From: Andrew Straw
Subject: Patch: Mac OS X window position environment variable
extra : convert_revision : svn%3Ac70aab31-4412-0410-b14c-859654838e24/trunk%40658
From: Shawn Kirst
Subject: SDL-1.2.5 patch to add ARB_multisample support
Attached is a patch I have written for SDL-1.2.5 that adds ARB_multisample
support. I only have the X11 and Win32 video patched. The Win32 patch also
adds support for WGL_ARB_pixel_format, as it was required for getting a
multisample capable pixel format. No additional GL header files are required
to compile on either platform (though you need an up-to-date glx.h for X11).
Requesting a multisample pixel format is made possible using
SDL_GL_SetAttribute with the two new SDL_GLattr's I've added
(SDL_GL_SAMPLE_BUFFERS and SDL_GL_SAMPLES). I've been using SDL in my
projects for quite a while now, so I am happy to contribute back to the
project. Now you can have and control FSAA in your SDL/GL apps at the
application level!
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since the X11 target needs to query for extensions in there...hopefully this
other platforms don't need to have a current context before symbol lookup
works or something strange like that... --ryan.
extra : convert_revision : svn%3Ac70aab31-4412-0410-b14c-859654838e24/trunk%40651
of glGetString() directly)...otherwise we'd have to explicitly link to a
libGL. --ryan.
extra : convert_revision : svn%3Ac70aab31-4412-0410-b14c-859654838e24/trunk%40644
From: Alan Swanson
Subject: Re: [SDL] New XFree 4.3 Video Mode Patch
I have a wee amendment that moves the qsort in set_best_resolution
to only occur after failing to find an exact match only. This would
make absolutely sure we get a user set mode.
While I've never had any problems for my normal resolutions (1280x1024,
1024x768, 800x600 & 640,480) while closely examining the output from
qsort I've noticed it doesn't seem to sort the modes fully. These is
one definite wrong at 1152x768 and a few that just look wrong to me.
From a program (attached) I made to examine this more easily. X has
sorted its mode list using the same method as ours (plus frequency),
and our user modes get inserted without any other movement.
On the patch I've made I've also changed cmpmodes to sort on vertical
resolution and then horizontal. Ie vertical is now most significant
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From: Pasi K?rkk?inen
Subject: [PATCH] fix SDL OpenGL segfault with DRI/Mesa drivers and Glew
The attached patch fixes a bug in SDL which causes SDL to crash in
X11_GL_Shutdown() if you are using DRI/Mesa drivers AND glew
The bug is caused by a namespace collision affecting dlsym() to fetch wrong
pointer for glXReleaseBuffersMESA() (uninitialized pointer from glew because
the extension is NOT supported by the driver) and then SDL calling it in
SDL should check if the glXReleaseBuffersMESA() is really supported by the
driver (from the extensions string) before calling it.
Attached patch adds extension string parsing to check if
glXReleaseBuffersMESA() is really supported (and this way
prevents the segfault).
Availability of the extensions should be _always_ checked from the
extensions string rather than using dlsym()!
Please add it to the next version of SDL.
Thanks to gltron and author of glew to help fixing this.
extra : convert_revision : svn%3Ac70aab31-4412-0410-b14c-859654838e24/trunk%40639
From: Alan Swanson
Subject: [SDL] New XFree 4.3 Video Mode Patch
The current patch to fix the issues with XFree 4.3 it is a bit of
overkill to a simple problem. Default screen settings should be set in
X, not selected by SDL with environment variables. Any program or user
using non-standard or unset display modes get what they deserve :-)
If you look at the unsorted list of modes returned by X, here's mine;
1280 x 1024 @ 85.0 >
1024 x 768 @ 100.3 > USER
800 x 600 @ 125.5 > SET
640 x 480 @ 124.9 >
1280 x 1024 @ 75.0 ]
1280 x 1024 @ 60.0 ]
1280 x 960 @ 85.0 ] X11
1280 x 960 @ 60.0 ] AUTO
1152 x 864 @ 75.0 ]
1152 x 768 @ 54.8 ]
960 x 720 @ 120.0 ]
640 x 400 @ 85.1 ] 256k
576 x 432 @ 150.0 ] 249k PIXEL
640 x 350 @ 85.1 ] 224k COUNT
576 x 384 @ 109.6 ] 221k
The user set modes come first followed by X set modes which are ordered
by decreasing number of pixels and refresh.
The reason why every other library or program not using SDL was working
is due to SDL scanning the modes in reverse getting X11 provided modes
modes with the lowest refresh.
The solution is to scan forward for the first user set mode or highest X
mode. The qsort still keeps user set modes above higher refresh modes
added by X.
For the best match we still reverse search for the nearest larger size
and then try to find a higher version of it.
extra : convert_revision : svn%3Ac70aab31-4412-0410-b14c-859654838e24/trunk%40638
From: "alan buckley" <>
Subject: Modification for RISC OS SDL port
My name is Alan Buckley and I have been working on the RISC OS SDL port.
