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/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine
* ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names
* are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT
* file distributed with this source distribution.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
* $URL$
* $Id$
// Scripting module: Script resource handling functions
#include "saga/saga.h"
#include "saga/gfx.h"
#include "saga/console.h"
#include "saga/script.h"
#include "saga/interface.h"
#include "saga/itedata.h"
#include "saga/scene.h"
#include "saga/events.h"
#include "saga/actor.h"
#include "saga/objectmap.h"
#include "saga/isomap.h"
#include "saga/resource.h"
namespace Saga {
#define RID_SCENE1_VOICE_END 186
SAGA1Script::SAGA1Script(SagaEngine *vm) : Script(vm) {
ResourceContext *resourceContext;
ByteArray resourceData;
int prevTell;
uint ui;
int j;
ByteArray stringsData;
//initialize member variables
_abortEnabled = true;
_skipSpeeches = false;
_conversingThread = NULL;
_firstObjectSet = false;
_secondObjectNeeded = false;
_pendingVerb = getVerbType(kVerbNone);
_currentVerb = getVerbType(kVerbNone);
_stickyVerb = getVerbType(kVerbWalkTo);
_leftButtonVerb = getVerbType(kVerbNone);
_rightButtonVerb = getVerbType(kVerbNone);
_pointerObject = ID_NOTHING;
_staticSize = 0;
debug(8, "Initializing scripting subsystem");
// Load script resource file context
_scriptContext = _vm->_resource->getContext(GAME_SCRIPTFILE);
if (_scriptContext == NULL) {
error("Script::Script() script context not found");
resourceContext = _vm->_resource->getContext(GAME_RESOURCEFILE);
if (resourceContext == NULL) {
error("Script::Script() resource context not found");
uint32 scriptResourceId = 0;
scriptResourceId = _vm->getResourceDescription()->moduleLUTResourceId;
debug(3, "Loading module LUT from resource %i", scriptResourceId);
_vm->_resource->loadResource(resourceContext, scriptResourceId, resourceData);
// Create logical script LUT from resource
if (resourceData.size() % 22 == 0) { // ITE CD
_modulesLUTEntryLen = 22;
} else if (resourceData.size() % 16 == 0) { // ITE disk, IHNM
_modulesLUTEntryLen = 16;
} else {
error("Script::Script() Invalid script lookup table length (%i)", (int)resourceData.size());
// Calculate number of entries
int modulesCount = resourceData.size() / _modulesLUTEntryLen;
debug(3, "LUT has %i entries", modulesCount);
// Allocate space for logical LUT
// Convert LUT resource to logical LUT
ByteArrayReadStreamEndian scriptS(resourceData, resourceContext->isBigEndian());
for (ui = 0; ui < _modules.size(); ui++) {
prevTell = scriptS.pos();
_modules[ui].scriptResourceId = scriptS.readUint16();
_modules[ui].stringsResourceId = scriptS.readUint16();
_modules[ui].voicesResourceId = scriptS.readUint16();
// Skip the unused portion of the structure
for (j = scriptS.pos(); j < prevTell + _modulesLUTEntryLen; j++) {
if (scriptS.readByte() != 0)
warning("Unused scriptLUT part isn't really unused for LUT %d (pos: %d)", ui, j);
// In ITE, the "main strings" resource contains both the verb strings
// and the object names.
// In IHNM, the "main strings" contains the verb strings, but not the
// object names. At least, I think that's the case.
_vm->_resource->loadResource(resourceContext, _vm->getResourceDescription()->mainStringsResourceId, stringsData);
_vm->loadStrings(_mainStrings, stringsData);
// Setup script functions
switch (_vm->getGameId()) {
case GID_ITE:
case GID_IHNM:
SAGA1Script::~SAGA1Script() {
debug(8, "Shutting down scripting subsystem.");
SAGA2Script::SAGA2Script(SagaEngine *vm) : Script(vm) {
ByteArray resourceData;
debug(8, "Initializing scripting subsystem");
// Load script resource file context
_scriptContext = _vm->_resource->getContext(GAME_SCRIPTFILE);
if (_scriptContext == NULL) {
error("Script::Script() script context not found");
// Script export segment (lookup table)
uint32 saga2ExportSegId = MKID_BE('_EXP');
int32 entryNum = _scriptContext->getEntryNum(saga2ExportSegId);
if (entryNum < 0)
error("Unable to locate the script's export segment");
debug(3, "Loading module LUT from resource %i", entryNum);
_vm->_resource->loadResource(_scriptContext, (uint32)entryNum, resourceData);
_modulesLUTEntryLen = sizeof(uint32);
// Calculate number of entries
int modulesCount = resourceData.size() / _modulesLUTEntryLen + 1;
debug(3, "LUT has %i entries", modulesCount);
// Script data segment
uint32 saga2DataSegId = MKID_BE('__DA');
entryNum = _scriptContext->getEntryNum(saga2DataSegId);
if (entryNum < 0)
error("Unable to locate the script's data segment");
debug(3, "Loading module data from resource %i", entryNum);
_vm->_resource->loadResource(_scriptContext, (uint32)entryNum, resourcePointer, resourceLength);
SAGA2Script::~SAGA2Script() {
debug(8, "Shutting down scripting subsystem.");
// Initializes the scripting module.
// Loads script resource look-up table, initializes script data system
Script::Script(SagaEngine *vm) : _vm(vm) {
// Shut down script module gracefully; free all allocated module resources
Script::~Script() {
// Script opcodes
#define OPCODE(x) {&Script::x, #x}
void Script::setupScriptOpcodeList() {
static const ScriptOpDescription SAGA1ScriptOpcodes[] = {
OPCODE(opDummy), // 00: Undefined
// Internal operations
OPCODE(opNextBlock), // 01: Continue execution at next block
OPCODE(opDup), // 02: Duplicate 16-bit value on stack
OPCODE(opDrop), // 03: Drop 16-bit value on stack
// Primary values
OPCODE(opZero), // 04: Push a zero on the stack
OPCODE(opOne), // 05: Push a one on the stack
OPCODE(opConstInt), // 06: Constant integer
OPCODE(opDummy), // 07: Constant ID reference (unused)
OPCODE(opStrLit), // 08: String literal
OPCODE(opDummy), // 09: Symbol address (unused)
OPCODE(opDummy), // 10: Symbol contents (unused)
// References within this module
OPCODE(opGetFlag), // 11: Read flag bit
OPCODE(opGetInt), // 12: Read integer
OPCODE(opDummy), // 13: Read string (unused)
