* Current java implementation of the analysis is not working well
* RBin.Java doesnt updates the vsizes because it seems to break things. wip for another PR
* Added anal.ex option to use extensions or not
* several bugfixes
* Fix xrefs/refs confusion with asm.cmt.refs
* Also check if xref source is valid offset
* Fix ax* to show type of ref
* anal/xrefs: pass the right hashtable to mylistrefs
* r_anal_refs_get should use anal->refs, not anal->xrefs
* anal/fcn: add xref also when there's a CALL to a noreturn function
* projects: use radare2 output of ax command to save/restore xrefs
* core/cmd_anal: when analyzing calls, we should use REF_TYPE_CALL
* core/canal: use xrefs API, because the list is a just a copy
* core/canal: rename "loc." entries to "fcn." when a CALL is found
* sort xrefs to make results consistent
* core/canal: avoid recomputing function every time during `aan`
* anal: move fcn_refs/xrefs functions to the xrefs.c file
* core/canal.c: avoid iterating fcn xrefs list
* anal/xrefs: compute fcn xrefs by analyzing fcn addresses
* remove other unused functions
* anal/xrefs: remove fcn_xrefs_add and fcn_xrefs_deln
* anal/xrefs: remove old fcn->refs/xrefs
* anal/xrefs: directly store RAnalRef objects in the hash table
* libr: prevent memory leaks when using refs/xrefs
* anal/xrefs: merge anal/ref and anal/xref and clean API
Big xrefs/refs refactoring that provides a more uniform and simple API.
It avoids changes to refs/xrefs except through the API and it keeps all
xrefs/refs info in one single place, to improve consistency.
Thanks to:
Riccardo Schirone <sirmy15@gmail.com>
pancake <pancake@nopcode.org>
rene <rlaemmert@gmail.com>
This is one of the first steps to improve analysis. This way we'll have
one single place to change if we want to change the meaning of the
"size" field. (size -> realsize)
- Fix arm-thumb ESIL for the SUB instruction
- Handle Java imports as symbols in code analysis
- Invoke Java instructions reference the imports now
- Fix 71 crashes reported by jn
- Affected bin modules: elf, mach0, java, te, pe, dex