mirror of
synced 2025-02-18 21:10:33 +00:00
374 lines
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374 lines
13 KiB
#include "Screen/Enums.h"
#include "og/Screen/ogScreen.h"
#include "og/Screen/StickAnimMgr.h"
#include "og/Screen/callbackNodes.h"
#include "Morimura/Window.h"
#include "Morimura/mrUtil.h"
#include "Morimura/ScrollList.h"
#include "PSSystem/PSSystemIF.h"
#include "trig.h"
// This should match the number of stages in the stages.txt
#define VS_Stage_Count 10
namespace Game {
struct Vs2D_TitleInfo;
} // namespace Game
namespace Morimura {
struct TVsPiki {
TVsPiki(J2DPane*, J2DPane*, J2DPane*);
struct posInfo {
enum { Idle, Pluck, Bury, Sprout } mState; // _00
f32 mStateTimer; // _04
Vector2f mPosition; // _08
void init(int);
void update(int);
void draw();
void setAlpha(u8);
J2DPicture* mPikminLeft; // _00
J2DPicture* mPikminRight; // _04
J2DPicture* mPikminFlower; // _08
posInfo mPosInfos[10]; // _0C
Vector2f mBounds[2]; // _AC
static Vector2f mPikiOffset;
struct TVsSelectOnyon {
TVsSelectOnyon(J2DPane* pane1, J2DPane* pane2)
mNaviPane = static_cast<J2DPicture*>(pane1);
mOnyonPane = static_cast<J2DPicture*>(pane2);
void reset();
void posUpdate(f32);
f32 getAngDist();
void draw();
f32 _00; // _00
J2DPicture* mNaviPane; // _04
J2DPicture* mOnyonPane; // _08
Vector2f mCurrentPosition; // _0C
Vector2f mGoalPosition; // _14
Vector2f mVelocity; // _1C
Vector2f mAngleDef; // _24
f32 mGoalAngle; // _2C
f32 _30; // _30
f32 mAngleTimer; // _34
int mCounter; // _38
bool _3C; // _3C
struct TVsSelectSlotIndex {
static TVsSelectSlotIndex* getIndexInfo(int);
int mIndex;
int mTagID;
u64 mMesg;
extern TVsSelectSlotIndex slotIDInfo[12];
struct DispMemberVsSelect : public og::Screen::DispMemberBase {
mTitleInfo = nullptr;
mDebugExpHeap = nullptr;
mDispWorldMapInfoWin0 = nullptr;
mSelectedStageIndex = -1;
mStageNumber = 0;
mOlimarHandicap = 3;
mLouieHandicap = 3;
mRedWinCount = 0;
mBlueWinCount = 0;
mVsWinner = -1;
mStageCount = 0;
mState = 0;
virtual u32 getSize() { return sizeof(DispMemberVsSelect); } // _08
virtual u32 getOwnerID() { return OWNER_MRMR; } // _0C
virtual u64 getMemberID() { return MEMBER_VS_SELECT; } // _10
// _00 = VTBL
// _00-_08 = og::Screen::DispMemberBase
Game::Vs2D_TitleInfo* mTitleInfo; // _08
JKRHeap* mDebugExpHeap; // _0C
og::Screen::DispMemberWorldMapInfoWin0* mDispWorldMapInfoWin0; // _10
int mSelectedStageIndex; // _14
int mStageNumber; // _18
int mOlimarHandicap; // _1C
int mLouieHandicap; // _20
int mRedWinCount; // _24
int mBlueWinCount; // _28
int mVsWinner; // _2C
int mStageCount; // _30
int mState; // _34
struct TVsSelectCBWinNum : public og::Screen::CallBack_CounterDay {
TVsSelectCBWinNum(char**, u16, JKRArchive*);
virtual ~TVsSelectCBWinNum() { } // _08 (weak)
virtual void update(); // _10
virtual void setValue(bool, bool); // _28
// _00 = VTBL
// _00-_AC = og::Screen::CallBack_CounterDay
bool mIsNeedUp; // _AC
og::Screen::ScaleMgr* mScaleMgr; // _B0
struct TVsSelectExplanationWindow : public TSelectExplanationWindow {
TVsSelectExplanationWindow(JKRArchive* arc, int anims)
: TSelectExplanationWindow(arc, anims)
virtual void create(const char*, u32); // _08