OPCODE(opDummy), // 14: Read id (unused)
OPCODE(opPutFlag), // 15: Write flag bit
OPCODE(opPutInt), // 16: Write integer
OPCODE(opDummy), // 17: Write string (unused)
OPCODE(opDummy), // 18: Write id (unused)
// Void versions, which consume their arguments
OPCODE(opPutFlagV), // 19: Write flag bit
OPCODE(opPutIntV), // 20: Write integer
OPCODE(opDummy), // 21: Write string (unused)
OPCODE(opDummy), // 22: Write id (unused)
// Function calling
OPCODE(opCall), // 23: Call function
OPCODE(opCcall), // 24: Call C function
OPCODE(opCcallV), // 25: Call C function ()
OPCODE(opEnter), // 26: Enter a function
OPCODE(opReturn), // 27: Return from a function
OPCODE(opReturnV), // 28: Return from a function ()
// Branching
OPCODE(opJmp), // 29
OPCODE(opJmpTrueV), // 30: Test argument and consume it
OPCODE(opJmpFalseV), // 31: Test argument and consume it
OPCODE(opJmpTrue), // 32: Test argument but don't consume it
OPCODE(opJmpFalse), // 33: Test argument but don't consume it
OPCODE(opJmpSwitch), // 34: Switch (integer)
OPCODE(opDummy), // 35: Switch (string) (unused)
OPCODE(opJmpRandom), // 36: Random jump
// Unary operators
OPCODE(opNegate), // 37
OPCODE(opNot), // 38
OPCODE(opCompl), // 39
OPCODE(opIncV), // 40: Increment, don't push
OPCODE(opDecV), // 41: Increment, don't push
OPCODE(opPostInc), // 42
OPCODE(opPostDec), // 43
// Arithmetic
OPCODE(opAdd), // 44
OPCODE(opSub), // 45
OPCODE(opMul), // 46
OPCODE(opDiv), // 47
OPCODE(opMod), // 48
// Conditional
OPCODE(opDummy), // 49: opConditional (unused)
OPCODE(opDummy), // 50: opComma (unused)
// Comparison
OPCODE(opEq), // 51
OPCODE(opNe), // 52
OPCODE(opGt), // 53
OPCODE(opLt), // 54
OPCODE(opGe), // 55
OPCODE(opLe), // 56
// String comparison
OPCODE(opDummy), // 57: opStrEq (unused)
OPCODE(opDummy), // 58: opStrNe (unused)
OPCODE(opDummy), // 59: opStrGt (unused)
OPCODE(opDummy), // 60: opStrLt (unused)
OPCODE(opDummy), // 61: opStrGe (unused)
OPCODE(opDummy), // 62: opStrLe (unused)
// Shift
OPCODE(opRsh), // 63
OPCODE(opLsh), // 64
// Bitwise
OPCODE(opAnd), // 65
OPCODE(opOr), // 66
OPCODE(opXor), // 67
// Logical
OPCODE(opLAnd), // 68
OPCODE(opLOr), // 69
OPCODE(opLXor), // 70
// String manipulation
OPCODE(opDummy), // 71: opStrCat, string concatenation (unused)
OPCODE(opDummy), // 72: opStrFormat, string formatting (unused)
// Assignment
OPCODE(opDummy), // 73: assign (unused)
OPCODE(opDummy), // 74: += (unused)
OPCODE(opDummy), // 75: -= (unused)
OPCODE(opDummy), // 76: *= (unused)
OPCODE(opDummy), // 77: /= (unused)
OPCODE(opDummy), // 78: %= (unused)
OPCODE(opDummy), // 79: <<= (unused)
OPCODE(opDummy), // 80: >>= (unused)
OPCODE(opDummy), // 81: and (unused)
OPCODE(opDummy), // 82: or (unused)
// Special
OPCODE(opSpeak), // 83
OPCODE(opDialogBegin), // 84
OPCODE(opDialogEnd), // 85
OPCODE(opReply), // 86
OPCODE(opAnimate) // 87
static const ScriptOpDescription SAGA2ScriptOpcodes[] = {
OPCODE(opDummy), // 00: Undefined
// Internal operations
OPCODE(opNextBlock), // 01: Continue execution at next block
OPCODE(opDup), // 02: Duplicate 16-bit value on stack
OPCODE(opDrop), // 03: Drop 16-bit value on stack
// Primary values
OPCODE(opZero), // 04: Push a zero on the stack
OPCODE(opOne), // 05: Push a one on the stack
OPCODE(opConstInt), // 06: Constant integer
OPCODE(opDummy), // 07: Constant ID reference (unused)
OPCODE(opStrLit), // 08: String literal
OPCODE(opDummy), // 09: Symbol address (unused)
OPCODE(opDummy), // 10: Symbol contents (unused)
OPCODE(opDummy), // 11: Reference to "this" (unused)
OPCODE(opDummy), // 12: Dereference of an ID (unused)
// References within this module
OPCODE(opGetFlag), // 13: Read flag bit
OPCODE(opGetByte), // 14: Read byte
OPCODE(opGetInt), // 15: Read integer
OPCODE(opDummy), // 16: Read string (unused)
OPCODE(opDummy), // 17: Read id (unused)
OPCODE(opPutFlag), // 18: Write flag bit
OPCODE(opPutByte), // 19: Write byte
OPCODE(opPutInt), // 20: Write integer
OPCODE(opDummy), // 21: Write string (unused)
OPCODE(opDummy), // 22: Write id (unused)
OPCODE(opDummy), // 23: Push effective address (unused)
// Void versions, which consume their arguments
OPCODE(opPutFlagV), // 24: Write flag bit
OPCODE(opPutByteV), // 25: Write byte
OPCODE(opPutIntV), // 26: Write integer
OPCODE(opDummy), // 27: Write string (unused)
OPCODE(opDummy), // 28: Write id (unused)
// Function calling
OPCODE(opCallNear), // 29: Call function in the same segment
OPCODE(opCallFar), // 30: Call function in other segment
OPCODE(opCcall), // 31: Call C function
OPCODE(opCcallV), // 32: Call C function ()
OPCODE(opCallMember), // 33: Call member function
OPCODE(opCallMemberV), // 34: Call member function ()
OPCODE(opEnter), // 35: Enter a function
OPCODE(opReturn), // 36: Return from a function
OPCODE(opReturnV), // 37: Return from a function ()
// Branching
OPCODE(opJmp), // 38
OPCODE(opJmpTrueV), // 39: Test argument and consume it
OPCODE(opJmpFalseV), // 40: Test argument and consume it
OPCODE(opJmpTrue), // 41: Test argument but don't consume it
OPCODE(opJmpFalse), // 42: Test argument but don't consume it
OPCODE(opJmpSwitch), // 43: Switch (integer)
OPCODE(opDummy), // 44: Switch (string) (unused)
OPCODE(opJmpRandom), // 45: Random jump
// Unary operators
OPCODE(opNegate), // 46
OPCODE(opNot), // 47
OPCODE(opCompl), // 48
OPCODE(opIncV), // 49: Increment, don't push
OPCODE(opDecV), // 50: Increment, don't push
OPCODE(opPostInc), // 51
OPCODE(opPostDec), // 52
// Arithmetic
OPCODE(opAdd), // 53
OPCODE(opSub), // 54
OPCODE(opMul), // 55
OPCODE(opDiv), // 56
OPCODE(opMod), // 57
// Conditional
OPCODE(opDummy), // 58: opConditional (unused)
OPCODE(opDummy), // 59: opComma (unused)
// Comparison
OPCODE(opEq), // 60
OPCODE(opNe), // 61
OPCODE(opGt), // 62
OPCODE(opLt), // 63
OPCODE(opGe), // 64
OPCODE(opLe), // 65
// String comparison
OPCODE(opDummy), // 66: opStrEq (unused)
OPCODE(opDummy), // 67: opStrNe (unused)
OPCODE(opDummy), // 68: opStrGt (unused)
OPCODE(opDummy), // 69: opStrLt (unused)
