2024-08-29 17:52:36 +02:00

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A sprite refers broadly to entities during gameplay that aren't one of the following :

  • Samus
  • Samus projectiles
  • Sprite debris
  • Particles

They mostly consist of enemies, gimmicks or triggers placed in a room.
Their AI can be found in the sprites_AI folders, both in include and src, with their data being in include/data/sprites and src/data/sprites.

Sprite data

SpriteData is a struct that contains everything needed for a sprite to work, it is located in include/structs/sprite.h.

Here's a detailed explanation of each field :
Note :

  • A bolded field name indicates that it's used internally by the engine.
  • An italic field name indicates that its usage may vary between sprite AI.
Name Full name Type Explanation
status Status u16 A collection of bit flags that affect the behavior of sprite, or provide information on its current state. For more detail on each flag, view the sprite status section.
yPosition Y Position u16 Current Y position of the sprite.
xPosition X Position u16 Current X position of the sprite.
yPositionSpawn Y Position Spawn u16 The Y position of the sprite when it spawned.
xPositionSpawn X Position Spawn u16 The X position of the sprite when it spawned.
hitboxTop Hitbox top offset s16 How far from the Y position the hitbox extends upwards.
hitboxBottom Hitbox bottom offset s16 How far from the Y position the hitbox extends downwards.
hitboxLeft Hitbox left offset s16 How far from the X position the hitbox extends left.
hitboxRight Hitbox right offset s16 How far from the X position the hitbox extends right.
scaling Oam scaling u16 Oam scaling, uses Q8.8 fixed point format. Only used by the engine if scaling is enabled in any way, otherwise unused.
health Health u16 Current health of the sprite.
currentAnimationFrame Current animation frame u16 Current animation frame.
pOam Frame data pointer const struct FrameData* Pointer to the current animation.
animationDurationCounter Animation duration counter u8 How long the current animation frame has been on.
spriteId Sprite ID u8 Identifies which sprite this sprite data is, primary and secondary sprites use different enums.
roomSlot Room slot/part number u8 If the sprite is one that spawns with the room, then this field contains the slot in which the sprite was (depends on the placement order). Otherwise it contains the part number, which is used to have the same sprite behave differently (boss parts, different movement patterns...).
spritesetGfxSlot Spriteset graphics slot u8 On which graphics row the sprite graphics and palette begin.
paletteRow Palette row u8 Which palette row should be used to draw the sprite.
bgPriority Background priority u8 Determines the hardware background priority.
drawOrder Draw order u8 Determines the draw order between sprites, the minimum value is 1 and the maximum is 16. There also seems to be 2 groups (1 to 8 and 9 to 16), however it's unknown how that affects draw order.
primarySpriteRamSlot Primary sprite ram/array slot u8 If the sprite is a primary sprite, then this field contains it's index in the global sprite table. If it's a secondary sprite, then it should contains the index in the global sprite table of the parent primary sprite.
pose Pose/behavior u8 What behavior the sprite is currently on, some values have special meaning, otherwise most are free.
samusCollision Samus collision type u8 Determines how the collision between the sprite and Samus should behave, more details in the Samus/sprite collision section.
ignoreSamusCollisionTimer Ignore samus collision timer u8 Decrementing timer that makes the sprite ignore collision with Samus.
drawDistanceTop Draw distance top offset u8 In pixels, how far the sprite extends visually upwards, used to determine whether it's on screen or not.
drawDistanceBottom Draw distance bottom offset u8 In pixels, how far the sprite extends visually downwards, used to determine whether it's on screen or not.
drawDistanceHorizontal Draw distance horizontal offset u8 In pixels, how far the sprite extends visually sidewards, used to determine whether it's on screen or not.
rotation Oam rotation u8 Oam rotation, uses Q8.8 fixed point format (only the decimal part matters). Only used by the engine if rotation is enabled in any way, otherwise unused.
invincibilityStunFlashTimer Invincibility/stun/flash timer u8 Invincibility/stun/flash timer for the sprite, special values can also be used to determine if the sprite was hit and was immune.
work0 Work variable 0 u8 Free slot variable, used by some generic sprite util functions (the movement ones), otherwise free to use.
work1 Work variable 1 u8 Free slot variable, used by some generic sprite util functions (the movement ones), otherwise free to use.
work2 Work variable 2 u8 Free slot variable, used by some generic sprite util functions (the movement ones), otherwise free to use.
work3 Work variable 3 u8 Free slot variable, used by some generic sprite util functions (the movement ones), otherwise free to use.
freezeTimer Freeze timer u8 Timer for how long the sprite is freezed, it isn't automatically updated by the engine, sprite util functions need to be called by the AI.
standingOnSprite Samus standing on sprite status u8 Whether samus is standing on the sprite or not.
properties Property flags u8 A collection of bit flags that affect the behavior of sprite, or provide information on its current state. For more detail on each flag, view the sprite properties section.
frozenPaletteRowOffset Frozen/stunned palette row offset u8 How much palette row to offset to determine the new row to use when the sprite is frozen/stunned.
absolutePaletteRow Absolute palette row u8 Backup palette row to use when flickering during stun or freeze.


