Remove the use of conditioned profiles for Fenix, GVE, since they create a user scenario that we are not seeing in local testing.
Differential Revision:
This extracts an helper script to install meson in both
the wrench-deps task for Firefox CI and the taskcluster.yml in WebRender CI.
Differential Revision:
In order for Thunderbird to effectively cut down on excess builds, there needs
to be a way to define taskgraph optimization strategies beyond what is made
available in the mozilla repository.
taskgraph.optimize.register_strategy gets half of the job done. The other piece
is task schema validation which checks optimizations against OptimizationSchema.
OptimizationSchema gets moved to taskgraph.optimize.schema so that it is not set
too early by taskgraph.util.schema. Projects then call set_optimization_schema()
to replace the default schema object. set_optimization_schema() needs to be called
in the project's taskgraph:register function before any transform code is loaded.
Differential Revision:
Without setting this variable, the call to `mach python` in `taskcluster/scripts/builder/` will create a `virtualenv` in the default location -- on Linux in CI, that's `obj-x86_64-pc-linux-gnu`. Everything else about the build is going to end up in `obj-build`, so just set `MOZ_OBJDIR` appropriately to point to that directory.
Doing so enables us to land bug 1663755, as it causes the logic added to `` as part of bug 1654994 to behave as expected.
Differential Revision:
Sets autoland to use the 'bugbug' test manifest loader. This is being enabled
as part of a temporary trial to see the impact it has on sheriffing.
Depends on D90159
Differential Revision:
These tasks can only be selected on try by passing `--full` to |mach try fuzzy|
or |mach try chooser|. E.g:
$ ./mach try fuzzy --full -q "'windows7-32-qr"
Differential Revision:
In the past, the 'backstop' optimization was applied to tasks by default across
all projects, even though it only really made sense on autoland. To choose what
would happen on non-autoland branches, we invented this 'remove_on_projects'
These days, we only apply the backstop optimization in the first place for
autoland. So 'remove_on_projects' is no longer necessary.
Depends on D88149
Differential Revision:
This removes the last uses of the 'push-interval-10' and 'push-interval-20' strategies.
They are being removed because they are dangerous in that its easy to accidentally not run
tasks when they should.
Instead, task authors should decide whether they want their tasks to run on
"backstop" pushes (run everything) or "expanded" pushes (run more than usual,
but still not as much as a backstop). Note that using "expanded" means the task
will *also* run on backstop pushes. It'll just additionally run on "expanded"
In practice 'backstop' pushes will be every 20th push and 'expanded' pushes
will be every 10th push. Though this may vary due to the time component in
Differential Revision:
This is a nomenclature change + refactoring. Now there is only a single
"backstop" push. Which is currently set to every 20th push on autoland (or
every push on non-autoland branches).
Now there is also a concept of an "expanded" push. These are pushes that run
more stuff than usual, but not as much as a backstop normally would. These are
currently set to run at half the interval of a backstop.
Concretely, here are the strategy changes:
* Renamed 'backstop' -> 'skip-unless-backstop'
* Introduced the 'skip-unless-expanded' strategy which has 'skip-unless-backstop' baked in
* Merged 'optimized-backstop' into the 'test' strategy (with expanded comments)
* Baked both 'skip-unless-expanded' and 'skip-unless-backstop' into the 'test' strategy
Differential Revision:
It turns out that 'Not' is needed to negate "backstops". E.g, we normally
we want to use a pattern like so:
All("skip-unless-backstop", "test")
Since 'skip-unless-backstop' returns False on backstop pushes, it disables
the test strategy there.
However, suppose we wanted to run a special optimization, *only* on backstop
pushes. I.e, the opposite of the above example. Then we need to use:
All(Not("skip-unless-backstop"), "test-backstop")
Depends on D89500
Differential Revision:
The intent of a "backstop" push, is to run everything so we can be absolutely sure that
the push in question does not cause any regressions.
Previously, backstops were thought to be only something that ran on autoland.
This was because the other branches *already* ran everything so the concept of
a "backstop" didn't make much sense.
But going by the above definition, it would make more sense to say that *every*
non autoland (or try) push is a backstop. Since the intent there is to run
everything to avoid regressions.
This change will allow us to simplify our optimization algorithms.
Differential Revision:
The script uses the `cd $FOO && pwd` trick to fix the path style on Windows, but currently this happens before the `mkdir`, so we get an incorrect result:
[task 2020-09-11T03:38:59.656Z] ++ cd Z:/task_1599794667/public/build
[task 2020-09-11T03:38:59.656Z] ./src/taskcluster/scripts/builder/ line 10: cd: Z:/task_1599794667/public/build: No such file or directory
[task 2020-09-11T03:38:59.656Z] ++ pwd
[task 2020-09-11T03:38:59.657Z] + export MOZ_UPLOAD_DIR=/z/task_1599794667
Differential Revision: