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/* ScummVM - Scumm Interpreter
* Copyright (C) 2004-2006 The ScummVM project
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
* $URL$
* $Id$
#ifndef KYRA_H
#define KYRA_H
#include "engines/engine.h"
#include "common/rect.h"
namespace Kyra {
class Movie;
class Sound;
class SoundDigital;
class SeqPlayer;
class Resource;
class PAKFile;
class Screen;
class Sprites;
class ScriptHelper;
class Debugger;
class ScreenAnimator;
class TextDisplayer;
class KyraEngine;
class StaticResource;
struct ScriptState;
struct ScriptData;
struct GameFlags {
Common::Language lang;
Common::Platform platform;
bool isDemo;
bool useAltShapeHeader; // alternative shape header (uses 2 bytes more, those are unused though)
bool hasAudioCD;
bool isTalkie;
byte gameID;
enum {
GI_KYRA1 = 0,
GI_KYRA2 = 1,
GI_KYRA3 = 2
// TODO: this is just the start of makeing the debug output of the kyra engine a bit more useable
// in the future we maybe merge some flags and/or create new ones
enum kDebugLevels {
kDebugLevelScriptFuncs = 1 << 0, // prints debug output of o1_* functions
kDebugLevelScript = 1 << 1, // prints debug output of "ScriptHelper" functions
kDebugLevelSprites = 1 << 2, // prints debug output of "Sprites" functions
kDebugLevelScreen = 1 << 3, // prints debug output of "Screen" functions
kDebugLevelSound = 1 << 4, // prints debug output of "Sound" functions
kDebugLevelAnimator = 1 << 5, // prints debug output of "ScreenAnimator" functions
kDebugLevelMain = 1 << 6, // prints debug output of common "KyraEngine*" functions && "TextDisplayer" functions
kDebugLevelGUI = 1 << 7, // prints debug output of "KyraEngine*" gui functions
kDebugLevelSequence = 1 << 8, // prints debug output of "SeqPlayer" functions
kDebugLevelMovie = 1 << 9 // prints debug output of movie specific funtions
struct Character {
uint16 sceneId;
uint8 height;
uint8 facing;
uint16 currentAnimFrame;
uint8 inventoryItems[10];
int16 x1, y1, x2, y2;
struct Shape {
uint8 imageIndex;
int8 xOffset, yOffset;
uint8 x, y, w, h;
struct Room {
uint8 nameIndex;
uint16 northExit;
uint16 eastExit;
uint16 southExit;
uint16 westExit;
uint8 itemsTable[12];
uint16 itemsXPos[12];
uint8 itemsYPos[12];
uint8 needInit[12];
struct Rect {
int x, y;
int x2, y2;
struct Item {
uint8 unk1;
uint8 height;
uint8 unk2;
uint8 unk3;
struct SeqLoop {
const uint8 *ptr;
uint16 count;
struct SceneExits {
uint16 northXPos;
uint8 northYPos;
uint16 eastXPos;
uint8 eastYPos;
uint16 southXPos;
uint8 southYPos;
uint16 westXPos;
uint8 westYPos;
struct BeadState {
int16 x;
int16 y;
int16 width;
int16 height;
int16 dstX;
int16 dstY;
int16 width2;
int16 unk8;
int16 unk9;
int16 tableIndex;
struct Timer {
uint8 active;
int32 countdown;
uint32 nextRun;
void (KyraEngine::*func)(int timerNum);
struct Button {
Button *nextButton;
uint16 specialValue;
// uint8 unk[4];
uint8 process0;
uint8 process1;
uint8 process2;
// uint8 unk
uint16 flags;
typedef int (KyraEngine::*ButtonCallback)(Button*);
// using 6 pointers instead of 3 as in the orignal here (safer for use with classes)
uint8 *process0PtrShape;
uint8 *process1PtrShape;
uint8 *process2PtrShape;
ButtonCallback process0PtrCallback;
ButtonCallback process1PtrCallback;
ButtonCallback process2PtrCallback;
uint16 dimTableIndex;
uint16 x;
uint16 y;
uint16 width;
uint16 height;
// uint8 unk[8];
uint32 flags2;
ButtonCallback buttonCallback;
// uint8 unk[8];
struct MenuItem {
bool enabled;
uint16 field_1;
uint8 field_3;
const char *itemString;
int16 x;
int16 field_9;
uint16 y;
uint16 width;
uint16 height;
uint8 textColor;
uint8 highlightColor;
int16 field_12;
uint8 field_13;
uint8 bgcolor;
