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synced 2025-02-22 09:51:27 +00:00
460 lines
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460 lines
11 KiB
// ID_VL.C
#include <string.h>
#include "wl_def.h"
#include "surface.h"
boolean fullscreen = false;
unsigned screenWidth = 320;
unsigned screenHeight = 200;
LR_Surface *screen = NULL;
LR_Surface *screenBuffer = NULL;
unsigned bufferPitch;
unsigned scaleFactor;
boolean screenfaded;
unsigned bordercolor;
LR_Color palette1[256], palette2[256];
#define RGB(r, g, b) {(r)*255/63, (g)*255/63, (b)*255/63, 0}
LR_Color gamepal[]={
#ifdef SPEAR
#include "sodpal.inc"
#include "wolfpal.inc"
To avoid snow, do a WaitVBL BEFORE calling these
= VL_FillPalette
void VL_FillPalette (int red, int green, int blue)
int i;
LR_Color pal[256];
for(i = 0; i < 256; i++)
pal[i].r = red;
pal[i].g = green;
pal[i].b = blue;
VL_SetPalette(pal, true);
= VL_FadeOut
= Fades the current palette to the given color in the given number of steps
void VL_FadeOut (int start, int end, int red, int green, int blue, int steps)
int i,j,orig,delta;
LR_Color *origptr, *newptr;
red = red * 255 / 63;
green = green * 255 / 63;
blue = blue * 255 / 63;
memcpy(palette2, palette1, sizeof(LR_Color) * 256);
/* fade through intermediate frames */
for (i = 0; i < steps; i++)
origptr = &palette1[start];
newptr = &palette2[start];
for (j = start;j <= end; j++)
orig = origptr->r;
delta = red-orig;
newptr->r = orig + delta * i / steps;
orig = origptr->g;
delta = green-orig;
newptr->g = orig + delta * i / steps;
orig = origptr->b;
delta = blue-orig;
newptr->b = orig + delta * i / steps;
VL_SetPalette (palette2, true);
/* final color */
VL_FillPalette (red,green,blue);
screenfaded = true;
= VL_FadeIn
void VL_FadeIn (int start, int end, LR_Color *palette, int steps)
int i,j,delta;
memcpy(palette2, palette1, sizeof(LR_Color) * 256);
/* fade through intermediate frames */
for (i = 0;i < steps; i++)
for (j = start; j <= end; j++)
delta = palette[j].r-palette1[j].r;
palette2[j].r = palette1[j].r + delta * i / steps;
delta = palette[j].g-palette1[j].g;
palette2[j].g = palette1[j].g + delta * i / steps;
delta = palette[j].b-palette1[j].b;
palette2[j].b = palette1[j].b + delta * i / steps;
VL_SetPalette(palette2, true);
/* final color */
VL_SetPalette (palette, true);
screenfaded = false;
= VL_Plot
void VL_Plot (int x, int y, int color)
assert(x >= 0 && (unsigned) x < screenWidth
&& y >= 0 && (unsigned) y < screenHeight
&& "VL_Plot: Pixel out of bounds!");
((byte *) screenBuffer->surf->pixels)[y * bufferPitch + x] = color;
= VL_GetPixel
byte VL_GetPixel (int x, int y)
byte col;
assert(x >= 0 && (unsigned) x < screenWidth
&& y >= 0 && (unsigned) y < screenHeight
&& "VL_GetPixel: Pixel out of bounds!");
col = ((byte *) screenBuffer->surf->pixels)[y * bufferPitch + x];
return col;
= VL_Hlin
void VL_Hlin (unsigned x, unsigned y, unsigned width, int color)
uint8_t *dest;
assert(x >= 0 && x + width <= screenWidth
&& y >= 0 && y < screenHeight
&& "VL_Hlin: Destination rectangle out of bounds!");
dest = ((byte *) screenBuffer->surf->pixels) + y * bufferPitch + x;
memset(dest, color, width);
= VL_Vlin
void VL_Vlin (int x, int y, int height, int color)
uint8_t *dest;
assert(x >= 0 && (unsigned) x < screenWidth
&& y >= 0 && (unsigned) y + height <= screenHeight
&& "VL_Vlin: Destination rectangle out of bounds!");
dest = ((byte *) screenBuffer->surf->pixels) + y * bufferPitch + x;
while (height--)
*dest = color;
dest += bufferPitch;
= VL_Bar
void VL_BarScaledCoord (int scx, int scy, int scwidth, int scheight, int color)
uint8_t *dest;
assert(scx >= 0 && (unsigned) scx + scwidth <= screenWidth
&& scy >= 0 && (unsigned) scy + scheight <= screenHeight
&& "VL_BarScaledCoord: Destination rectangle out of bounds!");
dest = ((byte *) screenBuffer->surf->pixels) + scy * bufferPitch + scx;
while (scheight--)
memset(dest, color, scwidth);
dest += bufferPitch;
= VL_MemToLatch
void VL_MemToLatch(byte *source, int width, int height,
LR_Surface *destSurface, int x, int y)
unsigned ysrc, xsrc;
int pitch;
byte *dest;
assert(x >= 0 && (unsigned) x + width <= screenWidth
&& y >= 0 && (unsigned) y + height <= screenHeight
&& "VL_MemToLatch: Destination rectangle out of bounds!");
pitch = destSurface->surf->pitch;
dest = (byte *) destSurface->surf->pixels + y * pitch + x;
for(ysrc = 0; ysrc < height; ysrc++)
for(xsrc = 0; xsrc < width; xsrc++)
dest[ysrc * pitch + xsrc] = source[(ysrc * (width >> 2) + (xsrc >> 2))
+ (xsrc & 3) * (width >> 2) * height];
= VL_MemToScreenScaledCoord
= Draws a block of data to the screen with scaling according to scaleFactor.