virtual void screenScaleUp(); // _14
inline void openClose()
if (0.0f <= mScaleGrowRate) {
PSSystem::spSysIF->playSystemSe(PSSE_SY_MESSAGE_EXIT, 0);
} else {
PSSystem::spSysIF->playSystemSe(PSSE_SY_MESSAGE_EXIT, 0);
// _00 = VTBL
// _00-_30 = TSelectExplanationWindow
struct TVsSelectIndPane : public TIndPane {
TVsSelectIndPane(const char* name, f32 x, f32 y)
: TIndPane(name, x, y)
virtual ~TVsSelectIndPane() { } // _08 (weak)
virtual void draw(); // _10
// _00 = VTBL
// _00-_18 = TIndPane
struct TVsSelectListScreen : public TListScreen {
TVsSelectListScreen(JKRArchive* arc, int anims)
: TListScreen(arc, anims)
virtual void create(const char* path, u32 flags) { TScreenBase::create(path, flags); } // _08 (weak)
virtual void update() { mScreenObj->update(); } // _0C (weak)
// _00 = VTBL
// _00-_18 = TScreenBase
struct TVsSelectScreen : public TScreenBase {
TVsSelectScreen(JKRArchive* arc, int anims)
: TScreenBase(arc, anims)
mCallbackScissor = nullptr;
virtual void create(const char*, u32); // _08
// _00 = VTBL
// _00-_18 = TScreenBase
TCallbackScissor* mCallbackScissor; // _18
struct TVsSelectScene : public THIOScene {
TVsSelectScene() { mConfirmEndWindow = nullptr; }
virtual SceneType getSceneType() { return SCENE_VS_SELECT; } // _08 (weak)
virtual ScreenOwnerID getOwnerID() { return OWNER_MRMR; } // _0C (weak)
virtual ScreenMemberID getMemberID() { return MEMBER_VS_SELECT; } // _10 (weak)
virtual const char* getResName() const { return "res_vsSelect.szs"; } // _1C (weak)
virtual void doCreateObj(JKRArchive*); // _20
virtual bool doStart(Screen::StartSceneArg*); // _3C
// _00 = VTBL
// _00-_224 = THIOScene
// _220, treat as TVsSelect
TConfirmEndWindow* mConfirmEndWindow; // _224
struct TVsSelect : public TScrollList {
virtual ~TVsSelect()
if (mDebugHeap) {
mDebugHeap = nullptr;
} // _08 (weak)
virtual void doCreate(JKRArchive*); // _4C
virtual void doUpdateFadeinFinish(); // _54
virtual bool doUpdate(); // _58
virtual void doUpdateFadeoutFinish(); // _64
virtual void doDraw(Graphics& gfx); // _68
virtual og::Screen::DispMemberBase* getDispMemberBase() { return mIsSection ? mDispMember : getDispMember(); } // _78 (weak)
virtual void paneInit(); // _80
virtual void changePaneInfo(); // _84
virtual int getIdMax(); // _88 (weak)
virtual u64 getNameID(int); // _8C
virtual void setShortenIndex(int, int, bool); // _94
int getCourseID(int);
void doZoom();
void doMoveOnyon();
void doScreenEffect();
void onyonDemoInit();
void demoStart();
void changeCourseTexture();
void changeIndirectTexture();
void updateFacePicture();
void changeFaceTexture();
void changeOrimaTexture(int);
void changeLouieTexture(int);
void changeSlotPage();
// unused/inlined
void setDebugHeapParent(JKRHeap*);
void reset();
static bool mCanCancel;
static bool mLoopDrum;
static bool mForceDemoStart;
static f32 mDemoScale; // 1.0f
static f32 mAngUp; // 0.03f
static f32 mTestVal; // 10.0f
static f32 mMoveSpeed; // 25.0f
static f32 mAngRate; // 0.2f
static f32 mIndShuki; // 0.3f
static f32 mIndVal; // 0.05f
static f32 mZoomFrameMax; // 25.0f
static f32 mDemoScaleMax; // 2.2f
static f32 mDemoOffsetMax; // 290.0f
static f32 mWindowScale; // 1.0f
static f32 mFireAlphaRate; // 0.5f
