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synced 2025-02-17 03:30:02 +00:00
Adjusts the splat to extract these blueprints the same as the DRA ones, and also adjusts `assets.py` to work with assets besides those in DRA.
245 lines
10 KiB
Executable File
245 lines
10 KiB
Executable File
# Parses game assets based on a config file. Config file needs to be in tools/splat_ext
# and named {something}_config.json, where {something} is what you're extracting.
# In that file is a member "struct" which is the structure you're extracting, which should
# match the C struct. "fields" holds the names to use for the bits of any bit fields.
# Fields can be defined in two different ways. If a struct entry is purely fields,
# you define the names of each member of the field, least-significant-bit first.
# See enemydefs_config.json for an example.
# The names are ordered as 1 << {i} where i is the index in "fields".
# For things that mix bitfields or pack multiple multi-bit values into a single int,
# define it as a dictionary. These are most-significant-bit first, since usually
# bits packed in with smaller ints will have the bits at the top of the byte.
import json
import os
import sys
from typing import Optional
from pathlib import Path
from util import options, log
from segtypes.n64.segment import N64Segment
import utils
def get_serializer(dataType: str):
match dataType:
case "str_ptr":
return utils.from_ptr_str
case "bool":
return utils.from_bool
case "s8":
return utils.from_s8
case "u8":
return utils.from_u8
case "s16":
return utils.from_16
case "u16":
return utils.from_16
case "s32":
return utils.from_s32
case "u32":
return utils.from_u32
case _:
print(f"Failed to find serializer for {dataType}")
def get_parser_and_size(dataType: str):
match dataType:
case "str_ptr":
return (utils.to_ptr_str, 4)
case "bool":
return (utils.to_bool, 1)
case "s8":
return (utils.to_s8, 1)
case "u8":
return (utils.to_u8, 1)
case "s16":
return (utils.to_s16, 2)
case "u16":
return (utils.to_u16, 2)
case "s32":
return (utils.to_s32, 4)
case "u32":
return (utils.to_u32, 4)
case _:
print(f"Failed to find parser for {dataType}")
def serialize_asset(content: str, asset_config: str) -> bytearray:
raw_json_data = json.loads(content)
config = json.loads(asset_config)
symbol_name = raw_json_data["symbol_name"]
asset_data = raw_json_data["asset_data"]
item_count = len(asset_data)
serialized_data = bytearray()
for i in range(0, item_count):
item = asset_data[i]
for entry, entryType in config["struct"].items():
serializer = get_serializer(entryType)
json_value = item[entry]
# Lists are from fields, so we need to go back to the config to repack the bits from fields
if type(json_value) is list:
field_def = config["fields"][entry]
packed_value = 0
for i, field_name in enumerate(field_def):
if field_name in json_value:
packed_value += 1 << i
serialized_data += serializer(packed_value)
elif type(json_value) is dict:
field_def = config["fields"][entry]
packed_bitstring = ""
bit_index = 0
for i, field in enumerate(json_value.items()):
field_name, subvalue = field
field_bitsize = field_def[field_name]
# If the field is a bit flag
if field_bitsize == 1:
if subvalue == "TRUE":
packed_bitstring += "1"
elif subvalue == "FALSE":
packed_bitstring += "0"
print("Problem serializing asset")
bit_index += 1
# If the field is an integer
subvalue_bits = bin(subvalue)[2:].zfill(field_bitsize)
packed_bitstring += subvalue_bits
bit_index += field_bitsize
packed_value = int(packed_bitstring, 2)
serialized_data += serializer(packed_value)
# Anything else can go straight to serializer
serialized_data += serializer(item[entry])
# Take serialized data (raw bytes) and turn into asm file
asm_output = ""
asm_output += ".section .data\n\n"
asm_output += f".global {symbol_name}\n\n"
asm_output += f"{symbol_name}:\n"
for databyte in serialized_data:
asm_output += f".byte {int(databyte)}\n"
return asm_output
class PSXSegAssets(N64Segment):
def __init__(self, rom_start, rom_end, type, name, vram_start, args, yaml):
super().__init__(rom_start, rom_end, type, name, vram_start, args, yaml),
def out_path(self) -> Optional[Path]:
return options.opts.asset_path / self.dir / self.name
def src_path(self) -> Optional[Path]:
return options.opts.asset_path / self.dir / f"{self.name}.json"
def split(self, rom_bytes):
path = self.src_path()
path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
data = self.parse_asset(rom_bytes[self.rom_start : self.rom_end], rom_bytes)
json_output = {}
json_output["symbol_name"] = self.args[0]
json_output["asset_data"] = data
with open(path, "w") as f:
f.write(json.dumps(json_output, indent=4))
def parse_asset(self, data: bytearray, rom: bytearray) -> list:
def get_ptr_data(src_ptr_data):
return rom[
utils.to_u32(src_ptr_data) - (self.vram_start - self.rom_start) :
config_file_name = f"tools/splat_ext/{self.name}_config.json"
with open(config_file_name, "r") as config_in:
config_json = config_in.read()
config = json.loads(config_json)
item_size = sum(get_parser_and_size(x)[1] for x in config["struct"].values())
count = int(len(data) / item_size)
items = []
for i in range(0, count):
item_data = data[i * item_size :][:item_size]
item = {
# debugging stuff
"id": i,
"id_hex": hex(i)[2:].upper(),
"ram_addr": hex(self.vram_start + i * item_size)[2:].upper(),
if "name_addr" in config["struct"]:
item["name_resolved"] = utils.sotn_menu_name_to_str(
if "desc_addr" in config["struct"]:
item["desc_resolved"] = utils.sotn_menu_desc_to_str(
data_pointer = 0
for entry, entryType in config["struct"].items():
parser, dataSizeBytes = get_parser_and_size(entryType)
parsed_value = parser(item_data[data_pointer:])
if entry in config["fields"]:
field_def = config["fields"][entry]
if type(field_def) == list:
parsed_fields = []
for i, field_name in enumerate(field_def):
if parsed_value & (1 << i):
item[entry] = parsed_fields
elif type(field_def) == dict:
# Take the parsed_value and split it into smaller pieces
# according to the field_def. First, get the bits.
# Use [2:] to remove the '0b' that comes by default
value_bits = bin(parsed_value)[2:]
# Pad with zeros on the left, to make us use all the bits
value_bits = value_bits.zfill(dataSizeBytes * 8)
# Now, iterate through the entries in the field_def.
bit_index = 0
parsed_fields = {}
for i, field in enumerate(field_def.items()):
field_name, field_bitcount = field
# If the field is a bit flag
if field_bitcount == 1:
bit_state = (
"TRUE" if value_bits[bit_index] == "1" else "FALSE"
parsed_fields[field_name] = bit_state
bit_index += 1
# If the field is an integer
sub_value = int(
value_bits[bit_index : bit_index + field_bitcount],
parsed_fields[field_name] = sub_value
bit_index += field_bitcount
# Make sure we've gone through and used all bits in the field
assert bit_index == dataSizeBytes * 8
item[entry] = parsed_fields
item[entry] = parsed_value
data_pointer += dataSizeBytes
return items
if __name__ == "__main__":
input_file_name = sys.argv[1]
output_file_name = sys.argv[2]
pathless_input_filename = input_file_name.split("/")[-1]
config_file_name = pathless_input_filename.replace(".json", "_config.json")
config_file_name = "tools/splat_ext/" + config_file_name
with open(config_file_name, "r") as config_in:
config_json = config_in.read()
with open(input_file_name, "r") as f_in:
data = serialize_asset(f_in.read(), config_json)
with open(output_file_name, "w") as f_out: