Add Sa to set/get per-section arch and bits configuration
Cache io->section and core->io->section to speed up the Sa
Update r_sys_arch*
Add dummy plugin in asm/rar
Fix lines of S=
- m68k assembler pending to fix some license issues with author
* Added z80 assembler and disassembler
- still not integrated with the plugin
* Software licenses sucks
* Initial working version of shellcodes inside r_egg
$ ragg2 -i x86.osx.binsh -b 64 -k osx -f mach064 -o a.out
ragg2 -L : list all plugins
ragg2 -i <shellcode-plugin> : select shellcode
ragg2 -r : show raw bytes
ragg2 -x : execute -- fails :(
* Use r_lib in r_egg
- User defined shellcode plugins can now be loaded on runtime
* Fix append_bytes in r_egg api
* Implement r_egg option_{get|set}
* Use working shellcode for x86.osx.binsh example (64bit)
* Update pkgconfig templates
* Add -D flag to rasm2 (show hex and asm)
rename : libr/egg/p/x86_osx_binsh.c => libr/egg/p/egg_x86_osx_binsh.c
- supports x86, arm, ppc, sparc, mips
* Use r_cons in r_core_bin
* Fix link of rabin2
- Use r_cons_flush()
- Refix ehdr issue
* r_io_size() now ignores va
* Move r_anal_get_fcn_get into fcn.c
* Some more fixes
- Deprecated as being problematic. and x86.olly ftw
* Fix singleton crash in swig bindings
- Requires valabind-tip
* Added 'wa*' and 'waf*' commands to show bytes instead of writing
- Added breakpoint and code analysis plugins for bf
- *mem++ != mem[0]++
- Full register get/set support
- Support for step and continue-until-syscall
- Work in progress breakpoint support
* Added bfvm_reset() hooked to plugin->kill
* Enhacements in r_core and r_debug for better debugger support
- Added plugin->step_over delegate
- Fix segfault when accessing null r.file->fd->data
* Initial first working steps of the brainfuck debugger
* Add missing io.w32 plugin (untested)
- Plugins that doesn't work on current platform are not listed
- -D : enable debugger mode for non native debuggers
- -c cmd : execute a command before showing prompt
* Initial import of the bfvm (brainfuck virtual machine)
* Initial dummy implementation of the brainfuck debugger plugin
- Needs to be integrated with bfvm to work
* Added doc/brainfuck
- Experimental.. not yet ready for release
- Add rasm2 -F flag to specify input and output filters
$ rasm2 -F att2intel
* Add new att2intel r_parse plugin
- make mrproper required
* Initial implementation of RBinClass
- Only experimental and Java-specific atm
- Add rabin2 -C to display classes
* Optimize some r_str functions