2003-07-28 01:44:38 +00:00
/* Copyright (C) 1994-2003 Revolution Software Ltd
* This program is free software ; you can redistribute it and / or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation ; either version 2
* of the License , or ( at your option ) any later version .
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful ,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details .
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program ; if not , write to the Free Software
* Foundation , Inc . , 59 Temple Place - Suite 330 , Boston , MA 02111 - 1307 , USA .
* $ Header $
2003-07-28 03:12:49 +00:00
# include "stdafx.h"
2003-07-28 01:44:38 +00:00
# include "driver/driver96.h"
# include "build_display.h"
# include "console.h"
# include "controls.h"
# include "debug.h"
# include "defs.h"
# include "events.h"
# include "icons.h"
# include "interpreter.h"
# include "layers.h"
# include "maketext.h"
# include "mouse.h" //assure integrety
# include "object.h"
# include "protocol.h"
# include "resman.h"
# include "sound.h"
# include "sword2.h" // for PauseGame() & UnpauseGame()
// pointer resource id's
# define CROSHAIR 18
# define EXIT0 788
# define EXIT1 789
# define EXIT2 790
# define EXIT3 791
# define EXIT4 792
# define EXIT5 793
# define EXIT6 794
# define EXIT7 795
# define EXITDOWN 796
# define EXITUP 797
# define MOUTH 787
# define NORMAL 17
# define PICKUP 3099
# define SCROLL_L 1440
# define SCROLL_R 1441
# define USE 3100
//the mouse list stuff
uint32 cur_mouse ;
Mouse_unit mouse_list [ TOTAL_mouse_list ] ;
uint32 mouse_touching = 0 ; //set by Check_mouse_list
uint32 old_mouse_touching = 0 ;
uint32 menu_selected_pos ;
uint8 examining_menu_icon = 0 ;
uint32 mouse_pointer_res = 0 ; // if it's NORMAL_MOUSE_ID (ie. normal pointer) then it's over a floor area (or hidden hot-zone
uint32 mouse_mode = 0 ; //0 normal in game
//1 top menu down (bottom!)
//2 dragging luggage
//3 system menu chooser (top)
//4 speech chooser
//Object_mouse old_mouse_object; //copy structure from list when moving onto a mouse area
uint32 menu_status ; //0 available - 1 unavailable
uint32 mouse_status ; //human 0 on/1 off
uint32 mouse_mode_locked = 0 ; //0 not !0 mode cannot be changed from normal mouse to top menu (i.e. when carrying big objects)
uint32 current_luggage_resource = 0 ;
uint32 subject_status ; //0 off 1 on
uint32 old_button = 0 ; //for the re-click stuff - must be same button you see
uint32 button_click = 0 ;
uint32 pointer_text_bloc_no = 0 ;
uint32 pointerTextSelected = 0 ;
uint32 player_activity_delay = 0 ; // player activity delay counter
uint32 real_luggage_item = 0 ; //last minute for pause mode
# define RD_LEFTBUTTONUP 0x02
# define RD_RIGHTBUTTONUP 0x08
// local function prototypes
//uint8 Check_sprite_pixel( uint32 j );
void CreatePointerText ( uint32 TextId , uint32 pointerRes ) ; // James16jun97
void Monitor_player_activity ( void ) ; // James23july97
void No_human ( void ) ;
void Reset_mouse_list ( void ) //Tony26Sept96
//call at beginning of gameloop
cur_mouse = 1 ;
void Mouse_engine ( void ) //Tony30Sept96
Monitor_player_activity ( ) ; // James23july97
ClearPointerText ( ) ; // James16jun97
if ( DEAD ) //George is dead ;)
if ( mouse_mode ! = MOUSE_system_menu )
mouse_mode = MOUSE_system_menu ;
if ( mouse_touching )
// get off
old_mouse_touching = 0 ; //we've moved off
mouse_touching = 0 ; //we were on something but not anymore
Set_mouse ( NORMAL_MOUSE_ID ) ;
Build_system_menu ( ) ; //Tony19Mar97
System_menu ( ) ;
return ;
if ( mouse_status ) //no human
return ;
switch ( mouse_mode )
case MOUSE_normal : //0 normal in game
Normal_mouse ( ) ;
break ;
case MOUSE_top : //1 top menu down
Top_menu_mouse ( ) ;
break ;
case MOUSE_drag : //2 dragging luggage
Drag_mouse ( ) ;
break ;
case MOUSE_system_menu : //3 in game bottom menu - save/restore, etc?
System_menu ( ) ;
break ;
case MOUSE_holding : //4 wait for mouse to move off bottom menu - after speech
if ( mousey < 400 )
{ mouse_mode = MOUSE_normal ;
Zdebug ( " releasing " ) ;
break ;
default :
break ;
void System_menu ( void ) //Tony19Mar97
uint32 safe_looping_music_id ;
_mouseEvent * me ;
int j , hit ;
uint8 * icon ;
uint32 rv ; // for drivers return value
int32 pars [ 2 ] ;
uint32 icon_list [ 5 ] =
} ;
if ( ( mousey > 0 ) & & ( ! DEAD ) ) //can't close when player is dead
{ mouse_mode = MOUSE_normal ; //close menu
// start the menu coming down
HideMenu ( RDMENU_TOP ) ;
return ;
me = MouseEvent ( ) ; //get mouse event
if ( ( me ! = NULL ) & & ( me - > buttons & RD_LEFTBUTTONDOWN ) ) //there's a mouse event to be processed
// clicked on a top mouse pointer?
if ( ( mousex > = 24 ) & & ( mousex < 640 - 24 ) & & ( mousey < 0 ) )
hit = ( mousex - 24 ) / 40 ; //which are we over?
