* meson: Explicit is better than implicit
* meson: Fix deprecated warnings in Meson 0.49.0
* meson: Do not need separate array for installed files
libr/socket/meson.build:30: DEPRECATION: Library r_socket was passed to
the "libraries" keyword argument of a previous call to generate() method
instead of first positional argument. Adding r_socket to "Requires" field,
but this is a deprecated behaviour that will change in a future version
of Meson. Please report the issue if this warning cannot be avoided in
your case.
* meson.build: fix meson build when not on git
* meson.build: make capstone a dependency
* meson.build: make r_magic library optional
* meson.build: capstone include is already in the dependency
* meson.build: use dependencies instead of manual linking + includes
* meson.build: add travis
* flag/meson.build: include sdb dependency
* travis-script: print messages based on install system
* io/meson.build: add sdb as dependency
* syscall/meson.build: missing sdb dependency
* {parse,config}/meson.build: add sdb dependency
* travis.yml: pass INSTALL_SYSTEM var to docker
* {bin/shlr}/meson.build: add sdb_dep to r2java and bin
* install meson and ninja-build in r2-travis docker
* travis.yml: allow meson build to fail for now
* anal/meson.build: add sdb and java dependencies
* egg/meson.build: add sdb dependency
* travis.yml: meson build env should be also in the includes list
* core/meson.build: add java dep
* meson.build: use dependencies also to create main r2 dependency
* rasm2/meson.build: replace link_with with dependencies
* rasm2/meson.build: add sdb as dependency
* meson.builds: convert link_with to dependencies and fix tabs
* travis-script: change meson install prefix and set PKG_CONFIG_PATH
* travis-script: add lib64 to LD_LIBRARY_PATH
Specifically, avoid building all plugins as non-static objects,
as well as some supplementary libraries. In fact, a large amount
of plugins was already gated to build as shared objects only with
WITHPIC=1, but this was not done consistently.
This gating has been moved to */p/Makefile.
Building these shared objects is a waste of time and breaks
the --without-pic build unless CFLAGS is forced in the make