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920 lines
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#pragma once
#include <thread>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
#include <functional>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <mutex>
#include <queue>
#include <condition_variable>
#include "Common/GPU/MiscTypes.h"
#include "Common/Data/Convert/SmallDataConvert.h"
#include "Common/Log.h"
#include "Common/GPU/OpenGL/GLQueueRunner.h"
#include "Common/GPU/OpenGL/GLFrameData.h"
#include "Common/GPU/OpenGL/GLCommon.h"
#include "Common/GPU/OpenGL/GLMemory.h"
class GLRInputLayout;
class GLPushBuffer;
namespace Draw {
class DrawContext;
constexpr int MAX_GL_TEXTURE_SLOTS = 8;
class GLRTexture {
GLRTexture(const Draw::DeviceCaps &caps, int width, int height, int depth, int numMips);
GLuint texture = 0;
uint16_t w;
uint16_t h;
uint16_t d;
// We don't trust OpenGL defaults - setting wildly off values ensures that we'll end up overwriting these parameters.
GLenum target = 0xFFFF;
GLenum wrapS = 0xFFFF;
GLenum wrapT = 0xFFFF;
GLenum magFilter = 0xFFFF;
GLenum minFilter = 0xFFFF;
uint8_t numMips = 0;
bool canWrap = true;
float anisotropy = -100000.0f;
float minLod = -1000.0f;
float maxLod = 1000.0f;
float lodBias = 0.0f;
class GLRFramebuffer {
GLRFramebuffer(const Draw::DeviceCaps &caps, int _width, int _height, bool z_stencil, const char *tag)
: color_texture(caps, _width, _height, 1, 1), z_stencil_texture(caps, _width, _height, 1, 1),
width(_width), height(_height), z_stencil_(z_stencil) {
const char *Tag() const { return tag_.c_str(); }
GLuint handle = 0;
GLRTexture color_texture;
// Either z_stencil_texture, z_stencil_buffer, or (z_buffer and stencil_buffer) are set.
GLuint z_stencil_buffer = 0;
GLRTexture z_stencil_texture;
GLuint z_buffer = 0;
GLuint stencil_buffer = 0;
int width;
int height;
GLuint colorDepth = 0;
bool z_stencil_;
std::string tag_;
// We need to create some custom heap-allocated types so we can forward things that need to be created on the GL thread, before
// they've actually been created.
class GLRShader {
~GLRShader() {
if (shader) {
GLuint shader = 0;
bool valid = false;
// Warning: Won't know until a future frame.
bool failed = false;
std::string desc;
std::string code;
std::string error;
struct GLRProgramFlags {
bool supportDualSource : 1;
bool useClipDistance0 : 1;
bool useClipDistance1 : 1;
bool useClipDistance2 : 1;
// Unless you manage lifetimes in some smart way,
// your loc data for uniforms and samplers need to be in a struct
// derived from this, and passed into CreateProgram.
class GLRProgramLocData {
virtual ~GLRProgramLocData() {}
class GLRProgram {
~GLRProgram() {
if (deleteCallback_) {
if (program) {
delete locData_;
struct Semantic {
int location;
const char *attrib;
struct UniformLocQuery {
GLint *dest;
const char *name;
bool required;
struct Initializer {
GLint *uniform;
int type;
int value;
GLuint program = 0;
std::vector<Semantic> semantics_;
std::vector<UniformLocQuery> queries_;
std::vector<Initializer> initialize_;
GLRProgramLocData *locData_;
bool use_clip_distance[8]{};
struct UniformInfo {
int loc_;
// Must ONLY be called from GLQueueRunner!
// Also it's pretty slow...
int GetUniformLoc(const char *name) {
auto iter = uniformCache_.find(std::string(name));
int loc = -1;
if (iter != uniformCache_.end()) {
loc = iter->second.loc_;
} else {
loc = glGetUniformLocation(program, name);
UniformInfo info;
info.loc_ = loc;
uniformCache_[name] = info;
return loc;
void SetDeleteCallback(void(*cb)(void *), void *p) {
deleteCallback_ = cb;
deleteParam_ = p;
void(*deleteCallback_)(void *) = nullptr;
void *deleteParam_ = nullptr;
std::unordered_map<std::string, UniformInfo> uniformCache_;
class GLRInputLayout {
struct Entry {
int location;
int count;
GLenum type;
GLboolean normalized;
intptr_t offset;
std::vector<Entry> entries;
int stride;
int semanticsMask_ = 0;
enum class GLRRunType {
class GLRenderManager;
class GLPushBuffer;
// These are enqueued from the main thread, and the render thread pops them off
struct GLRRenderThreadTask {
GLRRenderThreadTask(GLRRunType _runType) : runType(_runType) {}
std::vector<GLRStep *> steps;
FastVec<GLRInitStep> initSteps;
int frame = -1;
GLRRunType runType;
// Avoid copying these by accident.