if ( ( hit = = 2 ) & & ( DEAD ) )
return ; //no save when dead
if ( hit < 5 ) //there are 5 system menus
{ for ( j = 0 ; j < 5 ; j + + ) //build them all high in full colour - when on eis clicked on all the rest will grey out
if ( j ! = hit ) //change all others to grey
icon = res_man . Res_open ( icon_list [ j ] ) + sizeof ( _standardHeader ) ;
SetMenuIcon ( RDMENU_TOP , j , icon ) ;
res_man . Res_close ( icon_list [ j ] ) ;
2003-07-30 19:25:31 +00:00
rv = g_sword2 - > _sound - > PauseFx ( ) ;
2003-07-28 01:44:38 +00:00
if ( rv ! = RD_OK )
Zdebug ( " ERROR: PauseFx() returned %.8x in SystemMenu() " , rv ) ;
// NB. Need to keep a safe copy of 'looping_music_id' for savegame
// & for playing when returning from control panels
// because control panel music will overwrite it!
safe_looping_music_id = looping_music_id ;
pars [ 0 ] = 221 ; // SystemM234 (M234.wav)
pars [ 1 ] = FX_LOOP ;
FN_play_music ( pars ) ;
looping_music_id = safe_looping_music_id ; // restore proper looping_music_id
// clear the screen & set up the new palette for the menus
EraseBackBuffer ( ) ;
ProcessMenu ( ) ; // drivers to redraw menu over this blank screen!
ResetRenderEngine ( ) ;
switch ( hit ) //call the relevent screen
case 0 : // options
Option_control ( ) ; // game options
break ;
case 1 : // quit
Quit_control ( ) ; // quit to windows
break ;
case 2 : // save
Save_control ( ) ; // save the game
break ;
case 3 : // restore
Restore_control ( ) ; // restore a game
break ;
case 4 : // restart
Restart_control ( ) ; // restart the game
break ;
// start the menu coming down
if ( ! DEAD ) //not death screen
{ mouse_mode = MOUSE_normal ; //close menu
HideMenu ( RDMENU_TOP ) ; //but not when dead
{ Set_mouse ( NORMAL_MOUSE_ID ) ;
Build_system_menu ( ) ; //reset top menu
// clear the screen & restore the location palette
EraseBackBuffer ( ) ;
ProcessMenu ( ) ; // drivers to redraw menu over this blank screen!
// reset game palette, but not after a successful restore or restart!
if ( this_screen . new_palette ! = 99 ) // see RestoreFromBuffer() in save_rest.cpp
SetFullPalette ( 0 ) ; // '0' means put back game screen palette; see Build_display.cpp (James17jun97)
this_screen . new_palette = 0 ; //stop the engine fading in the restored screens palette
this_screen . new_palette = 1 ;
2003-07-30 19:25:31 +00:00
rv = g_sword2 - > _sound - > UnpauseFx ( ) ;
2003-07-28 01:44:38 +00:00
if ( rv ! = RD_OK )
Zdebug ( " ERROR: UnpauseFx() returned %.8x in SystemMenu() " , rv ) ;
// If there was looping music before coming into the control panels then restart it!
// NB. This will also start music required when a game has been restored
if ( looping_music_id )
pars [ 0 ] = looping_music_id ;
pars [ 1 ] = FX_LOOP ;
FN_play_music ( pars ) ;
// cross-fades into the required music:
// - either a restored game tune
// - or music playing prior to entering control panels
FN_stop_music ( NULL ) ; // stop the control panel music
void Drag_mouse ( void ) //Tony21Nov96
_mouseEvent * me ;
uint32 pos ;
// uint32 null_pc=1; //script 1 is combine script
if ( ( mousey < 400 ) & & ( ! menu_status ) )
{ mouse_mode = MOUSE_normal ; //close menu
// start the menu coming down
HideMenu ( RDMENU_BOTTOM ) ;
return ;
Mouse_on_off ( ) ; //handles cursors and the luggage on/off according to type
// now do the normal click stuff
me = MouseEvent ( ) ; //get mouse event
// we only care about left clicks when the mouse is over an object
// we ignore mouse releases
if ( ( me ! = NULL ) & & ( me - > buttons & RD_LEFTBUTTONDOWN ) ) //there's a mouse event to be processed
// could be clicking on an on screen object or on the top menu which is currently displayed
if ( mouse_touching ) //mouse is over an on screen object - and we have luggage
{ //depending on type we'll maybe kill the object_held - like for exits
if ( me - > buttons & RD_LEFTBUTTONDOWN ) // set global script variable 'button'
MOUSE_X = ( uint32 ) mousex + this_screen . scroll_offset_x ;
MOUSE_Y = ( uint32 ) mousey + this_screen . scroll_offset_y ; //these might be required by the action script about to be run
CLICKED_ID = mouse_touching ; // for scripts to know what's been clicked (21jan97). First used for 'room_13_turning_script' in object 'biscuits_13'
Set_player_action_event ( CUR_PLAYER_ID , mouse_touching ) ; //Tony4Dec96
// Write to walkthrough file (zebug0.txt)
2003-07-30 19:25:31 +00:00
# ifdef _SWORD2_DEBUG
2003-07-28 01:44:38 +00:00
Zdebug ( 0 , " USED \" %s \" ICON ON %s " , FetchObjectName ( OBJECT_HELD ) , FetchObjectName ( CLICKED_ID ) ) ;
# endif
HideMenu ( RDMENU_BOTTOM ) ; //hide menu too
mouse_mode = MOUSE_normal ; //back to normal menu mode
else //better check for combine/cancel cancel puts us back in Top_menu_mouse mode
if ( ( mousex > = 24 ) & & ( mousex < 640 - 24 ) )
pos = ( mousex - 24 ) / 40 ; //which are we over?
if ( master_menu_list [ pos ] . icon_resource ) //clicked on something - what button?
