Filippos Karapetis 7cf7f4bbf6 Rewrote the very confusing centerText() function into something that makes more sense, and matches the way that the original printed text on screen (in most cases)
Fixes bugs #2102657 - "DRASCULA: Crash when talking to the piano player" and #2111820 - "DRASCULA: Dialog texts too long"

svn-id: r34558
2008-09-15 13:37:28 +00:00

751 lines
16 KiB

/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine
* ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names
* are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT
* file distributed with this source distribution.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
* $URL$
* $Id$
#ifndef DRASCULA_H
#define DRASCULA_H
#include "common/scummsys.h"
#include "common/endian.h"
#include "common/util.h"
#include "common/file.h"
#include "common/savefile.h"
#include "common/system.h"
#include "common/hash-str.h"
#include "common/events.h"
#include "common/keyboard.h"
#include "common/unarj.h"
#include "sound/audiostream.h"
#include "sound/mixer.h"
#include "sound/voc.h"
#include "sound/audiocd.h"
#include "engines/engine.h"
namespace Drascula {
enum DrasculaGameFeatures {
GF_PACKED = (1 << 0)
enum Languages {
kEnglish = 0,
kSpanish = 1,
kGerman = 2,
kFrench = 3,
kItalian = 4
enum Verbs {
kVerbDefault = -1,
kVerbLook = 1,
kVerbPick = 2,
kVerbOpen = 3,
kVerbClose = 4,
kVerbTalk = 5,
kVerbMove = 6
// Items up to chapter 3
enum InventoryItems {
kItemMoney = 7,
kItemLeaves = 8,
kItemCross = 9,
kItemSpike = 10,
kItemEarplugs = 11,
kItemBook = 12,
kItemBubbleGum = 13,
kItemSickle = 14,
kItemTissues = 15,
kItemCigarettes = 16,
kItemCandle = 17,
kItemTwoCoins = 18,
kItemOneCoin = 19,
kItemReefer = 20,
kItemKey = 21,
kItemHandbag = 22,
kItemEarWithEarPlug = 23,
kItemPhone = 28
// Items from chapter 4 onwards
enum InventoryItems2 {
kItemKey2 = 7,
kItemCross2 = 9,
kItemRope2 = 19,
kItemReefer2 = 20,
kItemOneCoin2 = 22,
kItemPhone2 = 28
enum Colors {
kColorBrown = 1,
kColorDarkBlue = 2,
kColorLightGreen = 3,
kColorDarkGreen = 4,
kColorYellow = 5,
kColorOrange = 6,
kColorRed = 7,
kColorMaroon = 8,
kColorPurple = 9,
kColorWhite = 10,
kColorPink = 11
enum SSNFrames {
kFrameInit = 0,
kFrameCmpRle = 1,
kFrameCmpOff = 2,
kFrameEndAnim = 3,
kFrameSetPal = 4,
kFrameMouseKey = 5, // unused
kFrameEmptyFrame = 6
enum IgorTalkerTypes {
kIgorDch = 0,
kIgorFront = 1,
kIgorDoor = 2,
kIgorSeated = 3,
kIgorWig = 4
enum VonBraunTalkerTypes {
kVonBraunNormal = 0,
kVonBraunDoor = 1
enum AnimFrameTypes {
kFrameBlind = 0,
kFrameSnore = 1,
kFrameBat = 2,
kFrameVonBraun = 3,
kFramePianist = 4,
kFrameDrunk = 5,
kFrameCandles = 6,
kFramePendulum = 7
enum DialogOptionStatus {
kDialogOptionUnselected = 1,
kDialogOptionSelected = 2,
kDialogOptionClicked = 3
enum TalkSequenceCommands {
kPause = 0,
kSetFlag = 1,
kClearFlag = 2,
kPickObject = 3,
kAddObject = 4,
kBreakOut = 5,
kConverse = 6,
kPlaceVB = 7,
kUpdateRoom = 8,
kUpdateScreen = 9,
kTrackProtagonist = 10,
kPlaySound = 11,
kFinishSound = 12,
kTalkerGeneral = 13,
kTalkerDrunk = 14,
kTalkerPianist = 15,
kTalkerBJ = 16,
kTalkerVBNormal = 17,
kTalkerVBDoor = 18,
kTalkerIgorSeated = 19,
kTalkerWerewolf = 20,
kTalkerMus = 21,
kTalkerDrascula = 22,
kTalkerBartender0 = 23,
kTalkerBartender1 = 24
enum CharacterDirections {
kDirectionUp = 0,
kDirectionDown = 1,
kDirectionLeft = 2,
kDirectionRight = 3
enum MouseCursors {
kCursorCrosshair = 0,
kCursorCurrentItem = 1
enum DoorActions {
kCloseDoor = 0,
kOpenDoor = 1
struct TalkSequenceCommand {
int chapter;
int sequence;
int commandType;
int action;
#define TEXTD_START 68
struct DrasculaGameDescription;
struct RoomTalkAction {
int room;
