Kristof Beyls 32e21be127 [find_interesting_reviews.py] Add git blame output cache
The majority of the running time of this script tends to be spent in
running git blame on source files touched by patches under review.

By introducing a git blame output cache, some of the git blame commands
don't have to re-run, and the blame information can be retrieved from a

I've observed that in a typical run matching patches available for
review with potential reviewers, this speeds up the script's running
time by a factor of about 2.5x.
2019-12-23 12:08:16 +00:00

681 lines
25 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python
from __future__ import print_function
import argparse
import email.mime.multipart
import email.mime.text
import logging
import os.path
import pickle
import re
import smtplib
import subprocess
import sys
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from phabricator import Phabricator
# Setting up a virtualenv to run this script can be done by running the
# following commands:
# $ virtualenv venv
# $ . ./venv/bin/activate
# $ pip install Phabricator
GIT_REPO_METADATA = (("llvm-monorepo", "https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project"),
# The below PhabXXX classes represent objects as modelled by Phabricator.
# The classes can be serialized to disk, to try and make sure that we don't
# needlessly have to re-fetch lots of data from Phabricator, as that would
# make this script unusably slow.
class PhabObject:
def __init__(self, id):
self.id = id
class PhabObjectCache:
def __init__(self, PhabObjectClass):
self.PhabObjectClass = PhabObjectClass
self.most_recent_info = None
self.oldest_info = None
self.id2PhabObjects = {}
def get_name(self):
return self.PhabObjectClass.OBJECT_KIND + "sCache"
def get(self, id):
if id not in self.id2PhabObjects:
self.id2PhabObjects[id] = self.PhabObjectClass(id)
return self.id2PhabObjects[id]
def get_ids_in_cache(self):
return list(self.id2PhabObjects.keys())
def get_objects(self):
return list(self.id2PhabObjects.values())
def _get_pickle_name(self, directory):
file_name = "Phab" + self.PhabObjectClass.OBJECT_KIND + "s.pickle"
return os.path.join(directory, file_name)
def populate_cache_from_disk(self, directory=DEFAULT_DIRECTORY):
FIXME: consider if serializing to JSON would bring interoperability
advantages over serializing to pickle.
f = open(self._get_pickle_name(directory), "rb")
except IOError as err:
print("Could not find cache. Error message: {0}. Continuing..."
with f:
d = pickle.load(f)
except EOFError as err:
print("Cache seems to be corrupt. " +
"Not using cache. Error message: {0}".format(err))
def write_cache_to_disk(self, directory=DEFAULT_DIRECTORY):
if not os.path.exists(directory):
with open(self._get_pickle_name(directory), "wb") as f:
pickle.dump(self.__dict__, f)
print("wrote cache to disk, most_recent_info= {0}".format(
if self.most_recent_info is not None else None))
class PhabReview(PhabObject):
OBJECT_KIND = "Review"
def __init__(self, id):
PhabObject.__init__(self, id)
def update(self, title, dateCreated, dateModified, author):
self.title = title
self.dateCreated = dateCreated
self.dateModified = dateModified
self.author = author
def setPhabDiffs(self, phabDiffs):
self.phabDiffs = phabDiffs
class PhabUser(PhabObject):
def __init__(self, id):
PhabObject.__init__(self, id)
def update(self, phid, realName):
self.phid = phid
self.realName = realName
class PhabHunk:
def __init__(self, rest_api_hunk):
self.oldOffset = int(rest_api_hunk["oldOffset"])
self.oldLength = int(rest_api_hunk["oldLength"])
# self.actual_lines_changed_offset will contain the offsets of the
# lines that were changed in this hunk.
self.actual_lines_changed_offset = []
offset = self.oldOffset
inHunk = False
hunkStart = -1
contextLines = 3
for line in rest_api_hunk["corpus"].split("\n"):
if line.startswith("+"):