uint8 color1;
uint8 color2;
int (KyraEngine::*callback)(Button*);
int16 field_1b;
const char *labelString;
uint16 labelX;
uint8 labelY;
uint8 field_24;
uint32 field_25;
struct Menu {
int16 x;
int16 y;
uint16 width;
uint16 height;
uint8 bgcolor;
uint8 color1;
uint8 color2;
const char *menuName;
uint8 textColor;
int16 field_10;
uint16 field_12;
uint16 highlightedItem;
uint8 nrOfItems;
int16 scrollUpBtnX;
int16 scrollUpBtnY;
int16 scrollDownBtnX;
int16 scrollDownBtnY;
MenuItem item[6];
struct KeyboardEvent {
bool pending;
uint32 repeat;
uint8 ascii;
class KyraEngine : public Engine {
friend class MusicPlayer;
friend class Debugger;
friend class ScreenAnimator;
enum {
KyraEngine(OSystem *system);
virtual ~KyraEngine();
virtual int setupGameFlags() = 0;
Resource *resource() { return _res; }
Screen *screen() { return _screen; }
ScreenAnimator *animator() { return _animator; }
TextDisplayer *text() { return _text; }
Sound *sound() { return _sound; }
StaticResource *staticres() { return _staticres; }
uint32 tickLength() const { return _tickLength; }
virtual Movie *createWSAMovie();
uint8 game() const { return _flags.gameID; }
const GameFlags &gameFlags() const { return _flags; }
uint8 **shapes() { return _shapes; }
Character *currentCharacter() { return _currentCharacter; }
Character *characterList() { return _characterList; }
uint16 brandonStatus() { return _brandonStatusBit; }
// TODO: remove me with workaround in animator.cpp l209
uint16 getScene() { return _currentRoom; }
bool quit() const { return _quitFlag; }
int _paletteChanged;
Common::RandomSource _rnd;
int16 _northExitHeight;
typedef void (KyraEngine::*IntroProc)();
typedef int (KyraEngine::*OpcodeProc)(ScriptState *script);
const char * const*seqWSATable() { return _seq_WSATable; }
const char * const*seqCPSTable() { return _seq_CPSTable; }
const char * const*seqCOLTable() { return _seq_COLTable; }
const char * const*seqTextsTable() { return _seq_textsTable; }
const uint8 * const*palTable1() { return &_specialPalettes[0]; }
const uint8 * const*palTable2() { return &_specialPalettes[29]; }
bool seq_skipSequence() const;
void delayUntil(uint32 timestamp, bool updateGameTimers = false, bool update = false, bool isMainLoop = false);
void delay(uint32 millis, bool update = false, bool isMainLoop = false);
void quitGame();
void registerDefaultSettings();
void readSettings();
void writeSettings();
void snd_playTheme(int file, int track = 0);
void snd_playVoiceFile(int id);
void snd_voiceWaitForFinish(bool ingame = true);
void snd_playSoundEffect(int track);
void snd_playWanderScoreViaMap(int command, int restart);
bool speechEnabled();
bool textEnabled();
void drawSentenceCommand(const char *sentence, int unk1);
void updateSentenceCommand(const char *str1, const char *str2, int unk1);
void updateTextFade();
void updateGameTimers();
void clearNextEventTickCount();
void setTimerCountdown(uint8 timer, int32 countdown);
void setTimerDelay(uint8 timer, int32 countdown);
int16 getTimerDelay(uint8 timer);
void enableTimer(uint8 timer);
void disableTimer(uint8 timer);
void delayWithTicks(int ticks);
void saveGame(const char *fileName, const char *saveName);
void loadGame(const char *fileName);
int mouseX() { return _mouseX; }
int mouseY() { return _mouseY; }
virtual int runOpcode(ScriptState *script, uint8 opcode);
int o1_magicInMouseItem(ScriptState *script);
int o1_characterSays(ScriptState *script);
int o1_pauseTicks(ScriptState *script);
int o1_drawSceneAnimShape(ScriptState *script);
int o1_queryGameFlag(ScriptState *script);
int o1_setGameFlag(ScriptState *script);
int o1_resetGameFlag(ScriptState *script);
int o1_runNPCScript(ScriptState *script);
int o1_setSpecialExitList(ScriptState *script);
int o1_blockInWalkableRegion(ScriptState *script);
int o1_blockOutWalkableRegion(ScriptState *script);
int o1_walkPlayerToPoint(ScriptState *script);
int o1_dropItemInScene(ScriptState *script);
int o1_drawAnimShapeIntoScene(ScriptState *script);
int o1_createMouseItem(ScriptState *script);
int o1_savePageToDisk(ScriptState *script);
int o1_sceneAnimOn(ScriptState *script);
int o1_sceneAnimOff(ScriptState *script);
int o1_getElapsedSeconds(ScriptState *script);
int o1_mouseIsPointer(ScriptState *script);
int o1_destroyMouseItem(ScriptState *script);
int o1_runSceneAnimUntilDone(ScriptState *script);
int o1_fadeSpecialPalette(ScriptState *script);
int o1_playAdlibSound(ScriptState *script);
int o1_playAdlibScore(ScriptState *script);
int o1_phaseInSameScene(ScriptState *script);
int o1_setScenePhasingFlag(ScriptState *script);
int o1_resetScenePhasingFlag(ScriptState *script);
int o1_queryScenePhasingFlag(ScriptState *script);
int o1_sceneToDirection(ScriptState *script);
int o1_setBirthstoneGem(ScriptState *script);
int o1_placeItemInGenericMapScene(ScriptState *script);
int o1_setBrandonStatusBit(ScriptState *script);
int o1_pauseSeconds(ScriptState *script);
int o1_getCharactersLocation(ScriptState *script);
int o1_runNPCSubscript(ScriptState *script);
int o1_magicOutMouseItem(ScriptState *script);
int o1_internalAnimOn(ScriptState *script);
int o1_forceBrandonToNormal(ScriptState *script);
int o1_poisonDeathNow(ScriptState *script);
int o1_setScaleMode(ScriptState *script);
int o1_openWSAFile(ScriptState *script);
int o1_closeWSAFile(ScriptState *script);
int o1_runWSAFromBeginningToEnd(ScriptState *script);
int o1_displayWSAFrame(ScriptState *script);
int o1_enterNewScene(ScriptState *script);
int o1_setSpecialEnterXAndY(ScriptState *script);
int o1_runWSAFrames(ScriptState *script);
int o1_popBrandonIntoScene(ScriptState *script);
int o1_restoreAllObjectBackgrounds(ScriptState *script);
int o1_setCustomPaletteRange(ScriptState *script);
int o1_loadPageFromDisk(ScriptState *script);
int o1_customPrintTalkString(ScriptState *script);
int o1_restoreCustomPrintBackground(ScriptState *script);
int o1_hideMouse(ScriptState *script);
int o1_showMouse(ScriptState *script);
int o1_getCharacterX(ScriptState *script);
int o1_getCharacterY(ScriptState *script);
int o1_changeCharactersFacing(ScriptState *script);
int o1_copyWSARegion(ScriptState *script);
int o1_printText(ScriptState *script);
int o1_random(ScriptState *script);
int o1_loadSoundFile(ScriptState *script);
int o1_displayWSAFrameOnHidPage(ScriptState *script);
int o1_displayWSASequentialFrames(ScriptState *script);
int o1_drawCharacterStanding(ScriptState *script);
int o1_internalAnimOff(ScriptState *script);
int o1_changeCharactersXAndY(ScriptState *script);
int o1_clearSceneAnimatorBeacon(ScriptState *script);
int o1_querySceneAnimatorBeacon(ScriptState *script);
int o1_refreshSceneAnimator(ScriptState *script);
int o1_placeItemInOffScene(ScriptState *script);
int o1_wipeDownMouseItem(ScriptState *script);
int o1_placeCharacterInOtherScene(ScriptState *script);
int o1_getKey(ScriptState *script);
int o1_specificItemInInventory(ScriptState *script);
int o1_popMobileNPCIntoScene(ScriptState *script);
int o1_mobileCharacterInScene(ScriptState *script);
int o1_hideMobileCharacter(ScriptState *script);
int o1_unhideMobileCharacter(ScriptState *script);
int o1_setCharactersLocation(ScriptState *script);
int o1_walkCharacterToPoint(ScriptState *script);
int o1_specialEventDisplayBrynnsNote(ScriptState *script);
int o1_specialEventRemoveBrynnsNote(ScriptState *script);
int o1_setLogicPage(ScriptState *script);
int o1_fatPrint(ScriptState *script);
int o1_preserveAllObjectBackgrounds(ScriptState *script);
int o1_updateSceneAnimations(ScriptState *script);
int o1_sceneAnimationActive(ScriptState *script);
int o1_setCharactersMovementDelay(ScriptState *script);
int o1_getCharactersFacing(ScriptState *script);
int o1_bkgdScrollSceneAndMasksRight(ScriptState *script);
int o1_dispelMagicAnimation(ScriptState *script);
int o1_findBrightestFireberry(ScriptState *script);
int o1_setFireberryGlowPalette(ScriptState *script);
int o1_setDeathHandlerFlag(ScriptState *script);
int o1_drinkPotionAnimation(ScriptState *script);
int o1_makeAmuletAppear(ScriptState *script);
int o1_drawItemShapeIntoScene(ScriptState *script);
int o1_setCharactersCurrentFrame(ScriptState *script);
int o1_waitForConfirmationMouseClick(ScriptState *script);
int o1_pageFlip(ScriptState *script);
int o1_setSceneFile(ScriptState *script);
int o1_getItemInMarbleVase(ScriptState *script);
int o1_setItemInMarbleVase(ScriptState *script);
int o1_addItemToInventory(ScriptState *script);
int o1_intPrint(ScriptState *script);
int o1_shakeScreen(ScriptState *script);
int o1_createAmuletJewel(ScriptState *script);
int o1_setSceneAnimCurrXY(ScriptState *script);
int o1_poisonBrandonAndRemaps(ScriptState *script);
int o1_fillFlaskWithWater(ScriptState *script);
int o1_getCharactersMovementDelay(ScriptState *script);
int o1_getBirthstoneGem(ScriptState *script);
int o1_queryBrandonStatusBit(ScriptState *script);
int o1_playFluteAnimation(ScriptState *script);
int o1_playWinterScrollSequence(ScriptState *script);
int o1_getIdolGem(ScriptState *script);
int o1_setIdolGem(ScriptState *script);
int o1_totalItemsInScene(ScriptState *script);
int o1_restoreBrandonsMovementDelay(ScriptState *script);
int o1_setMousePos(ScriptState *script);
int o1_getMouseState(ScriptState *script);
int o1_setEntranceMouseCursorTrack(ScriptState *script);
int o1_itemAppearsOnGround(ScriptState *script);
int o1_setNoDrawShapesFlag(ScriptState *script);
int o1_fadeEntirePalette(ScriptState *script);
int o1_itemOnGroundHere(ScriptState *script);
int o1_queryCauldronState(ScriptState *script);
int o1_setCauldronState(ScriptState *script);
int o1_queryCrystalState(ScriptState *script);
int o1_setCrystalState(ScriptState *script);
int o1_setPaletteRange(ScriptState *script);
int o1_shrinkBrandonDown(ScriptState *script);
int o1_growBrandonUp(ScriptState *script);
int o1_setBrandonScaleXAndY(ScriptState *script);
int o1_resetScaleMode(ScriptState *script);
int o1_getScaleDepthTableValue(ScriptState *script);
int o1_setScaleDepthTableValue(ScriptState *script);
int o1_message(ScriptState *script);
int o1_checkClickOnNPC(ScriptState *script);
int o1_getFoyerItem(ScriptState *script);
int o1_setFoyerItem(ScriptState *script);
int o1_setNoItemDropRegion(ScriptState *script);
int o1_walkMalcolmOn(ScriptState *script);
int o1_passiveProtection(ScriptState *script);
int o1_setPlayingLoop(ScriptState *script);
int o1_brandonToStoneSequence(ScriptState *script);
int o1_brandonHealingSequence(ScriptState *script);
int o1_protectCommandLine(ScriptState *script);
int o1_pauseMusicSeconds(ScriptState *script);
int o1_resetMaskRegion(ScriptState *script);
int o1_setPaletteChangeFlag(ScriptState *script);
int o1_fillRect(ScriptState *script);
int o1_dummy(ScriptState *script);
int o1_vocUnload(ScriptState *script);
int o1_vocLoad(ScriptState *script);
virtual int go();
virtual int init();
void startup();
void mainLoop();
int initCharacterChat(int8 charNum);
int8 getChatPartnerNum();
void backupChatPartnerAnimFrame(int8 charNum);
