Timothy Nikkel
Bug 845147. Fix accidentally landed incorrect patch so it does some sync decoding for images being decoded the first time. r=joe
2013-06-26 15:36:43 -05:00
Catalin Iacob
Bug 798914 (part 5) - Use newly introduced mozilla::MallocSizeOf instead of nsMallocSizeOfFun. r=njn.
extra : rebase_source : fc472490dd978d165f02f77ed37f07aed6e5bb61
2013-06-23 14:03:39 +02:00
David Zbarsky
Bug 885959 - Remove nsIDOMSVGAnimatedLength r=Ms2ger
2013-06-24 12:31:52 -07:00
Justin Lebar
Bug 845147 - Don't decode images synchronously if we've decoded them once before. r=joedrew
2013-06-04 17:05:54 -05:00
Seth Fowler
Bug 695763 (Part 1) - Add imgIContainer::IsDecoded. r=joe sr=bz
2013-05-22 17:27:02 +08:00
Seth Fowler
Bug 883416 (Part 3) - Coalesce invalidations in RasterImage using a listening flag. r=dholbert
extra : rebase_source : db6a580cacd0f0556c5e38ba1b4fb9924ecf9dfd
2013-06-21 13:32:34 -07:00
Seth Fowler
Bug 883416 (Part 2) - Revert bug 846028. r=dholbert
extra : rebase_source : be11dfe000188dc97b0daef70135d3a9f2d3a513
2013-06-21 13:32:34 -07:00
Seth Fowler
Bug 883416 (Part 1) - Revert bug 851416. r=dholbert
extra : rebase_source : 47dae82941038ff7f79f15aee50194276f617f9b
2013-06-21 13:32:33 -07:00
Joey Armstrong
bug 880246: move EXTRA_PP_COMPONENTS to mozbuild (cleanup). r=mshal
2013-06-20 15:59:59 -04:00
Joe Drew
Bug 867774 - Rename the helper HTML pages as suggested by reviewer. r=seth
rename : image/test/reftest/animated/delaytest.html => image/test/reftest/animated/delay-test.html
rename : image/test/reftest/animated/nodelaytest.html => image/test/reftest/animated/no-delay-test.html
2013-06-20 09:33:51 -04:00
Brian O'Keefe
Bug 875934 - Move LIBRARY_NAME to moz.build (batch #1 ); r=mshal
extra : rebase_source : 385d3fd65475ffc18ee44ae088753649470e214b
2013-06-17 15:21:01 -04:00
Joe Drew
Bug 867774 - Tests for animated images with different disposal and blend modes. r=seth
extra : rebase_source : bceeb8ad5bc02a84e15e758e1addc84d8205b9b2
2013-06-18 16:24:05 -04:00
Joe Drew
Bug 867774 - Create a FrameBlender class that holds on to an image's frames and can blend frames together on demand (while leaving the decision as to which frames to external users). r=seth
FrameBlender steals RasterImage::mFrames, RasterImage::DoComposite, and the
RasterImage blending helper functions CopyFrameImage, DrawFrameTo, and
ClearFrame. Now RasterImage doesn't hold on to its frames directly, and defers
all blending to FrameBlender::DoComposite.
