextureId {};
struct VisInfo {};
struct EntityCamera {};
struct BspNode {};
struct Box8s {};
struct DrawableInlineArrayAmbient {
std::vector<EntityAmbient> ambients;
struct AdgifShaderArray {};
// This is a place to collect all the data that should go into the bsp-header file.
struct LevelFile {
// (info file-info :offset 4)
FileInfo info;
// (all-visible-list (pointer uint16) :offset-assert 32)
// (visible-list-length int32 :offset-assert 36)
VisibilityString all_visibile_list;
// (drawable-trees drawable-tree-array :offset-assert 40)
DrawableTreeArray drawable_trees;
// (pat pointer :offset-assert 44)
// (pat-length int32 :offset-assert 48)
std::vector<PatSurface> pat;
// (texture-remap-table (pointer uint64) :offset-assert 52)
// (texture-remap-table-len int32 :offset-assert 56)
std::vector<TextureRemap> texture_remap_table;
// (texture-ids (pointer texture-id) :offset-assert 60)
// (texture-page-count int32 :offset-assert 64)
std::vector<TextureId> texture_ids;
// (unk-zero-0 basic :offset-assert 68)
// "misc", seems like it can be zero and is unused.
// (name symbol :offset-assert 72)
std::string name; // full name
// (nickname symbol :offset-assert 76)
std::string nickname; // 3 char name
// (vis-info level-vis-info 8 :offset-assert 80) ;; note: 0 when
std::array<VisInfo, 8> vis_infos;
// (actors drawable-inline-array-actor :offset-assert 112)
std::vector<EntityActor> actors;
// (cameras (array entity-camera) :offset-assert 116)
std::vector<EntityCamera> cameras;
// (nodes (inline-array bsp-node) :offset-assert 120)
std::vector<BspNode> nodes;
// (level level :offset-assert 124)
// zero
// (current-leaf-idx uint16 :offset-assert 128)
// zero
// (unk-data-2 uint16 9 :offset-assert 130)
// looks like padding plus 4 floats? unused
// (boxes box8s-array :offset-assert 148)
std::vector<Box8s> boxes;
// (current-bsp-back-flags uint32 :offset-assert 152)
// zero
// (ambients drawable-inline-array-ambient :offset-assert 156)
std::vector<EntityAmbient> ambients;
// (unk-data-4 float :offset-assert 160)
float close_subdiv = 0;
// (unk-data-5 float :offset-assert 164)
float far_subdiv = 0;
// (adgifs adgif-shader-array :offset-assert 168)
AdgifShaderArray adgifs;
// (actor-birth-order (pointer uint32) :offset-assert 172)
std::vector<u32> actor_birth_order;
// (split-box-indices (pointer uint16) :offset-assert 176)
std::vector<u16> split_box_indices;
// (unk-data-8 uint32 55 :offset-assert 180)
std::vector<u8> save_object_file() const;