Johannes Schickel
Draws the same border for 'kWidgetBackgroundPlain' as for 'kWidgetBackgroundBorderSmall'.
This fixes missing border in the pop up widget.
svn-id: r21796
2006-04-11 16:32:03 +00:00
Johannes Schickel
Fixes disappearing borders with classic theme.
svn-id: r21795
2006-04-11 16:28:00 +00:00
Johannes Schickel
Checks if something is drawn out of the screen in drawSurfaceMasked (fixes crashes with --force-1x-overlay)
svn-id: r21794
2006-04-11 16:05:59 +00:00
Johannes Schickel
Fixes cutted texts with --force-1x-overlay.
svn-id: r21793
2006-04-11 15:45:21 +00:00
Johannes Schickel
- cleans up drawSurfaceMasked a little bit
- get rid of getColorAlpha in drawSurfaceMasked if no alpha blending is used
svn-id: r21792
2006-04-11 15:34:07 +00:00
Johannes Schickel
Changed drawScrollbar to use drawShadow.
svn-id: r21791
2006-04-11 14:51:38 +00:00
Johannes Schickel
Makes classic theme compile without OLDGUI_TRANSPARENCY again.
svn-id: r21790
2006-04-11 14:16:15 +00:00
Johannes Schickel
Implements saving the color cache to a file (much faster startup for custom effect + less memory while gui isn't shown)
svn-id: r21766
2006-04-10 17:32:04 +00:00
Max Horn
Sev now is project lead, too
svn-id: r21728
2006-04-09 14:51:47 +00:00
Max Horn
Turned FSList::sort into a generic function which can be applied to anything which implements comparable iterators (like Array, List, or plain C arrays)
svn-id: r21617
2006-04-04 23:55:47 +00:00
Eugene Sandulenko
Initialize uninitialized variable.
svn-id: r21609
2006-04-04 22:32:43 +00:00
Max Horn
Use iterator API to iterate over all entries in the file list
svn-id: r21601
2006-04-04 21:16:53 +00:00
Max Horn
With this change, backends are now responsible for instantiating their OSystem class before calling scummvm_main (Note: PalmOS and Symbian are not yet converted, and won't work currently)
svn-id: r21557
2006-04-02 14:16:31 +00:00
Johannes Schickel
- changed standard inactive dialog effect to dim with 30% instead of luminance
svn-id: r21546
2006-04-02 01:08:16 +00:00
Johannes Schickel
- moves some code in ThemeNew.cpp (calcGradient and calcAlpha to the bottom)
- added possibility to use a shading effect on inactive dialogs (luminance and dim are builtin, and special ablility to specifiy a own expression, evaluated via the evaluator)
- adds also a color cache (atm it's generated on startup)
- uses luminance effect by default
- bumps theme config version to 7
svn-id: r21544
2006-04-02 00:56:21 +00:00
Eugene Sandulenko
Hide eval debug output deeper to level 5. Report total number of defined
svn-id: r21521
2006-03-31 23:51:19 +00:00
Max Horn
- Renamed class AssocArray to HashMap to match our existing class Map (note also
that many STL implementations have a class hash_map next to class map, too)
- Changed some static File class member vars to be normal static variables, in
yet another attempt to reduce header dependencies (in this case on hashmap.h)
svn-id: r21473
2006-03-28 10:05:25 +00:00
Max Horn
Renamed various container isEmpty() methods to empty() to match STL conventions
svn-id: r21472
2006-03-28 09:42:54 +00:00
Eugene Sandulenko
- Revert my last change with moving addDefaultDirectory() from TheneNew.cpp
- Removed locking of further directory adds because it did not work for themes.
svn-id: r21452
2006-03-25 19:30:10 +00:00
Eugene Sandulenko
- Move AddDefaultDirectory() calls in somon engine to constructor
- Move AddDefaultDirectory() from NewTheme.cpp to main.cpp
svn-id: r21451
2006-03-25 19:18:09 +00:00
Eugene Sandulenko
Fix crash in Options dialog in 320xY mode. Shadow was drawn off-screen
svn-id: r21438
2006-03-24 18:10:41 +00:00
Max Horn
Removed obsolete test stuff from my credits description :-)
svn-id: r21435
2006-03-24 17:40:34 +00:00
Eugene Sandulenko
Fix chechbox label alignment.