# line is a new line that got introduced in this patch.
# Do not record it as a changed line.
if inHunk is False:
inHunk = True
hunkStart = max(self.oldOffset, offset - contextLines)
if line.startswith("-"):
# line was changed or removed from the older version of the
# code. Record it as a changed line.
if inHunk is False:
inHunk = True
hunkStart = max(self.oldOffset, offset - contextLines)
offset += 1
# line is a context line.
if inHunk is True:
inHunk = False
hunkEnd = offset + contextLines
self.actual_lines_changed_offset.append((hunkStart, hunkEnd))
offset += 1
if inHunk is True:
hunkEnd = offset + contextLines
self.actual_lines_changed_offset.append((hunkStart, hunkEnd))
# The above algorithm could result in adjacent or overlapping ranges
# being recorded into self.actual_lines_changed_offset.
# Merge the adjacent and overlapping ranges in there:
t = []
lastRange = None
for start, end in self.actual_lines_changed_offset + \
[(sys.maxsize, sys.maxsize)]:
if lastRange is None:
lastRange = (start, end)
if lastRange[1] >= start:
lastRange = (lastRange[0], end)
lastRange = (start, end)
self.actual_lines_changed_offset = t
class PhabChange:
def __init__(self, rest_api_change):
self.oldPath = rest_api_change["oldPath"]
self.hunks = [PhabHunk(h) for h in rest_api_change["hunks"]]
class PhabDiff(PhabObject):
def __init__(self, id):
PhabObject.__init__(self, id)
def update(self, rest_api_results):
self.revisionID = rest_api_results["revisionID"]
self.dateModified = int(rest_api_results["dateModified"])
self.dateCreated = int(rest_api_results["dateCreated"])
self.changes = [PhabChange(c) for c in rest_api_results["changes"]]
class ReviewsCache(PhabObjectCache):
def __init__(self):
PhabObjectCache.__init__(self, PhabReview)
class UsersCache(PhabObjectCache):
def __init__(self):
PhabObjectCache.__init__(self, PhabUser)
reviews_cache = ReviewsCache()
users_cache = UsersCache()
def init_phab_connection():
phab = Phabricator()
return phab
def update_cached_info(phab, cache, phab_query, order, record_results,
max_nr_entries_per_fetch, max_nr_days_to_cache):
q = phab
LIMIT = max_nr_entries_per_fetch
for query_step in phab_query:
q = getattr(q, query_step)
results = q(order=order, limit=LIMIT)
most_recent_info, oldest_info = record_results(cache, results, phab)
oldest_info_to_fetch = datetime.fromtimestamp(most_recent_info) - \
most_recent_info_overall = most_recent_info
after = results["cursor"]["after"]
print("after: {0!r}".format(after))
print("most_recent_info: {0}".format(
while (after is not None
and datetime.fromtimestamp(oldest_info) > oldest_info_to_fetch):
need_more_older_data = \
(cache.oldest_info is None or
datetime.fromtimestamp(cache.oldest_info) > oldest_info_to_fetch)
print(("need_more_older_data={0} cache.oldest_info={1} " +
if cache.oldest_info is not None else None,
need_more_newer_data = \
(cache.most_recent_info is None or
cache.most_recent_info < most_recent_info)
print(("need_more_newer_data={0} cache.most_recent_info={1} " +
.format(need_more_newer_data, cache.most_recent_info,
if not need_more_older_data and not need_more_newer_data:
results = q(order=order, after=after, limit=LIMIT)
most_recent_info, oldest_info = record_results(cache, results, phab)
after = results["cursor"]["after"]
print("after: {0!r}".format(after))
print("most_recent_info: {0}".format(
cache.most_recent_info = most_recent_info_overall
if after is None:
# We did fetch all records. Mark the cache to contain all info since
# the start of time.
oldest_info = 0
cache.oldest_info = oldest_info
def record_reviews(cache, reviews, phab):
most_recent_info = None
oldest_info = None
for reviewInfo in reviews["data"]:
if reviewInfo["type"] != "DREV":
id = reviewInfo["id"]
# phid = reviewInfo["phid"]
dateModified = int(reviewInfo["fields"]["dateModified"])
dateCreated = int(reviewInfo["fields"]["dateCreated"])
title = reviewInfo["fields"]["title"]
author = reviewInfo["fields"]["authorPHID"]
phabReview = cache.get(id)
if "dateModified" not in phabReview.__dict__ or \
dateModified > phabReview.dateModified:
diff_results = phab.differential.querydiffs(revisionIDs=[id])
diff_ids = sorted(diff_results.keys())
phabDiffs = []
for diff_id in diff_ids:
diffInfo = diff_results[diff_id]
d = PhabDiff(diff_id)
phabReview.update(title, dateCreated, dateModified, author)
print("Updated D{0} modified on {1} ({2} diffs)".format(
id, datetime.fromtimestamp(dateModified), len(phabDiffs)))
if most_recent_info is None:
most_recent_info = dateModified
elif most_recent_info < dateModified:
most_recent_info = dateModified
if oldest_info is None:
oldest_info = dateModified
elif oldest_info > dateModified:
oldest_info = dateModified
return most_recent_info, oldest_info
def record_users(cache, users, phab):
most_recent_info = None
oldest_info = None
for info in users["data"]:
if info["type"] != "USER":
id = info["id"]
phid = info["phid"]
dateModified = int(info["fields"]["dateModified"])
# dateCreated = int(info["fields"]["dateCreated"])
realName = info["fields"]["realName"]
phabUser = cache.get(id)
phabUser.update(phid, realName)
if most_recent_info is None:
most_recent_info = dateModified
elif most_recent_info < dateModified:
most_recent_info = dateModified
if oldest_info is None:
oldest_info = dateModified
elif oldest_info > dateModified:
oldest_info = dateModified
return most_recent_info, oldest_info
PHABCACHESINFO = ((reviews_cache, ("differential", "revision", "search"),
"updated", record_reviews, 5, 7),
(users_cache, ("user", "search"), "newest", record_users,
100, 1000))
def load_cache():
for cache, phab_query, order, record_results, _, _ in PHABCACHESINFO:
print("Loaded {0} nr entries: {1}".format(
cache.get_name(), len(cache.get_ids_in_cache())))
print("Loaded {0} has most recent info: {1}".format(
if cache.most_recent_info is not None else None))
def update_cache(phab):
for cache, phab_query, order, record_results, max_nr_entries_per_fetch, \
max_nr_days_to_cache in PHABCACHESINFO:
update_cached_info(phab, cache, phab_query, order, record_results,
max_nr_entries_per_fetch, max_nr_days_to_cache)
ids_in_cache = cache.get_ids_in_cache()
print("{0} objects in {1}".format(len(ids_in_cache), cache.get_name()))
def get_most_recent_reviews(days):
newest_reviews = sorted(
reviews_cache.get_objects(), key=lambda r: -r.dateModified)
if len(newest_reviews) == 0:
return newest_reviews
most_recent_review_time = \
cut_off_date = most_recent_review_time - timedelta(days=days)
result = []
for review in newest_reviews:
if datetime.fromtimestamp(review.dateModified) < cut_off_date:
return result
return result
# All of the above code is about fetching data from Phabricator and caching it
# on local disk. The below code contains the actual "business logic" for this
# script.
_userphid2realname = None
def get_real_name_from_author(user_phid):
global _userphid2realname
if _userphid2realname is None:
_userphid2realname = {}
for user in users_cache.get_objects():
_userphid2realname[user.phid] = user.realName
return _userphid2realname.get(user_phid, "unknown")
def print_most_recent_reviews(phab, days, filter_reviewers):
msgs = []
def add_msg(msg):
newest_reviews = get_most_recent_reviews(days)
add_msg(u"These are the reviews that look interesting to be reviewed. " +
u"The report below has 2 sections. The first " +
u"section is organized per review; the second section is organized "
+ u"per potential reviewer.\n")
oldest_review = newest_reviews[-1] if len(newest_reviews) > 0 else None
oldest_datetime = \
datetime.fromtimestamp(oldest_review.dateModified) \
if oldest_review else None
add_msg((u"The report below is based on analyzing the reviews that got " +
u"touched in the past {0} days (since {1}). " +
u"The script found {2} such reviews.\n").format(
days, oldest_datetime, len(newest_reviews)))
reviewer2reviews_and_scores = {}
for i, review in enumerate(newest_reviews):
matched_reviewers = find_reviewers_for_review(review)
matched_reviewers = filter_reviewers(matched_reviewers)
if len(matched_reviewers) == 0:
add_msg((u"{0:>3}. https://reviews.llvm.org/D{1} by {2}\n {3}\n" +
u" Last updated on {4}").format(
i, review.id,
get_real_name_from_author(review.author), review.title,
for reviewer, scores in matched_reviewers:
add_msg(u" potential reviewer {0}, score {1}".format(
"(" + "/".join(["{0:.1f}%".format(s) for s in scores]) + ")"))
if reviewer not in reviewer2reviews_and_scores:
reviewer2reviews_and_scores[reviewer] = []
reviewer2reviews_and_scores[reviewer].append((review, scores))