mouse_mode = MOUSE_top ; //always back into top menu mode
Set_luggage ( 0 ) ; // remove luggage
if ( pos = = menu_selected_pos ) // if we've clicked on the same icon as the one we're dragging
OBJECT_HELD = 0 ; // reset first icon
menu_selected_pos = 0 ;
else // combine the 2 icons
// Zdebug("combine");
COMBINE_BASE = master_menu_list [ pos ] . icon_resource ; //what we clicked on, not what we're dragging
Set_player_action_event ( CUR_PLAYER_ID , MENU_MASTER_OBJECT ) ; //Tony4Dec96
No_human ( ) ; // turn off mouse now, to prevent player trying to click elsewhere BUT leave the bottom menu open
// Write to walkthrough file (zebug0.txt)
2003-07-30 19:25:31 +00:00
# ifdef _SWORD2_DEBUG
2003-07-28 01:44:38 +00:00
Zdebug ( 0 , " USED \" %s \" ICON ON \" %s \" ICON " , FetchObjectName ( OBJECT_HELD ) , FetchObjectName ( COMBINE_BASE ) ) ;
# endif
Build_top_menu ( ) ; // refresh the menu
// Zdebug("switch to top mode");
void Top_menu_mouse ( void ) //Tony3Oct96
//top menu is down
_mouseEvent * me ;
uint32 pos ;
if ( ( mousey < 400 ) & & ( ! menu_status ) )
{ mouse_mode = MOUSE_normal ; //close menu
// start the menu coming down
HideMenu ( RDMENU_BOTTOM ) ;
return ;
me = MouseEvent ( ) ; //get mouse event
// we only care about left clicks when the mouse is over an object
// we ignore mouse releases
if ( me ! = NULL ) //there's a mouse event to be processed
// now check if we've clicked on an actual icon
if ( ( mousex > = 24 ) & & ( mousex < 640 - 24 ) )
pos = ( mousex - 24 ) / 40 ; //which are we over?
if ( master_menu_list [ pos ] . icon_resource ) //clicked on something - what button?
if ( me - > buttons & RD_RIGHTBUTTONDOWN ) //right button look
examining_menu_icon = 1 ;
OBJECT_HELD = master_menu_list [ pos ] . icon_resource ; //id the object via its graphic
EXIT_CLICK_ID = 0 ; // (JEL09oct97) must clear this so next click on exit becomes 1st click again
// Write to walkthrough file (zebug0.txt)
2003-07-30 19:25:31 +00:00
# ifdef _SWORD2_DEBUG
2003-07-28 01:44:38 +00:00
Zdebug ( 0 , " RIGHT-CLICKED ON \" %s \" ICON " , FetchObjectName ( OBJECT_HELD ) ) ;
# endif
Set_player_action_event ( CUR_PLAYER_ID , MENU_MASTER_OBJECT ) ; //Tony4Dec96
Build_top_menu ( ) ; // refresh the menu
No_human ( ) ; // turn off mouse now, to prevent player trying to click elsewhere BUT leave the bottom menu open
else if ( me - > buttons & RD_LEFTBUTTONDOWN ) //left button - highlight the object and bung us into drag luggage mode
menu_selected_pos = pos ; //menu slot we clicked on - derive luggage resource from this in mouse_on_off()
current_luggage_resource = master_menu_list [ pos ] . luggage_resource ;
mouse_mode = MOUSE_drag ;
// Zdebug("setting OH in top menu");
OBJECT_HELD = master_menu_list [ pos ] . icon_resource ; //id the object via its graphic
EXIT_CLICK_ID = 0 ; // (JEL09oct97) must clear this so next click on exit becomes 1st click again
Build_top_menu ( ) ; // refresh the menu
Set_luggage ( master_menu_list [ pos ] . luggage_resource ) ;
// Zdebug("switch to drag mode");
void Normal_mouse ( void ) //Tony30Sept96
//the gane is playing and none of the menus are activated - but, we need to check if the top menu is to start
//note, wont have luggage
_mouseEvent * me ;
if ( ( mousey < 0 ) & & ( ! menu_status ) & & ( ! mouse_mode_locked ) & & ( ! OBJECT_HELD ) ) //no save in big-object menu lock situation
mouse_mode = MOUSE_system_menu ;
if ( mouse_touching )
// get off
old_mouse_touching = 0 ; //we've moved off
mouse_touching = 0 ; //we were on something but not anymore
// reset mouse cursor - in case we're between mice
Set_mouse ( NORMAL_MOUSE_ID ) ;
Build_system_menu ( ) ; //Tony19Mar97
if ( ( mousey > 399 ) & & ( ! menu_status ) & & ( ! mouse_mode_locked ) )
if ( ! OBJECT_HELD ) //why are we testing for this?
