309 lines
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<h1 align="center">Jellyfin Webhook Plugin</h1>
<h3 align="center">Part of the <a href="https://jellyfin.org">Jellyfin Project</a></h3>
<p align="center">
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## Debugging:
#### My webhook isn't working!
Change your `logging.json` file to output `debug` logs for `Jellyfin.Plugin.Webhook`. Make sure to add a comma to the end of `"System": "Warning"`
"Serilog": {
"MinimumLevel": {
"Default": "Information",
"Override": {
"Microsoft": "Warning",
"System": "Warning",
+ "Jellyfin.Plugin.Webhook": "Debug"
## Documentation:
Use [Handlebars](https://handlebarsjs.com/guide/) templating engine to format notifications however you wish.
See [Templates](Jellyfin.Plugin.Webhook/Templates) for sample templates.
#### Helpers:
- if_equals
- if first parameter equals second parameter case insensitive
- if_exist
- if the value of the parameter is not null or empty
- link_to
- wrap the $url and $text in an `<a>` tag
#### Variables:
- Every Notifier: Server
- ServerId
- Server ID
- ServerName
- Server name
- ServerVersion
- `$major.$minor.$build`
- ServerUrl
- Server url
- NotificationType
- The [NotificationType](Jellyfin.Plugin.Webhook/Destinations/NotificationType.cs)
- Every Notifier: User
- NotificationUsername
- Current user name
- Username
- Current user name
- UserId
- User ID
- LastLoginDate
- Last user login date
- LastActivityDate
- Last user activity date
- Every Notifier: Device
- DeviceName
- Playback device name
- DeviceId
- Playback device ID
- Every Notifier: Client
- ClientName
- Playback client name
- Client
- Playback client name
- RemoteEndPoint
- IP Address of client
- BaseItem:
- Timestamp
- Current server time local
- UtcTimestamp
- Current server time utc
- Name
- Item name
- Overview
- Item overview
- Tagline
- Item tagline
- ItemId
- Item id
- ItemType
- "Movie" "Episode" "Season" "Series" "Album" "Song"
- RunTimeTicks
- The media runtime, in [Ticks](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.datetime.ticks)
- RunTime
- The media runtime, as `hh:mm:ss`
- Year
- Item production year
- PremiereDate
- Item premiere year
- Genres
- item Genre
- AspectRatio
- Item aspect ratio
- MediaSourceId
- The media source id
- Provider_{providerId_lowercase}
- "Provider_tvdb" "Provider_tmdb" "Provider_imdb"
- BaseItem: Season
- SeriesName
- TV series name
- Year
- Season production year
- SeriesId
- Season Series ID
- SeriesPremiereDate
- Series premiere date
- SeasonNumber
- Series number - direct format
- SeasonNumber00
- Series number - padded 00
- SeasonNumber000
- Series number - padded 000
- BaseItem: Episode
- EpisodeNumber
- Episode number - direct format
- EpisodeNumber00
- Episode number - padded 00
- EpisodeNumber000 -
- Episode number - padded 000
- EpisodeNumberEnd
- Episode number end - direct format
- EpisodeNumberEnd00
- Episode number end - padded 00
- EpisodeNumberEnd000
- Episode number end - padded 000
- AirTime
- Episode series airtime
- Year
- Episode production year
- BaseItem: Audio
- Album
- Audio album
- Artist
- Audio artist
- Year
- Audio production year
- BaseItem: Album
- Artist
- Album artist
- Year
- Album production year
- Playback
- PlaybackPositionTicks
- The current playback position, in [Ticks](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.datetime.ticks)
- PlaybackPosition
- The current playback position, as `hh:mm:ss`
- PlayMethod
- "Transcode" "DirectStream" "DirectPlay"
- PlayedToCompletion
- `true/false`, Only when `NotificationType == PlaybackStop`
- IsPaused
- If playback is paused
- IsAutomated
- If notification is automated, or user triggered
- Likes
- likes
- Rating
- rating
- PlayCount
- Total playcount
- Favorite
- Favorite
- Played
- Completely played
- AudioStreamIndex
- Audio stream index
- SubtitleStreamIndex
- Subtitle stream index
- LastPlayedDate
- Last played date
- Audio info
- Audio_0_Title
- Display title
- Audio_0_Type
- Audio type
- Audio_0_Language
- Audio language
- Audio_0_Codec
- Audio codec
- Audio_0_Channels
- Number of audio channels
- Audio_0_Bitrate
- Audio bitrate
- Audio_0_SampleRate
- Audio samplerate
- Audio_0_Default
- default audio
- Video info
- Video_0_Title
- Display title
- Video_0_Type
- Video type
- Video_0_Codec
- Video codec
- Video_0_Profile
- Video profile
- Video_0_Level
- Video level
- Video_0_Height
- Video height
- Video_0_Width
- Video width
- Video_0_AspectRatio
- Video aspect ratio
- Video_0_Interlaced
- Video interlaced
- Video_0_FrameRate
- Video framerate
- Video_0_VideoRange
- Video video range
- Video_0_ColorSpace
- Video color space
- Video_0_ColorTransfer
- Video color transfer
- Video_0_ColorPrimaries
- Video color primaries
- Video_0_PixelFormat
- Video pixel format
- Video_0_RefFrames
- Video ref frames
- Subtitle info
- Subtitle_0_Title
- Subtitle title
- Subtitle_0_Type
- Subtitle type
- Subtitle_0_Language
- Subtitle language
- Subtitle_0_Codec
- Subtitle codec
- Subtitle_0_Default
- Default subtitle
- Subtitle_0_Forced
- Forced subtitle
- Subtitle_0_External
- External subtitle
- Plugin info
- PluginId
- Plugin ID
- PluginName
- Plugin name
- PluginVersion
- Plugin version
- PluginChangelog
- Plugin Cchangelog
- PluginChecksum
- Plugin checksum
- PluginSourceUrl
- Plugin source URL
#### Destination Specific:
- Discord
- MentionType
- EmbedColor
- AvatarUrl
- BotUsername
- Gotify
- Priority
- Pushbullet
- Pushover
- Token
- UserToken
- Device
- Title
- MessageUrl
- MessageUrlTitle
- MessagePriority
- NotificationSound
- Slack
- BotUsername
- SlackIconUrl
Future events can be created
from https://github.com/jellyfin/jellyfin/blob/master/Jellyfin.Server.Implementations/Events/EventingServiceCollectionExtensions.cs