static JKRHeap* mDebugHeap;
static JKRHeap* mDebugHeapParent;
static ResTIMG* mOrimaTexture[5];
static ResTIMG* mLouieTexture[5];
// _00 = VTBL1
// _18 = VTBL2
// _00-_B4 = TScrollList
JKRArchive* mVsSelectTextureArc; // _B4
Controller* mController2; // _B8
TVsSelectListScreen* mListScreen; // _BC
TScreenBase* mBackgroundScreen; // _C0
TScreenBase* mRedPodScreen; // _C4
TScreenBase* mBluePodScreen; // _C8
TScreenBase* mSlotTexturesScreen; // _CC
TScreenBase* mFireScreen; // _D0
TVsSelectExplanationWindow* mRulesWindow; // _D4
TVsSelectIndPane* mIndPane; // _D8
J2DPane* mPane3DStick; // _DC
J2DPane* mPaneSpot; // _E0
J2DPane* mPaneStageList; // _E4
J2DPane* mPaneStageNameBg; // _E8
J2DPane* mPaneStars; // _EC
J2DPane* mPaneLevelName; // _F0
J2DPane* mButtonMsgTags[3]; // _F4
J2DPane* mCharacterMainIcons[2]; // _100
J2DPane* mPaneRulesLR[2]; // _108
J2DPane* mPaneRulesInfo; // _110
J2DPane* mPaneRulesIcons[6]; // _114
J2DPane* mPaneLevelWindows[5]; // _12C
J2DPicture* mActiveCourseThumbs[5]; // _140
J2DPicture* mOlimarFacePanes[6]; // _154
J2DPicture* mLouieFacePanes[6]; // _16C
J2DPane* mPowerIconPanes[12]; // _184
J2DPane* mPaneRulesDesc1[6]; // _1B4
J2DPane* mPaneRulesDesc2[6]; // _1CC
J2DPictureEx* mIndPic; // _1E4
TVsSelectOnyon* mOnyonObj[2]; // _1E8
TVsPiki* mVsPiki[2]; // _1F0
DispMemberVsSelect* mDispMember; // _1F8
TOffsetMsgSet* mMesgData; // _1FC
efx2d::T2DCountKira* mEfxCountKira; // _200
og::Screen::CallBack_Picture* mStickImage; // _204
og::Screen::StickAnimMgr* mStickAnim; // _208
og::Screen::ArrowAlphaBlink* mArrowBlink; // _20C
TVsSelectCBWinNum* mWinCounter[2]; // _210
JGeometry::TBox2f mScissorBounds; // _214
u8 mIsDemoStarted; // _228
u8 mIsZoomActive; // _229
u8 mIsOnyonHitGoal; // _22A
u8 mIsUpdatedScore; // _22B
u8 mCurrentRulesPage; // _22C
u8 mDoChangeRulesPage; // _22D
u8 mIsRulesPageChanging; // _22E
f32 mLevelNameYPos; // _230
f32 _234; // _234
f32 mPaneStarAlpha; // _238
u8 mDrawAlpha; // _23C
u8 mIsSelectIndexChange; // _23D
int mZoomState; // _240
int mStickAnimState; // _244
int mStageCount; // _248
int mChangeFaceState; // _24C
f32 mZoomLevel; // _250
f32 mEndDelayTimer; // _254
f32 mOtherLevelsFadeAlpha; // _258
f32 mRulesMoveXPos; // _25C
f32 mRuleChangeTimer; // _260
f32 mRulePageChangeSpeed; // _264
f32 mChangeFaceTimer; // _268
f32 mScreenXPos; // _26C
f32 mFaceChangeSpeed; // _270
u32 mHandicapSel[2]; // _274
u32 mDispPikiNum[2]; // _27C
u32 mPlayerWinCounts[2]; // _284
u8 mDebugWinCounts[2]; // _28C
u8 mDoDebugScores; // _28E
f32 _290; // _290
f32 _294; // _294
f32 _298; // _298
f32 _29C; // _29C
Vector2f mOnyonGoalOffset; // _2A0
Vector2f mOlimarFaceScales[5]; // _2A8
Vector2f mLouieFaceScales[5]; // _2D0
Vector2f mPlayerMainIconPos[2]; // _2F8
Vector2f mPlayerIconOffset[2]; // _308
JGeometry::TVec2f mRulesPanePos; // _318
Vector2f mPowerIconOffset; // _320
ResTIMG** mLevelTextures; // _328
static struct StaticValues {
// WARNING: the actual TVsSelect constructor overwrites these
inline StaticValues()
_00 = 8.0f;
_04 = 0.9f;
_08 = 1.1f;
_0C = 1.5f;
_10 = 2.0f;
f32 _00; // _00
f32 _04;
f32 _08;
f32 _0C;
f32 _10;
} mScrollParm;
} // namespace Morimura