2006-12-02 04:23:10 +00:00

22 lines
538 B

; RUN: llvm-as < %s | llvm-dis > %t1.ll
; RUN: llvm-as %t1.ll -o - | llvm-dis > %t2.ll
; RUN: diff %t1.ll %t2.ll
void "NewCasts" (short %x) {
%a = zext short %x to int
%b = sext short %x to uint
%c = trunc short %x to ubyte
%d = uitofp short %x to float
%e = sitofp short %x to double
%f = fptoui float %d to short
%g = fptosi double %e to short
%i = fpext float %d to double
%j = fptrunc double %i to float
%k = bitcast int %a to float
%l = inttoptr short %x to int*
%m = ptrtoint int* %l to long
ret void