int chapter;
int action;
int objectID;
int speechID;
struct RoomUpdate {
int roomNum;
int flag;
int flagValue;
int sourceX;
int sourceY;
int destX;
int destY;
int width;
int height;
int type; // 0 - background, 1 - rect
struct ItemLocation {
int x;
int y;
struct CharInfo {
byte inChar;
uint16 mappedChar;
byte charType; // 0 - letters, 1 - signs, 2 - accented
#define NUM_SAVES 10
#define NUM_FLAGS 50
#define DIF_MASK 55
#define OBJWIDTH 40
#define OBJHEIGHT 25
#define DIF_MASK_HARE 72
#define DIF_MASK_ABC 22
#define CHAR_WIDTH 8
#define CHAR_HEIGHT 6
#define TALK_HEIGHT 25
#define TALK_WIDTH 23
#define STEP_X 8
#define STEP_Y 3
#define FEET_HEIGHT 12
#define CHAR_WIDTH_OPC 6
#define NO_DOOR 99
#define COMPLETE_PAL 256
#define HALF_PAL 128
static const int interf_x[] ={ 1, 65, 129, 193, 1, 65, 129 };
static const int interf_y[] ={ 51, 51, 51, 51, 83, 83, 83 };
class DrasculaEngine : public ::Engine {
Common::KeyState _keyPressed;
int init();
int go();
// void shutdown();
DrasculaEngine(OSystem *syst, const DrasculaGameDescription *gameDesc);
virtual ~DrasculaEngine();
Common::RandomSource *_rnd;
const DrasculaGameDescription *_gameDescription;
uint32 getFeatures() const;
Common::Language getLanguage() const;
void updateEvents();
void loadArchives();
Audio::SoundHandle _soundHandle;
void allocMemory();
void freeMemory();
void endChapter();
void loadPic(int roomNum, byte *targetSurface, int colorCount = 1) {
char rm[20];
sprintf(rm, "%i.alg", roomNum);
loadPic(rm, targetSurface, colorCount);
void loadPic(const char *NamePcc, byte *targetSurface, int colorCount = 1);
typedef signed char DacPalette256[256][3];
void setRGB(byte *pal, int plt);
void assignPalette(DacPalette256 pal);
void setDefaultPalette(DacPalette256 pal);
void setPalette(byte *PalBuf);
void copyBackground(int xorg, int yorg, int xdes, int ydes, int width,
int height, byte *src, byte *dest);
void copyBackground() {
copyBackground(0, 0, 0, 0, 320, 200, bgSurface, screenSurface);
void copyRect(int xorg, int yorg, int xdes, int ydes, int width,
int height, byte *src, byte *dest);
void updateScreen() {
updateScreen(0, 0, 0, 0, 320, 200, screenSurface);
void updateScreen(int xorg, int yorg, int xdes, int ydes, int width, int height, byte *buffer);
int checkWrapX(int x) {
if (x < 0) x += 320;
if (x > 319) x -= 320;
return x;
int checkWrapY(int y) {
if (y < 0) y += 200;
if (y > 199) y -= 200;
return y;
DacPalette256 gamePalette;
DacPalette256 defaultPalette;
DacPalette256 brightPalette;
DacPalette256 darkPalette;
byte *crosshairCursor;
byte *mouseCursor;
// Graphics buffers/pointers
byte *VGA;
byte *bgSurface;
byte *backSurface;
byte *drawSurface3;
byte *drawSurface2;
byte *tableSurface;
byte *extraSurface; // not sure about this one, was "dir_hare_dch"
byte *screenSurface;
byte *frontSurface;
byte *textSurface;
byte *memPtr;
byte *mSession;
byte cPal[768];
Common::ArjFile _arj;
int actorFrames[8];
int previousMusic, roomMusic;
int roomNumber;
char roomDisk[20];
char currentData[20];
int numRoomObjs;
char menuBackground[20];
char objName[30][20];
char iconName[44][13];
int objectNum[40], visible[40], isDoor[40];
int roomObjX[40], roomObjY[40], trackObj[40];
int inventoryObjects[43];
char _targetSurface[40][20];
int _destX[40], _destY[40], trackCharacter_alkeva[40], roomExits[40];
int x1[40], y1[40], x2[40], y2[40];
int takeObject, pickedObject;
int withVoices;
int menuBar, menuScreen, hasName;
char textName[20];
int curExcuseLook;
int curExcuseAction;
int flags[NUM_FLAGS];
int frame_y;
int curX, curY, characterMoved, curDirection, trackProtagonist, num_frame;
int hare_se_ve; // TODO: what is this for?
