Christian Krause 6d226501b5 EMI: Implement mesh-specific alpha values
- if Lua_V2::SetActorGlobalAlpha() is called with a mesh name,
  set a mesh-specific alpha value / mode
- use this alpha value in drawEMIModelFace()
- fixes the problem that the whole actor vanishes in some scenes
  (e.g. when entering or leaving the porch of the of LUA bar)
2015-02-17 01:57:07 +01:00

488 lines
13 KiB

/* ResidualVM - A 3D game interpreter
* ResidualVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names
* are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT
* file distributed with this source distribution.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "common/endian.h"
#include "common/foreach.h"
#include "engines/grim/debug.h"
#include "engines/grim/grim.h"
#include "engines/grim/material.h"
#include "engines/grim/gfx_base.h"
#include "engines/grim/resource.h"
#include "engines/grim/set.h"
#include "engines/grim/emi/costumeemi.h"
#include "engines/grim/emi/modelemi.h"
#include "engines/grim/emi/animationemi.h"
#include "engines/grim/emi/skeleton.h"
namespace Grim {
struct Vector3int {
int _x;
int _y;
int _z;
void setVal(int x, int y, int z) {
_x = x; _y = y; _z = z;
struct BoneInfo {
int _incFac;
int _joint;
float _weight;
Common::String readLAString(Common::ReadStream *ms) {
int strLength = ms->readUint32LE();
char *readString = new char[strLength];
ms->read(readString, strLength);
Common::String retVal(readString);
delete[] readString;
return retVal;
void EMIMeshFace::loadFace(Common::SeekableReadStream *data) {
_flags = data->readUint32LE();
_hasTexture = data->readUint32LE();
if (_hasTexture)
_texID = data->readUint32LE();
_faceLength = data->readUint32LE();
_faceLength = _faceLength / 3;
int x = 0, y = 0, z = 0;
_indexes = new Vector3int[_faceLength];
int j = 0;
for (uint32 i = 0; i < _faceLength; i ++) {
// FIXME: Are these ever going to be < 0 ?
if (g_grim->getGamePlatform() == Common::kPlatformPS2) {
x = data->readSint32LE();
y = data->readSint32LE();
z = data->readSint32LE();
} else {
x = data->readSint16LE();
y = data->readSint16LE();
z = data->readSint16LE();
_indexes[j++].setVal(x, y, z);
EMIMeshFace::~EMIMeshFace() {
delete[] _indexes;
void EMIModel::setTex(uint32 index) {
if (index < _numTextures && _mats[index]) {
g_driver->setBlendMode(_texFlags[index] & BlendAdditive);
void EMIModel::loadMesh(Common::SeekableReadStream *data) {
//int strLength = 0; // Usefull for PS2-strings
Common::String nameString = readLAString(data);
char f[4];
data->read(f, 4);
for (uint l = 0; l < nameString.size(); ++l) {
if (nameString[l] == '\\') {
nameString.setChar('/', l);
_meshName = nameString;
_radius = get_float(f);
_numTexSets = data->readUint32LE();
_setType = data->readUint32LE();
_numTextures = data->readUint32LE();
_texNames = new Common::String[_numTextures];
_texFlags = new uint32[_numTextures];
for (uint32 i = 0; i < _numTextures; i++) {
_texNames[i] = readLAString(data);
_texFlags[i] = data->readUint32LE();
if (_texFlags[i] & ~(BlendAdditive)) {
Debug::debug(Debug::Models, "Model %s has unknown flags (%d) for texture %s", nameString.c_str(), _texFlags[i], _texNames[i].c_str());
int type = data->readUint32LE();
// Check that it is one of the known types
//3 is no texture vertecies
//18 is no normals
//19 is regular
assert(type == 19 || type == 18 || type == 3);
_numVertices = data->readUint32LE();
_lighting = new Math::Vector3d[_numVertices];
for (int i = 0; i < _numVertices; i++) {
_lighting[i].set(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
// Vertices
_vertices = new Math::Vector3d[_numVertices];
_drawVertices = new Math::Vector3d[_numVertices];
for (int i = 0; i < _numVertices; i++) {
_drawVertices[i] = _vertices[i];
_normals = new Math::Vector3d[_numVertices];
_drawNormals = new Math::Vector3d[_numVertices];