OPCODE(opDummy), // 70: opStrGe (unused)
OPCODE(opDummy), // 71: opStrLe (unused)
// Shift
OPCODE(opRsh), // 72
OPCODE(opLsh), // 73
// Bitwise
OPCODE(opAnd), // 74
OPCODE(opOr), // 75
OPCODE(opXor), // 76
// Logical
OPCODE(opLAnd), // 77
OPCODE(opLOr), // 78
OPCODE(opLXor), // 79
// String manipulation
OPCODE(opDummy), // 80: opStrCat, string concatenation (unused)
OPCODE(opDummy), // 81: opStrFormat, string formatting (unused)
// Assignment
OPCODE(opDummy), // 82: assign (unused)
OPCODE(opDummy), // 83: += (unused)
OPCODE(opDummy), // 84: -= (unused)
OPCODE(opDummy), // 85: *= (unused)
OPCODE(opDummy), // 86: /= (unused)
OPCODE(opDummy), // 87: %= (unused)
OPCODE(opDummy), // 88: <<= (unused)
OPCODE(opDummy), // 89: >>= (unused)
OPCODE(opDummy), // 90: and (unused)
OPCODE(opDummy), // 91: or (unused)
// Special
OPCODE(opSpeak), // 92
OPCODE(opDialogBegin), // 93
OPCODE(opDialogEnd), // 94
OPCODE(opReply), // 95
OPCODE(opAnimate), // 96
OPCODE(opJmpSeedRandom),// 97: Seeded random jump
OPCODE(opDummy) // 98: Get seeded export number (unused)
if (!_vm->isSaga2()) {
_scriptOpsList = SAGA1ScriptOpcodes;
} else {
_scriptOpsList = SAGA2ScriptOpcodes;
void Script::opDup(SCRIPTOP_PARAMS) {
void Script::opDrop(SCRIPTOP_PARAMS) {
void Script::opZero(SCRIPTOP_PARAMS) {
void Script::opOne(SCRIPTOP_PARAMS) {
void Script::opConstInt(SCRIPTOP_PARAMS) {
void Script::opStrLit(SCRIPTOP_PARAMS) {
void Script::opGetFlag(SCRIPTOP_PARAMS) {
byte *addr = thread->baseAddress(scriptS->readByte());
int16 iparam1 = scriptS->readSint16LE();
addr += (iparam1 >> 3);
iparam1 = (1 << (iparam1 & 7));
thread->push((*addr) & iparam1 ? 1 : 0);
void Script::opGetByte(SCRIPTOP_PARAMS) {
// SAGA 2 opcode
void Script::opGetInt(SCRIPTOP_PARAMS) {
byte mode = scriptS->readByte();
byte *addr = thread->baseAddress(mode);
int16 iparam1 = scriptS->readSint16LE();
addr += iparam1;
thread->push(readUint16(addr, mode));
debug(8, "0x%X", readUint16(addr, mode));
void Script::opPutFlag(SCRIPTOP_PARAMS) {
byte *addr = thread->baseAddress(scriptS->readByte());
int16 iparam1 = scriptS->readSint16LE();
addr += (iparam1 >> 3);
iparam1 = (1 << (iparam1 & 7));
if (thread->stackTop()) {
*addr |= iparam1;
} else {
*addr &= ~iparam1;
void Script::opPutByte(SCRIPTOP_PARAMS) {
// SAGA 2 opcode
void Script::opPutInt(SCRIPTOP_PARAMS) {
byte mode = scriptS->readByte();
byte *addr = thread->baseAddress(mode);
int16 iparam1 = scriptS->readSint16LE();
addr += iparam1;
writeUint16(addr, thread->stackTop(), mode);
void Script::opPutFlagV(SCRIPTOP_PARAMS) {
byte *addr = thread->baseAddress(scriptS->readByte());
int16 iparam1 = scriptS->readSint16LE();
addr += (iparam1 >> 3);
iparam1 = (1 << (iparam1 & 7));
if (thread->pop()) {
*addr |= iparam1;
} else {
*addr &= ~iparam1;
void Script::opPutByteV(SCRIPTOP_PARAMS) {
// SAGA 2 opcode
void Script::opPutIntV(SCRIPTOP_PARAMS) {
byte mode = scriptS->readByte();
byte *addr = thread->baseAddress(mode);
int16 iparam1 = scriptS->readSint16LE();
addr += iparam1;
writeUint16(addr, thread->pop(), mode);
void Script::opCall(SCRIPTOP_PARAMS) {
byte argumentsCount = scriptS->readByte();
int16 iparam1 = scriptS->readByte();
if (iparam1 != kAddressModule) {
error("Script::runThread iparam1 != kAddressModule");
iparam1 = scriptS->readSint16LE();
// NOTE: The original pushes the program
// counter as a pointer here. But I don't think
// we will have to do that.
// NOTE2: program counter is 32bit - so we should "emulate" it size - because kAddressStack relies on it
thread->_instructionOffset = iparam1;
void Script::opCallNear(SCRIPTOP_PARAMS) {
// SAGA 2 opcode
void Script::opCallFar(SCRIPTOP_PARAMS) {
// SAGA 2 opcode
void Script::opCcall(SCRIPTOP_PARAMS) {
byte argumentsCount = scriptS->readByte();
uint16 functionNumber = scriptS->readUint16LE();
if (functionNumber >= ((_vm->getGameId() == GID_IHNM) ?
error("Script::opCcall() Invalid script function number (%d)", functionNumber);
debug(2, "Calling #%d %s argCount=%i", functionNumber, _scriptFunctionsList[functionNumber].scriptFunctionName, argumentsCount);
ScriptFunctionType scriptFunction = _scriptFunctionsList[functionNumber].scriptFunction;
uint16 checkStackTopIndex = thread->_stackTopIndex + argumentsCount;
(this->*scriptFunction)(thread, argumentsCount, stopParsing);
if (stopParsing)
if (scriptFunction == &Saga::Script::sfScriptGotoScene) {
stopParsing = true; // cause abortAllThreads called and _this_ thread destroyed
breakOut = true;
if (scriptFunction == &Saga::Script::sfVsetTrack) {
stopParsing = true;
breakOut = true;
return; // cause abortAllThreads called and _this_ thread destroyed
thread->_stackTopIndex = checkStackTopIndex;
thread->push(thread->_returnValue); // return value
if (thread->_flags & kTFlagAsleep)
breakOut = true; // break out of loop!
void Script::opCallMember(SCRIPTOP_PARAMS) {
// SAGA 2 opcode
void Script::opCallMemberV(SCRIPTOP_PARAMS) {
// SAGA 2 opcode
void Script::opCcallV(SCRIPTOP_PARAMS) {
byte argumentsCount = scriptS->readByte();
uint16 functionNumber = scriptS->readUint16LE();
if (functionNumber >= ((_vm->getGameId() == GID_IHNM) ?
error("Script::opCcallV() Invalid script function number (%d)", functionNumber);
debug(2, "Calling #%d %s argCount=%i", functionNumber, _scriptFunctionsList[functionNumber].scriptFunctionName, argumentsCount);
ScriptFunctionType scriptFunction = _scriptFunctionsList[functionNumber].scriptFunction;
uint16 checkStackTopIndex = thread->_stackTopIndex + argumentsCount;
(this->*scriptFunction)(thread, argumentsCount, stopParsing);
if (stopParsing)
if (scriptFunction == &Saga::Script::sfScriptGotoScene) {
stopParsing = true;
breakOut = true;
return; // cause abortAllThreads called and _this_ thread destroyed
if (scriptFunction == &Saga::Script::sfVsetTrack) {
stopParsing = true;
breakOut = true;
return; // cause abortAllThreads called and _this_ thread destroyed
thread->_stackTopIndex = checkStackTopIndex;
if (thread->_flags & kTFlagAsleep)
breakOut = true; // break out of loop!
