2022-12-22 23:57:31 -05:00

41 KiB

3.9.0: 2022-12-22

  • deparse generator expressions for Python 3.0 .. 3.2
  • Python 3.0 list comprehension.
  • Fix Issues #310, #344, #377, #391, #409, #414
  • Limited support for 3.8+ f-string "=" specifier
  • Correct 2.5-7 relative import formatting
  • Miscellaneous bug fixing
  • remove \n in lambda
  • Python 2.6 gramar cleanup
  • Correct some Python 2.6 chain compare decompilation
  • Ensure no parenthesis subscript slices
  • Correct 2.x formatting "slice2" nonterminal
  • Correct 3.7 imports
  • Improve "async for" parsing
  • Handle BUILD_MAP opcode
  • match Python AT better
  • Correct 3.7 positional args
  • PyPy 3.7 and PyPy 3.8 support
  • Miscellaneous linting, isorting, blacking

3.8.0: 2021-10-29

  • Better handling of invalid bytecode magic
  • Support running from 3.9 and 3.10 although we do not support those bytecodes
  • Redo version comparisons using tuples instead of floats. This is needed for Python 3.10
  • Split out into 3 branches so that the master branch can assume Python 3.6+ conventions, especially type annotations
  • Source Fragment fixes
  • Lambda-bug fixes #360
  • Bug fixes

3.7.4: 2020-8-05

  • Fragment parsing was borked. This means deparsing in trepan2/trepan3k was broken
  • 3.7+: narrow precedence for call tatement
  • del_stmt -> delete to better match Python AST
  • 3.8+ Add another forelsestmt (found only in a loop)
  • 3.8+ Add precedence on walrus operator
  • More files blackened
  • bump min xdis version

3.7.3: 2020-7-25

Mostly small miscellaneous bug fixes

  • __doc__ = DocDescr() from was getting confused as a docstring.
  • detect 2.7 exchandler range better
  • Add for .. else reduction checks on 2.6 and before
  • Add reduce check for 2.7 augmented assign
  • Add VERSION in a pydoc-friendly way

3.7.2: 2020-6-27

  • Use newer xdis
  • Docstrings (again) which were broken again on earlier Python
  • Fix 2.6 and 2.7 decompilation bug in handling "list if" comprehensions

3.7.1: 2020-6-12 Fleetwood66

Released to pick up new xdis version which has fixes to read bytestings better on 3.x

  • Handle 3.7+ "else" branch removal adAs seen in _cmp() of python3.8/distutils/ with optimization -O2
  • 3.6+ "with" and "with .. as" grammar improvements
  • ast-check for "for" loop was missing some grammar rules

3.7.0: 2020-5-19 Primidi 1st Prairial - Alfalfa - HF

The main impetus for this release is to pull in the recent changes from xdis. We simplify imports using xdis 4.6.0.

There were some bugfixes to Python 3.4-3.8. See the ChangeLog for details

3.6.7: 2020-4-27 xdis again

More upheaval in xdis which we need to track here.

3.6.6: 2020-4-20 Love in the time of Cholera

The main reason for this release is an incompatablity bump in xdis which handles 3.7 SipHash better.

  • Go over "yield" as an expression precidence
  • Some small alignment with code in decompyle3 for "or" and "and" was done

3.6.5: 2020-4-1 April Fool

Back port some of the changes in decompile3 here which mostly helps 3.7 and 3.8 decompilation, although this may also help 3.6ish versions too.

  • Handle nested async for in for... and better async comprehension detection via xdis. Still more work is needed.
  • include token number in listings when -g and there is a parser error
  • remove unneeded Makefiles now that remake 4.3+1.5dbg is a thing that has -c
  • Bug in finding annotations in functions with docstrings
  • Fix bug found by 2.4 testing
  • Fix transform module's ifelseif bugs
  • Fix bug in 3.0 name module detection
  • Fix docstring detection

3.6.4: 2020-2-9 Plateau

The main focus in this release was fix some of the more glaring problems creapt in from the last release due to that refactor.

uncompyle6 code is at a plateau where what is most needed is a code refactoring. In doing this, until everything refactored and replaced, decomplation may get worse. Therefore, this release largely serves as a checkpoint before more major upheaval.

The upheaval, in started last release, I believe the pinnicle was around c90ff51 which wasn't a release. I suppose I should tag that.

After c90ff5, I started down the road of redoing control flow in a more comprehensible, debuggable, and scalable way. See The Control Flow Mess

The bulk of the refactoring going on in the decompyle3 project, but I try to trickle down the changes.

It is tricky because the changes are large and I have to figure decompose things so that little testable pieces can be done. And there is also the problem that what is in decompyle3 is incomplete as well.

