Sam Lantinga 4637315411 Fixed bug #961
Kalle Olavi Niemitalo      2010-02-28 09:15:50 PST

It seems the SDLK_LMETA and SDLK_RMETA constants have been removed from SDL
1.3.  I grepped for them in the SDL source tree and these were the only hits:

./include/SDL_compat.h:230:#define SDLK_LSUPER SDLK_LMETA
./include/SDL_compat.h:231:#define SDLK_RSUPER SDLK_RMETA
./src/video/bwindow/SDL_BWin.h:194:        keymap[0x66] = SDLK_LMETA;
./src/video/bwindow/SDL_BWin.h:195:        keymap[0x67] = SDLK_RMETA;

I don't know how compatible SDL 1.3 is supposed to be with applications
designed for SDL 1.2.  However, as you can see, SDL itself is still trying to
use the removed constants, and that is clearly a bug.

Because SDL_compat.h defines KMOD_LMETA as KMOD_LGUI, I suppose it should also
define SDLK_LMETA as SDLK_LGUI, and SDLK_RMETA likewise.
2010-03-09 06:07:48 +00:00
2010-03-09 06:07:48 +00:00