void Script::opEnter(SCRIPTOP_PARAMS) {
thread->_frameIndex = thread->_stackTopIndex;
thread->_stackTopIndex -= (scriptS->readSint16LE() / 2);
void Script::opReturn(SCRIPTOP_PARAMS) {
thread->_returnValue = thread->pop(); // return value
thread->_stackTopIndex = thread->_frameIndex;
thread->_frameIndex = thread->pop();
if (thread->pushedSize() == 0) {
thread->_flags |= kTFlagFinished;
stopParsing = true;
breakOut = true;
} else {
thread->pop(); //cause it 0
thread->_instructionOffset = thread->pop();
// Pop all the call parameters off the stack
int16 iparam1 = thread->pop();
while (iparam1--) {
void Script::opReturnV(SCRIPTOP_PARAMS) {
thread->_stackTopIndex = thread->_frameIndex;
thread->_frameIndex = thread->pop();
if (thread->pushedSize() == 0) {
thread->_flags |= kTFlagFinished;
stopParsing = true;
breakOut = true;
} else {
thread->pop(); //cause it 0
thread->_instructionOffset = thread->pop();
// Pop all the call parameters off the stack
int16 iparam1 = thread->pop();
while (iparam1--) {
void Script::opJmp(SCRIPTOP_PARAMS) {
thread->_instructionOffset = scriptS->readUint16LE();
void Script::opJmpTrueV(SCRIPTOP_PARAMS) {
uint16 jmpOffset1 = scriptS->readUint16LE();
if (thread->pop())
thread->_instructionOffset = jmpOffset1;
void Script::opJmpFalseV(SCRIPTOP_PARAMS) {
uint16 jmpOffset1 = scriptS->readUint16LE();
if (!thread->pop())
thread->_instructionOffset = jmpOffset1;
void Script::opJmpTrue(SCRIPTOP_PARAMS) {
uint16 jmpOffset1 = scriptS->readUint16LE();
if (thread->stackTop())
thread->_instructionOffset = jmpOffset1;
void Script::opJmpFalse(SCRIPTOP_PARAMS) {
uint16 jmpOffset1 = scriptS->readUint16LE();
if (!thread->stackTop())
thread->_instructionOffset = jmpOffset1;
void Script::opJmpSwitch(SCRIPTOP_PARAMS) {
int16 iparam1 = scriptS->readSint16LE();
int16 iparam2 = thread->pop();
int16 iparam3;
while (iparam1--) {
iparam3 = scriptS->readUint16LE();
thread->_instructionOffset = scriptS->readUint16LE();
if (iparam3 == iparam2)
if (iparam1 < 0)
thread->_instructionOffset = scriptS->readUint16LE();
void Script::opJmpRandom(SCRIPTOP_PARAMS) {
// Supposedly the number of possible branches.
// The original interpreter ignores it.
int16 iparam1 = scriptS->readSint16LE();
iparam1 = _vm->_rnd.getRandomNumber(iparam1 - 1);
int16 iparam2;
while (1) {
iparam2 = scriptS->readSint16LE();
thread->_instructionOffset = scriptS->readUint16LE();
iparam1 -= iparam2;
if (iparam1 < 0)
void Script::opNegate(SCRIPTOP_PARAMS) {
void Script::opNot(SCRIPTOP_PARAMS) {
void Script::opCompl(SCRIPTOP_PARAMS) {
void Script::opIncV(SCRIPTOP_PARAMS) {
byte mode = scriptS->readByte();
byte *addr = thread->baseAddress(mode);
int16 iparam1 = scriptS->readSint16LE();
addr += iparam1;
iparam1 = readUint16(addr, mode);
writeUint16(addr, iparam1 + 1, mode);
void Script::opDecV(SCRIPTOP_PARAMS) {
byte mode = scriptS->readByte();
byte *addr = thread->baseAddress(mode);
int16 iparam1 = scriptS->readSint16LE();
addr += iparam1;
iparam1 = readUint16(addr, mode);
writeUint16(addr, iparam1 - 1, mode);
void Script::opPostInc(SCRIPTOP_PARAMS) {
byte mode = scriptS->readByte();
byte *addr = thread->baseAddress(mode);
int16 iparam1 = scriptS->readSint16LE();
addr += iparam1;
iparam1 = readUint16(addr, mode);
writeUint16(addr, iparam1 + 1, mode);
void Script::opPostDec(SCRIPTOP_PARAMS) {
byte mode = scriptS->readByte();
byte *addr = thread->baseAddress(mode);
int16 iparam1 = scriptS->readSint16LE();
addr += iparam1;
iparam1 = readUint16(addr, mode);
writeUint16(addr, iparam1 - 1, mode);
void Script::opAdd(SCRIPTOP_PARAMS) {
int16 iparam2 = thread->pop();
int16 iparam1 = thread->pop();
thread->push(iparam1 + iparam2);
void Script::opSub(SCRIPTOP_PARAMS) {
int16 iparam2 = thread->pop();
int16 iparam1 = thread->pop();
thread->push(iparam1 - iparam2);
void Script::opMul(SCRIPTOP_PARAMS) {
int16 iparam2 = thread->pop();
int16 iparam1 = thread->pop();
thread->push(iparam1 * iparam2);
void Script::opDiv(SCRIPTOP_PARAMS) {
int16 iparam2 = thread->pop();
int16 iparam1 = thread->pop();
thread->push(iparam1 / iparam2);
void Script::opMod(SCRIPTOP_PARAMS) {
int16 iparam2 = thread->pop();
int16 iparam1 = thread->pop();
thread->push(iparam1 % iparam2);
void Script::opEq(SCRIPTOP_PARAMS) {
int16 iparam2 = thread->pop();
int16 iparam1 = thread->pop();
thread->push((iparam1 == iparam2) ? 1 : 0);
void Script::opNe(SCRIPTOP_PARAMS) {
int16 iparam2 = thread->pop();
int16 iparam1 = thread->pop();
thread->push((iparam1 != iparam2) ? 1 : 0);
void Script::opGt(SCRIPTOP_PARAMS) {
int16 iparam2 = thread->pop();
int16 iparam1 = thread->pop();
thread->push((iparam1 > iparam2) ? 1 : 0);
void Script::opLt(SCRIPTOP_PARAMS) {
int16 iparam2 = thread->pop();
int16 iparam1 = thread->pop();
thread->push((iparam1 < iparam2) ? 1 : 0);
void Script::opGe(SCRIPTOP_PARAMS) {
int16 iparam2 = thread->pop();
int16 iparam1 = thread->pop();
thread->push((iparam1 >= iparam2) ? 1 : 0);
void Script::opLe(SCRIPTOP_PARAMS) {
int16 iparam2 = thread->pop();
int16 iparam1 = thread->pop();
thread->push((iparam1 <= iparam2) ? 1 : 0);
void Script::opRsh(SCRIPTOP_PARAMS) {
int16 iparam2 = thread->pop();
int16 iparam1 = thread->pop();
thread->push(iparam1 >> iparam2);
void Script::opLsh(SCRIPTOP_PARAMS) {
int16 iparam2 = thread->pop();
int16 iparam1 = thread->pop();
thread->push(iparam1 << iparam2);
void Script::opAnd(SCRIPTOP_PARAMS) {
int16 iparam2 = thread->pop();
int16 iparam1 = thread->pop();
thread->push(iparam1 & iparam2);
void Script::opOr(SCRIPTOP_PARAMS) {
int16 iparam2 = thread->pop();
int16 iparam1 = thread->pop();
thread->push(iparam1 | iparam2);
void Script::opXor(SCRIPTOP_PARAMS) {
int16 iparam2 = thread->pop();
int16 iparam1 = thread->pop();
thread->push(iparam1 ^ iparam2);
void Script::opLAnd(SCRIPTOP_PARAMS) {
int16 iparam2 = thread->pop();
int16 iparam1 = thread->pop();
thread->push((iparam1 && iparam2) ? 1 : 0);
void Script::opLOr(SCRIPTOP_PARAMS) {
int16 iparam2 = thread->pop();
int16 iparam1 = thread->pop();
thread->push((iparam1 || iparam2) ? 1 : 0);
void Script::opLXor(SCRIPTOP_PARAMS) {
int16 iparam2 = thread->pop();
int16 iparam1 = thread->pop();