mouse_mode = MOUSE_top ; //bring down top menu
mouse_mode = MOUSE_drag ;
// if mouse is moving off an object and onto the top menu then do a standard get-off
if ( mouse_touching )
// get off
old_mouse_touching = 0 ; //we've moved off
mouse_touching = 0 ; //we were on something but not anymore
// reset mouse cursor
Set_mouse ( NORMAL_MOUSE_ID ) ;
// build menu and start the menu coming down
Build_top_menu ( ) ;
return ;
//check also for bringing the bottom menu up
Mouse_on_off ( ) ; //handles
// now do the normal click stuff
me = MouseEvent ( ) ; //get mouse event
2003-07-30 19:25:31 +00:00
# ifdef _SWORD2_DEBUG
2003-07-28 01:44:38 +00:00
if ( definingRectangles )
if ( draggingRectangle = = 0 ) // not yet dragging a rectangle, so need click to start
if ( ( me ! = NULL ) & & ( ( me - > buttons & RD_LEFTBUTTONDOWN ) | | ( me - > buttons & RD_RIGHTBUTTONDOWN ) ) )
rect_x1 = rect_x2 = ( uint32 ) mousex + this_screen . scroll_offset_x ; // set both (x1,y1)
rect_y1 = rect_y2 = ( uint32 ) mousey + this_screen . scroll_offset_y ; // & (x2,y2) to this point
draggingRectangle = 1 ;
else if ( draggingRectangle = = 1 ) // currently dragging a rectangle
if ( ( me ! = NULL ) & & ( ( me - > buttons & RD_LEFTBUTTONDOWN ) | | ( me - > buttons & RD_RIGHTBUTTONDOWN ) ) ) // click means reset
draggingRectangle = 2 ; // lock rectangle, so you can let go of mouse to type in the coords
else // drag rectangle
rect_x2 = ( uint32 ) mousex + this_screen . scroll_offset_x ;
rect_y2 = ( uint32 ) mousey + this_screen . scroll_offset_y ;
else // currently locked to avoid knocking out of place while reading off the coords
if ( ( me ! = NULL ) & & ( ( me - > buttons & RD_LEFTBUTTONDOWN ) | | ( me - > buttons & RD_RIGHTBUTTONDOWN ) ) ) // click means reset
draggingRectangle = 0 ; // back to start again
2003-07-30 19:25:31 +00:00
# endif // _SWORD2_DEBUG
2003-07-28 01:44:38 +00:00
// we only care about down clicks when the mouse is over an object
// we ignore mouse releases
if ( ( me ! = NULL ) & & ( ( me - > buttons & RD_LEFTBUTTONDOWN ) | | ( me - > buttons & RD_RIGHTBUTTONDOWN ) ) & & ( mouse_touching ) ) //there's a mouse event to be processed and the mouse is on something
// ok, there are no menus about so its nice and simple
// this is as close to the old advisor_188 script as we get I'm sorry to say.
// if player is walking or relaxing then those need to terminate correctly
// otherwise set player run the targets action script
// or, do a special walk if clicking on the scroll-more icon
// PLAYER_ACTION = mouse_touching; //PLAYER_ACTION script variable - whatever catches this must reset to 0 again
//idle or router-anim will catch it
if ( me - > buttons & RD_LEFTBUTTONDOWN ) // set global script variable 'button'
button_click = 0 ; //for re-click
button_click = 1 ; //for re-click
MOUSE_X = ( uint32 ) mousex + this_screen . scroll_offset_x ;
MOUSE_Y = ( uint32 ) mousey + this_screen . scroll_offset_y ; //these might be required by the action script about to be run
if ( ( mouse_touching = = EXIT_CLICK_ID ) & & ( me - > buttons & RD_LEFTBUTTONDOWN ) ) //only left button
// its the exit double click situation
// let the existing interaction continue and start fading down - switch the human off too
FN_no_human ( NULL ) ;
FN_fade_down ( NULL ) ;
EXIT_FADING = 1 ; //tell the walker
else if ( ( old_button = = button_click ) & & ( mouse_touching = = CLICKED_ID ) & & ( mouse_pointer_res ! = NORMAL_MOUSE_ID ) )
{ //re-click - do nothing - except on floors
else //allow the click
old_button = button_click ; //for re-click
CLICKED_ID = mouse_touching ; // for scripts to know what's been clicked (21jan97). First used for 'room_13_turning_script' in object 'biscuits_13'
EXIT_CLICK_ID = 0 ; //must clear these two double-click control flags - do it here so reclicks after exit clicks are cleared up
Set_player_action_event ( CUR_PLAYER_ID , mouse_touching ) ; //Tony4Dec96
// Write to walkthrough file (zebug0.txt)
2003-07-30 19:25:31 +00:00
# ifdef _SWORD2_DEBUG
2003-07-28 01:44:38 +00:00
Zdebug ( 0 , " USED \" %s \" ICON ON %s " , FetchObjectName ( OBJECT_HELD ) , FetchObjectName ( CLICKED_ID ) ) ;
else if ( LEFT_BUTTON )
Zdebug ( 0 , " LEFT-CLICKED ON %s " , FetchObjectName ( CLICKED_ID ) ) ;
Zdebug ( 0 , " RIGHT-CLICKED ON %s " , FetchObjectName ( CLICKED_ID ) ) ;
# endif
void Mouse_on_off ( void ) //Tony30Sept96
//this handles the cursor graphic when moving on and off mouse areas
//it also handles the luggage thingy
uint32 pointer_type ;
static uint8 mouse_flicked_off = 0 ;
old_mouse_touching = mouse_touching ;
if ( ( mousey < 0 ) | | ( mousey > 399 ) ) // don't detect objects that are hidden behind the menu bars (ie. in the scrolled-off areas of the screen)
pointer_type = 0 ;
mouse_touching = 0 ;
pointer_type = Check_mouse_list ( ) ; // set 'mouse_touching' & return pointer_type
if ( ( ! mouse_flicked_off ) & & ( old_mouse_touching = = mouse_touching ) ) //same as previous cycle?
return ; //yes, so nothing to do BUT CARRY ON IF MOUSE WAS FLICKED OFF!
