- Contents of AppKit/ImageIO/ moved to AppKit/CoreGraphics.subproj/ for SWRender testing and easier sharing of classes
- CGImageSource usage added to SWRender
- Changed JPEG image source so it uses ivars instead of globals
- fixed/implemented some image/surface pixel formats
- Added NSIntegerMapKeyCallBacks
- Added variety of CGBitmapContext, CGImage, CGDataProvider, CGGeometry, CGPath, CGPattern, CGColor C interfaces to the .h's in ApplicationServices and underlying implementation in AppKit.
- Consolidated KGPath/VGPath more. Consolidated KGImage/KGSurface(VGImage) more into read-only and read-write images.
- Moved some KG classes from SWRender to AppKit
- SWRender overhaul to use the whole KG interface (context,color,path,etc.) directly using the C CoreGraphics interface and a common test template for both CG and KG using the C interface.
NSDistributedNotificationCenter to have SenTestingKit compile cleanly
NSString stringByAppendingPathExtension won't build strings like SomeDir\.extension, making them SomeDir.extension instead to match Apple impl.
- void* in NSGetSizeAndAlignment
- removed implementation of NSProxy +respondsToSelector
- some objc_ methods
- NSBundle executablePath and NSTask launchedTask
- NSDelayedPerform, NSOrderedPerform wrap exceptions, retain arguments
- NSSavePanel beginSheetForDirectory: implemented. Running the panel is detached to another thread to preserve instant-return semantics of Apple AppKit; this is experimental.
- some other small stuff
- moved objc_sync to own source file
- platform-agnostic, very unoptimized implementation of objc_sync calls (currently nonfunctional on Windows because of missing NSLock lockBeforeDate:)
- small fix for NSThread on Windows
- only one instance of NSThread per thread; some additional methods implemented
- objc_thread_detach renamed to NSPlatformDetachThread; moved to NSMemoryFunctions; implementations for Win32 & Linux
- NSRunloop: mainRunLoop implemented; performSelector:... method is threadsafe (or would be, if objc_sync_enter were implemented properly)
- _NSPrintForDebugger (so po works in gdb)
- NSFastEnumerationState, countByEnumeratingWithState: in NSArray and NSEnumerator (protocol probably needs its own file)
- KVC accessors _key, isKey, _isKey
- objc_setProperty
- C++ constructors are only called if CLASS_HAS_CXX_STRUCTORS is set on the class
- small NSObjectController KVO deps fix
- if NSDebugEnabled is set, KVO will emit diagnostics for methods which look like setters but have the wrong signature
- NSArrayController selectionIndex and friends now fire the right change messages
- NSPopUpButton content, contentValues and selectionIndex bindings now work