void restoreChatPartnerAnimFrame(int8 charNum);
void endCharacterChat(int8 charNum, int16 arg_4);
void waitForChatToFinish(int16 chatDuration, const char *str, uint8 charNum);
void characterSays(const char *chatStr, int8 charNum, int8 chatDuration);
void setCharactersPositions(int character);
int setGameFlag(int flag);
int queryGameFlag(int flag);
int resetGameFlag(int flag);
void setupSceneResource(int sceneId);
void enterNewScene(int sceneId, int facing, int unk1, int unk2, int brandonAlive);
void transcendScenes(int roomIndex, int roomName);
void setSceneFile(int roomIndex, int roomName);
void moveCharacterToPos(int character, int facing, int xpos, int ypos);
void setCharacterPositionWithUpdate(int character);
int setCharacterPosition(int character, int *facingTable);
void setCharacterPositionHelper(int character, int *facingTable);
int getOppositeFacingDirection(int dir);
void loadSceneMSC();
void startSceneScript(int brandonAlive);
void setupSceneItems();
void initSceneData(int facing, int unk1, int brandonAlive);
void clearNoDropRects();
void addToNoDropRects(int x, int y, int w, int h);
byte findFreeItemInScene(int scene);
byte findItemAtPos(int x, int y);
void placeItemInGenericMapScene(int item, int index);
void initSceneObjectList(int brandonAlive);
void initSceneScreen(int brandonAlive);
int findDuplicateItemShape(int shape);
int findWay(int x, int y, int toX, int toY, int *moveTable, int moveTableSize);
int findSubPath(int x, int y, int toX, int toY, int *moveTable, int start, int end);
int getFacingFromPointToPoint(int x, int y, int toX, int toY);
void changePosTowardsFacing(int &x, int &y, int facing);
bool lineIsPassable(int x, int y);
int getMoveTableSize(int *moveTable);
int handleSceneChange(int xpos, int ypos, int unk1, int frameReset);
int processSceneChange(int *table, int unk1, int frameReset);
int changeScene(int facing);
void createMouseItem(int item);
void destroyMouseItem();
void setMouseItem(int item);
void wipeDownMouseItem(int xpos, int ypos);
void setBrandonPoisonFlags(int reset);
void resetBrandonPoisonFlags();
void processInput(int xpos, int ypos);
int processInputHelper(int xpos, int ypos);
int clickEventHandler(int xpos, int ypos);
void clickEventHandler2();
void updateMousePointer(bool forceUpdate = false);
bool hasClickedOnExit(int xpos, int ypos);
int checkForNPCScriptRun(int xpos, int ypos);
void runNpcScript(int func);
int countItemsInScene(uint16 sceneId);
int processItemDrop(uint16 sceneId, uint8 item, int x, int y, int unk1, int unk2);
void exchangeItemWithMouseItem(uint16 sceneId, int itemIndex);
void addItemToRoom(uint16 sceneId, uint8 item, int itemIndex, int x, int y);
int checkNoDropRects(int x, int y);
int isDropable(int x, int y);
void itemDropDown(int x, int y, int destX, int destY, byte freeItem, int item);
void dropItem(int unk1, int item, int x, int y, int unk2);
void itemSpecialFX(int x, int y, int item);
void itemSpecialFX1(int x, int y, int item);
void itemSpecialFX2(int x, int y, int item);
void magicOutMouseItem(int animIndex, int itemPos);
void magicInMouseItem(int animIndex, int item, int itemPos);
void specialMouseItemFX(int shape, int x, int y, int animIndex, int tableIndex, int loopStart, int maxLoops);
void processSpecialMouseItemFX(int shape, int x, int y, int tableValue, int loopStart, int maxLoops);
void updatePlayerItemsForScene();
void redrawInventory(int page);
void drawJewelPress(int jewel, int drawSpecial);
void drawJewelsFadeOutStart();
void drawJewelsFadeOutEnd(int jewel);
void setupShapes123(const Shape *shapeTable, int endShape, int flags);
void freeShapes123();
void seq_demo();
void seq_intro();
void seq_introLogos();