Other than control flow, another change that will probably happen in the next release is to redo the grammar for lambda expressions. Right now, we treat them as Python statements, you know, things with compound statements in them. But lambda aren't that. And so there is hackery to paper over difference making a statement out of an expression the wrong thing to do. For example, a return of an "and" expression can be expressed as nested "if" statements with return inside them, but the "if" variant of the bytecode is not valid in a lambda.

In the decompyle3 code, I've gone down the road making the grammar goal symbol be an expression. This also offers the opportunity to split the grammar making parsing inside lambda not only more reliable because the wrong choices don't exist, but also simpler and faster because all those rules just need don't need to exist in parsing.

I cringe in thinking about how the code has lived for so long without noticing such a simple stupidity, and lapse of sufficient thought.

Some stats from testing. The below give numbers of decompiled tests from Python's test suite which succesfully ran

   Version  test-suites passing
   -------  -------------------
   2.4.6     243
   2.5.6     265
   2.6.9     305
   3.3.7     300
   3.4.10    304
   3.5.9     260
   3.6.10    236
   3.7.6     306
   3.8.1     114

Decompiled bytecode files distributed with Python (syntax check only):

2.7.17  647 files:   0 failed
3.2.6   900 files:   0 failed
3.3.7  1256 files:   0 failed
3.4.10  800 files:   0 failed
3.5.9   900 files:   0 failed
3.6.10 1300 files:  28 failed

3.6.3: 2020-1-26 Martin and Susanne

Of late, every release fixes major gaps and embarrassments of the last release....

And in some cases, like this one, exposes lacuna and rot.

I now have [control] flow under control, even if it isn't the most optimal way.

I now have greatly expanded automated testing.

On the most recent Python versions I regularly decompile thousands of Python programs that are distributed with Python. when it is possible, I then decompile Python's standard test suite distributed with Python and run the decompiled source code which basically checks itself. This amounts to about 250 test programs per version. This is in addition to the 3 CI testing services which do different things.

Does this mean the decompiler works perfectly? No. There are still a dozen or so failing programs, although the actual number of bugs is probably smaller though.

However, in perparation of a more major refactoring of the parser grammar, this release was born.

In many cases, decompilation is better. But there are some cases where decompilation has gotten worse. For lack of time (and interest) 3.0 bytecode suffered a hit. Possibly some code in the 3.x range did too. In time and with cleaner refactored code, this will come back.

Commit c90ff51 was a local maxiumum before, I started reworking the grammar to separate productions that were specific to loops versus those that are not in loops. In the middle of that I added another grammar simplication to remove singleton productions of the form sstmts-> stmts. These were always was a bit ugly, and complicated output.

At any rate if decompilation fails, you can try c90ff51. Or another decompiler. unpyc37 is pretty good for 3.7. wibiti uncompyle2 is great for 2.7. pycdc is mediocre for Python before 3.5 or so, and not that good for the most recent Python. Geerally these programs will give some sort of answer even if it isn't correct.

decompyle3 isn't that good for 3.7 and worse for 3.8, but right now it does things no other Python decompiler like unpyc37 or pycdc does. For example, decompyle3 handles variable annotations. As always, the issue trackers for the various programs will give you a sense for what needs to be done. For now, I've given up on reporting issues in the other decompilers because there are already enough issues reported, and they are just not getting fixed anyway.

3.6.2: 2020-1-5 Samish

Yet again the focus has been on just fixing bugs, mostly geared in the later 3.x range. To get some sense what sill needs fixing, consult test/stdlib/ And that only has a portion of what's known. has gotten so complex that it was split out into 3 parts to handle different version ranges: Python <3, Python 3.0..3.6 and Python 3.7+.

An important fix is that we had been dropping docstrings in Python 3 code as a result of a incomplete merge from the decompile3 base with respect to the transform phase.

Also important (at least to me) is that we can now handle 3.6+ variable type annotations. Some of the decompile3 code uses that in its source code, and I now use variable annotations in conjunction with mypy in some of my other Python projects

Code generation for imports, especially where the import is dotted changed a bit in 3.7; with this release are just now tracking that change better. For this I've added pseudo instruction IMPORT_NAME_ATTR, derived from the IMPORT_NAME instruction, to indicate when an import contains a dotted import. Similarly, code for 3.7 import .. as is basically the same as from .. import, the only difference is the target of the name changes to an "alias" in the former. As a result, the disambiguation is now done on the semantic action side, rathero than in parsing grammar rules.

Some small specific fixes:

  • 3.7+ some chained compare parsing has been fixed. Other remain.
  • better if/else rule checking in the 3.4 and below range.
  • 3.4+ keyword-only parameter handling was fixed more generally
  • 3.3 .. 3.5 keyword-only parameter args in lambda was fixed

3.6.1: 2019-12-10 Christmas Hannukah

Overall, as in the past, the focus has been on just fixing bugs, more geared in the later 3.x range. Handling "async for/with" in 3.8+ works better.