thread->push(((iparam1 && !iparam2) || (!iparam1 && iparam2)) ? 1 : 0);
void Script::opSpeak(SCRIPTOP_PARAMS) {
if (_vm->_actor->isSpeaking()) {
stopParsing = true;
breakOut = false;
int stringsCount = scriptS->readByte();
uint16 actorId = scriptS->readUint16LE();
uint16 speechFlags = scriptS->readByte();
int sampleResourceId = -1;
int16 first;
const char *strings[ACTOR_SPEECH_STRING_MAX];
scriptS->readUint16LE(); // x,y skip
if (stringsCount == 0)
error("opSpeak stringsCount == 0");
if (stringsCount > ACTOR_SPEECH_STRING_MAX)
error("opSpeak stringsCount=0x%X exceed ACTOR_SPEECH_STRING_MAX", stringsCount);
int16 iparam1 = first = thread->stackTop();
for (int i = 0; i < stringsCount; i++) {
iparam1 = thread->pop();
strings[i] = thread->_strings->getString(iparam1);
// now data contains last string index
#if 0
if (_vm->getFeatures() & GF_OLD_ITE_DOS) { // special ITE dos
if ((_vm->_scene->currentSceneNumber() == ITE_DEFAULT_SCENE) &&
(iparam1 >= 288) && (iparam1 <= (RID_SCENE1_VOICE_END - RID_SCENE1_VOICE_START + 288))) {
sampleResourceId = RID_SCENE1_VOICE_START + iparam1 - 288;
} else {
if (thread->_voiceLUT->size() > uint16(first))
sampleResourceId = (*thread->_voiceLUT)[uint16(first)];
#if 0
if (sampleResourceId < 0 || sampleResourceId > 4000)
sampleResourceId = -1;
if (_vm->getGameId() == GID_ITE && !sampleResourceId)
sampleResourceId = -1;
_vm->_actor->actorSpeech(actorId, strings, stringsCount, sampleResourceId, speechFlags);
if (!(speechFlags & kSpeakAsync)) {
void Script::opDialogBegin(SCRIPTOP_PARAMS) {
if (_conversingThread) {
stopParsing = true;
breakOut = false;
_conversingThread = thread;
void Script::opDialogEnd(SCRIPTOP_PARAMS) {
if (thread == _conversingThread) {
stopParsing = true;
breakOut = false;
void Script::opReply(SCRIPTOP_PARAMS) {
const char *str;
byte replyNum = scriptS->readByte();
byte flags = scriptS->readByte();
int16 iparam1 = 0;
int strID = thread->pop();
if (flags & kReplyOnce) {
iparam1 = scriptS->readSint16LE();
byte *addr = thread->_staticBase + (iparam1 >> 3);
if (*addr & (1 << (iparam1 & 7))) {
str = thread->_strings->getString(strID);
if (_vm->_interface->converseAddText(str, strID, replyNum, flags, iparam1))
warning("Error adding ConverseText (%s, %d, %d, %d)", str, replyNum, flags, iparam1);
void Script::opAnimate(SCRIPTOP_PARAMS) {
thread->_instructionOffset += scriptS->readByte();
void Script::opJmpSeedRandom(SCRIPTOP_PARAMS) {
// SAGA 2 opcode
void Script::loadModule(uint scriptModuleNumber) {
ByteArray resourceData;
// Validate script number
if (scriptModuleNumber >= _modules.size()) {
error("Script::loadScript() Invalid script module number");
if (_modules[scriptModuleNumber].loaded) {
// Initialize script data structure
debug(3, "Loading script module #%d", scriptModuleNumber);
_vm->_resource->loadResource(_scriptContext, _modules[scriptModuleNumber].scriptResourceId, resourceData);
loadModuleBase(_modules[scriptModuleNumber], resourceData);
_vm->_resource->loadResource(_scriptContext, _modules[scriptModuleNumber].stringsResourceId, resourceData);
_vm->loadStrings(_modules[scriptModuleNumber].strings, resourceData);
if (_modules[scriptModuleNumber].voicesResourceId > 0) {
_vm->_resource->loadResource(_scriptContext, _modules[scriptModuleNumber].voicesResourceId, resourceData);
loadVoiceLUT(_modules[scriptModuleNumber].voiceLUT, resourceData);
_modules[scriptModuleNumber].staticOffset = _staticSize;
_staticSize += _modules[scriptModuleNumber].staticSize;
if (_staticSize > _commonBuffer.size()) {
error("Script::loadModule() _staticSize > _commonBuffer.size()");
_modules[scriptModuleNumber].loaded = true;
void Script::clearModules() {
uint i;
for (i = 0; i < _modules.size(); i++) {
if (_modules[i].loaded) {
_staticSize = 0;
void Script::loadModuleBase(ModuleData &module, const ByteArray &resourceData) {
uint i;
debug(3, "Loading module base...");
ByteArrayReadStreamEndian scriptS(module.moduleBase, _scriptContext->isBigEndian());
uint entryPointsCount = scriptS.readUint16();
scriptS.readUint16(); //skip
uint16 entryPointsTableOffset; // offset of entrypoint table in moduleBase
entryPointsTableOffset = scriptS.readUint16();
scriptS.readUint16(); //skip
if ((module.moduleBase.size() - entryPointsTableOffset) < (entryPointsCount * SCRIPT_TBLENTRY_LEN)) {
error("Script::loadModuleBase() Invalid table offset");
if (entryPointsCount > SCRIPT_MAX) {
error("Script::loadModuleBase()Script limit exceeded");
// Read in the entrypoint table
module.staticSize = scriptS.readUint16();
while (scriptS.pos() < entryPointsTableOffset)
for (i = 0; i < module.entryPoints.size(); i++) {
// First uint16 is the offset of the entrypoint name from the start
// of the bytecode resource, second uint16 is the offset of the
// bytecode itself for said entrypoint
module.entryPoints[i].nameOffset = scriptS.readUint16();
module.entryPoints[i].offset = scriptS.readUint16();
// Perform a simple range check on offset values
if ((module.entryPoints[i].nameOffset >= module.moduleBase.size()) || (module.entryPoints[i].offset >= module.moduleBase.size())) {
error("Script::loadModuleBase() Invalid offset encountered in script entrypoint table");
void Script::loadVoiceLUT(VoiceLUT &voiceLUT, const ByteArray &resourceData) {
uint16 i;
voiceLUT.resize(resourceData.size() / 2);
ByteArrayReadStreamEndian scriptS(resourceData, _scriptContext->isBigEndian());
for (i = 0; i < voiceLUT.size(); i++) {
voiceLUT[i] = scriptS.readUint16();
// verb
void Script::showVerb(int statusColor) {
const char *verbName;
const char *object1Name;
const char *object2Name;
char statusString[STATUS_TEXT_LEN];
if (_leftButtonVerb == getVerbType(kVerbNone)) {
if (_vm->getGameId() == GID_ITE)
verbName = _mainStrings.getString(_leftButtonVerb - 1);
verbName = _mainStrings.getString(_leftButtonVerb + 1);
if (objectTypeId(_currentObject[0]) == kGameObjectNone) {
_vm->_interface->setStatusText(verbName, statusColor);
object1Name = _vm->getObjectName(_currentObject[0]);
if (!_secondObjectNeeded) {
snprintf(statusString, STATUS_TEXT_LEN, "%s %s", verbName, object1Name);