int roomX, roomY, checkFlags;
int doBreak;
int stepX, stepY;
int curHeight, curWidth, feetHeight;
int talkHeight, talkWidth;
int floorX1, floorY1, floorX2, floorY2;
int lowerLimit, upperLimit;
int trackFinal, walkToObject;
int objExit;
int timeDiff, startTime;
int hasAnswer;
int savedTime;
int breakOut;
int vonBraunX, trackVonBraun, vonBraunHasMoved;
float newHeight, newWidth;
int factor_red[202];
int color_solo;
int blinking;
int igorX, igorY, trackIgor;
int drasculaX, drasculaY, trackDrascula;
int bjX, bjY, trackBJ;
int framesWithoutAction;
int term_int;
int currentChapter;
int loadedDifferentChapter;
char saveName[13];
int _color;
int musicStopped;
char select[23];
int selectionMade;
int mouseX;
int mouseY;
int leftMouseButton;
int rightMouseButton;
bool loadDrasculaDat();
bool runCurrentChapter();
void black();
void pickObject(int);
void walkUp();
void walkDown();
void moveVonBraun();
void placeVonBraun(int pointX);
void hipo_sin_nadie(int counter);
void toggleDoor(int nflag, int doorNum, int action);
void showMap();
void enterRoom(int);
void clearRoom();
void gotoObject(int, int);
void moveCursor();
void checkObjects();
void selectVerbFromBar();
bool verify1();
bool verify2();
Common::KeyCode getScan();
void selectVerb(int);
void updateVolume(Audio::Mixer::SoundType soundType, int prevVolume);
void volumeControls();
bool saveLoadScreen();
void print_abc(const char *, int, int);
void delay(int ms);
bool confirmExit();
void screenSaver();
void chooseObject(int object);
void addObject(int);
int removeObject(int osj);
void playFLI(const char *filefli, int vel);
void fadeFromBlack(int fadeSpeed);
void fadeToBlack(int fadeSpeed);
signed char adjustToVGA(signed char value);
void color_abc(int cl);
bool textFitsCentered(char *text, int x);
void centerText(const char *,int,int);
void playSound(int soundNum);
bool animate(const char *animation, int FPS);
void pause(int);
void placeIgor();
void placeBJ();
void placeDrascula();
void talkInit(const char *filename);
bool isTalkFinished(int* length);
void talk_igor(int, int);
void talk_drascula(int index, int talkerType = 0);
void talk_solo(const char *, const char *);
void talk_bartender(int, int talkerType = 0);
void talk_pen(const char *, const char *, int);
void talk_bj_bed(int);
void talk_htel(int);
void talk_bj(int);
void talk_trunk(int);
void talk(int);
void talk(const char *, const char *);
void talk_sync(const char *, const char *, const char *);
void talk_drunk(int);
void talk_pianist(int);
void talk_werewolf(int);
void talk_mus(int);
void talk_drascula_big(int);
void talk_vonBraun(int, int);
void talk_blind(int);
void talk_hacker(int);
void talk_generic(const char* said, const char* filename, int* faces, int faceCount, int* coords, byte* surface);
void hiccup(int);
void finishSound();
void stopSound();
void playMusic(int p);
void stopMusic();
int musicStatus();
void updateRoom();
bool loadGame(const char *);
void updateDoor(int);
void setPaletteBase(int darkness);
void updateVisible();
void startWalking();
void updateRefresh();
void updateRefresh_pre();
void moveCharacters();
void showMenu();
void clearMenu();
void removeObject();
bool exitRoom(int);
bool pickupObject();
bool checkAction(int);
void setCursor(int cursor);
void showCursor();
void hideCursor();
bool isCursorVisible();
void enterName();
bool soundIsActive();
void waitFrameSSN();
void mixVideo(byte *OldScreen, byte *NewScreen);
void decodeRLE(byte *BufferRLE, byte *MiVideoRLE);
void decodeOffset(byte *BufferOFF, byte *MiVideoOFF, int length);
byte *TryInMem();
int playFrameSSN();
int UsingMem;
byte CHUNK;
byte CMP, dacSSN[768];
int FrameSSN;
int globalSpeed;
uint32 LastFrame;
int flag_tv;
void showFrame(bool firstFrame = false);
int getTime();
void reduce_hare_chico(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, byte *, byte *);
void quadrant_1();
void quadrant_2();
void quadrant_3();
void quadrant_4();
void saveGame(char[]);
void increaseFrameNum();
int whichObject();
bool checkMenuFlags();