# Print out a summary per reviewer.
for reviewer in sorted(reviewer2reviews_and_scores.keys()):
reviews_and_scores = reviewer2reviews_and_scores[reviewer]
reviews_and_scores.sort(key=lambda rs: rs[1], reverse=True)
add_msg(u"\n\nSUMMARY FOR {0} (found {1} reviews):".format(
reviewer, len(reviews_and_scores)))
for review, scores in reviews_and_scores:
add_msg(u"[{0}] https://reviews.llvm.org/D{1} '{2}' by {3}".format(
"/".join(["{0:.1f}%".format(s) for s in scores]), review.id,
review.title, get_real_name_from_author(review.author)))
return "\n".join(msgs)
def get_git_cmd_output(cmd):
output = None
output = subprocess.check_output(
cmd, shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
if output is None:
return None
return output.decode("utf-8", errors='ignore')
reAuthorMail = re.compile("^author-mail <([^>]*)>.*$")
def parse_blame_output_line_porcelain(blame_output_lines):
email2nr_occurences = {}
if blame_output_lines is None:
return email2nr_occurences
for line in blame_output_lines:
m = reAuthorMail.match(line)
if m:
author_email_address = m.group(1)
if author_email_address not in email2nr_occurences:
email2nr_occurences[author_email_address] = 1
email2nr_occurences[author_email_address] += 1
return email2nr_occurences
class BlameOutputCache:
def __init__(self):
self.cache = {}
def _populate_cache_for(self, cache_key):
assert cache_key not in self.cache
git_repo, base_revision, path = cache_key
cmd = ("git -C {0} blame --encoding=utf-8 --date iso -f -e -w " +
"--line-porcelain {1} -- {2}").format(git_repo, base_revision,
blame_output = get_git_cmd_output(cmd)
self.cache[cache_key] = \
blame_output.split('\n') if blame_output is not None else None
# FIXME: the blame cache could probably be made more effective still if
# instead of storing the requested base_revision in the cache, the last
# revision before the base revision this file/path got changed in gets
# stored. That way multiple project revisions for which this specific
# file/patch hasn't changed would get cache hits (instead of misses in
# the current implementation).
def get_blame_output_for(self, git_repo, base_revision, path, start_line=-1,
cache_key = (git_repo, base_revision, path)
if cache_key not in self.cache:
assert cache_key in self.cache
all_blame_lines = self.cache[cache_key]
if all_blame_lines is None:
return None
if start_line == -1 and end_line == -1:
return all_blame_lines
assert start_line >= 0
assert end_line >= 0
assert end_line <= len(all_blame_lines)
assert start_line <= len(all_blame_lines)
assert start_line <= end_line
return all_blame_lines[start_line:end_line]
def get_parsed_git_blame_for(self, git_repo, base_revision, path,
start_line=-1, end_line=-1):
return parse_blame_output_line_porcelain(
self.get_blame_output_for(git_repo, base_revision, path, start_line,
blameOutputCache = BlameOutputCache()
def find_reviewers_for_diff_heuristic(diff):