_vm->_interface->setStatusText(statusString, statusColor);
if (objectTypeId(_currentObject[1]) != kGameObjectNone) {
object2Name = _vm->getObjectName(_currentObject[1]);
} else {
object2Name = "";
if (_leftButtonVerb == getVerbType(kVerbGive)) {
snprintf(statusString, STATUS_TEXT_LEN, _vm->getTextString(kTextGiveTo), object1Name, object2Name);
_vm->_interface->setStatusText(statusString, statusColor);
} else {
if (_leftButtonVerb == getVerbType(kVerbUse)) {
snprintf(statusString, STATUS_TEXT_LEN, _vm->getTextString(kTextUseWidth), object1Name, object2Name);
_vm->_interface->setStatusText(statusString, statusColor);
} else {
snprintf(statusString, STATUS_TEXT_LEN, "%s %s", verbName, object1Name);
_vm->_interface->setStatusText(statusString, statusColor);
int Script::getVerbType(VerbTypes verbType) {
if (_vm->getGameId() == GID_ITE) {
switch (verbType) {
case kVerbNone:
return kVerbITENone;
case kVerbWalkTo:
return kVerbITEWalkTo;
case kVerbGive:
return kVerbITEGive;
case kVerbUse:
return kVerbITEUse;
case kVerbEnter:
return kVerbITEEnter;
case kVerbLookAt:
return kVerbITELookAt;
case kVerbPickUp:
return kVerbITEPickUp;
case kVerbOpen:
return kVerbITEOpen;
case kVerbClose:
return kVerbITEClose;
case kVerbTalkTo:
return kVerbITETalkTo;
case kVerbWalkOnly:
return kVerbITEWalkOnly;
case kVerbLookOnly:
return kVerbITELookOnly;
case kVerbOptions:
return kVerbITEOptions;
} else if (_vm->getGameId() == GID_IHNM) {
switch (verbType) {
case kVerbNone:
return kVerbIHNMNone;
case kVerbWalkTo:
return kVerbIHNMWalk;
case kVerbLookAt:
return kVerbIHNMLookAt;
case kVerbPickUp:
return kVerbIHNMTake;
case kVerbUse:
return kVerbIHNMUse;
case kVerbTalkTo:
return kVerbIHNMTalkTo;
case kVerbOpen:
return kVerbIHNMSwallow;
case kVerbGive:
return kVerbIHNMGive;
case kVerbClose:
return kVerbIHNMPush;
case kVerbEnter:
return kVerbIHNMEnter;
case kVerbWalkOnly:
return kVerbIHNMWalkOnly;
case kVerbLookOnly:
return kVerbIHNMLookOnly;
case kVerbOptions:
return kVerbIHNMOptions;
error("Script::getVerbType() unknown verb type %d", verbType);
void Script::setVerb(int verb) {
_pendingObject[0] = ID_NOTHING;
_currentObject[0] = ID_NOTHING;
_pendingObject[1] = ID_NOTHING;
_currentObject[1] = ID_NOTHING;
_firstObjectSet = false;
_secondObjectNeeded = false;
// The pointer object will be updated again immediately. This way the
// new verb will be applied to it. It's not exactly how the original
// engine did it, but it appears to work.
_pointerObject = ID_NOTHING;
bool Script::isNonInteractiveDemo() {
// This detection only works in ITE. The early non-interactive demos had
// a very small script file
return _vm->getGameId() == GID_ITE && _scriptContext->fileSize() < 50000;
void Script::setLeftButtonVerb(int verb) {
int oldVerb = _currentVerb;
_currentVerb = _leftButtonVerb = verb;
if ((_currentVerb != oldVerb) && (_vm->_interface->getMode() == kPanelMain)){
if (oldVerb > getVerbType(kVerbNone))
_vm->_interface->setVerbState(oldVerb, 2);
if (_currentVerb > getVerbType(kVerbNone))
_vm->_interface->setVerbState(_currentVerb, 2);
void Script::setRightButtonVerb(int verb) {
int oldVerb = _rightButtonVerb;
_rightButtonVerb = verb;
if ((_rightButtonVerb != oldVerb) && (_vm->_interface->getMode() == kPanelMain)){
if (oldVerb > getVerbType(kVerbNone))
_vm->_interface->setVerbState(oldVerb, 2);
if (_rightButtonVerb > getVerbType(kVerbNone))
_vm->_interface->setVerbState(_rightButtonVerb, 2);
void Script::doVerb() {
int scriptEntrypointNumber = 0;
int scriptModuleNumber = 0;
int objectType;
Event event;
const char *excuseText;
int excuseSampleResourceId;
const HitZone *hitZone;
objectType = objectTypeId(_pendingObject[0]);
if (_pendingVerb == getVerbType(kVerbGive)) {
scriptEntrypointNumber = _vm->_actor->getObjectScriptEntrypointNumber(_pendingObject[1]);
if (_vm->_actor->getObjectFlags(_pendingObject[1]) & (kFollower|kProtagonist|kExtended)) {
scriptModuleNumber = 0;
} else {
scriptModuleNumber = _vm->_scene->getScriptModuleNumber();
// IHNM never sets scriptModuleNumber to 0
if (_vm->getGameId() == GID_IHNM)
scriptModuleNumber = _vm->_scene->getScriptModuleNumber();
} else {
if (_pendingVerb == getVerbType(kVerbUse)) {
if ((objectTypeId(_pendingObject[1]) > kGameObjectNone) && (objectType < objectTypeId(_pendingObject[1]))) {
SWAP(_pendingObject[0], _pendingObject[1]);
objectType = objectTypeId(_pendingObject[0]);
if (objectType == 0)
else if (objectType == kGameObjectHitZone) {
scriptModuleNumber = _vm->_scene->getScriptModuleNumber();
hitZone = _vm->_scene->_objectMap->getHitZone(objectIdToIndex(_pendingObject[0]));
if (hitZone == NULL)
if ((hitZone->getFlags() & kHitZoneExit) == 0) {
scriptEntrypointNumber = hitZone->getScriptNumber();
} else {
if (objectType & (kGameObjectActor | kGameObjectObject)) {
scriptEntrypointNumber = _vm->_actor->getObjectScriptEntrypointNumber(_pendingObject[0]);
if ((objectType == kGameObjectActor) && !(_vm->_actor->getObjectFlags(_pendingObject[0]) & (kFollower|kProtagonist|kExtended))) {
scriptModuleNumber = _vm->_scene->getScriptModuleNumber();
} else {
scriptModuleNumber = 0;
// IHNM never sets scriptModuleNumber to 0
if (_vm->getGameId() == GID_IHNM)
scriptModuleNumber = _vm->_scene->getScriptModuleNumber();
// WORKAROUND for a bug in the original game scripts of IHNM. Edna's script (actor 8197) is problematic, so
// when the knife (object 16385) is used with her, the expected result is not correct. The first time that
// the knife is used, Edna's heart is cut out (which is correct). But on subsequent use, the object's script
// is buggy, therefore it's possible to talk to a dead Edna by using the knife on her, or to incorrectly get her
// heart again, which remove's Gorrister's heart from the inventory. The solution is to disable the "use knife with
// Edna" action altogether, because if the player wants to kill Edna, he can do that by talking to her and
// choosing "[Cut out Edna's heart]", which works correctly. To disable this action, if the knife is used on Edna, we
// change the action here to "use knife with the knife", which yields a better reply ("I'd just dull my knife").