mouse_flicked_off = 0 ; // can reset this now
if ( ( ! old_mouse_touching ) & & ( mouse_touching ) ) //the cursor has moved onto something
// make a copy of the object we've moved onto
// because one day we'll move back off again! (but the list positioning could theoretically have changed)
// we can only move onto something from being on nothing - we stop the system going from one to another when objects overlap
// memcpy( &old_mouse_object, &mouse_list[mouse_touching], sizeof(Object_mouse));
old_mouse_touching = mouse_touching ; //
// run get on
if ( pointer_type )
Set_mouse ( pointer_type ) ; // 'pointer_type' holds the resource id of the pointer anim
if ( OBJECT_HELD ) // setup luggage icon
// Set_luggage(master_menu_list[menu_selected_pos].luggage_resource);
Set_luggage ( current_luggage_resource ) ;
Con_fatal_error ( " ERROR: mouse.pointer==0 for object %d (%s) - update logic script! " , mouse_touching , FetchObjectName ( mouse_touching ) ) ;
else if ( ( old_mouse_touching ) & & ( ! mouse_touching ) ) // the cursor has moved off something
old_mouse_touching = 0 ; // we've moved off
Set_mouse ( NORMAL_MOUSE_ID ) ; // reset cursor to normal pointer
// reset luggage only when necessary
else if ( ( old_mouse_touching ) & & ( mouse_touching ) ) // the cursor has moved off something and onto something else
{ // flip to a blank cursor for a cycle
mouse_touching = 0 ; // ignore the new id this cycle - should hit next cycle
old_mouse_touching = 0 ; // we've moved off
2003-07-28 03:49:25 +00:00
Set_mouse ( 0 ) ; // blank cursor
2003-07-28 01:44:38 +00:00
mouse_flicked_off = 1 ; // so we know to set the mouse pointer back to normal if 2nd hot-spot doesn't register because mouse pulled away quickly (onto nothing)
// reset luggage only when necessary
else // for when mouse was flicked off for one cycle, but then moved onot nothing before 2nd hot-spot registered
// both 'old_mouse_touching' & 'mouse_touching' will be zero
Set_mouse ( NORMAL_MOUSE_ID ) ; // reset cursor to normal pointer
// possible check for edge of screen more-to-scroll here on large screens
void Set_mouse ( uint32 res ) // (4dec96 JEL)
uint8 * icon ;
uint32 len ;
mouse_pointer_res = res ; //high level - whats the mouse - for the engine
if ( res ) // if it's not NULL
icon = res_man . Res_open ( res ) + sizeof ( _standardHeader ) ;
len = res_man . resList [ res ] - > size - sizeof ( _standardHeader ) ;
if ( res = = NORMAL_MOUSE_ID ) // don't pulse the normal pointer
SetMouseAnim ( icon , len , RDMOUSE_NOFLASH ) ; // 0 means don't pulse this pointer, just do the regular anim loop
SetMouseAnim ( icon , len , RDMOUSE_FLASH ) ; // 1 mean pulse before starting regular anim loop
res_man . Res_close ( res ) ;
SetMouseAnim ( NULL , 0 , 0 ) ; // blank cursor
void Set_luggage ( uint32 res ) //Tony26Nov96
uint8 * icon ;
uint32 len ;
if ( res ) // if not NULL
real_luggage_item = res ;
icon = res_man . Res_open ( res ) + sizeof ( _standardHeader ) ;
len = res_man . resList [ res ] - > size - sizeof ( _standardHeader ) ;
SetLuggageAnim ( icon , len ) ;
res_man . Res_close ( res ) ;
{ real_luggage_item = 0 ;
SetLuggageAnim ( NULL , 0 ) ;
uint32 Check_mouse_list ( void ) //Tony30Sept96
int32 priority = 0 ;
uint32 j = 1 ;
if ( cur_mouse > 1 )
while ( priority < 10 ) //number of priorities subject to implementation needs
if ( ( mouse_list [ j ] . priority = = priority ) & & // if the mouse pointer is over this mouse-detection-box
( mousex + this_screen . scroll_offset_x > = mouse_list [ j ] . x1 ) & &
( mousex + this_screen . scroll_offset_x < = mouse_list [ j ] . x2 ) & &
( mousey + this_screen . scroll_offset_y > = mouse_list [ j ] . y1 ) & &
( mousey + this_screen . scroll_offset_y < = mouse_list [ j ] . y2 ) )
if ( mouse_list [ j ] . anim_resource ) // want to use sprite as a mouse mask, for better accuracy of detection (25oct96 JEL)
// only works for uncompressed sprite data!!
if ( Check_sprite_pixel ( j ) ) // if the mouse is touching a non-zero pixel of the sprite
mouse_touching = mouse_list [ j ] . id ; // record id
CreatePointerText ( mouse_list [ j ] . pointer_text ) ; // James16jun97
return ( mouse_list [ j ] . pointer ) ; //return pointer type
else // ok, we're touching the detection-box
mouse_touching = mouse_list [ j ] . id ; // record id
// change all COGS pointers to CROSHAIR
if ( mouse_list [ j ] . pointer = = USE )
mouse_list [ j ] . pointer = CROSHAIR ;
CreatePointerText ( mouse_list [ j ] . pointer_text , mouse_list [ j ] . pointer ) ; // James16jun97
return ( mouse_list [ j ] . pointer ) ; //return pointer type
j + + ; //next
if ( j = = cur_mouse )
j = 0 ;
priority + + ; //next priority - 0 being the highest, 9 the lowest
mouse_touching = 0 ; // touching nothing
return ( 0 ) ; // no pointer to return
void CreatePointerText ( uint32 textId , uint32 pointerRes ) // James16jun97
uint32 local_text ;
uint32 text_res ;
uint8 * text ;
int16 xOffset , yOffset ; // offsets for pointer text sprite from pointer position
uint8 justification ;