Numerous bugs around handling lambda with keyword-only and * args in the 3.0-3.8 have been fixed. However many still remain.

binary_expr and unary_expr have been renamed to bin_op and unary_op to better correspond the Python AST names.

Some work was done Python 3.7+ to handle and better; less was done along the lines of handling or. Much more is needed to improve parsing stability of 3.7+. More of what was done with and needs to be done with or and this will happen first in the "decompyle3" project.

Later this will probably be extended backwards to handle the 3.6- versions better. This however comes with a big decompilation speed penalty. When we redo control flow this should go back to normal, but for now, accuracy is more important than speed.

Another assert transform rule was added. Parser rules to distingish try/finally in 3.8 were added and we are more stringent about what can be turned into an assert. There was some grammar cleanup here too.

A number of small bugs were fixed, and some administrative changes to make make check-short really be short, but check more throughly what it checks. minimum xdis version needed was bumped to include in the newer 3.6-3.9 releases. See the ChangeLog for details.

3.6.0: 2019-12-10 gecko gecko

The main focus in this release was more accurate decompilation especially for 3.7 and 3.8. However there are some improvments to Python 2.x as well, including one of the long-standing problems of detecting the difference between try ... and try else ....

With this release we now rebase Python 3.7 on off of a 3.7 base; This is also as it is (now) in decompyle3. This facilitates removing some of the cruft in control-flow detection in the 2.7 uncompyle2 base.

Alas, decompilation speed for 3.7 on is greatly increased. Hopefull this is temporary (cough, cough) until we can do a static control flow pass.

Finally, runing in 3.9-dev is tolerated. We can disassemble, but no parse tables yet.

3.5.1 2019-11-17 JNC

  • Pypy 3.3, 3.5, 3.6, and 3.6.9 support
  • bump xdis version to handle newer Python releases, e.g. 2.7.17, 3.5.8, and 3.5.9
  • Improve 3.0 decompilation
    • no parse errors on stlib bytecode. However accurate translation in control-flow and and/or detection needs work
  • Remove extraneous iter() in "for" of list comprehension Fixes #272
  • "for" block without a POP_BLOCK and confusing JUMP_BACK for CONTINUE. Fixes #293
  • Fix unmarshal incompletness detected in Pypy 3.6
  • Miscellaneous bugs fixed

3.5.0 2019-10-12 Stony Brook Ride

  • Fix fragment bugs
    • missing RETURN_LAST introduced when adding transformation layer
    • more parent entries on tokens
  • Preliminary support for decompiling Python 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, and 1.6
    • Newer xdis version needed

3.4.1 2019-10-02

  • Correct assert{,2} transforms Fixes #289
  • Fragment parsing fixes:
    • Wasn't handling 3-arg %p * fielding error in code_deparse()
  • Use newer xdis to better track Python 3.8.0

3.4.0 2019-08-24 Totoro

The main change is to add a tree-transformation phase. This simplifies the code a little and allows us to turn if ...: raise AssertionError into assert, and many if ..: else if ... into if ... elif ..

Use options --show=before and --show=after to see the before the tree transformation phase and after the tree transformation phase.

Most of the heavy lifting for this was done by x0ret.

Other changes:

  • Fix issue #275, #283 (process to fix this bug is documented on wiki), #284
  • blacken more code
  • CircleCI adjustments for a changing CircleCi
  • Require more recent xdis for Python 3.8
  • Fix bugs in code using BUILD_LIST_UNPACK and variants

3.3.5 2019-07-03 Pre Independence Day

Again, most of the work in this is release is thanks to x0ret.

  • Handle annotation arguments in Python 3.x
  • Fix vararg and function signatures in 3.x
  • Some 3.x < 3.6 while (1)/if fixes — others remain
  • Start reinstating else if -> elif
  • LOAD_CONST -> LOAD_CODE where appropriate
  • option --weak-verify is now --syntax-verify
  • code cleanups, start using black to reformat text

3.3.4 2019-06-19 Fleetwood at 65

Most of the work in this is release is thanks to x0ret.

  • Major work was done by x0ret to correct function signatures and include annotation types
  • Handle Python 3.6 STORE_ANNOTATION #58
  • Friendlier assembly output
  • LOAD_CONST replaced by LOAD_STR where appropriate to simplify parsing and improve clarity
  • remove unneeded parenthesis in a generator expression when it is the single argument to the function #247
  • Bug in noting an async function #246
  • Handle Unicode docstrings and fix docstring bugs #241
  • Add short option -T as an alternate for --tree+
  • Some grammar cleanup

3.3.3 2019-05-19 Henry and Lewis

As before, decomplation bugs fixed. The focus has primarily been on Python 3.7. But with this release, releases will be put on hold,as a better control-flow detection is worked on . This has been needed for a while, and is long overdue. It will probably also take a while to get done as good as what we have now.