if (type != 18) {
for (int i = 0; i < _numVertices; i++) {
_drawNormals[i] = _normals[i];
_colorMap = new EMIColormap[_numVertices];
for (int i = 0; i < _numVertices; ++i) {
_colorMap[i].r = data->readByte();
_colorMap[i].g = data->readByte();
_colorMap[i].b = data->readByte();
_colorMap[i].a = data->readByte();
if (type != 3) {
_texVerts = new Math::Vector2d[_numVertices];
for (int i = 0; i < _numVertices; i++) {
// Faces
_numFaces = data->readUint32LE();
if (data->eos()) {
_numFaces = 0;
_faces = nullptr;
_faces = new EMIMeshFace[_numFaces];
for (uint32 j = 0; j < _numFaces; j++) {
int hasBones = data->readUint32LE();
if (hasBones == 1) {
_numBones = data->readUint32LE();
_boneNames = new Common::String[_numBones];
for (int i = 0; i < _numBones; i++) {
_boneNames[i] = readLAString(data);
_numBoneInfos = data->readUint32LE();
_boneInfos = new BoneInfo[_numBoneInfos];
for (int i = 0; i < _numBoneInfos; i++) {
_boneInfos[i]._incFac = data->readUint32LE();
_boneInfos[i]._joint = data->readUint32LE();
data->read(f, 4);
_boneInfos[i]._weight = get_float(f);
} else {
_numBones = 0;
_numBoneInfos = 0;
void EMIModel::setSkeleton(Skeleton *skel) {
if (_skeleton == skel) {
_skeleton = skel;
if (!skel || !_numBoneInfos) {
delete[] _vertexBoneInfo; _vertexBoneInfo = nullptr;
_vertexBoneInfo = new int[_numBoneInfos];
for (int i = 0; i < _numBoneInfos; i++) {
_vertexBoneInfo[i] = _skeleton->findJointIndex(_boneNames[_boneInfos[i]._joint]);
void EMIModel::prepareForRender() {
if (!_skeleton || !_vertexBoneInfo)
for (int i = 0; i < _numVertices; i++) {
_drawVertices[i].set(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
_drawNormals[i].set(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
int boneVert = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < _numBoneInfos; i++) {
if (_boneInfos[i]._incFac == 1) {
int jointIndex = _vertexBoneInfo[i];
const Math::Matrix4 &jointMatrix = _skeleton->_joints[jointIndex]._finalMatrix;
const Math::Matrix4 &bindPose = _skeleton->_joints[jointIndex]._absMatrix;
Math::Vector3d vert = _vertices[boneVert];
jointMatrix.transform(&vert, true);
_drawVertices[boneVert] += vert * _boneInfos[i]._weight;
Math::Vector3d normal = _normals[boneVert];
jointMatrix.transform(&normal, false);
_drawNormals[boneVert] += normal * _boneInfos[i]._weight;
for (int i = 0; i < _numVertices; i++) {
void EMIModel::prepareTextures() {
_mats = new Material*[_numTextures];
for (uint32 i = 0; i < _numTextures; i++) {
_mats[i] = _costume->loadMaterial(_texNames[i], false);
void EMIModel::draw() {
Actor *actor = _costume->getOwner();
Math::Matrix4 modelToWorld = actor->getFinalMatrix();
if (!actor->isInOverworld()) {
Math::AABB bounds = calculateWorldBounds(modelToWorld);
if (bounds.isValid() && !g_grim->getCurrSet()->getFrustum().isInside(bounds))
if (!g_driver->supportsShaders()) {
// If shaders are not available, we calculate lighting in software.
Actor::LightMode lightMode = actor->getLightMode();
if (lightMode != Actor::LightNone) {
if (lightMode != Actor::LightStatic)
_lightingDirty = true;
if (_lightingDirty) {
_lightingDirty = false;
} else {
if (actor->getLightMode() == Actor::LightNone) {
// We will need to add a call to the skeleton, to get the modified vertices, but for now,
// I'll be happy with just static drawing
for (uint32 i = 0; i < _numFaces; i++) {
g_driver->drawEMIModelFace(this, &_faces[i]);
if (g_driver->supportsShaders() && actor->getLightMode() == Actor::LightNone) {
void EMIModel::updateLighting(const Math::Matrix4 &modelToWorld) {
// Current lighting implementation mimics the NormDyn mode of the original game, even if
// FastDyn is requested. We assume that FastDyn mode was used only for the purpose of
// performance optimization, but NormDyn mode is visually superior in all cases.
