Dump Field Select menu graphics. Dump PlaySoundEffect routine.

This commit is contained in:
Marcus Huderle 2015-02-22 15:23:28 -08:00
parent 3292c7d4d1
commit ef563908ca
4 changed files with 58 additions and 5 deletions

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Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 152 B

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Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 1.8 KiB

gfx/tilemaps/field_select.map Executable file

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@ -159,7 +159,50 @@ Func_468: ; 0x468
jr z, .asm_472
INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$477,$52c - $477
Func_477: ; 0x477
sla a
pop hl
push de
ld e, a
ld d, $0
add hl, de
ld e, [hl]
inc hl
ld d, [hl]
ld l, e
ld h, d
pop de
jp [hl]
INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$486,$4af - $486
PlaySoundEffect: ; 0x4af
; input: de = sound effect id? I think d specifies something special and e holds the id
ld a, [$dead]
and a
ret nz
ld a, [$d800]
and a
jr z, .asm_4bd
ld a, d
and a
ret z
ld a, d
ld [$d800], a
ld d, $0
ld a, [$fff8]
push af
ld a, [$d85b]
ld [$fff8], a
ld [$2000], a
call $40c0
pop af
ld [$fff8], a
ld [$2000], a
INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$4d8,$52c - $4d8
Func_52c: ; 0x52c
@ -729,7 +772,7 @@ Func_b66: ; 0xb66
Func_bbe: ; 0xbbe
ld a, [$fffe]
and a
jp nz, $0c19 ; todo
jp nz, Func_c19
ld hl, $ffa3
ld de, $d80c
ld b, $3
@ -1496,7 +1539,7 @@ UpdateSoundTestSoundEffectSelection: ; 0xc73a
ld a, [wSoundTextCurrentSoundEffect]
ld e, a
ld d, $0
call $04af ; todo: play sound effect, probably
call PlaySoundEffect
ld a, [$ff9a] ; joypad state
@ -2535,7 +2578,12 @@ GeodudeAnimatedPic: ; 0x8aa00
PonytaAnimatedPic: ; 0x8ad00
INCBIN "gfx/billboard/mon_animated/ponyta.2bpp"
INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$8b000,$8c000 - $8b000 ; 0x8b000
FieldSelectBlinkingBorderGfx: ; 0x8b000
INCBIN "gfx/field_select/blinking_border.2bpp"
FieldSelectGfx: ; 0x8b100
INCBIN "gfx/field_select/field_select_tiles.2bpp"
INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$8bd00,$8c000 - $8bd00 ; 0x8bd00
SECTION "bank23", ROMX, BANK[$23]
@ -2851,7 +2899,12 @@ INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$ac000,$b0000 - $ac000 ; 0xac000
SECTION "bank2c", ROMX, BANK[$2c]
INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$b0000,$b4000 - $b0000 ; 0xb0000
INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$b0000,$b3800 - $b0000 ; 0xb0000
FieldSelectTilemap: ; 0xb3800
INCBIN "gfx/tilemaps/field_select.map"
INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$b3c00,$b4000 - $b3c00 ; 0xb3c00
SECTION "bank2d", ROMX, BANK[$2d]