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Contributing to pret/pokeplatinum

This document provides a synopsis and loose guidelines for how to contribute to this project. It is a work in progress. Maintainers should expand this document.


We contribute using a fork-model rather than committing branches directly to the repository. Please make a fork before starting work on your contribution.

Any and all pull requests to the repository must produce a ROM which matches sha1: ce81046eda7d232513069519cb2085349896dec7 by default. To verify this locally, a check target is included in the Makefile:

make check

This target is run automatically as part of the default make command defined in the provided Makefile.


If your pull request does not produce a matching ROM, then it will not be considered for merge until it has been updated to do so.

Editor Enhancements

This repository includes a script to generate a compile_commands.json that is compatible with C language servers such as clangd.

The following dependencies are required:

  • python3.8 or newer
  • gcc-arm-none-eabi
  • clangd

To run the script:


This will create a file named compile_commands.json in the project root, overwriting any previous copy.

Code Formatting

This repository includes an opinionated clang-format specification to ensure that we maintain a common code style. For convenience, a pre-commit hook is also provided in .githooks which will run clang-format against any staged changes prior to executing a commit.

The following dependencies are required:

  • clang-format@18 or newer

To set up the pre-commit hook:

git config --local core.hooksPath .githooks/

To run the formatter on the full source tree:

make format