GLRRenderThreadTask(GLRRenderThreadTask &) = delete;
GLRRenderThreadTask& operator =(GLRRenderThreadTask &) = delete;
// Note: The GLRenderManager is created and destroyed on the render thread, and the latter
// happens after the emu thread has been destroyed. Therefore, it's safe to run wild deleting stuff
// directly in the destructor.
class GLRenderManager {
GLRenderManager(HistoryBuffer<FrameTimeData, FRAME_TIME_HISTORY_LENGTH> &frameTimeHistory);
GLRenderManager(GLRenderManager &) = delete;
GLRenderManager &operator=(GLRenderManager &) = delete;
void SetInvalidationCallback(InvalidationCallback callback) {
invalidationCallback_ = callback;
void ThreadStart(Draw::DrawContext *draw);
void ThreadEnd();
bool ThreadFrame(); // Returns true if it did anything. False means the queue was empty.
void SetErrorCallback(ErrorCallbackFn callback, void *userdata) {
queueRunner_.SetErrorCallback(callback, userdata);
void SetDeviceCaps(const Draw::DeviceCaps &caps) {
caps_ = caps;
std::string GetGpuProfileString() const;
// Makes sure that the GPU has caught up enough that we can start writing buffers of this frame again.
void BeginFrame(bool enableProfiling);
// Can run on a different thread!
void Finish();
void Present();
// Creation commands. These were not needed in Vulkan since there we can do that on the main thread.
// We pass in width/height here even though it's not strictly needed until we support glTextureStorage
// and then we'll also need formats and stuff.
GLRTexture *CreateTexture(GLenum target, int width, int height, int depth, int numMips) {
_dbg_assert_(target != 0);
GLRInitStep &step = initSteps_.push_uninitialized();
step.stepType = GLRInitStepType::CREATE_TEXTURE;
step.create_texture.texture = new GLRTexture(caps_, width, height, depth, numMips);
step.create_texture.texture->target = target;
return step.create_texture.texture;
GLRBuffer *CreateBuffer(GLuint target, size_t size, GLuint usage) {
GLRInitStep &step = initSteps_.push_uninitialized();
step.stepType = GLRInitStepType::CREATE_BUFFER;
step.create_buffer.buffer = new GLRBuffer(target, size);
step.create_buffer.size = (int)size;
step.create_buffer.usage = usage;
return step.create_buffer.buffer;
GLRShader *CreateShader(GLuint stage, const std::string &code, const std::string &desc) {
GLRInitStep &step = initSteps_.push_uninitialized();
step.stepType = GLRInitStepType::CREATE_SHADER;
step.create_shader.shader = new GLRShader();
step.create_shader.shader->desc = desc;
step.create_shader.stage = stage;
step.create_shader.code = new char[code.size() + 1];
memcpy(step.create_shader.code, code.data(), code.size() + 1);
return step.create_shader.shader;
GLRFramebuffer *CreateFramebuffer(int width, int height, bool z_stencil, const char *tag) {
_dbg_assert_(width > 0 && height > 0 && tag != nullptr);
GLRInitStep &step = initSteps_.push_uninitialized();
step.stepType = GLRInitStepType::CREATE_FRAMEBUFFER;
step.create_framebuffer.framebuffer = new GLRFramebuffer(caps_, width, height, z_stencil, tag);
return step.create_framebuffer.framebuffer;
// Can't replace uniform initializers with direct calls to SetUniform() etc because there might
// not be an active render pass.
