Replace two other, imperfect mechanisms for use-def tracking.
Use ValidationState_t::entry_points to track entry points.
Concentrate undefined-ID diagnostics in a single place.
Move validate_types.h content into validate.h due to increased
Track uses of all IDs: TYPE_ID, SCOPE_ID, ...
Also update some blurbs.
Fix entry-point accumulation and move it outside ProcessIds().
Remove validate_types.h from CMakeLists.txt.
Blurb for spvIsIdType.
Remove redundant diagnostics for undefined IDs.
Join "can not" and reformat.
This adds function and block layout checks to the validator. Very
basic CFG code has been added to make sure labels and branches
are correctly ordered.
* MemoryModel and Variable instruction checks/tests
* Use spvCheckReturn instead of CHECK_RESULT
* Fix invalid SSA tests
* Created libspirv::spvResultToString in diagnostic.h
* Documented various functions and classes
* Fixed error messages
* Fixed using declaration for FunctionDecl enum class
Added additional compilation flags to gcc and clang builds.
Adds -Wall -Wextra -Wno-long-long -Wshadow -Wundef -Wconversion
-WNo-sign-conversion and -Wno-missing-field-initializers
where appropriate.
Does not add -Wundef to tests, because GTEST tests undefined
macros all over the place.
This adds half-precision constants to spirv-tools.
16-bit floats are always disassembled into hex-float format,
but can be assembled from floating point or hex-float inputs.
Change the offending class to more closely follow Google C++ style:
- Member names have a trailing underscore.
- Use an accessor method for the stream_ member.
If we later add a source/ as an -I include directory,
then avoid confusing other headers that want to include the
standard "endian.h" from /usr/include.
Also rename source/endian.cpp to source/spirv_endian.cpp
* Validates module level instructions for logical layout
* Does not validate:
1. Function logical layout
2. Minor cases with OpVariable
3. Missing MemoryModel instruction in module
4. Order of function definition and function declaration
* 782 unit tests for logical layout
Addressed feedback
An enclosing CMake project should be able to set the
off-by-default CMake options in SPIRV-Tools by just doing:
instead of
Also, fix the SPIRV_WARN_EVERYTHING so it understands which options
to send to Clang vs. GCC.
Note: With SPIRV_WARN_EVERYTHING enabled, the code doesn't
compil with either Clang or GCC.
Most uses of an ID must occur after the definition
of the ID. Forward references are allowed for
things like OpName, OpDecorate, and various cases
of control-flow instructions such as OpBranch, OpPhi,
and OpFunctionCall.
TODO: Use CFG analysis for SSA checks. In particular,
an ID defined inside a function body is only usable inside
that function body. Also, use dominator info to catch
some failing cases.
* Validator test cases use (standard) assignment form.
* Update style to more closely follow the Google C++ style guide
* Remove color-diagnostics flag.
This is enabled by default on terminals with color. Prints
hidden ASCII for terminals that can't handle color(Emacs)
* Pass functors to SSAPass to check if the
operand can be forward referenced based on its index value
* Return SPV_ERROR_INVALID_ID for ID related errors
spvBinaryParse returned SPV_ERROR_INVALID_BINARY for all types of
errors. Since spvBinaryParse does some ID validation, this was
returning inappropriate error codes for some tests.
* Common fixture for validation tests.
It only runs certian validation passes.
* Add a SPV_VALIDATE_SSA_BIT for testing purposes
* Fixtures now return error codes
* Add OpName support in diag message and unit tests
* Binary parsing can fail with invalid ID or invalid binary error code
Tests include:
* OpDecorate
* OpName
* OpMemberName
* OpBranchConditional
* OpSelectionMerge
* OpMemberDecorate
* OpGroupDecorate
* OpDeviceEnqueue
* Enable several tests failing in ID validation.
This is a grammar fix. The Decoration operand of OpDecorate (and
OpMemberDecorate) determines the remaining operands. Don't just
allow any number of literal numbers as operands.
(The OperandVariableLiterals operand class as the last member
of the OpDecorate and OpMemberDecorate entries in in is
an artifact of how the spec generates the opcode descriptions. It's
not suitable for parsing those instructions.)
Covers the case where the string literal is the
last operand.
TODO: Case where one more operand is expected after
the string literal. Occurs only for the LinkageAttributes
decoration. To test that, we need to update the grammar
as well.
Using -frtti caused link failures when both of the following are
in effect:
The correct fix is to use tip-of-tree googletest.
Specifically, we need a version of googletest with the fix in
In particular, it must be later than googletest 1.7.0.
The tests now use mocked methods. This requires runtime type
information for those test classes.
This has been fixed recently upstream in googletest. Until we pick
up that fix, add -frtti for the the test executable only.