// Fixes bug #1826871 - "IHNM: Edna's got two hearts but loves to be on the hook"
if (_vm->getGameId() == GID_IHNM && _pendingObject[0] == 16385 && _pendingObject[1] == 8197 && _pendingVerb == 4)
_pendingObject[1] = 16385;
// WORKAROUND for a bug in the original game scripts of IHNM. Gorrister's heart is not supposed to have a
// "use" phrase attached to it (it's not used anywhere, it's only given), but when "used", an incorrect
// reply is given to the player ("It's too narrow for me to pass", said when Gorrister tries to pick up the
// heart without a rope). Therefore, for object number 16397 (Gorrister's heart), when the active verb is
// "Use", set it to "Push", which gives a more appropriate reply ("What good will that do me?")
if (_vm->getGameId() == GID_IHNM && _pendingObject[0] == 16397 && _pendingVerb == 4)
_pendingVerb = 8;
if (scriptEntrypointNumber > 0) {
event.type = kEvTOneshot;
event.code = kScriptEvent;
event.op = kEventExecNonBlocking;
event.time = 0;
event.param = scriptModuleNumber;
event.param2 = scriptEntrypointNumber;
event.param3 = _pendingVerb; // Action
event.param4 = _pendingObject[0]; // Object
event.param5 = _pendingObject[1]; // With Object
event.param6 = (objectType == kGameObjectActor) ? _pendingObject[0] : ID_PROTAG; // Actor
} else {
// Show excuse text in ITE CD Versions
if (_vm->getGameId() == GID_ITE) {
_vm->getExcuseInfo(_pendingVerb, excuseText, excuseSampleResourceId);
if (excuseText) {
// In Floppy versions we don't have excuse texts
if (_vm->getFeatures() & GF_ITE_FLOPPY)
excuseSampleResourceId = -1;
_vm->_actor->actorSpeech(ID_PROTAG, &excuseText, 1, excuseSampleResourceId, 0);
if ((_currentVerb == getVerbType(kVerbWalkTo)) || (_currentVerb == getVerbType(kVerbLookAt))) {
_stickyVerb = _currentVerb;
_pendingVerb = getVerbType(kVerbNone);
_currentObject[0] = _currentObject[1] = ID_NOTHING;
void Script::setPointerVerb() {
if (_vm->_interface->isActive()) {
_pointerObject = ID_PROTAG;
void Script::hitObject(bool leftButton) {
int verb;
verb = leftButton ? _leftButtonVerb : _rightButtonVerb;
if (verb > getVerbType(kVerbNone)) {
if (_firstObjectSet) {
if (_secondObjectNeeded) {
_pendingObject[0] = _currentObject[0];
_pendingObject[1] = _currentObject[1];
_pendingVerb = verb;
_leftButtonVerb = verb;
if (_pendingVerb > getVerbType(kVerbNone))
_secondObjectNeeded = false;
_firstObjectSet = false;
} else {
if (verb == getVerbType(kVerbGive)) {
_secondObjectNeeded = true;
} else {
if (verb == getVerbType(kVerbUse)) {
if (_currentObjectFlags[0] & kObjUseWith) {
_secondObjectNeeded = true;
if (!_secondObjectNeeded) {
_pendingObject[0] = _currentObject[0];
_pendingObject[1] = ID_NOTHING;
_pendingVerb = verb;
_secondObjectNeeded = false;
_firstObjectSet = false;
} else {
_firstObjectSet = true;
_leftButtonVerb = verb;
if (_pendingVerb > getVerbType(kVerbNone))
void Script::playfieldClick(const Point& mousePoint, bool leftButton) {
Location pickLocation;
const HitZone *hitZone;
Point specialPoint;
if ((_vm->_actor->_protagonist->_currentAction != kActionWait) &&
(_vm->_actor->_protagonist->_currentAction != kActionFreeze) &&
(_vm->_actor->_protagonist->_currentAction != kActionWalkToLink) &&
(_vm->_actor->_protagonist->_currentAction != kActionWalkToPoint)) {
if (_pendingVerb > getVerbType(kVerbNone)) {
if (_pointerObject != ID_NOTHING) {
} else {
_pendingObject[0] = ID_NOTHING;
_pendingObject[1] = ID_NOTHING;
_pendingVerb = getVerbType(kVerbWalkTo);
// tiled stuff
if (_vm->_scene->getFlags() & kSceneFlagISO) {
_vm->_isoMap->screenPointToTileCoords(mousePoint, pickLocation);
} else {
hitZone = NULL;
if (objectTypeId(_pendingObject[0]) == kGameObjectHitZone) {
hitZone = _vm->_scene->_objectMap->getHitZone(objectIdToIndex(_pendingObject[0]));
} else {
if ((_pendingVerb == getVerbType(kVerbUse)) && (objectTypeId(_pendingObject[1]) == kGameObjectHitZone)) {
hitZone = _vm->_scene->_objectMap->getHitZone(objectIdToIndex(_pendingObject[1]));
if (hitZone != NULL) {
if (_vm->getGameId() == GID_ITE) {
if (hitZone->getFlags() & kHitZoneNoWalk) {
_vm->_actor->actorFaceTowardsPoint(ID_PROTAG, pickLocation);
} else {
if (_vm->getGameId() == GID_IHNM) {
if ((hitZone->getFlags() & kHitZoneNoWalk) && (_pendingVerb != getVerbType(kVerbWalkTo))) {
if (hitZone->getFlags() & kHitZoneProject) {
if (!hitZone->getSpecialPoint(specialPoint)) {
// Original behaved this way and this prevents from crash
// at ruins. See bug #1257459
specialPoint.x = specialPoint.y = 0;
// tiled stuff
if (_vm->_scene->getFlags() & kSceneFlagISO) {
pickLocation.u() = specialPoint.x;
pickLocation.v() = specialPoint.y;
pickLocation.z = _vm->_actor->_protagonist->_location.z;
} else {
if (_vm->getGameId() == GID_ITE) {
if ((_pendingVerb == getVerbType(kVerbWalkTo)) ||
(_pendingVerb == getVerbType(kVerbPickUp)) ||
(_pendingVerb == getVerbType(kVerbOpen)) ||
(_pendingVerb == getVerbType(kVerbClose)) ||
(_pendingVerb == getVerbType(kVerbUse))) {
_vm->_actor->actorWalkTo(ID_PROTAG, pickLocation);
} else {
if (_pendingVerb == getVerbType(kVerbLookAt)) {
if (objectTypeId(_pendingObject[0]) != kGameObjectActor) {
_vm->_actor->actorWalkTo(ID_PROTAG, pickLocation);
} else {
} else {
if ((_pendingVerb == getVerbType(kVerbTalkTo)) ||
(_pendingVerb == getVerbType(kVerbGive))) {
if (_vm->getGameId() == GID_IHNM) {
if ((_pendingVerb == getVerbType(kVerbWalkTo)) ||
(_pendingVerb == getVerbType(kVerbPickUp)) ||
(_pendingVerb == getVerbType(kVerbOpen)) ||
(_pendingVerb == getVerbType(kVerbClose)) ||
(_pendingVerb == getVerbType(kVerbUse))) {
_vm->_actor->actorWalkTo(ID_PROTAG, pickLocation);
// Auto-use no-walk hitzones in IHNM, needed for Benny's chapter
if (_pendingVerb == getVerbType(kVerbWalkTo) &&
hitZone != NULL && (hitZone->getFlags() & kHitZoneNoWalk)) {
_pendingVerb = getVerbType(kVerbUse);
if (objectTypeId(_pendingObject[0]) == kGameObjectActor) {
_vm->_actor->actorFaceTowardsObject(ID_PROTAG, _pendingObject[0]);
// Auto-use hitzone with id 24576 (the exit to the left) in screens 16 - 19
// (screens with Gorrister's heart) in IHNM. For some reason, this zone does
// not have a corresponding action zone, so we auto-use it here, like the exits
// in Benny's chapter