# define POINTER_TEXT_WIDTH 640 // just in case!
# define POINTER_TEXT_PEN 184 // white
if ( pointerTextSelected )
if ( textId )
// check what the pointer is, to set offsets correctly for text position
switch ( pointerRes )
yOffset = - 7 ; // above (above & to the right of the pointer coordinate)
xOffset = + 10 ; // right
break ;
case EXIT0 :
yOffset = + 15 ; // below
xOffset = + 20 ; // right
break ;
case EXIT1 :
yOffset = + 16 ; // below
xOffset = - 10 ; // left
break ;
case EXIT2 :
yOffset = + 10 ; // below
xOffset = - 22 ; // left
break ;
case EXIT3 :
yOffset = - 16 ; // above
xOffset = - 10 ; // left
break ;
case EXIT4 :
yOffset = - 15 ; // above
xOffset = + 15 ; // right
break ;
case EXIT5 :
yOffset = - 12 ; // above
xOffset = + 10 ; // right
break ;
case EXIT6 :
yOffset = + 10 ; // below
xOffset = + 25 ; // right
break ;
case EXIT7 :
yOffset = + 16 ; // below
xOffset = + 20 ; // right
break ;
yOffset = - 20 ; // above
xOffset = - 10 ; // left
break ;
case EXITUP :
yOffset = + 20 ; // below
xOffset = + 20 ; // right
break ;
case MOUTH :
yOffset = - 10 ; // above
xOffset = + 15 ; // right
break ;
case NORMAL :
yOffset = - 10 ; // above
xOffset = + 15 ; // right
break ;
case PICKUP :
yOffset = - 40 ; // above
xOffset = + 10 ; // right
break ;
case SCROLL_L :
yOffset = - 20 ; // above
xOffset = + 20 ; // right
break ;
case SCROLL_R :
yOffset = - 20 ; // above
xOffset = - 20 ; // left
break ;
case USE :
yOffset = - 8 ; // above
xOffset = + 20 ; // right
break ;
default : // shouldn't happen if we cover all the different mouse pointers above
yOffset = - 10 ; // above
xOffset = + 10 ; // right
// set up justification for text sprite,
// based on it's offsets from the pointer position
// from maketext.h
//#define NO_JUSTIFICATION 0 // only for debug text, since it doesn't keep text inside the screen margin!
//#define POSITION_AT_CENTRE_OF_BASE 1 // these all force text inside the screen edge margin when necessary
if ( yOffset < 0 ) // if above pointer
if ( xOffset < 0 ) // above left
justification = POSITION_AT_RIGHT_OF_BASE ;
else if ( xOffset > 0 ) // above right
justification = POSITION_AT_LEFT_OF_BASE ; // text sprite is justified from it's bottom-left corner
else // (xOffset==0) // above centre
justification = POSITION_AT_CENTRE_OF_BASE ;
else if ( yOffset > 0 ) // if below pointer
if ( xOffset < 0 ) // below left
justification = POSITION_AT_RIGHT_OF_TOP ;
else if ( xOffset > 0 ) // below right
justification = POSITION_AT_LEFT_OF_TOP ;
else // (xOffset==0) // below centre
justification = POSITION_AT_CENTRE_OF_TOP ;
else // if at same y-coord as pointer
if ( xOffset < 0 ) // centre left
else if ( xOffset > 0 ) // centre right
justification = POSITION_AT_LEFT_OF_CENTRE ;
else // (xOffset==0) // centre centre
justification = POSITION_AT_LEFT_OF_CENTRE ; // shouldn't happen anyway!
text_res = textId / SIZE ; // text resource number
local_text = textId & 0xffff ; // text line number within the resource
text = FetchTextLine ( res_man . Res_open ( text_res ) , local_text ) ; // open text file & get the line
// 'text+2' to skip the first 2 bytes which form the line reference number
pointer_text_bloc_no = Build_new_block ( text + 2 , mousex + xOffset , mousey + yOffset , POINTER_TEXT_WIDTH , POINTER_TEXT_PEN , RDSPR_TRANS + RDSPR_DISPLAYALIGN , speech_font_id , justification ) ;
res_man . Res_close ( text_res ) ; // now ok to close the text file
void ClearPointerText ( void ) // James16jun97
if ( pointer_text_bloc_no )
Kill_text_bloc ( pointer_text_bloc_no ) ;
pointer_text_bloc_no = 0 ;
uint8 Check_sprite_pixel ( uint32 j ) // (25oct96 JEL)
// only works for uncompressed sprite data!!
uint8 * file ;
uint8 hit ;
_frameHeader * frame_head ;
int16 sprite_x , sprite_y ;
int16 in_sprite_x , in_sprite_y ;
uint8 * sprite_data ;
sprite_x = mouse_list [ j ] . x1 ; // sprite coords have been copied to mouse area coords by FN_register_X_frame (X = sort, back or fore)
sprite_y = mouse_list [ j ] . y1 ; // so easier to get them from there than from the anim file again
file = res_man . Res_open ( mouse_list [ j ] . anim_resource ) ; // open the anim file & point to start of it
frame_head = FetchFrameHeader ( file , mouse_list [ j ] . anim_pc ) ; // point to frame header of current frame
sprite_data = ( uint8 * ) ( frame_head + 1 ) ; // point to start of frame data
in_sprite_x = mousex + this_screen . scroll_offset_x - sprite_x ; // x-coord of mouse from origin at top-left of sprite
in_sprite_y = mousey + this_screen . scroll_offset_y - sprite_y ; // y-coord of mouse from origin at top-left of sprite
hit = sprite_data [ in_sprite_y * frame_head - > width + in_sprite_x ] ; // hit = value of pixel to which the mouse is pointing
res_man . Res_close ( mouse_list [ j ] . anim_resource ) ; // close anim file
return ( hit ) ; // we are touching the sprite if 'hit' is non-zero
int32 FN_no_human ( int32 * params ) //Tony30Sept96
//param none
MOUSE_AVAILABLE = 0 ; // for logic scripts (James21may97)
ClearPointerText ( ) ;
mouse_status = 1 ; //human/mouse off
2003-07-28 03:49:25 +00:00