Name Value Explanation
SPRITE_STATUS_EXISTS 1 << 0 Whether the sprite exists or not.
SPRITE_STATUS_ONSCREEN 1 << 1 Whether the sprite is currently visible on screen.
SPRITE_STATUS_NOT_DRAWN 1 << 2 Whether the sprite should be drawn.
SPRITE_STATUS_ROTATION_SCALING 1 << 3 Enables affine transformation when drawing the sprite.
SPRITE_STATUS_UNKNOWN_10 1 << 4 Unknown purpose, related to draw order.
SPRITE_STATUS_MOSAIC 1 << 5 Whether mosaic is enabled, left over from fusion, doesn't seem to work properly.
SPRITE_STATUS_X_FLIP 1 << 6 Whether the sprite is X-flipped when drawn.
SPRITE_STATUS_UNKNOWN_80 1 << 7 Unknown purpose, related to obj affine.
SPRITE_STATUS_Y_FLIP 1 << 8 Whether the sprite is Y-flipped when drawn.
SPRITE_STATUS_FACING_RIGHT 1 << 9 Whether the sprite is facing right, purely informative and only used in the engine in the movement functions.
SPRITE_STATUS_FACING_DOWN 1 << 10 Whether the sprite is facing down, purely informative and only used in the engine in the movement functions.
SPRITE_STATUS_SAMUS_COLLIDING 1 << 11 Whether the sprite is colliding with Samus, only used on some sprite/samus collision.
SPRITE_STATUS_SAMUS_ON_TOP 1 << 12 Whether Samus is on top of the sprite.
SPRITE_STATUS_ALPHA_BLENDING 1 << 13 Whether the sprite is flagged semi transparent.
SPRITE_STATUS_DOUBLE_SIZE 1 << 14 Whether the sprite is flagged double size is affine mode is enabled.
SPRITE_STATUS_IGNORE_PROJECTILES 1 << 15 Whether the sprite ignores projectile collision.


Name Value Explanation
SP_ALWAYS_ACTIVE 1 << 0 Whether the sprite is active even during periods when sprites aren't updated.
SP_DAMAGED 1 << 1 Whether the sprite was damaged.
SP_KILL_OFF_SCREEN 1 << 2 Whether the sprite should be destroyed if it reaches far enough off-screen.
SP_SOLID_FOR_PROJECTILES 1 << 3 Whether the sprite is solid for projectiles.
SP_DESTROYED 1 << 4 Whether the sprite is destroyed.
SP_ABSOLUTE_POSITION 1 << 5 Whether the position of the sprite should ignore scrolling and be considered direct screen space coordinates.
SP_IMMUNE_TO_PROJECTILES 1 << 6 Whether the sprite is immune to projectiles.
SP_SECONDARY_SPRITE 1 << 7 Whether the sprite is a secondary sprite.


Most of the pose values are free to use, however there are a few that have a particular meaning :

Name Value Explanation
SPRITE_POSE_UNINITIALIZED 0 The sprite was just created and hasn't been initialized yet.
SPRITE_POSE_STOPPED 0x42 The sprite has come into contact with Samus and has a "XXX when hit" samus/sprite collision type.
SPRITE_POSE_DESTROYED 0x62 The sprite has reached 0 health.
SPRITE_POSE_SHINESPARK_DESTROYED 0x63 The sprite was killed with a shinespark.
SPRITE_POSE_SPEEDBOOSTER_DESTROYED 0x64 The sprite was killed with speedbooster.
SPRITE_POSE_SCREW_ATTACK_DESTROYED 0x65 The sprite was killed with screw attack.
SPRITE_POSE_SUDO_SCREW_DESTROYED 0x66 The sprite was killed with sudo screw.