extra : rebase_source : f03736045f967f0947441703e54135b98d9dcf54
2013-06-17 16:49:04 -04:00
Joe Drew
Bug 867774 - Make RasterImage's frame blending helper functions threadsafe. r=jrmuizel
extra : rebase_source : 4fbf269ff3fcc5d8a88102b20fa7cc09f1c1bc03
2013-06-14 09:42:01 -04:00
Joey Armstrong
bug 880246: move EXTRA_PP_COMPONENTS to mozbuild (file batch #1 ) r=mshal
2013-06-14 14:07:19 -04:00
Seth Fowler
Bug 600207 (Part 1) - Avoid fuzzy SVGs on the tiling path by matrix twiddling. r=dholbert
2013-06-13 00:47:26 -07:00
Martin Stransky
Bug 877626 - Port GTK2 to GTK3 - build config, rest of the tree. r=karlt
2013-06-12 08:04:28 -04:00
Joe Drew
Bug 878751 - Port a bug fix from Chrome back to Mozilla. r=jlebar
extra : rebase_source : d680dada2ac1932806e10c6050376a849112f523
2013-06-07 16:42:57 -04:00
Joe Drew
Bug 878392 - Reset Decoder::mCurrentFrame to nullptr if we fail to create a frame. r=seth
extra : rebase_source : 1188bfd4896c687eb954ac781cd23e2d49a48959
2013-06-07 16:42:57 -04:00
Joe Drew
Bug 876499 - If a looping image is being asked to advance to a time that is more than one loop in the future, skip the intermediate frames and simply jump to the next multiple of the loop count. r=seth
When there is a long delay between calls to RequestRefresh(), for example
because an animated image has been scrolled off the screen, the current
animation frame time can be significantly behind the current time, requiring a
huge number of composites to catch up. This patch makes us skip those
intermediate composites, jumping to the closest multiple of the image's loop
extra : rebase_source : 3e9ef5bd3ad3f1e9d95def99e6bb546474a583c9
2013-06-07 15:28:24 -04:00
Matt Woodrow
No Bug - Mark bmp-size-1x1-1bpp.bmp as passing on b2g now
2013-06-07 21:22:41 +12:00
Joe Drew
Bug 878037 - unit test to make sure we can clone a static imgIRequest. r=seth
extra : rebase_source : 0b6a360ab04719b648c2eaaf9310a1bbb81be881
2013-06-06 13:33:54 -04:00
Phil Ringnalda
Bug 879494 followup, clean up the last few bug685516 annotations
2013-06-04 23:10:53 -07:00
Timothy Nikkel
Bug 879494. Remove bug685516 annotations from reftests, they are not needed anymore. r=khuey
2013-06-05 00:18:54 -05:00
Daniel Holbert
Back out 022bc808586b (bug 845147) on suspicion of causing frequent intermittent oranges for list-simple-1.html by busting its reference case
2013-06-04 20:00:20 -07:00
Bobby Holley
Bug 877478 - Fix mochitests with problematic callbacks to use the new API. r=mrbkap
2013-06-04 19:56:41 -07:00
Justin Lebar
Bug 845147 - Don't decode images synchronously if we've decoded them once before. r=joedrew
2013-06-04 17:05:54 -05:00
Joe Drew
Bug 878037 - Make static image requests (imgRequestProxyStatic) Clone correctly when the concrete-type Clone override is called. r=seth
2013-06-04 14:38:37 -04:00
Joe Drew
Bug 878037 - Revert the null-owner intentional crashes, since we found the cause. r=seth
2013-06-04 14:38:31 -04:00
Robert O'Callahan
Bug 786064. Part 1: Pass aFlags through VectorImage::Draw; FLAG_CLAMP is especially important to avoid taking a deathly-slow tiling path. r=joedrew
extra : rebase_source : a8f5f9ea9755cf4e2017bb522e99870c2a7f48d5
2013-06-04 15:29:34 +12:00
Joe Drew
Bug 876355 - We must report telemetry *before* shutting down the decoder! r=jrmuizel
This simply restores the control flow from pre-bug 716140.
2013-05-30 10:32:16 -04:00
Joe Drew
Bug 876332 - Set currentAnimationFrameTime correctly based on the current frame's timeout (not the next frame's timeout). r=jrmuizel
In AdvanceFrame(), timeout refers to the timeout of the *next* frame. Setting
the *current* animation frame time based on the *next* frame is nonsense, but
worked for images with uniform frame timings. Unfortunately some images
don't have uniform frame timings!