Common::Array<Grim::Light *> activeLights;
bool hasAmbient = false;
Actor *actor = _costume->getOwner();
foreach(Light *l, g_grim->getCurrSet()->getLights(actor->isInOverworld())) {
if (l->_enabled) {
if (l->_type == Light::Ambient)
hasAmbient = true;
for (int i = 0; i < _numVertices; i++) {
Math::Vector3d &result = _lighting[i];
result.set(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
Math::Vector3d normal = _drawNormals[i];
Math::Vector3d vertex = _drawVertices[i];
modelToWorld.transform(&vertex, true);
modelToWorld.transform(&normal, false);
for (uint j = 0; j < activeLights.size(); ++j) {
Light *l = activeLights[j];
float shade = l->_intensity;
if (l->_type != Light::Ambient) {
// Direction of incident light
Math::Vector3d dir = l->_dir;
if (l->_type != Light::Direct) {
dir = l->_pos - vertex;
float distSq = dir.getSquareMagnitude();
if (distSq > l->_falloffFar * l->_falloffFar)
if (distSq > l->_falloffNear * l->_falloffNear) {
float dist = sqrt(distSq);
float attn = 1.0f - (dist - l->_falloffNear) / (l->_falloffFar - l->_falloffNear);
shade *= attn;
if (l->_type == Light::Spot) {
float cosAngle = l->_dir.dotProduct(dir);
if (cosAngle < 0.0f)
float angle = acos(cosAngle);
if (angle > l->_penumbraangle)
if (angle > l->_umbraangle)
shade *= 1.0f - (angle - l->_umbraangle) / (l->_penumbraangle - l->_umbraangle);
float dot = MAX(0.0f, normal.dotProduct(dir));
shade *= dot;
Math::Vector3d color;
color.x() = l->_color.getRed() / 255.0f;
color.y() = l->_color.getGreen() / 255.0f;
color.z() = l->_color.getBlue() / 255.0f;
result += color * shade;
if (!hasAmbient) {
// If the set does not specify an ambient light, a default ambient light is used
// instead. The effect of this is visible for example in the set gmi.
result += Math::Vector3d(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f);
float max = MAX(MAX(result.x(), result.y()), result.z());
if (max > 1.0f) {
result.x() = result.x() / max;
result.y() = result.y() / max;
result.z() = result.z() / max;
void EMIModel::getBoundingBox(int *x1, int *y1, int *x2, int *y2) const {
int winX1, winY1, winX2, winY2;
g_driver->getScreenBoundingBox(this, &winX1, &winY1, &winX2, &winY2);
if (winX1 != -1 && winY1 != -1 && winX2 != -1 && winY2 != -1) {
*x1 = MIN(*x1, winX1);
*y1 = MIN(*y1, winY1);
*x2 = MAX(*x2, winX2);
*y2 = MAX(*y2, winY2);
Math::AABB EMIModel::calculateWorldBounds(const Math::Matrix4 &matrix) const {
Math::AABB bounds;
for (int i = 0; i < _numVertices; i++) {
return bounds;
EMIModel::EMIModel(const Common::String &filename, Common::SeekableReadStream *data, EMICostume *costume) :
_fname(filename), _costume(costume) {
_meshAlphaMode = Actor::AlphaOff;
_meshAlpha = 1.0;
_numVertices = 0;
_vertices = nullptr;
_drawVertices = nullptr;
_normals = nullptr;
_drawNormals = nullptr;
_colorMap = nullptr;
_texVerts = nullptr;
_numFaces = 0;
_faces = nullptr;
_numTextures = 0;
_texNames = nullptr;
_mats = nullptr;
_numBones = 0;
_boneInfos = nullptr;
_numBoneInfos = 0;
_vertexBoneInfo = nullptr;
_skeleton = nullptr;
_radius = 0;
_center = new Math::Vector3d();
_boxData = new Math::Vector3d();
_boxData2 = new Math::Vector3d();
_numTexSets = 0;
_setType = 0;
_boneNames = nullptr;
_lighting = nullptr;
_lightingDirty = true;
_texFlags = nullptr;
EMIModel::~EMIModel() {
delete[] _vertices;
delete[] _drawVertices;
delete[] _normals;
delete[] _drawNormals;
delete[] _colorMap;
delete[] _texVerts;
delete[] _faces;
delete[] _texNames;
delete[] _mats;
delete[] _boneInfos;
delete[] _vertexBoneInfo;
delete[] _boneNames;
delete[] _lighting;
delete[] _texFlags;
delete _center;
delete _boxData;
delete _boxData2;
} // end of namespace Grim