void VL_MemToScreenScaledCoord (byte *source, int width, int height, int destx, int desty)
unsigned i, j, m, n, scj, sci;
byte *vbuf;
assert(destx >= 0 && destx + width * scaleFactor <= screenWidth
&& desty >= 0 && desty + height * scaleFactor <= screenHeight
&& "VL_MemToScreenScaledCoord: Destination rectangle out of bounds!");
vbuf = (byte *) screenBuffer->surf->pixels;
for(j = 0, scj = 0; j < height; j++, scj += scaleFactor)
for(i = 0,sci = 0; i < width; i++, sci += scaleFactor)
byte col = source[(j*(width>>2)+(i>>2))+(i&3)*(width>>2)*height];
for(m = 0; m < scaleFactor; m++)
for(n = 0; n < scaleFactor; n++)
vbuf[(scj+m+desty) * bufferPitch + sci+n+destx] = col;
= VL_MemToScreenScaledCoord
= Draws a part of a block of data to the screen.
= The block has the size origwidth*origheight.
= The part at (srcx, srcy) has the size width*height
= and will be painted to (destx, desty) with scaling according to scaleFactor.
void VL_MemToScreenScaledCoord2 (byte *source, int origwidth, int origheight, int srcx, int srcy,
int destx, int desty, int width, int height)
unsigned i, j, sci, scj, m, n;
byte *vbuf;
assert(destx >= 0 && destx + width * scaleFactor <= screenWidth
&& desty >= 0 && desty + height * scaleFactor <= screenHeight
&& "VL_MemToScreenScaledCoord: Destination rectangle out of bounds!");
vbuf = (byte *) screenBuffer->surf->pixels;
for(j = 0,scj = 0; j < height; j++, scj += scaleFactor)
for(i = 0, sci = 0; i < width; i++, sci += scaleFactor)
byte col = source[((j+srcy)*(origwidth>>2)+((i+srcx)>>2))+((i+srcx)&3)*(origwidth>>2)*origheight];
for(m = 0; m < scaleFactor; m++)
for(n = 0; n < scaleFactor; n++)
vbuf[(scj+m+desty)* bufferPitch + sci+n+destx] = col;
= VL_LatchToScreen
void VL_LatchToScreenScaledCoord(LR_Surface *source, int xsrc, int ysrc,
int width, int height, int scxdest, int scydest)
unsigned i, j, sci, m, n, scj;
byte *src, *vbuf;
unsigned srcPitch;
assert(scxdest >= 0 && scxdest + width * scaleFactor <= screenWidth
&& scydest >= 0 && scydest + height * scaleFactor <= screenHeight
&& "VL_LatchToScreenScaledCoord: Destination rectangle out of bounds!");
src = (byte *)source->surf->pixels;
srcPitch = source->surf->pitch;
vbuf = (byte *) screenBuffer->surf->pixels;
for(j = 0, scj = 0; j < height; j++, scj += scaleFactor)
for(i = 0, sci = 0; i < width; i++, sci += scaleFactor)
byte col = src[(ysrc + j)*srcPitch + xsrc + i];
for(m = 0; m < scaleFactor; m++)
for(n = 0; n < scaleFactor; n++)
vbuf[(scydest+scj+m)* bufferPitch + scxdest+sci+n] = col;
= VL_ScreenToScreen
void VL_ScreenToScreen (LR_Surface *source, LR_Surface *dest)
LR_BlitSurface(source, NULL, dest, NULL);