void seq_introStory();
void seq_introMalcolmTree();
void seq_introKallakWriting();
void seq_introKallakMalcolm();
void seq_createAmuletJewel(int jewel, int page, int noSound, int drawOnly);
void seq_brandonHealing();
void seq_brandonHealing2();
void seq_poisonDeathNow(int now);
void seq_poisonDeathNowAnim();
void seq_playFluteAnimation();
void seq_winterScroll1();
void seq_winterScroll2();
void seq_makeBrandonInv();
void seq_makeBrandonNormal();
void seq_makeBrandonNormal2();
void seq_makeBrandonWisp();
void seq_dispelMagicAnimation();
void seq_fillFlaskWithWater(int item, int type);
void seq_playDrinkPotionAnim(int item, int unk2, int flags);
int seq_playEnd();
void seq_brandonToStone();
void seq_playEnding();
void seq_playCredits();
void updateKyragemFading();
void setupOpcodeTable();
OpcodeProc *_opcodeTable;
int _opcodeTableSize;
void waitForEvent();
void loadPalette(const char *filename, uint8 *palData);
void loadMouseShapes();
void loadCharacterShapes();
void loadSpecialEffectShapes();
void loadItems();
void loadButtonShapes();
void initMainButtonList();
void loadMainScreen(int page = 3);
void setCharactersInDefaultScene();
void setupPanPages();
void freePanPages();
void closeFinalWsa();
int handleMalcolmFlag();
int handleBeadState();
void initBeadState(int x, int y, int x2, int y2, int unk1, BeadState *ptr);
int processBead(int x, int y, int &x2, int &y2, BeadState *ptr);
void setTimer19();
void setupTimers();
void timerUpdateHeadAnims(int timerNum);
void timerSetFlags1(int timerNum);
void timerSetFlags2(int timerNum);
void timerSetFlags3(int timerNum);
void timerCheckAnimFlag1(int timerNum);
void timerCheckAnimFlag2(int timerNum);
void checkAmuletAnimFlags();
void timerRedrawAmulet(int timerNum);
void timerFadeText(int timerNum);
void updateAnimFlag1(int timerNum);
void updateAnimFlag2(int timerNum);
void drawAmulet();
void setTextFadeTimerCountdown(int16 countdown);
void setWalkspeed(uint8 newSpeed);
int buttonInventoryCallback(Button *caller);
int buttonAmuletCallback(Button *caller);
int buttonMenuCallback(Button *caller);
int drawBoxCallback(Button *button);
int drawShadedBoxCallback(Button *button);
void calcCoords(Menu &menu);
void initMenu(Menu &menu);
void setGUILabels();
Button *initButton(Button *list, Button *newButton);
void processButtonList(Button *list);
void processButton(Button *button);
void processMenuButton(Button *button);
void processAllMenuButtons();
const char *getSavegameFilename(int num);
void setupSavegames(Menu &menu, int num);
int getNextSavegameSlot();
int gui_resumeGame(Button *button);
int gui_loadGameMenu(Button *button);
int gui_saveGameMenu(Button *button);
int gui_gameControlsMenu(Button *button);
int gui_quitPlaying(Button *button);
int gui_quitConfirmYes(Button *button);
int gui_quitConfirmNo(Button *button);
int gui_loadGame(Button *button);
int gui_saveGame(Button *button);
int gui_savegameConfirm(Button *button);
int gui_cancelSubMenu(Button *button);
int gui_scrollUp(Button *button);
int gui_scrollDown(Button *button);
int gui_controlsChangeMusic(Button *button);
int gui_controlsChangeSounds(Button *button);
int gui_controlsChangeWalk(Button *button);
int gui_controlsChangeText(Button *button);
int gui_controlsChangeVoice(Button *button);
int gui_controlsApply(Button *button);
bool gui_quitConfirm(const char *str);
void gui_getInput();
void gui_redrawText(Menu menu);
void gui_redrawHighlight(Menu menu);
void gui_processHighlights(Menu &menu);
void gui_updateSavegameString();
void gui_redrawTextfield();
void gui_fadePalette();
void gui_restorePalette();
void gui_setupControls(Menu &menu);
// Kyra 2 and 3 main menu