svn-id: r21433
2006-03-24 17:39:13 +00:00
Max Horn
- moved type aa_ref_t into AssocArray, improving code readability a bit
- added new "operator[] const" method, useful when accessing const instances
- removed the default value (if you access an entry without first checking that
it is actually there, it's your own fault)
- replaced 'index' with 'key' which seems more logical and avoids troubles with
certain systems that #define index in their system headers
svn-id: r21430
2006-03-24 15:39:07 +00:00
Max Horn
Reduce (indirect) dependencies on gui/eval.h (and thus common/assocarray.h) to a minimum
svn-id: r21426
2006-03-24 14:15:45 +00:00
Eugene Sandulenko
o Rearranged options dialog
o Made button corners less round to match mock-ups
svn-id: r21423
2006-03-24 03:33:47 +00:00
Eugene Sandulenko
Check values loaded from theme INI and give meaningful errors instead of
bad crashes on blitting stage.
svn-id: r21422
2006-03-24 01:45:03 +00:00
Eugene Sandulenko
Bump theme version number
svn-id: r21421
2006-03-24 01:26:25 +00:00
Eugene Sandulenko
o Move built-in evaluator constants to AssocArray to speed it up
o Introduced .align text widget property
o Moved all text widgets to use it and populated theme config file
svn-id: r21420
2006-03-24 01:24:26 +00:00
Eugene Sandulenko
Implementation of AssociativeArray. Transferred GUI to it. Now it is much
svn-id: r21419
2006-03-23 22:59:38 +00:00
Eugene Sandulenko
Fix bug #1455213 : "GUI: ExtraPath won't display" and turn theme version
into #define.
svn-id: r21395
2006-03-21 13:48:51 +00:00
Johannes Schickel
Updates the config version for the new theme to 4 in the warning which is printed if the version is too low.
svn-id: r21393
2006-03-20 18:28:35 +00:00
Eugene Sandulenko
Bump theme config version number to avod confusion. A key was added there,
but I didn't bump it last time.
svn-id: r21391
2006-03-20 12:32:55 +00:00
Willem Jan Palenstijn
adding self to credits
svn-id: r21368
2006-03-18 15:51:09 +00:00
Eugene Sandulenko
theme.cpp -> ThemeClassic.cpp for consistency and less confusion
svn-id: r21363
2006-03-18 12:43:50 +00:00
Eugene Sandulenko
Remove trailing whitespaces
svn-id: r21362
2006-03-18 12:43:00 +00:00
Eugene Sandulenko
Oops. Theme variables are meant to be case insensitive. Fix comparison
svn-id: r21361
2006-03-18 12:42:24 +00:00
Eugene Sandulenko
Tweaked a little scumm main dialog and scumm save/load dialog. Still plenty
to do.
svn-id: r21271
2006-03-14 03:52:29 +00:00
Eugene Sandulenko
Positioned logo properly, added different version number rendering and
got rid of antialiasing artifacts
svn-id: r21270
2006-03-14 03:08:14 +00:00
Eugene Sandulenko
Fix logo drawing.
svn-id: r21269
2006-03-14 02:55:54 +00:00
Eugene Sandulenko
Rearrange launcher.
Logo is still shown weirdly.
svn-id: r21268
2006-03-14 02:19:38 +00:00
Eugene Sandulenko
Fix Chooser dialog.
svn-id: r21266
2006-03-13 23:18:22 +00:00
Lars Persson
Moved typedef Common::String into class declaration.
svn-id: r21187
2006-03-09 22:40:21 +00:00
Eugene Sandulenko
Credit Tyst for new SVG logo.
svn-id: r21173
2006-03-09 13:25:52 +00:00
Eugene Sandulenko
Fix compilation on MSVC. Reported by Quietust
svn-id: r21165
2006-03-09 12:45:23 +00:00
Eugene Sandulenko
Converted last dialogs to new scheme. Now it seems to be everything. Please,
test throghoutly.
svn-id: r21157
2006-03-09 05:18:00 +00:00
Max Horn
- Removed the code from the launcher that adds language/platform to the
game descriptions. Doing this now is the responsibility of the engines.
- Adapted the SCUMM engine to add lang/platform to the desc string if
necessary. Other engines still have to be adapted (but many do not seem to
need this at all, since they either are lang/platform agnostic, or already
include this information in their MD5 tables).
svn-id: r21154
2006-03-09 03:09:21 +00:00
Eugene Sandulenko
Moved keys mapping dialog to new scheme. Made it generic. Fixed several
compilation errors associated with it.
svn-id: r21151
2006-03-09 02:54:02 +00:00
Max Horn
- Renamed GameSettings to PlainGameDescriptor
- Added new GameDescriptor struct (similar to PlainGameDescriptor but with
Common::String members instead of const char * ones)
- Changed DetectedGame to subclass GameDescriptor
- Removed toGameSettings() in favor of new (template) constructors in
DetectedGame and GameDescriptor
- Fixed a bug in the obsolete gameid handling in the SCUMM & SIMON engines
svn-id: r21150
2006-03-09 02:52:51 +00:00
Eugene Sandulenko
Converted all scumm dialogs to new scheme
svn-id: r21147
2006-03-09 01:08:25 +00:00