sunzhe23 e00e3e3643 Simplifield circuit graph
1 delete dependAnd
2 Refactor ReplaceHirXXX
3 add no throw flag for bc meta data


Signed-off-by: sunzhe23 <>
2023-02-14 16:46:19 +08:00

28 KiB

Circuit IR Specification

General Design

Circuit IR is like a circuit diagram, which is good at representing the intrinsic logic of a computation process. The circuit diagram is a directed graph: logic gates are nodes, wires are directed edges. For every gate, inputs are ordered, outputs are unordered. Circuit IR describes semantic of programs in a language-neutral and target-neutral way, targeting multi-language and multi-target support. The design of Circuit IR has a great emphasis on compilation speed (for JIT), code optimization (on both high and low levels), and canonicalization (unique representation for same intrinsic logic).

Circuit IR splits a program into two major parts: sequential logic part and combinational logic part:

  • The sequential logic part is a subgraph of Circuit IR which is similar to the underlying control flow graph (CFG) of the program, and gates in this part are named state gates (since they acted like a finite state machine (FSM)). Wires that connect two state gates represent possible state transitions of the FSM, and they are named state wires. Note that every gates that have output state wires are state gates.

  • The combinational logic part is the other subgraph of Circuit IR which represents all computations in a program using a directed acyclic graph (DAG), and gates in this part are named computation gates. A computation gate can do simple things such as adding two integer values, or complex things such as calling a function (and thus make a change to the global memory). Most of computation gates will take some values as input and output a value. These values can be transferred by data wires. Some computation gates will load from or store to the global memory, so they should be executed non-simultaneously and in some order that will not violate memory dependencies (such as RAW, WAR and WAW). Addressing this issue, dependency wires are introduced to constrain the possible execution order of such computations. When a computation gate has multiple dependencies, an auxiliary gate DEPEND_SELECTOR is used to merge dependencies. Note that dependency wires are treated like data wires during the scheduling phase, since dependency wires can be viewed as special data wires that transfer huge values representing the whole memory.

In traditional SSA form IR (e.g. LLVM IR), each instruction is placed inside a node of CFG (basic block), and all instructions in a basic block are linearly ordered. However, in Circuit IR, computation gates are not tied to state gates, and they are partially ordered by wires. Sequential logic part and combinational logic part are loosely coupled, they only interact in three ways:

  • State gates that have multiple transitions (corresponding to multiple control flow branches) such as IF_BRANCH and SWITCH_BRANCH will need an input value computed from combinational logic part to select which next state the FSM will transit to.

  • Similar to the Φ functions in traditional SSA form IR, there are selector gates such as VALUE_SELECTOR and DEPEND_SELECTOR that select a data or dependency path based on the state transition action of the FSM. Selector gates are affiliated (many-to-one) to MERGE state gates (which have several transition sources), and take several values or dependencies from computation part as input, and will select a value or dependency from input as output, based on which state transition action is taken.

  • In some cases, a computation gate with side effect (i.e. may store to the global memory) should not be executed before a specific branch state transition action is taken. Addressing this problem, relay gates DEPEND_RELAY are introduced. They take a state gate (the target of action) as input, and reinterpret it as a kind of memory dependency that can be used by computation gates with side effect.

Loose coupling of sequential logic part and combinational logic part can benefit compilation speed, code optimization. Firstly, most of IR passes can focus on only one part and will not be interfered by the other part, so the implementation will be simpler. In addition, some special and important code optimizations such as (register pressure sensitive) loop invariant code motion and code sink can be done in the IR scheduling phrase (without furthermore IR analysis or modification), thus they will not couple with other code optimizations and can be done perfectly. Last but not least, less coupling means more canonicalization, this implies fewer branches in the implementation of IR optimization algorithms.

There are several nodes named root nodes in Circuit IR. They are not called "gates" since they do not contribute to the logic of circuit, but they have the same data structure as gates. Root nodes are representing starting/ending vertices of the IR graph, or registering lists of starting/ending vertices of the IR graph. IR Passes usually traverse a part of all gates (forwardly or reversely) starting from root nodes. Explanations of root nodes are listed below:

  • CIRCUIT_ROOT: A very special gate located at zero offset. It is the only gate that does not have any inputs. Every root nodes listed below take this gate as theirs only input.

  • STATE_ENTRY: Representing the initial state of the sequential logic part. (for traversing forwardly from beginning to ending)

  • DEPEND_ENTRY: The origin of dependency flows of the entire circuit.