However this work will be done in a new project decompyle3. In contrast to uncompyle6 the code will be written assuming a modern Python 3, e.g. 3.7. It is originally intended to decompile Python version 3.7 and greater.

  • A number of Python 3.7+ chained comparisons were fixed
  • Revise Python 3.6ish format string handling
  • Go over operator precedence, e.g. for AST IfExp

Reported Bug Fixes

3.3.2 2019-05-03 Better Friday

As before, lots of decomplation bugs fixed. The focus has primarily been on Python 3.6. We can now parse the entire 3.6.8 Python library and verify that without an error. The same is true for 3.5.8. A number of the bugs fixed though are not contained to these versions. In fact some span back as far as 2.x

But as before, many more remain in the 3.7 and 3.8 range which will get addressed in future releases

Pypy 3.6 support was started. Pypy 3.x detection fixed (via xdis)

3.3.1 2019-04-19 Good Friday

Lots of decomplation bugs, especially in the 3.x series fixed. Don't worry though, many more remain.

  • Add annotation return values in 3.6+
  • Fix 3.6+ lambda parameter handling decompilation
  • Fix 3.7+ chained comparison decompilation
  • split out semantic-action customization into more separate files
  • Add 3.8 try/else
  • Fix 2.7 generator decompilation
  • Fix some parser failures fixes in 3.4+ using test_pyenvlib
  • Add more run tests

3.3.0 2019-04-14 Holy Week

  • First cut at Python 3.8 (many bug remain)
  • The usual smattering of bug and doc fixes

3.2.6 2019-03-23 Mueller Report

Mostly more of the same: bug fixes and pull requests.

Bug Fixes

Pull Requests

3.2.5 2018-12-30 Clear-out sale

  • 3.7.2 Remove deprecation warning on regexp string that isn't raw
  • main.main() parameter codes is not used - note that
  • Improve Python 3.6+ control flow detection
  • More complete fragment instruction annotation for imports

3.2.4 2018-10-27 7x9 release

  • Bug fixes #180, #182, #187, #192
  • Enhancements #189
  • Internal improvements

3.2.3 2018-06-04 Michael Cohen flips and Fleetwood Redux

  • Python 1.3 support 3.0 bug and
  • fix botched parameter ordering of 3.x in last release

3.2.2 2018-06-04 When I'm 64

  • Python 3.0 support and bug fixes

3.2.1 2018-06-04 MF

  • Python 1.4 and 1.5 bug fixes

3.2.0 2018-05-19 Rocket Scientist

  • Add rudimentary 1.4 support (still a bit buggy)
  • add --tree+ option to show formatting rule, when it is constant
  • Python 2.7.15candidate1 support (via xdis)
  • bug fixes, especially for 3.7 (but 2.7 and 3.6 and others as well)

3.1.3 2018-04-16

  • Add some Python 3.7 rules, such as for handling LOAD_METHOD (not complete)
  • Fix some fragment bugs
  • small doc changes

3.1.2 2018-04-08 Eastern Orthodox Easter

  • Python 3.x subclass and call parsing fixes
  • Allow/note running on Python 3.1
  • improve 3.5+ BUILD_MAP_UNPACK
  • DRY instruction building code between 2.x and 3.x
  • expand testing

3.1.1 2018-04-01 Easter April Fool's

Jesus on Friday's New York Times puzzle: "I'm stuck on 2A"

  • fill out 3.5+ BUILD_MAP_UNPACK (more work is needed)
  • fill out 3.4+ CALL_FUNCTION_... (more work is needed)
  • fill out 3.5 MAKE_FUNCTION (more work is needed)
  • reduce 3.5, 3.6 control-flow bugs
  • reduce ambiguity in rules that lead to long (exponential?) parses
  • limit/isolate some 2.6/2.7,3.x grammar rules
  • more run-time testing of decompiled code
  • more removal of parenthesis around calls via setting precedence

3.1.0 2018-03-21 Equinox

  • Add code_deparse_with_offset() fragment function.
  • Correct parameter call fragment deparse_code()
  • Lots of 3.6, 3.x, and 2.7 bug fixes About 5% of 3.6 fail parsing now. But semantics still needs much to be desired.