static const char *_mainMenuStrings[];
virtual void gui_initMainMenu() {};
int gui_handleMainMenu();
virtual void gui_updateMainMenuAnimation();
void gui_drawMainMenu(const char * const *strings, int select);
void gui_drawMainBox(int x, int y, int w, int h, int fill);
bool gui_mainMenuGetInput();
void gui_printString(const char *string, int x, int y, int col1, int col2, int flags, ...);
GameFlags _flags;
bool _quitFlag;
bool _skipFlag;
bool _skipIntroFlag;
bool _abortIntroFlag;
bool _menuDirectlyToLoad;
bool _abortWalkFlag;
bool _abortWalkFlag2;
bool _mousePressFlag;
int8 _mouseWheel;
uint8 _flagsTable[69];
uint8 *_shapes[377];
uint16 _gameSpeed;
uint16 _tickLength;
int _lang;
int _mouseX, _mouseY;
int8 _itemInHand;
int _mouseState;
bool _handleInput;
bool _changedScene;
int _unkScreenVar1, _unkScreenVar2, _unkScreenVar3;
int _beadStateVar;
int _unkAmuletVar;
int _malcolmFlag;
int _endSequenceSkipFlag;
int _endSequenceNeedLoading;
int _unkEndSeqVar2;
uint8 *_endSequenceBackUpRect;
int _unkEndSeqVar4;
int _unkEndSeqVar5;
int _lastDisplayedPanPage;
uint8 *_panPagesTable[20];
Movie *_finalA, *_finalB, *_finalC;
Movie *_movieObjects[10];
uint16 _entranceMouseCursorTracks[8];
uint16 _walkBlockNorth;
uint16 _walkBlockEast;
uint16 _walkBlockSouth;
uint16 _walkBlockWest;
int32 _scaleMode;
int16 _scaleTable[145];
Rect _noDropRects[11];
int8 _birthstoneGemTable[4];
int8 _idolGemsTable[3];
int8 _marbleVaseItem;
int8 _foyerItemTable[3];
int8 _cauldronState;
int8 _crystalState[2];
uint16 _brandonStatusBit;
uint8 _brandonStatusBit0x02Flag;
uint8 _brandonStatusBit0x20Flag;
uint8 _brandonPoisonFlagsGFX[256];
uint8 _deathHandler;
int16 _brandonInvFlag;
uint8 _poisonDeathCounter;
int _brandonPosX;
int _brandonPosY;
uint16 _currentChatPartnerBackupFrame;
uint16 _currentCharAnimFrame;
int8 *_sceneAnimTable[50];
Item _itemTable[145];
int _lastProcessedItem;
int _lastProcessedItemHeight;
int16 *_exitListPtr;
int16 _exitList[11];
SceneExits _sceneExits;
uint16 _currentRoom;
int _scenePhasingFlag;
int _sceneChangeState;
int _loopFlag2;
int _pathfinderFlag;
int _pathfinderFlag2;
int _lastFindWayRet;
int *_movFacingTable;
int8 _talkingCharNum;
int8 _charSayUnk2;
int8 _charSayUnk3;
int8 _currHeadShape;
uint8 _currSentenceColor[3];
int8 _startSentencePalIndex;
bool _fadeText;
uint8 _configTextspeed;
uint8 _configWalkspeed;
bool _configMusic;
bool _configSounds;
uint8 _configVoice;
int _curMusicTheme;
int _newMusicTheme;
int16 _lastMusicCommand;
Resource *_res;
Screen *_screen;
ScreenAnimator *_animator;
Sound *_sound;
SeqPlayer *_seq;
Sprites *_sprites;
TextDisplayer *_text;
ScriptHelper *_scriptInterpreter;
Debugger *_debugger;
StaticResource *_staticres;
ScriptState *_scriptMain;
ScriptState *_npcScript;
ScriptData *_npcScriptData;
ScriptState *_scriptClick;
ScriptData *_scriptClickData;
Character *_characterList;
Character *_currentCharacter;
Button *_buttonList;
Button *_menuButtonList;
bool _displayMenu;
bool _menuRestoreScreen;
bool _displaySubMenu;
bool _cancelSubMenu;
uint8 _toplevelMenu;
int _savegameOffset;
int _gameToLoad;
char _savegameName[31];
const char *_specialSavegameString;
KeyboardEvent _keyboardEvent;
struct KyragemState {
uint16 nextOperation;
uint16 rOffset;
uint16 gOffset;
uint16 bOffset;
uint32 timerCount;
} _kyragemFadingState;
// TODO: get rid of all variables having pointers to the static resources if possible
// i.e. let them directly use the _staticres functions
void initStaticResource();
const uint8 *_seq_Forest;
const uint8 *_seq_KallakWriting;
const uint8 *_seq_KyrandiaLogo;
const uint8 *_seq_KallakMalcolm;
const uint8 *_seq_MalcolmTree;
const uint8 *_seq_WestwoodLogo;