  • RETURN_LIST: Registering all terminal states of the function. (for traversing reversely from ending to beginning)

  • CONSTANT_LIST ARG_LIST: Registering all value origins such as constants and arguments. (they are special computation gates that do not depend on other values)

The offsets of root nodes are fixed, so they can be accessed instantly via GateRef Circuit::GetRoot().

Type system

Levels of types

There are two levels of types of values in Circuit IR:

  • Primary types: This level of types are low level (closer to target architectures) and fundamental for Circuit IR, and are determined by the opcode of gates. They describe the bit width of values, and which type of registers (integer or float) should such values be put into. Circuit IR can be translated to correct machine code with only primary types. All primary types are NOVALUE I1 I8 I16 INT32 INT64 F32 F64. Note that pointer type is not included in primary types, since pointers are not different from integers in common ISAs. The concept of pointers should be expressed in secondary types.

  • Secondary types: This level of types are high level (closer to languages) and optional. They can provide information for program analysis, code optimization and garbage collection (generating stack maps). Secondary types can represent categories of possible bit vectors the value can be (e.g. JS_ANY JS_BOOLEAN JS_NULL JS_UNDEFINED JS_NUMBER JS_SMI etc. builtin categories and user defined bit vectors categories), and possible classes of objects the value points to as a pointer (e.g. JS_HEAP_OBJECT JS_STRING JS_OBJECT JS_ARRAY JS_TYPED_ARRAY JS_UINT8_ARRAY etc. builtin classes and user defined classes).

Validation rules of primary type are already builtin for Circuit IR. Validation rules of secondary types need to be additionally provided.

Layout of type representation bits (GateType)

GateType is represented by 32 bits:

  • The 31st bit is used to distinguish between MIR type and TS type, 0 means TS type, 1 means MIR type.

  • The 30th and 29th bits are used to indicate whether the output values of the MIR gates are GC related (when within the category of tagged values) as follows:

    • 00 means GC may or may not occur (within the GC or NOGC tagged value category)
    • 01 means GC will occur (within the GC tagged value category)
    • 10 means GC will not occur (within the NOGC tagged value category)
    • 11 means not within the category of tagged values (within the C++ world category)
  • In the case of MIR type, the 1st bit in GateType is used to indicate whether there are output values. When MachineType is NOVALUE, GateType is always EMPTY.

Type inference

Primary types are all set during construction of Circuit IR, so no furthermore type inference is required. Circuit IR verifier will verify consistency of primary types. Secondary types can be not precisely set during construction (e.g. leaving many intermediate values as JS_ANY), and the compiler should be able to do type inference and check type consistency following data flow paths (e.g. c:<JS_ANY>=JS_ADD(a:<JS_NUMBER>, b:<JS_STRING>) -> c:<JS_STRING>=JS_ADD(a:<JS_NUMBER>, b:<JS_STRING>) and c:<JS_ANY>=VALUE_SELECTOR(a:<JS_STRING>, b:<JS_ARRAY>) -> c:<JS_HEAP_OBJECT>=JS_ADD(a:<JS_STRING>, b:<JS_ARRAY>)), thus the secondary types will be more precise than initially set at the end.


There are three levels of instructions in Circuit IR: high-level instructions (HIR), middle-level instructions (MIR) and low-level instructions (LIR). They have the same underlying basic structure, so they can co-occur in the same Circuit IR graphs, and the semantics are still consistent. Instructions are not necessarily computational gates. Some instructions may throw an exception and lead to state transition, so they are state gates doing computations. There are also some "pure" state gates that do not do computation, they are compatible with all levels of instructions.

  • HIR instructions represent language-related computational process, which usually correspond to the bytecodes of specific languages.
  • MIR instructions are language-independent and target-independent, which are similar to LLVM IR, but having a completely different type system. The type system is very lightweight, designed to better support fast compilation and garbage collection.
  • LIR instructions are target-related, which usually correspond to the machine instructions of target architecture.


  • ANY_STATE means any state gates.
  • ANYVALUE means any one of I1 I8 I16 I32 INT64 F32 F64 ARCH.
  • ANYINT means any one of I1 I8 I16 I32 I64 ARCH.
  • ANYFLOAT means any one of F32 F64.
  • ARCH means architecture-related integer type (INTx on x bits architecture).
  • FLEX means flexible primary type of output value (could be ARCH).
  • <<...>> means occurring any times (maybe zero)

Pure state gates


Return a value from a non-void function.

state wires #dependency wires data wires
output {} 0 {}
Root Bitfield
RETURN_LIST not used


Throw an exception value out of function scope.

state wires #dependency wires data wires
output {} 0 {}
Root Bitfield
THROW_LIST not used


An ordinary state. Usually used as a placeholder. It will be eliminated by IR optimization.