3.0.1 2018-02-17

  • All Python 2.6.9 standard library files weakly verify
  • Many 3.6 fixes. 84% of the first 200 standard library files weakly compile. One more big push is needed to get the remaining to compile
  • Many decompilation fixes for other Python versions
  • Add more to the test framework
  • And more add tests target previous existing bugs more completely
  • sync recent license changes in metadata

3.0.0 2018-02-17

  • deparse_code() and lookalikes from the various semantic actions are now deprecated. Instead use new API code_deparse() which makes the version optional and bundles debug options into a dictionary.
  • License changed to GPL3.
  • Many Python 3.6 fixes, especially around handling EXTENDED_ARGS Due to the reduction in operand size for JUMP's there are many more EXTENDED_ARGS instructions which can be the targets of jumps, and messes up the peephole-like analysis that is done for control flow since we don't have something better in place.
  • Code has been reorganized to be more instruction nametuple based where it has been more bytecode array based. There was and still is code that had had magic numbers to advance instructions or to pick out operands.
  • Bug fixes in numerous other Python versions
  • Instruction display improved
  • Keep global statements in fixed order (from wangym5106)

A bit more work is still needed for 3.6 especially in the area of function calls and definitions.

2.16.0 2018-02-17

  • API additions:
    • add fragments.op_at_code_loc() and
    • fragments.deparsed_find()_
  • Better 2.7 end_if and COME_FROM determination
  • Fix up 3.6+ CALL_FUNCTION_EX
  • Misc pydisasm fixes
  • Weird comprehension bug seen via new loctraceback
  • Fix Python 3.5+ CALL_FUNCTION_VAR and BUILD_LIST_UNPACK in call; with this we can can handle 3.5+ f(a, b, *c, *d, *e) now

2.15.1 2018-02-05

  • More bug fixes and revert an improper bug fix in 2.15.0

2.15.0 2018-02-05

  • Bug fixes
  • Code fragment improvements
  • Code cleanups
  • Expand testing

2.15.1 2018-01-27

  • Add --linemap option to give line correspondences between original source lines and reconstructed line sources. It is far from perfect, but it is a start
  • Add a new class of tests: tests which when decompiled check themselves
  • Split off Python version semantic action customizations into its own file
  • Fix 2.7 bug in if/else loop statement
  • Handle 3.6+ EXTENDED_ARGs for POP_JUMP_IF.. instructions
  • Correct 3.6+ calls with kwargs
  • Describe the difficulty of 3.6 in README

2.14.3 2018-01-19

  • Fix bug in 3.5+ await statement
  • Better version to magic handling; handle 3.5.2 .. 3.5.4 versions
  • Improve/correct status messages
  • Fix some 2.7 and 2.6 parser bugs
  • Fix whilelse parsing bugs
  • Correct 2.5- decorator parsing
  • grammar for decorators matches AST a little more
  • better tests in for running the right version of Python
  • Fix 2.6- parsing of "for .. try/else" ... with "continue" inside

2.14.2 2018-01-09 Samish

Decompilation bug fixes, mostly 3.6 and pre 2.7

  • 3.6 FUNCTION_EX (somewhat)
  • 3.6 FUNCTION_EX_KW fixes
  • 3.6 MAKE_FUNCTION fixes
  • correct 3.5 CALL_FUNCTION_VAR
  • stronger 3.x "while 1" testing
  • Fix bug in if's with "pass" bodies. Fixes #104
  • try/else and try/finally fixes on 2.6-
  • limit pypy customization to pypy
  • Add addr fields in COME_FROMS
  • Allow use of full instructions in parser reduction routines
  • Reduce grammar in Python 3 by specialization more to specific Python versions
  • Match Python AST names more closely when possible

2.14.1 2017-12-10 Dr. Gecko

  • Many decompilation bug fixes
  • Grammar rule reduction and version isolation
  • Match higher-level nonterminal names more closely with Python AST
  • Start automated Python stdlib testing — full round trip

2.14.0 2017-11-26 johnnybamazing

  • Start to isolate grammar rules between versions and remove used grammar rules
  • Fix a number of bytecode decompile problems (many more remain)
  • Add stdlib/ for even more rigorous testing

2.13.3 2017-11-13

Overall: better 3.6 decompiling and some much needed code refactoring and cleanup

  • Start noting names in for template-action names; these are used to check/assert we have the right node type
  • Simplify <import_from> rule
  • Pypy 5.80-beta testing tolerance
  • Start to clean up instruction mangling phase by using 3.6-style instructions rather trying to parse the bytecode array. This largely been done in for versions 3.x; 3.0 custom mangling code has been reduced; some 2.x conversion has been done, but more is desired. This make it possible to...
  • Handle EXTENDED_ARGS better. While relevant to all Python versions it is most noticeable in version 3.6+ where in switching to wordcodes the size of operands has been reduced from 2^16 to 2^8. JUMP instruction then often need EXTENDED_ARGS.
  • Refactor find_jump_targets() with via working of of instructions rather the bytecode array.
  • use --weak-verify more and additional fuzzing on verify()
  • fragment parser now ignores errors in nested function definitions; an parameter was added to assist here. Ignoring errors may be okay because the fragment parser often just needs, well, fragments.
  • Distinguish RETURN_VALUE from RETURN_END_IF in exception bodies better in 3.6
  • bug in 3.x language changes: import queue via import Queue
  • reinstate some bytecode tests since decompiling has gotten better
  • Revise how to report a bug