Set_mouse ( 0 ) ; // blank cursor
Set_luggage ( 0 ) ; // blank cursor
2003-07-28 01:44:38 +00:00
//must be normal mouse situation or a largely neutral situation - special menus use No_human
if ( TALK_FLAG = = 0 ) //dont hide menu in conversations
HideMenu ( RDMENU_BOTTOM ) ;
if ( mouse_mode = = MOUSE_system_menu )
mouse_mode = MOUSE_normal ; //close menu
HideMenu ( RDMENU_TOP ) ; // start the menu coming down
if ( params ) ;
return ( 1 ) ; //script continue
void No_human ( void ) //Tony4June97
//leaves the menus open
//used by the system when clicking right on a menu item to examine it and
//when combining objects
MOUSE_AVAILABLE = 0 ; // for logic scripts (James21may97)
mouse_status = 1 ; //human/mouse off
2003-07-28 03:49:25 +00:00
Set_mouse ( 0 ) ; // blank cursor
Set_luggage ( 0 ) ; // blank cursor
2003-07-28 01:44:38 +00:00
int32 FN_add_human ( int32 * params ) //Tony30Sept96
//param none
2003-07-30 19:25:31 +00:00
# ifdef _SWORD2_DEBUG
2003-07-28 01:44:38 +00:00
uint8 black [ 4 ] = { 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 } ;
uint8 white [ 4 ] = { 255 , 255 , 255 , 0 } ;
# endif // ('0' means don't print to console, but console isn't up anyway)
MOUSE_AVAILABLE = 1 ; // for logic scripts (James21may97)
if ( mouse_status ) //off
mouse_status = 0 ; //on
mouse_touching = 1 ; //forces engine to choose a cursor
CLICKED_ID = 0 ; //clear this to reset no-second-click system
// this is now done outside the OBJECT_HELD check in case it's set to zero before now! (James 10july97)
mouse_mode_locked = 0 ; //unlock the mouse from possible large object lock situtations - see syphon in rm 3
if ( OBJECT_HELD ) //was dragging something around
OBJECT_HELD = 0 ; // need to clear this again
examining_menu_icon = 0 ; // and these may also need clearing
COMBINE_BASE = 0 ; // - just in case
2003-07-28 03:49:25 +00:00
Set_luggage ( 0 ) ; // blank cursor
2003-07-28 01:44:38 +00:00
if ( ( mousey > 399 ) & & ( mouse_mode ! = MOUSE_holding ) ) // if mouse is over menu area
mouse_mode = MOUSE_normal ; // VITAL - reset things & rebuild the menu
Set_mouse ( NORMAL_MOUSE_ID ) ;
else if ( mousey > 399 )
Set_mouse ( NORMAL_MOUSE_ID ) ;
// enabled/disabled from console; status printed with on-screen debug info
2003-07-30 19:25:31 +00:00
# ifdef _SWORD2_DEBUG
2003-07-28 01:44:38 +00:00
if ( testingSnR ) // testing logic scripts by simulating an instant Save & Restore
2003-08-23 14:42:37 +00:00
BS2_SetPalette ( 0 , 1 , white , RDPAL_INSTANT ) ;
2003-07-28 01:44:38 +00:00
Clear_fx_queue ( ) ; // stops all fx & clears the queue - eg. when leaving a location
res_man . Kill_all_objects ( 0 ) ; // ie. trashing all object resources so they load in fresh & restart their logic scripts
2003-08-23 14:42:37 +00:00
BS2_SetPalette ( 0 , 1 , black , RDPAL_INSTANT ) ;
2003-07-28 01:44:38 +00:00
# endif // ('0' means don't print to console, but console isn't up anyway)
if ( params ) ;
return ( 1 ) ; //script continue
int32 FN_register_mouse ( int32 * params ) //Tony29Oct96
//this call would be made from an objects service script 0
//the object would be one with no graphic but with a mouse - i.e. a floor
// or one whose mouse area is manually defined rather than intended to fit sprite shape
//param 0 pointer to Object_mouse or 0 for no write to mouse list
// Zdebug(1,"cur_mouse = %d", cur_mouse);
Object_mouse * ob_mouse ;
ob_mouse = ( Object_mouse * ) params [ 0 ] ; // param 1 is pointer to mouse structure
if ( ob_mouse - > pointer ) // only if 'pointer' isn't NULL
2003-07-30 19:25:31 +00:00
# ifdef _SWORD2_DEBUG
2003-07-28 01:44:38 +00:00
if ( cur_mouse = = TOTAL_mouse_list )
Con_fatal_error ( " ERROR: mouse_list full [%s line %u] " , __FILE__ , __LINE__ ) ;
# endif
2003-09-13 12:03:29 +00:00
mouse_list [ cur_mouse ] . x1 = ob_mouse - > x1 ;
mouse_list [ cur_mouse ] . y1 = ob_mouse - > y1 ;
mouse_list [ cur_mouse ] . x2 = ob_mouse - > x2 ;
mouse_list [ cur_mouse ] . y2 = ob_mouse - > y2 ;
2003-07-28 01:44:38 +00:00
2003-09-13 12:03:29 +00:00
mouse_list [ cur_mouse ] . priority = ob_mouse - > priority ;
mouse_list [ cur_mouse ] . pointer = ob_mouse - > pointer ;
2003-07-28 01:44:38 +00:00
// (James17jun97)
// check if pointer text field is set due to previous object using this slot (ie. not correct for this one)
if ( ( mouse_list [ cur_mouse ] . pointer_text ) & & ( mouse_list [ cur_mouse ] . id ! = ( int32 ) ID ) ) // if 'pointer_text' field is set, but the 'id' field isn't same is current id
mouse_list [ cur_mouse ] . pointer_text = 0 ; // then we don't want this "left over" pointer text
mouse_list [ cur_mouse ] . id = ID ; // get id from system variable 'id' which is correct for current object
mouse_list [ cur_mouse ] . anim_resource = 0 ; // not using sprite as mask - this is only done from FN_register_frame()
mouse_list [ cur_mouse ] . anim_pc = 0 ;
//Zdebug("mouse id %d", mouse_list[cur_mouse].id);
cur_mouse + + ;
return ( IR_CONT ) ; // continue script
// use this in the object's service script prior to registering the mouse area
// ie. before FN_register_mouse or FN_register_frame
// - best if kept at very top of service script
