* libatrac3plus: fix RE errors * libatrac3plus: clean up testing changes
uOFW ![CI status](https://github.com/uofw/uofw/workflows/Build%20uOFW/badge.svg?branch=master&event=push)
This project aims to reverse engineer the basic PSP kernel & hardware to create an up-to-date technical documentation of the system as well as to provide a free and open source vanilla firmware.
To learn more about uOFW (including examples where it has been used by the PSP community), please check out this presentation.
The current progress on the project can be found on the Current Modules Status wiki page.
- PSP Kernel API Documentation
- PSP Hardware and Software information can be found at uofw/upspd.
You can run components of uOFW by following the directions at uofw/uofwinst.
This project is far from complete. We welcome everyone to help us.
To get started, please read the wiki. It contains the necessary information to contribute to uOFW.
This project is licensed under the MIT license. It includes code from the PSPSDK which is licensed under the BSD license. For more copyright and license information, see COPYING.
Questions or need help?
You can chat with us the following ways:
- via the PSP Homebrew Community Discord server (preferred)
- via e-mail: uofwteam@gmail.com