mirror of
synced 2025-03-06 02:10:28 +00:00

* Added speechCoords to the SpeechData structure so that talking actors don't drag their speech subtitles with them just because they're moving and talking at the same time. (Could this also be useful for non-actor speech?) If the actor has multiple strings, the coordinates are updated for each new string. * Made speechColor and outlineCoor arrays so that simultaneous speech (i.e. where several actors are talking at the same time) multi-coloured. This is completely untested, though. * Used getBlack() to get the black colour for the text outline. The original uses a constant, but we could always make getBlack() return that constant, if we want to. svn-id: r16550
415 lines
11 KiB
415 lines
11 KiB
/* ScummVM - Scumm Interpreter
* Copyright (C) 2004-2005 The ScummVM project
* The ReInherit Engine is (C)2000-2003 by Daniel Balsom.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
* $Header$
// Actor management module header file
#ifndef SAGA_ACTOR_H__
#define SAGA_ACTOR_H__
#include "saga/sprite.h"
#include "saga/actordata.h"
#include "saga/list.h"
#include "saga/saga.h"
namespace Saga {
#define ACTOR_LMULT 4
#define ACTOR_DIRECTIONS_COUNT 4 // for ActorFrameSequence
#define ACTOR_SPEECH_STRING_MAX 16 // speech const
#define PATH_NODE_EMPTY -1
enum ActorActions {
kActionWait = 0,
kActionWalkToPoint = 1,
kActionWalkToLink = 2,
kActionWalkDir = 3,
kActionSpeak = 4,
kActionAccept = 5,
kActionStoop = 6,
kActionLook = 7,
kActionCycleFrames = 8,
kActionPongFrames = 9,
kActionFreeze = 10,
kActionFall = 11,
kActionClimb = 12
enum SpeechFlags {
kSpeakNoAnimate = 1,
kSpeakAsync = 2,
kSpeakSlow = 4
enum ActorFrameTypes {
kFrameStand = 0,
kFrameWalk = 1,
kFrameSpeak = 2,
kFrameGive = 3,
kFrameGesture = 4,
kFrameWait = 5,
kFramePickUp = 6,
kFrameLook = 7
//...some special
enum ActorFlagsEx {
kActorNoCollide = (1 << 0),
kActorNoFollow = (1 << 1),
kActorCollided = (1 << 2),
kActorBackwards = (1 << 3),
kActorContinuous = (1 << 4),
kActorFinalFace = (1 << 5),
kActorFinishLeft = ((1 << 5) | (kDirLeft << 6)),
kActorFinishRight = ((1 << 5) | (kDirRight << 6)),
kActorFinishUp = ((1 << 5) | (kDirUp << 6)),
kActorFinishDown = ((1 << 5) | (kDirDown << 6)),
kActorFacingMask = (0xf << 5),
kActorRandom = (1 << 10)
enum PathCellType {
kPathCellEmpty = -1,
//kDirUp = 0 .... kDirUpLeft = 7
kPathCellBarrier = 0x57
struct PathDirectionData {
int8 direction;
int x;
int y;
typedef SortedList<PathDirectionData> PathDirectionList;
struct PathNode {
Point point;
int link;
struct ActorFrameRange {
int frameIndex;
int frameCount;
struct ActorFrameSequence {
ActorFrameRange directions[ACTOR_DIRECTIONS_COUNT];
struct ActorLocation {
int x; // Actor's logical coordinates
int y; //
int z; //
ActorLocation() {
x = y = z = 0;
int distance(const ActorLocation &location) const {
return MAX(ABS(x - location.x), ABS(y - location.y));
void delta(const ActorLocation &location, ActorLocation &result) const {
result.x = x - location.x;
result.y = y - location.y;
result.z = z - location.z;
void add(const ActorLocation &location) {
x += location.x;
y += location.y;
z += location.z;
void fromScreenPoint(const Point &screenPoint) {
x = (screenPoint.x * ACTOR_LMULT);
y = (screenPoint.y * ACTOR_LMULT);
z = 0;
void toScreenPointXY(Point &screenPoint) const {
screenPoint.x = x / ACTOR_LMULT;
screenPoint.y = y / ACTOR_LMULT;
void toScreenPointXYZ(Point &screenPoint) const {
