This was previously removed in commit 5cb87c1eca
We removed it when nearing the (then) upcoming 2.7.1 release, Play Store blocked the apk publishing because of this category's inclusion.
At the time, Play Store's error message was:
The app is published as an apk that supports TV. In other words, it contains <category android:name="android.intent.category.LEANBACK_LAUNCHER"/>
under one of the intent-filter of the main activity . It must be published as an app bundle instead.
Which was due to "Following June 30, 2023, Google Play will no longer support TV app updates in APK. All TV app updates must be published with Android App Bundles (AAB)."
Since 2.8.0 we publish to the Play Store in app bundle format, so it should be ok to restore the category. However, this does not necessarily mean
that the app will work on Android / Google TVs without issues. More testing and user feedback might be required.