I've attached a modification to SDL_WimpVideo.c to this email that ensures
the Window is displayed immediately when the video mode is set to a windowed
extra : convert_revision : svn%3Ac70aab31-4412-0410-b14c-859654838e24/trunk%40635
From: Jeff Brown <>
Subject: [patch] SDL-1.2.5 + FreeBSD joystick axes, hat fixes
Hello again! When I sent in some SDL fixes last December, I found out
they'd already been fixed in the CVS version. This time, I checked the
repository before bugging you. =)
I'm using SDL-1.2.5 on a FreeBSD 4.6.2-RELEASE system, and in the course
of getting my multi-analog-axis USB controller (with a hat switch!)
working with d2x-sdl -- the SDL port of the Descent 2 engine -- I came
across a few problems:
1) The second analog stick is reported as a slider in one direction, and
"Rz" in the other. SDL was ignoring the Rz axis, so I added Rx/Ry/Rz to
the set of things SDL considers to be axes.
2) After the above change, the set of JOYAXE_* axes for my gamepad was
{0,1,3,7}; however, d2x-sdl expects the axes to be contiguously numbered
from 0, which seems like a pretty reasonable expectation, rather than
having to scan the entire space of axes that SDL may or may not have.
So, I added a table lookup which maps the JOYAXE_* axis numbers to 0,1,...
in the order they're detected by SDL_SYS_JoystickOpen(), when reporting
them to the application. I also added a function "usage_to_joyaxe()"
which maps the USB HUG_* usage values to JOYAXE_values, since the repeated
case statements testing for HUG_* were getting out of hand.
3) The BSD joystick driver had no hat support, so I added it. It looks
like our USB library can only support one hat switch per device, which
makes life easy.
The patch against SDL-1.2.5 which implements these changes is at:
After applying, SDL's "testjoystick" reports all activity from my gamepad
correctly, and d2x works too (though it needed some other fixes).
Moving on...
There is also a problem with slightly different USBHID library interfaces
on different versions of FreeBSD. I wasn't going to mention this since the
FreeBSD port for SDL-1.2.5 (and not SDL itself) was doing the FreeBSD
version-specific patching, so I e-mailed the port maintainer with this
change. However, I see that you've incorporated the FreeBSD
version-checking stuff into the CVS version of SDL, so now it's relevant
for you too.
The problem is, the FreeBSD #if tests don't work right for FreeBSD
4.6.2-RELEASE. There may be other versions with this problem, but I've
only tested 4.6.2-R. The following patch against your latest CVS version
fixes this:
--- SDL_sysjoystick.c-1.16 Tue Apr 15 09:02:08 2003
+++ SDL_sysjoystick.c Sun Jun 1 15:10:28 2003
@@ -420,6 +420,8 @@
# else
len = hid_report_size(rd, repinfo[repind].kind, r->rid);
# endif
+# elif (__FreeBSD_version == 460002)
+ len = hid_report_size(rd, r->rid, repinfo[repind].kind);
# else
len = hid_report_size(rd, repinfo[repind].kind, &r->rid);
I hope this is all useful to you. I've been getting myself dizzy playing
Descent 2 with it, all morning!
-Jeff Brown
P.S. My USB controller is a Thrustmaster Firestorm Dual Analog 2. That's
probably irrelevant, but I threw it in for completeness.
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From: Darrell Walisser
Subject: SDL Active Events Patch
Hi Guys,
I was reading sdl-devel the other day and remembered we don't handle
SDL_APPACTIVE and SDL_APPMOUSEFOCUS. I hacked together a quick patch to
do just this. One thing to note - there are actually two ways to
"iconify" the SDL window (which sets SDL_APPACTIVE): hiding the entire
application (for example, option-click on some other window) and
minimizing the window to the dock. I treat both as SDL_APPACTIVE, since
the window is no longer visible.
extra : convert_revision : svn%3Ac70aab31-4412-0410-b14c-859654838e24/trunk%40632
rejected on MacOSX/Darwin. Works now. No, really this time. --ryan.
extra : convert_revision : svn%3Ac70aab31-4412-0410-b14c-859654838e24/trunk%40623
"UsrActivity" alert every five seconds in the Quartz PumpEvents implementation.
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From: Darrell Walisser
Subject: Yet another OS X cursor bug
The synopsis:
1. Call SDL_ShowCursor(0);
2. Call SDL_SetVideoMode();
3. Call SDL_GetEvent();
3. Call SDL_ShowCursor(1);
The result: Sometimes the cursor doesn't come back! Ack! Oddly enough,
it does come back when mousing over the dock or clicking in the menu
bar. But that's besides the point.
The reason why this is happening is a flaw in the handling of
activation/deactivation events. The short explanation is that the
HideCursor() and ShowCursor() calls must be balanced, but if the cursor
was initially hidden, HideCursor() was called again on the activate
event - so now the next ShowCursor() fails (as does the next, and the
next, for some reason).
So, here's the patch. All it does is keep track of the
HideCursor()/ShowCursor() calls so that they will always be balanced.
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From: Stephen Anthony <>
Subject: [SDL] First patch concerning 4.3 and refresh rates
OK, here's my first draft of the patch for the above subject.
A short explanation:
X 4.3 introduces many more modelines than older versions. This would be
fine, except it introduces many modes with the *same* resolution but
different refresh rates. And SDL won't necessarily pick the one with the
highest refresh rate.
So this patch restores SDL to X 4.2 functionality. That is, there is only
ever one refresh rate *per* resolution, and it is the highest possible.
This functionality can be totally disabled by using the environment
variable 'SDL_VIDEO_X11_USE_ALL_MODES' set equal to 1.
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From: "Matthew N. Dodd"
Subject: SDL patch: FreeBSD joystick support.
This patch deals with the recent changes in FreeBSD.
We're making an effort not to diverge our libusbhid from NetBSD's.
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