2.13.2 2017-10-12

  • Re-release using a more automated approach

2.13.1 2017-10-11

  • Re-release because Python 2.4 source uploaded rather than 2.6-3.6

2.13.0 2017-10-10

  • Fixes in deparsing lambda expressions
  • Improve table-semantics descriptions
  • Document hacky customize arg count better (until we can remove it)
  • Update to use xdis 3.7.0 or greater

2.12.0 2017-09-26

  • Use xdis 3.6.0 or greater now
  • Small semantic table cleanups
  • Python 3.4's terms a little names better
  • Slightly more Python 3.7, but still failing a lot
  • Cross Python 2/3 compatibility with annotation arguments

2.11.5 2017-08-31

  • Skeletal support for Python 3.7

2.11.4 2017-08-15

  • scanner and parser now allow 3-part version string look ups, e.g. 2.7.1 We allow a float here, but if passed a string like '2.7'. or
  • unpin 3.5.1. xdis 3.5.4 has been release and fixes the problems we had. Use that.
  • some routines here moved to xdis. Use the xdis version
  • README.rst: Link typo Name is trepan2 now not trepan
  • xdis-forced change adjust for COMPARE_OP "is-not" in semantic routines. We need "is not".
  • Some PyPy tolerance in validate testing.
  • Some pyston tolerance

2.11.3 2017-08-09

Very minor changes

  • RsT doc fixes and updates
  • use newer xdis, but not too new; 3.5.2 breaks uncompyle6
  • use xdis opcode sets
  • xdis "exception match" is now "exception-match"

2.11.2 2017-07-09

  • Start supporting Pypy 3.5 (5.7.1-beta)
  • use xdis 3.5.0's opcode sets and require xdis 3.5.0
  • Correct some Python 2.4-2.6 loop detection
  • guard against badly formatted bytecode

2.11.1 2017-06-25

  • Python 3.x annotation and function signature fixes
  • Bump xdis version
  • Small bug fixes

2.11.0 2017-06-18 Fleetwood

  • Major improvements in fragment tracking
    • Add nonterminal node in extractInfo()
    • tag more offsets in expressions
    • tag array subscripts
    • set YIELD value offset in a yield expr
    • fix a long-standing bug in not adjusting final AST when melding other deparse ASTs
  • Fixes yet again for make_function node handling; document what's up here
  • Fix bug in snowflake Python 3.5 *args, kwargs

2.10.1 2017-06-3 Marylin Frankel

  • fix some fragments parsing bugs
    • was returning the wrong type sometimes in deparse_code_around_offset()
    • capture function name in offsets
    • track changes to ifelstrmtr node from into fragments

2.10.0 2017-05-30 Elaine Gordon

  • Add fuzzy offset deparse look up
  • 3.6 bug fixes
    • fix EXTENDED_ARGS handling (and in 2.6 and others)
    • semantic routine make_function
    • MAKE_FUNCTION handling
    • CALL_FUNCTION_EX handling
    • async property on defs
    • support for CALL_FUNCTION_KW (moagstar)
  • 3.5+ UNMAP_PACK and BUILD_UNMAP_PACK handling
  • 3.5 FUNCTION_VAR bug
  • 3.x pass statement inside while True
  • Improve 3.2 decompilation
  • Fixed -o argument processing (grkov90)
  • Reduce scope of LOAD_ASSERT as expr to 3.4+
  • await statement fixes
  • 2.3, 2.4 "if 1 .." fixes
  • 3.x annotation fixes

2.9.11 2017-04-06

  • Better support for Python 3.5+ BUILD_MAP_UNPACK
  • Start 3.6 CALL_FUNCTION_EX support
  • Many decompilation bug fixes. (Many more remain). See ChangeLog

2.9.10 2017-02-25

  • Python grammar rule fixes
  • Add ability to get grammar coverage on runs
  • Handle Python 3.6 opcode BUILD_CONST_KEYMAP

2.9.9 2016-12-16

  • Remaining Python 3.5 ops handled (this also means more Python 3.6 ops are handled)
  • Python 3.5 and 3.6 async and await handled
  • Python 3.0 decompilation improved
  • Python 3 annotations fixed
  • Better control-flow detection
  • Code cleanups and misc bug fixes