Samus collision

Name Value Explanation
SSC_NONE 0 No collision.
SSC_SOLID 1 Solid collision.
SSC_CAN_STAND_ON_TOP 2 No collision, can stand on top.
SSC_HURTS_SAMUS_CAN_STAND_ON_TOP 3 Hurts, except can stand on top.
SSC_HURTS_SAMUS_A_LOT 5 Hurts, 5x damage multiplier and slightly more knockback.
SSC_8 8 No collision, unused.
SSC_HURTS_SAMUS_NO_KNOCKBACK 9 Hurts, no knockback.
SSC_HURTS_KNOCKBACK_IF_INVINCIBLE 10 Hurts. If invincible, solid and knocks back.
SSC_HURTS_SAMUS_SOLID 11 Hurts, solid.
SSC_SOLID_SIDEWAYS 12 Solid from the side, pushes back from the top and bottom.
SSC_HURTS_BIG_KNOCKBACK 13 Hurts, big knockback.
SSC_HURTS_SAMUS_STOP_DIES_WHEN_HIT_BIG_KNOCKBACK 14 Hurts, big knockback, sprite is set to the SPRITE_POSE_STOPPED pose.
SSC_HURTS_SAMUS_IGNORE_INVINCIBILITY 15 Hurts, ignore Samus' invincibility.
SSC_HURTS_SAMUS_STOP_DIES_WHEN_HIT_NO_KNOCKBACK 16 Hurts, no knockback, sprite is set to the SPRITE_POSE_STOPPED pose.
SSC_HURTS_SAMUS_NO_KNOCKBACK_NO_CONTACT_DAMAGE 17 Hurts, no knockback, contact damage from Samus isn't registered.
SSC_MELLOW 18 Same as SSC_HURTS, simply used as a mellow identifier.
SSC_SPACE_PIRATE_LASER 19 Same as SSC_HURTS_SAMUS_STOP_DIES_WHEN_HIT, simply used as a space pirate laster identifier.
SSC_SPACE_PIRATE 20 Same as SSC_HURTS, simply used as a space pirate identifier.
SSC_HURTS_SAMUS_IGNORE_INVINCIBILITY_NO_CONTACT_DAMAGE 21 Hurts, ignore Samus' invincibility, contact damage from Samus isn't registered.
SSC_ACID_WORM_MOUTH 22 Special collision that takes into account rotation and poses, only used by the acid worm mouth.
SSC_PARASITE 23 Special collision used by parasites.
SSC_METROID 24 Special collision used by metroids.
SSC_HURTS_RIGHT_CAN_STAND_ON_TOP 25 Can stand on top, hurts from the right.
SSC_ZIPLINE 26 Special collision used by ziplines.
SSC_RIDLEY_CLAW 28 Special collision used by ridley's claw.
SSC_MECHA_RIDLEY 29 Special collision used by mecha ridley.
SSC_SMALL_ENERGY_DROP 31 Only sets the SPRITE_STATUS_SAMUS_COLLIDING flag, used by small energy drop only.
SSC_LARGE_ENERGY_DROP 32 Only sets the SPRITE_STATUS_SAMUS_COLLIDING flag, used by large energy drop only.
SSC_MISSILE_DROP 33 Only sets the SPRITE_STATUS_SAMUS_COLLIDING flag, used by missile drop only.
SSC_SUPER_MISSILE_DROP 34 Only sets the SPRITE_STATUS_SAMUS_COLLIDING flag, used by super missile drop only.
SSC_POWER_BOMB_DROP 35 Only sets the SPRITE_STATUS_SAMUS_COLLIDING flag, used by power bomb drop only.
SSC_MULTIPLE_LARGE_ENERGY_DROP 36 Only sets the SPRITE_STATUS_SAMUS_COLLIDING flag, used by multiple large energy drop only.

Difference between primary and secondary sprites

Primary and secondary sprites work mostly the same, however there are a few differences :

  • Secondary sprites can only be spawned at runtime, they can't be placed in a room.
  • Secondary sprites don't have dedicated graphics, they have to "borrow" it from their parent primary sprite.
  • They use a different set of sprite id, meaning they also use a different set of AIs.

The main purpose of the secondary sprites is to complement a primary sprite, they mostly consist of either enemy projectiles, or parts to form a bigger sprite.

Creating a new sprite

In order to create a new sprite, 3 components are necessary :

  • A main AI, which should be have a signature like this : void MySprite(void)
  • Graphics, LZ77 compressed.
  • Palette, raw 16-bit gba colors.

It's also necessary to create a sprite id, simply adding an entry to the already existing enum (PrimarySprite or SecondaySprite) works, though there is an upper limit of 255 due to sprite id being stored in an u8.

Once created, the 3 components simply need to be added to their respective arrays, namely :

Spawning a new sprite

There are 3 functions used to spawn sprites at runtime, they are declared in sprite.h :

  • SpriteSpawnPrimary : Spawns a primary sprite with the given parameters.
  • SpriteSpawnSecondary : Spawns a secondary sprite with the given parameters.
  • SpriteSpawnDropFollowers : Spawns a primary sprite with the given parameters.

The parameters for each functions are detailed in their headers. Each function returns the slot in the global sprite array, or 0xFF if the array is already full.