# Heuristic 1: assume good reviewers are the ones that touched the same
# lines before as this patch is touching.
# Heuristic 2: assume good reviewers are the ones that touched the same
# files before as this patch is touching.
reviewers2nr_lines_touched = {}
reviewers2nr_files_touched = {}
# Assume last revision before diff was modified is the revision the diff
# applies to.
assert len(GIT_REPO_METADATA) == 1
git_repo = os.path.join("git_repos", GIT_REPO_METADATA[0][0])
cmd = 'git -C {0} rev-list -n 1 --before="{1}" master'.format(
diff.dateModified).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%s"))
base_revision = get_git_cmd_output(cmd).strip()
logging.debug("Base revision={0}".format(base_revision))
for change in diff.changes:
path = change.oldPath
# Compute heuristic 1: look at context of patch lines.
for hunk in change.hunks:
for start_line, end_line in hunk.actual_lines_changed_offset:
# Collect git blame results for authors in those ranges.
for reviewer, nr_occurences in \
git_repo, base_revision, path, start_line, end_line
if reviewer not in reviewers2nr_lines_touched:
reviewers2nr_lines_touched[reviewer] = 0
reviewers2nr_lines_touched[reviewer] += nr_occurences
# Compute heuristic 2: don't look at context, just at files touched.
# Collect git blame results for authors in those ranges.
for reviewer, nr_occurences in \
git_repo, base_revision, path).items():
if reviewer not in reviewers2nr_files_touched:
reviewers2nr_files_touched[reviewer] = 0
reviewers2nr_files_touched[reviewer] += 1
# Compute "match scores"
total_nr_lines = sum(reviewers2nr_lines_touched.values())
total_nr_files = len(diff.changes)
reviewers_matchscores = \
(reviewers2nr_lines_touched.get(reviewer, 0)*100.0/total_nr_lines
if total_nr_lines != 0 else 0,
if total_nr_files != 0 else 0))
for reviewer, nr_lines
in reviewers2nr_files_touched.items()]
reviewers_matchscores.sort(key=lambda i: i[1], reverse=True)
return reviewers_matchscores
def find_reviewers_for_review(review):
# Process the newest diff first.
diffs = sorted(
review.phabDiffs, key=lambda d: d.dateModified, reverse=True)
if len(diffs) == 0:
diff = diffs[0]
matched_reviewers = find_reviewers_for_diff_heuristic(diff)
# Show progress, as this is a slow operation:
logging.debug(u"matched_reviewers: {0}".format(matched_reviewers))
return matched_reviewers
def update_git_repos():
git_repos_directory = "git_repos"
for name, url in GIT_REPO_METADATA:
dirname = os.path.join(git_repos_directory, name)
if not os.path.exists(dirname):
cmd = "git clone {0} {1}".format(url, dirname)
output = get_git_cmd_output(cmd)
cmd = "git -C {0} pull --rebase".format(dirname)
output = get_git_cmd_output(cmd)
def send_emails(email_addresses, sender, msg):
s = smtplib.SMTP()
for email_address in email_addresses:
email_msg = email.mime.multipart.MIMEMultipart()
email_msg['From'] = sender
email_msg['To'] = email_address
email_msg['Subject'] = 'LLVM patches you may be able to review.'
email_msg.attach(email.mime.text.MIMEText(msg.encode('utf-8'), 'plain'))
# python 3.x: s.send_message(email_msg)
s.sendmail(email_msg['From'], email_msg['To'], email_msg.as_string())
def filter_reviewers_to_report_for(people_to_look_for):
# The below is just an example filter, to only report potential reviews
# to do for the people that will receive the report email.
return lambda potential_reviewers: [r for r in potential_reviewers
if r[0] in people_to_look_for]
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description='Match open reviews to potential reviewers.')
help='Do not update cached Phabricator objects')
help="A email addresses to send the report to.")
help="The email address to use in 'From' on messages emailed out.")
help="The email addresses (as known by LLVM git) of " +
"the people to look for reviews for.")
parser.add_argument('--verbose', '-v', action='count')
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.verbose >= 1:
people_to_look_for = [e.decode('utf-8') for e in args.email_addresses]
logging.debug("Will look for reviews that following contributors could " +
"review: {}".format(people_to_look_for))
logging.debug("Will email a report to: {}".format(args.email_report))
phab = init_phab_connection()
if args.update_cache:
msg = print_most_recent_reviews(
if args.email_report != []:
send_emails(args.email_report, args.sender, msg)
if __name__ == "__main__":