GLRProgram *CreateProgram(
std::vector<GLRShader *> shaders, std::vector<GLRProgram::Semantic> semantics, std::vector<GLRProgram::UniformLocQuery> queries,
std::vector<GLRProgram::Initializer> initializers, GLRProgramLocData *locData, const GLRProgramFlags &flags) {
GLRInitStep &step = initSteps_.push_uninitialized();
step.stepType = GLRInitStepType::CREATE_PROGRAM;
_assert_(shaders.size() <= ARRAY_SIZE(step.create_program.shaders));
step.create_program.program = new GLRProgram();
step.create_program.program->semantics_ = semantics;
step.create_program.program->queries_ = queries;
step.create_program.program->initialize_ = initializers;
step.create_program.program->locData_ = locData;
step.create_program.program->use_clip_distance[0] = flags.useClipDistance0;
step.create_program.program->use_clip_distance[1] = flags.useClipDistance1;
step.create_program.program->use_clip_distance[2] = flags.useClipDistance2;
step.create_program.support_dual_source = flags.supportDualSource;
_assert_msg_(shaders.size() > 0, "Can't create a program with zero shaders");
for (size_t i = 0; i < shaders.size(); i++) {
step.create_program.shaders[i] = shaders[i];
#ifdef _DEBUG
for (auto &iter : queries) {
for (auto &sem : semantics) {
step.create_program.num_shaders = (int)shaders.size();
return step.create_program.program;
GLRInputLayout *CreateInputLayout(const std::vector<GLRInputLayout::Entry> &entries, int stride) {
GLRInitStep &step = initSteps_.push_uninitialized();
step.stepType = GLRInitStepType::CREATE_INPUT_LAYOUT;
step.create_input_layout.inputLayout = new GLRInputLayout();
step.create_input_layout.inputLayout->entries = entries;
step.create_input_layout.inputLayout->stride = stride;
for (auto &iter : step.create_input_layout.inputLayout->entries) {
step.create_input_layout.inputLayout->semanticsMask_ |= 1 << iter.location;
return step.create_input_layout.inputLayout;
GLPushBuffer *CreatePushBuffer(int frame, GLuint target, size_t size, const char *tag) {
GLPushBuffer *push = new GLPushBuffer(this, target, size, tag);
RegisterPushBuffer(frame, push);
return push;
void DeleteShader(GLRShader *shader) {
_dbg_assert_(shader != nullptr);
void DeleteProgram(GLRProgram *program) {
_dbg_assert_(program != nullptr);
void DeleteBuffer(GLRBuffer *buffer) {
_dbg_assert_(buffer != nullptr);
void DeleteTexture(GLRTexture *texture) {
_dbg_assert_(texture != nullptr);
void DeleteInputLayout(GLRInputLayout *inputLayout) {
_dbg_assert_(inputLayout != nullptr);
void DeleteFramebuffer(GLRFramebuffer *framebuffer) {
_dbg_assert_(framebuffer != nullptr);
void DeletePushBuffer(GLPushBuffer *pushbuffer) {
_dbg_assert_(pushbuffer != nullptr);
bool IsInRenderPass() const {
return curRenderStep_ && curRenderStep_->stepType == GLRStepType::RENDER;
// This starts a new step (like a "render pass" in Vulkan).
// After a "CopyFramebuffer" or the other functions that start "steps", you need to call this before
// making any new render state changes or draw calls.
// The following state needs to be reset by the caller after calling this (and will thus not safely carry over from
// the previous one):
// * Viewport/Scissor
// * Depth/stencil
// * Blend
// * Raster state like primitive, culling, etc.
// It can be useful to use GetCurrentStepId() to figure out when you need to send all this state again, if you're
// not keeping track of your calls to this function on your own.
void BindFramebufferAsRenderTarget(GLRFramebuffer *fb, GLRRenderPassAction color, GLRRenderPassAction depth, GLRRenderPassAction stencil, uint32_t clearColor, float clearDepth, uint8_t clearStencil, const char *tag);
// Binds a framebuffer as a texture, for the following draws.
void BindFramebufferAsTexture(GLRFramebuffer *fb, int binding, int aspectBit);
bool CopyFramebufferToMemory(GLRFramebuffer *src, int aspectBits, int x, int y, int w, int h, Draw::DataFormat destFormat, uint8_t *pixels, int pixelStride, Draw::ReadbackMode mode, const char *tag);
void CopyImageToMemorySync(GLRTexture *texture, int mipLevel, int x, int y, int w, int h, Draw::DataFormat destFormat, uint8_t *pixels, int pixelStride, const char *tag);
void CopyFramebuffer(GLRFramebuffer *src, GLRect2D srcRect, GLRFramebuffer *dst, GLOffset2D dstPos, int aspectMask, const char *tag);
void BlitFramebuffer(GLRFramebuffer *src, GLRect2D srcRect, GLRFramebuffer *dst, GLRect2D dstRect, int aspectMask, bool filter, const char *tag);
// Takes ownership of data if deleteData = true.
void BufferSubdata(GLRBuffer *buffer, size_t offset, size_t size, uint8_t *data, bool deleteData = true) {
// TODO: Maybe should be a render command instead of an init command? When possible it's better as
// an init command, that's for sure.
GLRInitStep &step = initSteps_.push_uninitialized();
step.stepType = GLRInitStepType::BUFFER_SUBDATA;
_dbg_assert_(offset <= buffer->size_ - size);
step.buffer_subdata.buffer = buffer;
step.buffer_subdata.offset = (int)offset;
step.buffer_subdata.size = (int)size;
step.buffer_subdata.data = data;
step.buffer_subdata.deleteData = deleteData;
// Takes ownership over the data pointer and delete[]-s it.