2.9.8 2016-12-16

  • Better control-flow detection
  • pseudo instruction THEN in 2.x to disambiguate if from and
  • fix bug in --verify option
  • DRY (a little) control-flow detection
  • fix syntax in tuples with one element
  • if AST rule inheritance in Python 2.5
  • NAME_MODULE removal for Python <= 2.4
  • verify call fixes for Python <= 2.4
  • more Python lint

2.9.7 2016-12-16

  • Start to handle 3.5/3.6 build_map_unpack_with_call
  • Some Python 3.6 bytecode to wordcode conversion fixes
  • option -g: show start-end range when possible
  • track print_docstring move to help (used in python 3.1)
  • verify: allow RETURN_VALUE to match RETURN_END_IF
  • some 3.2 compatibility
  • Better Python 3 control flow detection by adding Pseudo ELSE opcodes

2.9.6 2016-12-04

  • Shorten Python3 grammars with + and * this requires spark parser 1.5.1
  • Add some AST reduction checks to improve decompile accuracy. This too requires spark parser 1.5.1

2.9.6 2016-11-20

  • Correct
  • More AST grammar checking
  • --linemapping option or linenumbers.line_number_mapping() Shows correspondence of lines between source and decompiled source
  • Some control flow adjustments in code for 2.x. This is probably an improvement in 2.6 and before. For 2.7 things are just shuffled around a little. Sigh. Overall I think we are getting more precise in or analysis even if it is not always reflected in the results.
  • better control flow debugging output
  • Python 2 and 3 detect structure code is more similar
  • Handle Docstrings with embedded triple quotes (""")

2.9.5 2016-11-13

  • Fix Python 3 bugs:
    • improper while 1 else
    • docstring indent
    • 3.3 default values in lambda expressions
    • start 3.0 decompilation (needs newer xdis)
  • Start grammar misparse checking

2.9.4 2016-11-02

  • Handle Python 3.x function annotations
  • track def keyword-parameter line-splitting in source code better
  • bump min xdis version to mask previous xdis bug

2.9.3 2016-10-26

Release forced by incompatibility change in xdis 3.2.0.

  • Python 3.1 bugs:

    • handle with... as
    • handle with
    • Start handling def (...) -> yy (has bugs still)
  • DRY Python 3.x via inheritance

  • Python 3.6 work (from Daniel Bradburn)

    • Handle 3.6 buildstring
    • Handle 3.6 handle single and multiple fstring better

2.9.2 2016-10-15

  • use source-code line breaks to assist in where to break in tuples and maps
  • Fix Python 1.5 decompyle bugs
  • Fix some Python 2.6 and below bugs
  • DRY code a little

2.9.1 2016-10-09

  • Improved Python 1.5 decompiling
  • Handle old-style pre Python 2.2 classes

2.9.0 2016-10-09

  • Use xdis 3.0.0 protocol load_module. this Forces change in requirements.txt and
  • Start Python 1.5 decompiling; another round of work is needed to remove bugs
  • Simplify python 2.1 grammar
  • Fix bug with -t ... Wasn't showing source text when -t option was given
  • Fix 2.1-2.6 bug in list comprehension

2.8.4 2016-10-08

  • Python 3 disassembly bug fixes
  • Python 3.6 fstring bug fixes (from moagstar)
  • Python 2.1 disassembly
  • COME_FROM suffixes added in Python3
  • use .py extension in verification disassembly

2.8.3 2016-09-11 live from NYC!

NOTE: this is possibly the last release before a major reworking of control-flow structure detection is done.

  • Lots of bug fixes in decompilation:
    • 3.0 .. 3.4 whileTrue bug
    • 3.x function declaration deparsing: . 3.0 .. 3.2 *args processing . 3.0 .. 3.2 call name and kwargs bug . 3.0 .. getting parameter of * . 3.0 .. handling variable number of args . 3.0 .. "if" structure bugs
    • 3.5+ if/else bugs
    • 2.2-2.6 bugs . try/except control flow . a == b == c -like detection . generator detection . "while .. and" statement bugs . handle "except , " . use older raise format in 2.x
  • scanner "disassemble" is now "ingest". True disassembly is done by xdis
  • Start accepting Python 3.1 bytecode
  • Add --weak-verify option on test_pyenvlib and test_pythonlib. This catches more bugs more easily
  • bump xdis requirement so we can deparse dropbox 2.5 code
  • Added H. Goebel's changes before 2.4 in DECOMPYLE-2.4-CHANGELOG.txt

2.8.2 2016-08-29

  • Handle Python 3.6 format string conversions !r, !s, !a
  • Start to handle 3.1 bytecode
  • Fix some PyPy translation bugs
  • We now only handle 3.6.0a3+ since that is incompatible with 3.6 before that

2.8.1 2016-08-20

  • Add Python 2.2 decompilation

  • Fix bugs

  • Python 3.6 FORMAT_VALUE handles expressions now

2.8.0 2016-08-03

  • Start Python 3.6 support (moagstar) more work on PEP 498 needed
  • tidy bytecode/word output
  • numerous decompiling bugs fixed
  • grammar testing started
  • show magic number in deparsed output
  • better grammar and semantic action segregation based on python bytecode version

2.7.1 2016-07-26

  • PyPy bytecodes for 2.7 and 3.2 added
  • Instruction formatting improved slightly
  • 2.7 bytecode "continue" bug fixed

2.7.0 2016-07-15

  • Many Syntax and verification bugs removed tested on standard libraries from 2.3.7 to 3.5.1 and they all decompile and verify fine. I'm sure there are more bugs though.