screenPoint.x = x / ACTOR_LMULT;
screenPoint.y = y / ACTOR_LMULT - z;
struct ActorData {
bool disabled; // Actor disabled in init section
int index; // Actor index
uint16 actorId; // Actor id
int nameIndex; // Actor's index in actor name string list
byte speechColor; // Actor dialogue color
uint16 flags; // Actor initial flags
int sceneNumber; // scene of actor
ActorLocation location; // Actor's logical coordinates
Point screenPosition; // Actor's screen coordinates
int screenDepth; //
int screenScale; //
uint16 actorFlags; // dynamic flags
int currentAction; // ActorActions type
int facingDirection; // orientation
int actionDirection;
int actionCycle;
int frameNumber; // current actor frame number
uint16 targetObject;
int cycleFrameSequence;
uint8 cycleDelay;
uint8 cycleTimeCount;
uint8 cycleFlags;
SpriteList spriteList; // Actor's sprite list data
int spriteListResourceId; // Actor's sprite list resource id
ActorFrameSequence *frames; // Actor's frames
int framesCount; // Actor's frames count
int frameListResourceId; // Actor's frame list resource id
// int walkPath[ACTOR_STEPS_MAX]; //todo: will gone
int walkStepsCount;
int walkStepsAlloced;
int walkStepIndex;
Point *walkStepsPoints;
ActorLocation finalTarget;
ActorLocation partialTarget;
int walkFrameSequence;
void cycleWrap(int cycleLimit) {
if (actionCycle >= cycleLimit)
actionCycle = 0;
void addWalkStepPoint(const Point &point) {
if (walkStepsCount + 1 > walkStepsAlloced) {
walkStepsAlloced += 100;
walkStepsPoints = (Point*)realloc(walkStepsPoints, walkStepsAlloced * sizeof(*walkStepsPoints));
walkStepsPoints[walkStepsCount++] = point;
ActorData() {
memset(this, 0xFE, sizeof(*this));
walkStepsPoints = NULL;
walkStepsAlloced = walkStepsCount = walkStepIndex = 0;
memset(&spriteList, 0, sizeof(spriteList));
~ActorData() {
typedef ActorData *ActorDataPointer;
typedef SortedList<ActorDataPointer> ActorOrderList;
struct SpeechData {
int outlineColor[ACTOR_SPEECH_ACTORS_MAX];
int speechFlags;
const char *strings[ACTOR_SPEECH_STRING_MAX];
Point speechCoords[ACTOR_SPEECH_ACTORS_MAX];
int stringsCount;
int slowModeCharIndex;
int actorsCount;
int sampleResourceId;
bool playing;
int playingTime;
SpeechData() {
memset(this, 0, sizeof(*this));
class Actor {
ActorData *_centerActor;
ActorData *_protagonist;
Actor(SagaEngine *vm);
void cmdActorWalkTo(int argc, const char **argv);
bool validActorId(uint16 id) { return (id == 1) || ((id >= 0x2000) && (id < (0x2000 | ACTORCOUNT))); }
int actorIdToIndex(uint16 id) { return (id == 1 ) ? 0 : (id & ~0x2000); }
uint16 actorIndexToId(int index) { return (index == 0 ) ? 1 : (index | 0x2000); }
int direct(int msec);
int drawActors();
void updateActorsScene(); // calls from scene loading to update Actors info
void drawPathTest();
const char * getActorName(uint16 actorId);
bool actorEndWalk(uint16 actorId, bool recurse);
bool actorWalkTo(uint16 actorId, const ActorLocation &toLocation);
ActorData *getActor(uint16 actorId);
ActorFrameRange *getActorFrameRange(uint16 actorId, int frameType);
void realLocation(ActorLocation &location, uint16 objectId, uint16 walkFlags);
void actorFaceTowardsPoint(uint16 actorId, const ActorLocation &toLocation);
void actorFaceTowardsObject(uint16 actorId, uint16 objectId);
// speech
void actorSpeech(uint16 actorId, const char **strings, int stringsCount, uint16 sampleResourceId, int speechFlags);