const uint8 *_seq_Demo1;
const uint8 *_seq_Demo2;
const uint8 *_seq_Demo3;
const uint8 *_seq_Demo4;
const uint8 *_seq_Reunion;
const char * const*_seq_WSATable;
const char * const*_seq_CPSTable;
const char * const*_seq_COLTable;
const char * const*_seq_textsTable;
int _seq_WSATable_Size;
int _seq_CPSTable_Size;
int _seq_COLTable_Size;
int _seq_textsTable_Size;
const char * const*_itemList;
const char * const*_takenList;
const char * const*_placedList;
const char * const*_droppedList;
const char * const*_noDropList;
const char * const*_putDownFirst;
const char * const*_waitForAmulet;
const char * const*_blackJewel;
const char * const*_poisonGone;
const char * const*_healingTip;
const char * const*_thePoison;
const char * const*_fluteString;
const char * const*_wispJewelStrings;
const char * const*_magicJewelString;
const char * const*_flaskFull;
const char * const*_fullFlask;
const char * const*_veryClever;
const char * const*_homeString;
const char * const*_newGameString;
const char *_voiceTextString;
const char *_textSpeedString;
const char *_onString;
const char *_offString;
int _itemList_Size;
int _takenList_Size;
int _placedList_Size;
int _droppedList_Size;
int _noDropList_Size;
int _putDownFirst_Size;
int _waitForAmulet_Size;
int _blackJewel_Size;
int _poisonGone_Size;
int _healingTip_Size;
int _thePoison_Size;
int _fluteString_Size;
int _wispJewelStrings_Size;
int _magicJewelString_Size;
int _flaskFull_Size;
int _fullFlask_Size;
int _veryClever_Size;
int _homeString_Size;
int _newGameString_Size;
const char * const*_characterImageTable;
int _characterImageTableSize;
const char * const*_guiStrings;
int _guiStringsSize;
const char * const*_configStrings;
int _configStringsSize;
Shape *_defaultShapeTable;
int _defaultShapeTableSize;
const Shape *_healingShapeTable;
int _healingShapeTableSize;
const Shape *_healingShape2Table;
int _healingShape2TableSize;
const Shape *_posionDeathShapeTable;
int _posionDeathShapeTableSize;
const Shape *_fluteAnimShapeTable;
int _fluteAnimShapeTableSize;
const Shape *_winterScrollTable;
int _winterScrollTableSize;
const Shape *_winterScroll1Table;
int _winterScroll1TableSize;
const Shape *_winterScroll2Table;
int _winterScroll2TableSize;
const Shape *_drinkAnimationTable;
int _drinkAnimationTableSize;
const Shape *_brandonToWispTable;
int _brandonToWispTableSize;
const Shape *_magicAnimationTable;
int _magicAnimationTableSize;
const Shape *_brandonStoneTable;
int _brandonStoneTableSize;
Room *_roomTable;
int _roomTableSize;
const char * const*_roomFilenameTable;
int _roomFilenameTableSize;
const uint8 *_amuleteAnim;
const uint8 * const*_specialPalettes;
Timer _timers[34];
uint32 _timerNextRun;
static const char *_musicFiles[];
static const int _musicFilesCount;
static const int8 _charXPosTable[];
static const int8 _addXPosTable[];
static const int8 _charYPosTable[];
static const int8 _addYPosTable[];
// positions of the inventory
static const uint16 _itemPosX[];
static const uint8 _itemPosY[];
void setupButtonData();
Button *_buttonData;
Button **_buttonDataListPtr;
static Button _menuButtonData[];
static Button _scrollUpButton;
static Button _scrollDownButton;
bool _haveScrollButtons;
void setupMenu();
Menu *_menu;
static const uint8 _magicMouseItemStartFrame[];
static const uint8 _magicMouseItemEndFrame[];
static const uint8 _magicMouseItemStartFrame2[];
static const uint8 _magicMouseItemEndFrame2[];
static const uint16 _amuletX[];
static const uint16 _amuletY[];
static const uint16 _amuletX2[];
static const uint16 _amuletY2[];
class KyraEngine_v1 : public KyraEngine {
KyraEngine_v1(OSystem *system);
int setupGameFlags();
} // End of namespace Kyra