2.6.2 2016-07-11 Manhattenhenge

  • Extend bytecodes back to 2.3
  • Fix bugs:
    • 3.x and 2.7 set comprehensions,
    • while1 loops
    • continue statements
  • DRY and segregate grammar more

2.6.1 2016-07-08

  • Go over Python 2.5 bytecode deparsing all library programs now deparse
  • Fix a couple bugs in 2.6 deparsing

2.6.0 2016-07-07

  • Improve Python 2.6 bytecode deparsing: stdlib now will deparse something
  • Better <2.6 vs. 2.7 grammar separation
  • Fix some 2.7 deparsing bugs
  • Fix bug in installing uncompyle6 script
  • Doc improvements

2.5.0 2016-06-22 Summer Solstice

  • Much better Python 3.2-3.5 coverage. 3.4.6 is probably the best;3.2 and 3.5 are weaker
  • Better AST printing with -t
  • Better error reporting
  • Better fragment offset tracking
  • Some (much-needed) code refactoring

2.4.0 2016-05-18 (in memory of Lewis Bernstein)

  • Many Python 3 bugs fixed:
    • Python 3.2 to 3.5 libraries largely uncompyle and most verify
  • pydisassembler:
    • disassembles all code objects in a file
    • can select showing bytecode before or after uncompyle mangling, option -U
  • DRY scanner code (but more is desired)
  • Some code cleanup (but more is desired)
  • Misc Bugs fixed:
    • handle complex number unmarshaling
    • Running on Python 2 to works on Python 3.5 bytecodes now

2.3.5 and 2.3.6 2016-05-14

  • Python 2 class decorator fix (thanks to Tey)
  • Fix fragment parsing bugs
  • Fix some Python 3 parsing bugs:
    • Handling single in * parameter
    • "while True"
    • escape from for inside if
    • yield expressions
  • Correct history based on info from Dan Pascu
  • Fix up pip packaging, ugh.

2.3.4 2016-05-5

  • More Python 3.5 parsing bugs addressed
  • decompiling Python 3.5 from other Python versions works
  • test from Python 3.2
  • remove "module = name" in 3.0 <= Python 3.2

2.3.3 2016-05-3

  • Fix bug in running uncompyle6 script on Python 3
  • Speed up performance on deparsing long lists by grouping in chunks of 32 and 256 items
  • DRY Python expressions between Python 2 and 3

2.3.2 2016-05-1

  • Add --version option standalone scripts
  • Correct License information in package
  • expose functions uncompyle_file(), load_file(), and load_module()
  • Start to DRY Python2 and Python3 grammars Separate out 3.2, and 3.5+ specific grammar code
  • Fix bug in 3.5+ constant map parsing

2.3.0, 2.3.1 2016-04-30

  • Require spark_parser >= 1.1.0

2.2.0 2016-04-30

  • Spark is no longer here but pulled separate package spark_parser
  • Python 3 parsing fixes
  • More tests

2.2.0 2016-04-02

  • Support single-mode (in addition to exec-mode) compilation
  • Start to DRY Python 2 and Python 3 grammars
  • Fix bug in if else ternary construct
  • Fix bug in uncomplye6 -d and -r options (via lelicopter)

2.1.3 2016-01-02

  • Limited support for decompiling Python 3.5
  • Improve Python 3 class deparsing
  • Handle MAKE_CLOSURE opcode
  • Start to DRY opcode code.
  • increase test coverage
  • fix misc small bugs and some improvements

2.1.2 2015-12-31

  • Fix cross-version Marshal loading
  • Handle Python 3.3 . dotted class names
  • Limited 3.5 support: allows deparsing other versions
  • Refactor code more, misc bug fixes

2.1.1 2015-12-27

  • packaging issues

2.1.0 2015-12-27

  • Python 3.x deparsing much more solid
  • Better cross-version deparsing

Some bugs squashed while other run rampant. Some code cleanup while much more is yet needed. More tests added, but many more are needed.

2.0.0 2015-12-11

Changes from uncompyle2

SPARK: add option to show grammar rules applied allow Python-style # comments in grammar Runs on Python 3 and Python 2