state wires #dependency wires data wires
input [GENERAL_STATE] 0 []
output {ANY_STATE, <<DEPEND_RELAY>>} 0 {}
Root Bitfield
not used not used


This state has two possible transitions (branches) based on its input value.

state wires #dependency wires data wires
input [GENERAL_STATE] 0 [I1]
output {IF_TRUE, IF_FALSE} 0 {}
Root Bitfield
not used not used


This state has multiple possible transitions (branches) based on its input value.

state wires #dependency wires data wires
output {<<SWITCH_CASE>>, DEFAULT_CASE} 0 {}
Root Bitfield
not used not used


Successor states of IF_BRANCH.

state wires #dependency wires data wires
input [IF_BRANCH] 0 []
output {ANY_STATE, <<DEPEND_RELAY>>} 0 {}
Root Bitfield
not used not used


Successor states of instructions (usually HIR) that may throw an exception.

state wires #dependency wires data wires
input [ANY_STATE] 0 []
output {ANY_STATE, <<DEPEND_RELAY>>} 0 {}
Root Bitfield
not used not used


Successor state of SWITCH_BRANCH.

state wires #dependency wires data wires
input [SWITCH_BRANCH] 0 []
output {ANY_STATE, <<DEPEND_RELAY>>} 0 {}
Root Bitfield
not used represent case value for SWITCH_CASE and not used for DEFAULT_CASE


State that have multiple possible predicate states.

state wires #dependency wires data wires
input [<<GENERAL_STATE>>(N)] 0 []
Root Bitfield
not used number of state inputs (N)


Represents loop begin.

state wires #dependency wires data wires
Root Bitfield
not used not used


Represents loop back.

state wires #dependency wires data wires
input [GENERAL_STATE] 0 []
output {LOOP_BEGIN} 0 {}
Root Bitfield
not used not used

Intermediate gates and auxiliary gates

Intermediate gates are gates that connect sequential logic and combinational logic parts (relays and selectors). Currently, there is only one type of auxiliary gates, which is used to represent multiple memory dependencies.


Represents value selector.

state wires #dependency wires data wires
input [MERGE or LOOP_BEGIN] 0 [<<FLEX>>(N)]
output {} 0 {<<FLEX>>}
Root Bitfield
not used number of data inputs (N)


Represents dependency selector.

state wires #dependency wires data wires
input [MERGE or LOOP_BEGIN] N []
output {} any {}
Root Bitfield
not used number of dependency inputs (N)


Represents dependency relay.

state wires #dependency wires data wires
output {} any {}
Root Bitfield
not used not used

HIR instructions


Represents JavaScript bytecode.

state wires #dependency wires data wires
input [GENERAL_STATE] 1 [<<I64>>(N)]
output {IF_SUCCESS, IF_EXCEPTION} any {<<I64>>}
Root Bitfield
not used number of value inputs (N)

MIR instructions

Special instructions


Represents a simple function call (would not get an exception).

state wires #dependency wires data wires
input [] 1 [ARCH, <<ANYVALUE>>(N)]
output {} any {<<FLEX>>}
Root Bitfield
not used number of function args (N)

Floating point unary arithmetic operations

  • FNEG: returns the negation of its floating-point operand.
state wires #dependency wires data wires
input [] 0 [FLEX]
output {} 0 {<<FLEX>>}
Root Bitfield
not used not used

Integer binary arithmetic operations

  • ADD: returns the sum of its two integer operands.
  • SUB: returns the difference of its two integer operands. It is used to implement the "-" unary operation.
  • MUL: returns the product of its two integer operands.
  • EXP: returns the first integer operand raised to the power of the second integer operand.
  • SDIV: returns the signed quotient of its two integer operands.
  • SREM: returns the remainder from the signed division of its two integer operands.
  • UDIV: returns the unsigned quotient of its two integer operands.
  • UREM: returns the remainder from the unsigned division of its two integer operands.
  • AND: returns the bitwise logical and of its two operands.
  • XOR: returns the bitwise logical exclusive or of its two operands. It is used to implement the "~" unary operation.
  • OR: returns the bitwise logical inclusive or of its two operands.
  • SHL: returns the first integer operand shifted to the left a specified number of bits.
  • LSHR: returns the first integer operand shifted to the right a specified number of bits with zero fill.
  • ASHR: returns the first integer operand shifted to the right a specified number of bits with sign extension.
state wires #dependency wires data wires
input [] 0 [FLEX, FLEX]
output {} 0 {<<FLEX>>}
Root Bitfield
not used not used