void nonActorSpeech(const char **strings, int stringsCount, int speechFlags);
void simulSpeech(const char *string, uint16 *actorIds, int actorIdsCount, int speechFlags);
void setSpeechColor(int speechColor, int outlineColor) {
_activeSpeech.speechColor[0] = speechColor;
_activeSpeech.outlineColor[0] = outlineColor;
void abortAllSpeeches();
void abortSpeech();
bool isSpeaking() {
return _activeSpeech.stringsCount > 0;
bool loadActorResources(ActorData *actor);
void createDrawOrderList();
void calcActorScreenPosition(ActorData *actor);
bool followProtagonist(ActorData *actor);
void findActorPath(ActorData *actor, const Point &fromPoint, const Point &toPoint);
void handleSpeech(int msec);
void handleActions(int msec, bool setup);
bool validPathCellPoint(const Point &testPoint) {
return !((testPoint.x < 0) || (testPoint.x >= _xCellCount) ||
(testPoint.y < 0) || (testPoint.y >= _yCellCount));
void setPathCell(const Point &testPoint, int8 value) {
if (!validPathCellPoint(testPoint)) {
error("Actor::setPathCell wrong point");
_pathCell[testPoint.x + testPoint.y * _xCellCount] = value;
int8 getPathCell(const Point &testPoint) {
if (!validPathCellPoint(testPoint)) {
error("Actor::getPathCell wrong point");
return _pathCell[testPoint.x + testPoint.y * _xCellCount];
bool scanPathLine(const Point &point1, const Point &point2);
int fillPathArray(const Point &fromPoint, const Point &toPoint, Point &bestPoint);
void setActorPath(ActorData *actor, const Point &fromPoint, const Point &toPoint);
void pathToNode();
void condenseNodeList();
void removeNodes();
void nodeToPath();
void removePathPoints();
bool validFollowerLocation(const ActorLocation &location);
int _lastTickMsec;
SagaEngine *_vm;
RSCFILE_CONTEXT *_actorContext;
ActorOrderList _drawOrderList;
ActorData _actors[ACTORCOUNT];
SpeechData _activeSpeech;
StringsTable _actorsStrings;
//path stuff
Rect _barrierList[ACTOR_BARRIERS_MAX];
int _barrierCount;
int8 *_pathCell;
int _xCellCount;
int _yCellCount;
Rect _pathRect;
Point *_pathList;
int _pathListIndex;
int _pathListAlloced;
void addPathListPoint(const Point &point) {
if (_pathListIndex >= _pathListAlloced) {
_pathListAlloced += 100;
_pathList = (Point*) realloc(_pathList, _pathListAlloced * sizeof(*_pathList));
_pathList[_pathListIndex] = point;
int _pathNodeListIndex;
int _pathNodeListAlloced;
PathNode *_pathNodeList;
PathNode *_newPathNodeList;
void addPathNodeListPoint(const Point &point) {
if (_pathNodeListIndex >= _pathNodeListAlloced) {
_pathNodeListAlloced += 100;
_pathNodeList = (PathNode*) realloc(_pathNodeList, _pathNodeListAlloced * sizeof(*_pathNodeList));
_pathNodeList[_pathNodeListIndex].point = point;
//path debug - use with care
struct DebugPoint {
Point point;
byte color;
DebugPoint *_debugPoints;
int _debugPointsCount;
int _debugPointsAlloced;
void addDebugPoint(const Point &point, byte color) {
if (_debugPointsCount + 1 > _debugPointsAlloced) {
_debugPointsAlloced += 1000;
_debugPoints = (DebugPoint*) realloc(_debugPoints, _debugPointsAlloced * sizeof(*_debugPoints));
_debugPoints[_debugPointsCount].color = color;
_debugPoints[_debugPointsCount++].point = point;
inline int16 quickDistance(const Point &point1, const Point &point2) {
Point delta;
delta.x = ABS(point1.x - point2.x);
delta.y = ABS(point1.y - point2.y);
return ((delta.x < delta.y) ? (delta.y + delta.x / 2) : (delta.x + delta.y / 2));
} // End of namespace Saga