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Mac OS-X Users need to follow some extra steps to get the radare2 program signed and ready to debug other applications without running it as root. Same happens for iOS users, read doc/ios
for more information.
To compile for OSX run configure in this way:
$ sys/install.sh
By default it is installed in /usr, you can specify a different prefix like this:
$ sys/install.sh /usr/local
To install bindings you will need to install r2, valac, valabind and swig. The whole process can be automated by using scripts under sys/
$ sys/python-deps.sh
$ sys/python.sh
Code Signing
After OSX 10.6, binaries that need permissions to debug require to be signed and include a PLIST describing them. This process differs from the steps needed for iOS, so please read the doc/ios
for further details.
The first step requires creating a self signed system certificate for code signing, Open the
KeyChain Access
application and start the wizard found in:Menu -> CertificateAssistant -> Create Certificate -> certificate type: code signing
Use organization: radare.org Name: org.radare.radare2
Once created, right click on certificate and:
-> Trust options -> Always trust
Then you can sign the binary by using the following command:
$ make -C binr/radare2 osxsign
But this is not all! As long as r2 code is splitted into several libraries, you should sign every single dependency (libr*) by typing the system password all the time. For simplicity, I would recommend you to build a static version of r2 and just sign it.
$ sys/static.sh
$ make -C binr/radare2 osxsign
You can verify that the binary is properly signed and verified by the code signing utility:
$ codesign -v binr/radare2/radare2
So let's check what the sandboxing thinks about it:
$ spctl -av radare2
radare2: accepted
override=security disabled
If this command says rejected
instead of accepted
it is probably because of your system settings. So launch the System Preferences application and:
-> Security & Privacy
-> General
-> Allow Apps Downloaded From
-> Anywhere
Because our signing hasnt been done from an apple verified account we have to mark this option and then manually restart taskgated
to make it happen!
$ sudo killall taskgated
After this confirm it with the spctl
tool and you should be able to debug on OSX without root permissions!
$ r2 -d ls
If you want to run and sign a dynamically linked version of radare2 you will get the following error:
$ codesign -dv binr/radare2/radare2
binr/radare2/radare2: code object is not signed at all
Follow those steps to fix this issue:
$ make -C binr/radare2 osx-sign-libs
And run codesign -dv
and spctl -av
to confirm.
To create an OSX .pkg just run the following command:
$ sys/osx-pkg.sh