* Lack of cleanup in r_bp_del_all causing use after free in other dbi
* Copy paste error turning dbix into dbx
* Add dbi- command
* Allow dbi commands to operate with index 0
* Added RCoreBind.syncDebugMaps() and RCoreBind.getDebugMaps() api
* Refactor breakpoint validation ##debug
* Reenable db tests and add new tests to check validity
* Add perm check to isMapped and remove map sync to improve performance
This way it is possible to set breakpoints before starting debug through
'db' and the user will be notified when a breakpoint points to an
invalid map.
Previously, disabled breakpoints were restored and then hit during
execution. The debug logic ignored them and continued but that's
an unnecessary slow down. To achieve this type of behavior the user
should use tracepoints.
* meson: Explicit is better than implicit
* meson: Fix deprecated warnings in Meson 0.49.0
* meson: Do not need separate array for installed files
libr/socket/meson.build:30: DEPRECATION: Library r_socket was passed to
the "libraries" keyword argument of a previous call to generate() method
instead of first positional argument. Adding r_socket to "Requires" field,
but this is a deprecated behaviour that will change in a future version
of Meson. Please report the issue if this warning cannot be avoided in
your case.
* meson.build: fix meson build when not on git
* meson.build: make capstone a dependency
* meson.build: make r_magic library optional
* meson.build: capstone include is already in the dependency
* meson.build: use dependencies instead of manual linking + includes
* meson.build: add travis
* flag/meson.build: include sdb dependency
* travis-script: print messages based on install system
* io/meson.build: add sdb as dependency
* syscall/meson.build: missing sdb dependency
* {parse,config}/meson.build: add sdb dependency
* travis.yml: pass INSTALL_SYSTEM var to docker
* {bin/shlr}/meson.build: add sdb_dep to r2java and bin
* install meson and ninja-build in r2-travis docker
* travis.yml: allow meson build to fail for now
* anal/meson.build: add sdb and java dependencies
* egg/meson.build: add sdb dependency
* travis.yml: meson build env should be also in the includes list
* core/meson.build: add java dep
* meson.build: use dependencies also to create main r2 dependency
* rasm2/meson.build: replace link_with with dependencies
* rasm2/meson.build: add sdb as dependency
* meson.builds: convert link_with to dependencies and fix tabs
* travis-script: change meson install prefix and set PKG_CONFIG_PATH
* travis-script: add lib64 to LD_LIBRARY_PATH
Specifically, avoid building all plugins as non-static objects,
as well as some supplementary libraries. In fact, a large amount
of plugins was already gated to build as shared objects only with
WITHPIC=1, but this was not done consistently.
This gating has been moved to */p/Makefile.
Building these shared objects is a waste of time and breaks
the --without-pic build unless CFLAGS is forced in the make