int32 FN_register_pointer_text ( int32 * params ) // James16jun97
// param 0 local id of text line to use as pointer text
2003-07-30 19:25:31 +00:00
# ifdef _SWORD2_DEBUG
2003-07-28 01:44:38 +00:00
if ( cur_mouse = = TOTAL_mouse_list )
Con_fatal_error ( " ERROR: mouse_list full [%s line %u] " , __FILE__ , __LINE__ ) ;
# endif
mouse_list [ cur_mouse ] . id = ID ; // current object id - used for checking pointer_text when mouse area registered (in FN_register_mouse & FN_register_frame)
mouse_list [ cur_mouse ] . pointer_text = params [ 0 ] ;
return ( IR_CONT ) ; // continue script
int32 FN_blank_mouse ( int32 * params ) //Tony29Oct96
//set mouse to normal pointer - used in speech
//no params
2003-07-28 03:49:25 +00:00
Set_mouse ( 0 ) ;
2003-07-28 01:44:38 +00:00
if ( params ) ;
return ( 1 ) ; //cont
int32 FN_init_floor_mouse ( int32 * params ) // James29nov96
// params 0 pointer to object's mouse structure
Object_mouse * ob_mouse = ( Object_mouse * ) params [ 0 ] ;
ob_mouse - > x1 = 0 ;
ob_mouse - > y1 = 0 ;
2003-09-13 12:03:29 +00:00
ob_mouse - > x2 = this_screen . screen_wide - 1 ;
ob_mouse - > y2 = this_screen . screen_deep - 1 ;
ob_mouse - > priority = 9 ; // floor is always lowest priority
ob_mouse - > pointer = NORMAL_MOUSE_ID ; // normal pointer
2003-07-28 01:44:38 +00:00
return ( IR_CONT ) ; // continue script
# define SCROLL_MOUSE_WIDTH 20 // James13feb97 (updated by James 25mar97)
int32 FN_set_scroll_left_mouse ( int32 * params ) // James13feb97
// params 0 pointer to object's mouse structure
Object_mouse * ob_mouse = ( Object_mouse * ) params [ 0 ] ;
ob_mouse - > x1 = 0 ;
ob_mouse - > y1 = 0 ;
2003-09-13 12:03:29 +00:00
ob_mouse - > x2 = this_screen . scroll_offset_x + SCROLL_MOUSE_WIDTH ;
ob_mouse - > y2 = this_screen . screen_deep - 1 ;
2003-07-28 01:44:38 +00:00
ob_mouse - > priority = 0 ; // highest priority
if ( this_screen . scroll_offset_x > 0 ) // if not fully scrolled to the left
2003-09-13 12:03:29 +00:00
ob_mouse - > pointer = SCROLL_LEFT_MOUSE_ID ;
2003-07-28 01:44:38 +00:00
ob_mouse - > pointer = 0 ; // so the mouse area doesn't get registered
return ( IR_CONT ) ; // continue script
int32 FN_set_scroll_right_mouse ( int32 * params ) // James13feb97
// params 0 pointer to object's mouse structure
Object_mouse * ob_mouse = ( Object_mouse * ) params [ 0 ] ;
2003-09-13 12:03:29 +00:00
ob_mouse - > x1 = this_screen . scroll_offset_x + screenWide - SCROLL_MOUSE_WIDTH ;
2003-07-28 01:44:38 +00:00
ob_mouse - > y1 = 0 ;
2003-09-13 12:03:29 +00:00
ob_mouse - > x2 = this_screen . screen_wide - 1 ;
ob_mouse - > y2 = this_screen . screen_deep - 1 ;
2003-07-28 01:44:38 +00:00
ob_mouse - > priority = 0 ; // highest priority
if ( this_screen . scroll_offset_x < this_screen . max_scroll_offset_x ) // if not fully scrolled to the right
2003-09-13 12:03:29 +00:00
ob_mouse - > pointer = SCROLL_RIGHT_MOUSE_ID ;
2003-07-28 01:44:38 +00:00
ob_mouse - > pointer = 0 ; // so the mouse area doesn't get registered
return ( IR_CONT ) ; // continue script
int32 FN_set_object_held ( int32 * params ) //tony19May97
//params 0 luggage icon to set
Set_luggage ( params [ 0 ] ) ;
OBJECT_HELD = params [ 0 ] ;
current_luggage_resource = params [ 0 ] ;
mouse_mode_locked = 1 ; //mode locked - no top menu available
return ( IR_CONT ) ; // continue script
// called from speech scripts to remove the chooser bar when it's not appropriate to keep it displayed
int32 FN_remove_chooser ( int32 * params ) // James13aug97
HideMenu ( RDMENU_BOTTOM ) ;
return ( IR_CONT ) ; // continue script
int32 FN_disable_menu ( int32 * params ) //Tony1Oct96
mouse_mode_locked = 1 ; //mode locked - no top menu available
mouse_mode = MOUSE_normal ;
HideMenu ( RDMENU_TOP ) ;
HideMenu ( RDMENU_BOTTOM ) ;
return ( IR_CONT ) ; // continue script
int32 FN_enable_menu ( int32 * params ) //tony4June97
mouse_mode_locked = 0 ; //mode locked - no top menu available
return ( IR_CONT ) ; // continue script
int32 FN_check_player_activity ( int32 * params ) // James23july97
// Used to decide when to trigger music cues described as "no player activity for a while"
// params 0 threshold delay in seconds, ie. what we want to check the actual delay against
uint32 threshold = params [ 0 ] * 12 ; // in game cycles
if ( player_activity_delay > = threshold ) // if the actual delay is at or above the given threshold
player_activity_delay = 0 ; // reset activity delay counter, now that we've got a positive check
RESULT = 1 ;
RESULT = 0 ;
return ( IR_CONT ) ; // continue script
int32 FN_reset_player_activity_delay ( int32 * params ) // James23july97
// Use if you want to deliberately reset the "no player activity" counter for any reason
// no params
player_activity_delay = 0 ; // reset activity delay counter
return ( IR_CONT ) ; // continue script
void Monitor_player_activity ( void ) // James23july97
if ( CheckForMouseEvents ( ) ) // if there is at least one mouse event outstanding
player_activity_delay = 0 ; // reset activity delay counter
player_activity_delay + + ; // no. of game cycles since mouse event queue last empty