if (_vm->_scene->currentChapterNumber() == 1 &&
_vm->_scene->currentSceneNumber() >= 16 &&
_vm->_scene->currentSceneNumber() <= 19 &&
_pendingVerb == getVerbType(kVerbWalkTo) &&
hitZone != NULL && hitZone->getHitZoneId() == 24576) {
_pendingVerb = getVerbType(kVerbUse);
if (objectTypeId(_pendingObject[0]) == kGameObjectActor) {
_vm->_actor->actorFaceTowardsObject(ID_PROTAG, _pendingObject[0]);
} else {
if (_pendingVerb == getVerbType(kVerbLookAt)) {
if (objectTypeId(_pendingObject[0]) != kGameObjectActor) {
_vm->_actor->actorWalkTo(ID_PROTAG, pickLocation);
} else {
_vm->_actor->actorFaceTowardsObject(ID_PROTAG, _pendingObject[0]);
} else {
if ((_pendingVerb == getVerbType(kVerbTalkTo)) ||
(_pendingVerb == getVerbType(kVerbGive))) {
void Script::whichObject(const Point& mousePoint) {
uint16 objectId;
int16 objectFlags;
int newRightButtonVerb;
uint16 newObjectId;
ActorData *actor;
ObjectData *obj;
Point pickPoint;
Location pickLocation;
int hitZoneIndex;
const HitZone * hitZone;
PanelButton * panelButton;
objectId = ID_NOTHING;
objectFlags = 0;
_leftButtonVerb = _currentVerb;
newRightButtonVerb = getVerbType(kVerbNone);
// _protagonist can be null while loading a game from the command line
if (_vm->_actor->_protagonist == NULL)
if (_vm->_actor->_protagonist->_currentAction != kActionWalkDir) {
if (_vm->_scene->getHeight() >= mousePoint.y) {
newObjectId = _vm->_actor->hitTest(mousePoint, true);
if (newObjectId != ID_NOTHING) {
if (objectTypeId(newObjectId) == kGameObjectObject) {
objectId = newObjectId;
objectFlags = 0;
newRightButtonVerb = getVerbType(kVerbLookAt);
if ((_currentVerb == getVerbType(kVerbTalkTo)) || ((_currentVerb == getVerbType(kVerbGive)) && _firstObjectSet)) {
objectId = ID_NOTHING;
newObjectId = ID_NOTHING;
} else {
actor = _vm->_actor->getActor(newObjectId);
objectId = newObjectId;
if (_vm->getGameId() == GID_ITE)
objectFlags = kObjUseWith;
// Note: for IHNM, the default right button action is "Look at" for actors,
// but "Talk to" makes much more sense
newRightButtonVerb = getVerbType(kVerbTalkTo);
// Slight hack because of the above change: the jukebox in Gorrister's chapter
// is an actor, so change the right button action to "Look at"
if (_vm->getGameId() == GID_IHNM && objectId == 8199)
newRightButtonVerb = getVerbType(kVerbLookAt);
if ((_currentVerb == getVerbType(kVerbPickUp)) ||
(_currentVerb == getVerbType(kVerbOpen)) ||
(_currentVerb == getVerbType(kVerbClose)) ||
((_currentVerb == getVerbType(kVerbGive)) && !_firstObjectSet) ||
((_currentVerb == getVerbType(kVerbUse)) && !(actor->_flags & kFollower))) {
if (_vm->getGameId() == GID_ITE) {
objectId = ID_NOTHING;
newObjectId = ID_NOTHING;
if (newObjectId == ID_NOTHING) {
pickPoint = mousePoint;
if (_vm->_scene->getFlags() & kSceneFlagISO) {
pickPoint.y -= _vm->_actor->_protagonist->_location.z;
_vm->_isoMap->screenPointToTileCoords(pickPoint, pickLocation);
hitZoneIndex = _vm->_scene->_objectMap->hitTest(pickPoint);
// WORKAROUND for an incorrect hitzone which exists in IHNM
// In Gorrister's chapter, in the toilet screen, the hitzone of the exit is
// placed over the place where Gorrister sits to examine the graffiti on the wall
// to the left, which makes him exit the screen when the graffiti is examined.
// We effectively change the left side of the hitzone here so that it starts from
// pixel 301 onwards. The same workaround is applied in Actor::handleActions
if (_vm->getGameId() == GID_IHNM) {
if (_vm->_scene->currentChapterNumber() == 1 && _vm->_scene->currentSceneNumber() == 22)
if (hitZoneIndex == 8 && pickPoint.x <= 300)
hitZoneIndex = -1;
if ((hitZoneIndex != -1)) {
hitZone = _vm->_scene->_objectMap->getHitZone(hitZoneIndex);
objectId = hitZone->getHitZoneId();
objectFlags = 0;
newRightButtonVerb = hitZone->getRightButtonVerb() & 0x7f;
// WORKAROUND for a problematic object in IHNM
// In the freezer room, the key that drops is made of a hitzone which
// contains the key object itself. We change the object ID that the
// hitzone contains (object ID 24578 - "The key") to the ID of the key
// object itself (object ID 16402 - "Edna's key"), as the user can keep
// hovering the cursor to both items, but can only pick up one
if (_vm->getGameId() == GID_IHNM) {
if (_vm->_scene->currentChapterNumber() == 1 && _vm->_scene->currentSceneNumber() == 24) {
if (objectId == 24578)
objectId = 16402;
if (_vm->getGameId() == GID_ITE) {
if (newRightButtonVerb == getVerbType(kVerbWalkOnly)) {
if (_firstObjectSet) {
objectId = ID_NOTHING;
} else {
newRightButtonVerb = _leftButtonVerb = getVerbType(kVerbWalkTo);
} else {
if (newRightButtonVerb == getVerbType(kVerbLookOnly)) {
if (_firstObjectSet) {
objectId = ID_NOTHING;
} else {
newRightButtonVerb = _leftButtonVerb = getVerbType(kVerbLookAt);
if (newRightButtonVerb >= getVerbType(kVerbOptions)) {
newRightButtonVerb = getVerbType(kVerbNone);
} else {
if (newRightButtonVerb >= getVerbType(kVerbOptions)) {
newRightButtonVerb = getVerbType(kVerbWalkTo);
if ((_currentVerb == getVerbType(kVerbTalkTo)) || ((_currentVerb == getVerbType(kVerbGive)) && _firstObjectSet)) {
objectId = ID_NOTHING;
newObjectId = ID_NOTHING;
if ((_leftButtonVerb == getVerbType(kVerbUse)) && (hitZone->getRightButtonVerb() & 0x80)) {
objectFlags = kObjUseWith;
} else {
if ((_currentVerb == getVerbType(kVerbTalkTo)) || ((_currentVerb == getVerbType(kVerbGive)) && _firstObjectSet)) {
// no way
} else {
panelButton = _vm->_interface->inventoryHitTest(mousePoint);
if (panelButton) {
objectId = _vm->_interface->getInventoryContentByPanelButton(panelButton);
if (objectId != 0) {
obj = _vm->_actor->getObj(objectId);
newRightButtonVerb = getVerbType(kVerbLookAt);
if (obj->_interactBits & kObjUseWith) {
objectFlags = kObjUseWith;
if ((_currentVerb == getVerbType(kVerbPickUp)) || (_currentVerb == getVerbType(kVerbTalkTo)) || (_currentVerb == getVerbType(kVerbWalkTo))) {
_leftButtonVerb = getVerbType(kVerbLookAt);
if (objectId != _pointerObject) {
_pointerObject = objectId;
_currentObject[_firstObjectSet ? 1 : 0] = objectId;
_currentObjectFlags[_firstObjectSet ? 1 : 0] = objectFlags;
if (_pendingVerb == getVerbType(kVerbNone)) {
if (newRightButtonVerb != _rightButtonVerb) {
} // End of namespace Saga