Floating-point binary arithmetic operations

  • FADD: returns the sum of its two floating-point operands.
  • FSUB: returns the difference of its two floating-point operands.
  • FMUL: returns the product of its two floating-point operands.
  • FEXP: returns the first floating-point operand raised to the power of the second floating-point operand.
  • FDIV: returns the quotient of its two floating-point operands.
  • FMOD: returns the remainder from the division of its two floating-point operands.
state wires #dependency wires data wires
input [] 0 [FLEX, FLEX]
output {} 0 {<<FLEX>>}
Root Bitfield
not used not used

Integer binary compare operations

  • ICMP: returns a boolean (I1) value based on comparison of its two integer operands. Condition code indicating the kind of comparison to perform is stored in the bitfield. The possible condition codes are:
    • 0001 EQ: yields true if the operands are equal, false otherwise. No sign interpretation is necessary or performed.
    • 0010 UGT: interprets the operands as unsigned values and yields true if op1 is greater than op2.
    • 0011 UGE: interprets the operands as unsigned values and yields true if op1 is greater than or equal to op2.
    • 0100 ULT: interprets the operands as unsigned values and yields true if op1 is less than op2.
    • 0101 ULE: interprets the operands as unsigned values and yields true if op1 is less than or equal to op2.
    • 0110 NE: yields true if the operands are unequal, false otherwise. No sign interpretation is necessary or performed.
    • 1010 SGT: interprets the operands as signed values and yields true if op1 is greater than op2.
    • 1011 SGE: interprets the operands as signed values and yields true if op1 is greater than or equal to op2.
    • 1100 SLT: interprets the operands as signed values and yields true if op1 is less than op2.
    • 1101 SLE: interprets the operands as signed values and yields true if op1 is less than or equal to op2.
state wires #dependency wires data wires
output {} 0 {<<I1>>}
Root Bitfield
not used condition code

Floating-point binary compare operations

Note: ordered means there is no NaN in the operands.

  • FCMP: returns a boolean (I1) value based on comparison of its two floating-point operands. Condition code indicating the kind of comparison to perform is stored in the bitfield. The possible condition codes are:
    • 0000 FALSE: always returns false (no comparison)
    • 0001 OEQ: ordered and equal
    • 0010 OGT: ordered and greater than
    • 0011 OGE: ordered and greater than or equal
    • 0100 OLT: ordered and less than
    • 0101 OLE: ordered and less than or equal
    • 0110 ONE: ordered and not equal
    • 0111 ORD: ordered (no nans)
    • 1000 UNO: unordered (either nans)
    • 1001 UEQ: unordered or equal
    • 1010 UGT: unordered or greater than
    • 1011 UGE: unordered or greater than or equal
    • 1100 ULT: unordered or less than
    • 1101 ULE: unordered or less than or equal
    • 1110 UNE: unordered or not equal
    • 1111 TRUE: always returns true (no comparison)
state wires #dependency wires data wires
output {} 0 {<<I1>>}
Root Bitfield
not used condition code

Conversion operations

  • TRUNC: truncates its integer operand.
  • ZEXT: zero extends its integer operand.
  • SEXT: sign extends its integer operand.
  • SITOFP: regards value as a signed integer and converts that value to floating-point type.
  • UITOFP: regards value as an unsigned integer and converts that value to floating-point type.
  • FPTOSI: converts a floating-point value to its signed integer equivalent.
  • FPTOUI: converts a floating-point value to its unsigned integer equivalent.
  • BITCAST: converts value to another type without changing any bits.
state wires #dependency wires data wires
input [] 0 [ANYVALUE]
output {} 0 {<<FLEX>>}
Root Bitfield
not used not used

Memory operations


This instruction is used to read from memory.

state wires #dependency wires data wires
input [] 1 [ARCH]
output {} any {<<FLEX>>}
Root Bitfield
not used not used

This instruction is used to write to memory.

state wires #dependency wires data wires
input [] 1 [ANYVALUE, ARCH]
output {} any {}
Root Bitfield
not used not used

Prologue values


This instruction allocates memory on the stack frame of the currently executing function, to be automatically released when this function returns to its caller.

state wires #dependency wires data wires
input [] 0 []
output {} 0 {<<ARCH>>}
Root Bitfield
ALLOCA_LIST number of allocated bytes

This instruction is used to represent an argument of the function.

state wires #dependency wires data wires
input [] 0 []
output {} 0 {<<FLEX>>}
Root Bitfield
ARG_LIST order of the arg

This instruction directly returns a specified constant.

state wires #dependency wires data wires
input [] 0 []
output {} 0 {<<FLEX>>}
Root Bitfield
CONSTANT_LIST bits representation of the constant

LIR instructions

Currently, LIR instructions are not implemented. They will be added later for JIT compilation.