void setupRoomsTable();
bool roomParse(int, int);
void cleanupString(char *string);
void playTalkSequence(int sequence);
void doTalkSequenceCommand(TalkSequenceCommand cmd);
void converse(int);
void print_abc_opc(const char *, int, int);
void response(int);
void activatePendulum();
void MusicFadeout();
void playFile(const char *fname);
char *getLine(char *buf, int len);
void getIntFromLine(char *buf, int len, int* result);
void getStringFromLine(char *buf, int len, char* result);
void grr();
void updateAnim(int y, int destX, int destY, int width, int height, int count, byte* src, int delayVal = 3);
void updateAnim2(int y, int px, int py, int width, int height, int count, byte* src);
bool room(int rN, int fl);
bool room_0(int);
bool room_1(int);
bool room_2(int);
bool room_3(int);
bool room_4(int);
bool room_5(int);
bool room_6(int);
bool room_7(int);
bool room_8(int);
bool room_9(int);
bool room_12(int);
bool room_13(int);
bool room_14(int);
bool room_15(int);
bool room_16(int);
bool room_17(int);
bool room_18(int);
bool room_21(int);
bool room_22(int);
bool room_23(int);
bool room_24(int);
bool room_26(int);
bool room_27(int);
bool room_29(int);
bool room_30(int);
bool room_31(int);
bool room_34(int);
bool room_35(int);
bool room_49(int);
bool room_53(int);
bool room_54(int);
bool room_55(int);
bool room_56(int);
bool room_58(int);
bool room_59(int);
bool room_60(int);
bool room_62(int);
bool room_102(int);
void animation_1_1();
void animation_2_1();
void animation_3_1();
void animation_4_1();
void animation_2_2();
void animation_4_2();
void animation_5_2();
void animation_6_2();
void animation_7_2();
void animation_11_2();
void animation_12_2();
void animation_13_2();
void animation_14_2();
void animation_16_2();
void animation_20_2();
void animation_23_2();
void animation_23_joined();
void animation_23_joined2();
void animation_24_2();
void animation_25_2();
void animation_26_2();
void animation_27_2();
void animation_29_2();
void animation_31_2();
void animation_32_2();
void animation_33_2();
void animation_34_2();
void animation_35_2();
void animation_36_2();
void animation_2_3();
void animation_3_3();
void animation_4_3();
void animation_5_3();
void animation_6_3();
void animation_ray();
void animation_1_4();
void animation_5_4();
void animation_6_4();
void animation_7_4();
void animation_8_4();
void animation_1_5();
void animation_5_5();
void animation_11_5();
void animation_12_5();
void animation_13_5();
void animation_14_5();
void animation_1_6();
void animation_5_6();
void animation_6_6();
void animation_9_6();
void animation_19_6();
void update_1_pre();
void update_2();
void update_3();
void update_4();
void update_6_pre();
void update_9_pre();
void update_14_pre();
void update_13();
void update_16_pre();
void update_18_pre();
void update_23_pre();
void update_26_pre();
void update_26();
void update_35_pre();
void update_58();
void update_58_pre();
void update_59_pre();
void update_60_pre();
void update_60();
void update_62();
void update_62_pre();
void update_102();
int _lang;
CharInfo *_charMap;
int _charMapSize;
int _itemLocationsSize;
int _polXSize;
int _verbBarXSize;
int _x1dMenuSize;
int _frameXSize;
int _candleXSize;
int _pianistXSize;
int _drunkXSize;
int _roomPreUpdatesSize;
int _roomUpdatesSize;
int _roomActionsSize;
int _talkSequencesSize;
int _numLangs;
char **_text;
char **_textd;
char **_textb;
char **_textbj;
char **_texte;
char **_texti;
char **_textl;
char **_textp;
char **_textt;
char **_textvb;
char **_textsys;
char **_texthis;
char **_textverbs;
char **_textmisc;
char **_textd1;
ItemLocation *_itemLocations;
int *_polX, *_polY;
int *_verbBarX;
int *_x1d_menu, *_y1d_menu;
int *_frameX;
int *_candleX, *_candleY;
int *_pianistX, *_drunkX;
RoomUpdate *_roomPreUpdates, *_roomUpdates;
RoomTalkAction *_roomActions;
TalkSequenceCommand *_talkSequences;
char **loadTexts(Common::File &in);
void freeTexts(char **ptr);
} // End of namespace Drascula
#endif /* DRASCULA_H */