Class ConfigUtils


public class ConfigUtils
extends java.lang.Object

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
static java.util.Enumeration fileSearchURLs(java.lang.String aLocation, java.lang.Class aBaseClass)
          This is the standardized place for getting a list of URLs which you should search, in order, when trying to locate a resource which may be overridden by external files.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public ConfigUtils()
Method Detail


public static final java.util.Enumeration fileSearchURLs(java.lang.String aLocation,
                                                         java.lang.Class aBaseClass)
This is the standardized place for getting a list of URLs which you should search, in order, when trying to locate a resource which may be overridden by external files. This is used, at time of writing, by the Configuration system, which looks for things within packages, but first looks for external files which will effectively replace the package resources. aBaseClass is necessary if aLocation refers to a resource (which it normally will). In this case, we will need a class loader. supplied by aBaseClass.
aLocation - The resource path for locating the resource in its default location, a package. Use a full name, like "/netscape/shell/imp/ShellConfig.xml". Use a slash for the path separator character.
aBaseClass - A base class using the same classloader as aLocation. That is, a class from the same .jar file. Can be null if aLocation is a simple local system file.
an enumeration of URLs to try, in order