2013-05-30 10:31:54 -04:00
Ehsan Akhgari
Backed out 8 changesets (bug 803299) because it makes Tcheckerboard and Tpan so much worse
Backed out changeset f0311781c218 (bug 803299)
Backed out changeset 946467115924 (bug 803299)
Backed out changeset 59af481d8888 (bug 803299)
Backed out changeset 99a03f7ca8a4 (bug 803299)
Backed out changeset 44539f533a92 (bug 803299)
Backed out changeset 3f3963a3ebf6 (bug 803299)
Backed out changeset 5269f0483d1e (bug 803299)
Backed out changeset a9485787fdb1 (bug 803299)
2013-05-29 17:14:27 -04:00
Chris Lord
Bug 803299 - JPEG srgb icc fails on Android in 24-bit colour. r=jrmuizel
extra : rebase_source : 04013f2315b07f86aea7d4a808de2626a9240387
2013-05-29 15:26:35 +01:00
Trevor Saunders
backout 7a1706d0e5b0 to 8c8b6adebb4c for frequent failures in scrolling/text-1.html and scrolling/text-2.html reftests on a CLOSED TREE
2013-05-28 18:32:29 -04:00
Chris Lord
Bug 803299 - JPEG srgb icc fails on Android in 24-bit colour. r=jrmuizel
2013-05-28 18:50:17 +01:00
Mike Shal
Bug 864774 - Part 2: Move CPPSRCS to moz.build as CPP_SOURCES; r=joey CLOSED TREE
From 9e0ba7f425143f545eb6c4b26a9a96b5ade4d8e9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
2013-04-23 17:54:15 -04:00
Phil Ringnalda
Bug 876275 - skip a crashtest that times out on B2G on a VM
2013-05-26 11:16:47 -07:00
Joe Drew
Bug 855221 - Don't flush from imgFrame::ImageUpdated(), which can be called from the decoder thread. r=jrmuizel
extra : rebase_source : a52a6ed8dc4d0477593f0af8289bb14a61594a3a
2013-05-24 21:52:34 +08:00
Joe Drew
Bug 867758 - Test to ensure we don't return to the event loop while changing the frame of two images with the same FPS. r=seth
extra : rebase_source : f91bfad7e8c984553808acf00ae5fc1d92965b24
2013-05-23 09:49:38 +08:00
Joe Drew
Bug 867758 - Don't start images' animation until they've been explicitly RequestRefreshed by the refresh driver. r=seth
extra : rebase_source : fa6bfc38e37ccf1ea107a33e4ec845511ea947cd
2013-05-17 16:57:26 -04:00
Joe Drew
Bug 867758 - Add imgIContainer::SetAnimationStartTime, which lets us explicitly set the time animation starts (rather than using TimeStamp::Now()). r=seth
extra : rebase_source : 4660937d5eb06bf83b749826d2f13da29583e9e7
2013-05-17 16:57:20 -04:00
Joe Drew
Bug 867758 - Add an imgIContainer getter for the first frame's delay time. r=seth
extra : rebase_source : aaedf6ee810ca8fcd8979abb5467da4420437bad
2013-05-17 13:42:20 -04:00
Joe Drew
Bug 873505 - Set the animation frame's start time based on when we *wanted* to start, not when we actually did. r=seth
extra : rebase_source : 3a227e377e84d23f00ba11352fe22fa51c0d2958
2013-05-17 13:41:35 -04:00
Joe Drew
Bug 875173 - Fix an infinite loop in RasterImage::RequestRefresh when, for whatever reason, we can't advance a frame after we've advanced at least one. r=seth
extra : rebase_source : 805fc9ab44fe0c99cab80f9d3c717b94727fcfd4
2013-05-23 09:40:58 +08:00
Seth Fowler
Bug 873455 - Add assertions for imgFrame::Init failure. r=joe
2013-05-22 17:10:38 +08:00
Ed Morley
Backed out changeset 11de174da4a4 (bug 873455) for assertions
2013-05-22 09:18:27 +01:00
Seth Fowler
Bug 853774 - Crash if sanity checks related to imgRequestProxy::Clone fail. r=joe
2013-05-22 15:46:57 +08:00
Seth Fowler
Bug 873455 - Add assertions for imgFrame::Init failure. r=joe
2013-05-22 15:33:08 +08:00
Joe Drew
Bug 861595 - Don't try to decode anything if we don't have any bytes to decode. r=seth
2013-05-22 13:38:06 +08:00