2018-11-25 03:03:11 -05:00

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Bug fixes

  • Fix a bug that could cause new SuFile(parent, name) to fail

Behavior Changes

  • When creating SuFileInputStream/SuFileOutputStream/SuRandomAccessFile with a character file, it will throw FileNotFoundException instead of failing silently. Character file I/O is not possible with shells, use"cat <chr_file>").exec().getOut() instead.

API Changes

  • Add boolean Shell.waitAndClose(long, TimeUnit) and void Shell.waitAndClose(). You can now wait for all tasks to finish before closing the shell instance.
  • Add Shell.Config.setTimeout(long). Use it to set the maximum time for waiting a new shell construction. The default value is 20 seconds.
  • Deprecate ContainerApp. libsu can now automatically inject root shells directly into Application contexts without any configuration, so ContainerApp is no longer needed. This class will be removed in the next update.



  • Shell.isAlive() method is updated to get process status directly via reflection rather than the traditional Process.exitValue() exception handling. This optimization significantly reduces the overhead when switching between Shell tasks.

API Changes

  • The 1.x version APIs are completely removed
  • Retrolambda is removed, you should start using AGP 3.0.0+ which comes with official Java 8 desugaring



  • Return proper list in Shell.Result.getErr()


Fixes / Improvements

  • Calling submit in PendingJob used to end up calling the overridden exec instead of exec in JobImpl. Proxy through a private method in JobImpl to prevent changed behavior of JobImpl subclasses.
  • Even though the parameters of Shell.Job.add(...) is labeled @NonNull, it is still possible that developers still pass in null and cause NPE. Check null before proceed any further.
  • Fix a bug that constructed shell instances weren't cached in the container when created using fallback methods (e.g. no root -> fallback to non-root shell). This would cause infinite loop when no root is available.
  • Prevent IllegalStateException if the user provide a filter accepting . or .. in SuFile.list() family methods.


Massive API improvements! Nearly all APIs in 1.x.x versions are deprecated. A compatibility layer is created to make the migration easier for existing developers: your existing code will work with libsu 2.0.0 without any modifications.

However, the compatibility layer will be removed in a future update, please do update your code to utilize the new APIs since it is much cleaner and more flexible!

Incompatible API Changes

  • Remove readFully(InputStream, byte[]) and readFully(InputStream, byte[], int, int) from ShellUtils.

Fixes / Improvements / Behavior Changes

  • Global shell is now set before Shell.Initializer runs: this means you can now use high level APIs and root I/O classes in your initializer
  • No more null lists will be returned from libsu: all methods will return empty lists if no output is available
  • SuFile.list() family methods shall return hidden files now (filenames starting with '.') (also fix #15)
  • SuFile will use the tool stat in more methods for consistent results (fix #11)
  • No longer uses raw threads and AsyncTask.THREAD_POOL_EXECUTOR for running code in background threads, switch to an internal ExecutorService
  • Shell.GetShellCallback.onShell(Shell) will run on the main thread
  • Add Proguard rules to strip out logging code when minify and optimization (proguard-android-optimize.txt) is enabled
  • Lower minSdkVersion to 9

API 2.0 Migration

Note: The following list is ONLY to point out a brief direction for migration, check the examples and documentation to know the details!

  • All configuration methods are moved to the nested class Shell.Config
  • Everything in Shell.Sync and Shell.Async is deprecated. Check the new APIs: and
  • New methods:
    • Shell.getCachedShell(): A static method to obtain the cached global root shell from the container, or return null of no active shell exists
    • Shell.isRoot(): Check root access of a root instance (Note: static method Shell.rootAccess() is used to check the global shell)
    • Shell.Config.newContainer(): construct a pre-configured shell container, used to simplify registering a container
  • New classes:
    • Shell.Job: represent a job that outputs to a single result object. You can chain additional operations, assign output destination, execute or submit the job.
    • Shell.Result: stores the result of a Shell.Job. Includes STDOUT/STDERR, and something not existing in 1.x.x: return code
    • Shell.ResultCallback: a callback interface to get the result when you submit a Shell.Job to background threads
  • For Shell.Initializer: deprecate onShellInit(...) and onRootShellInit(....); use onInit(Context, Shell) instead: manually detect the shell status and handle Exceptions
  • Move Shell.ContainerApp out of Shell to a separate class ContainerApp: easier to directly assign in AndroidManifest.xml