void TextureImage(GLRTexture *texture, int level, int width, int height, int depth, Draw::DataFormat format, uint8_t *data, GLRAllocType allocType = GLRAllocType::NEW, bool linearFilter = false) {
GLRInitStep &step = initSteps_.push_uninitialized();
step.stepType = GLRInitStepType::TEXTURE_IMAGE;
step.texture_image.texture = texture;
step.texture_image.data = data;
step.texture_image.format = format;
step.texture_image.level = level;
step.texture_image.width = width;
step.texture_image.height = height;
step.texture_image.depth = depth;
step.texture_image.allocType = allocType;
step.texture_image.linearFilter = linearFilter;
void TextureSubImage(int slot, GLRTexture *texture, int level, int x, int y, int width, int height, Draw::DataFormat format, uint8_t *data, GLRAllocType allocType = GLRAllocType::NEW) {
_dbg_assert_(curRenderStep_ && curRenderStep_->stepType == GLRStepType::RENDER);
GLRRenderData _data(GLRRenderCommand::TEXTURE_SUBIMAGE);
_data.texture_subimage.texture = texture;
_data.texture_subimage.data = data;
_data.texture_subimage.format = format;
_data.texture_subimage.level = level;
_data.texture_subimage.x = x;
_data.texture_subimage.y = y;
_data.texture_subimage.width = width;
_data.texture_subimage.height = height;
_data.texture_subimage.allocType = allocType;
_data.texture_subimage.slot = slot;
void FinalizeTexture(GLRTexture *texture, int loadedLevels, bool genMips) {
GLRInitStep &step = initSteps_.push_uninitialized();
step.stepType = GLRInitStepType::TEXTURE_FINALIZE;
step.texture_finalize.texture = texture;
step.texture_finalize.loadedLevels = loadedLevels;
step.texture_finalize.genMips = genMips;
void BindTexture(int slot, GLRTexture *tex) {
if (!curRenderStep_ && !tex) {
// Likely a pre-emptive bindtexture for D3D11 to avoid hazards. Not necessary.
// This can happen in BlitUsingRaster.
_dbg_assert_(curRenderStep_ && curRenderStep_->stepType == GLRStepType::RENDER);
_dbg_assert_(slot < MAX_GL_TEXTURE_SLOTS);
GLRRenderData &data = curRenderStep_->commands.push_uninitialized();
data.cmd = GLRRenderCommand::BINDTEXTURE;
data.texture.slot = slot;
data.texture.texture = tex;
void BindProgram(GLRProgram *program) {
_dbg_assert_(curRenderStep_ && curRenderStep_->stepType == GLRStepType::RENDER);
GLRRenderData &data = curRenderStep_->commands.push_uninitialized();
data.cmd = GLRRenderCommand::BINDPROGRAM;
_dbg_assert_(program != nullptr);
data.program.program = program;
#ifdef _DEBUG
curProgram_ = program;
void SetDepth(bool enabled, bool write, GLenum func) {
_dbg_assert_(curRenderStep_ && curRenderStep_->stepType == GLRStepType::RENDER);
GLRRenderData &data = curRenderStep_->commands.push_uninitialized();
data.cmd = GLRRenderCommand::DEPTH;
data.depth.enabled = enabled;
data.depth.write = write;
data.depth.func = func;
void SetViewport(const GLRViewport &vp) {
_dbg_assert_(curRenderStep_ && curRenderStep_->stepType == GLRStepType::RENDER);
GLRRenderData &data = curRenderStep_->commands.push_uninitialized();
data.cmd = GLRRenderCommand::VIEWPORT;
data.viewport.vp = vp;
void SetScissor(const GLRect2D &rc) {
_dbg_assert_(curRenderStep_ && curRenderStep_->stepType == GLRStepType::RENDER);
GLRRenderData &data = curRenderStep_->commands.push_uninitialized();
data.cmd = GLRRenderCommand::SCISSOR;
data.scissor.rc = rc;
void SetUniformI(const GLint *loc, int count, const int *udata) {
_dbg_assert_(curRenderStep_ && curRenderStep_->stepType == GLRStepType::RENDER);
#ifdef _DEBUG
GLRRenderData &data = curRenderStep_->commands.push_uninitialized();
data.cmd = GLRRenderCommand::UNIFORM4I;
data.uniform4.name = nullptr;
data.uniform4.loc = loc;
data.uniform4.count = count;
memcpy(data.uniform4.v, udata, sizeof(int) * count);
void SetUniformI1(const GLint *loc, int udata) {
_dbg_assert_(curRenderStep_ && curRenderStep_->stepType == GLRStepType::RENDER);
#ifdef _DEBUG
GLRRenderData &data = curRenderStep_->commands.push_uninitialized();
data.cmd = GLRRenderCommand::UNIFORM4I;
data.uniform4.name = nullptr;
data.uniform4.loc = loc;
data.uniform4.count = 1;
memcpy(data.uniform4.v, &udata, sizeof(udata));
void SetUniformUI(const GLint *loc, int count, const uint32_t *udata) {
_dbg_assert_(curRenderStep_ && curRenderStep_->stepType == GLRStepType::RENDER);
#ifdef _DEBUG
GLRRenderData &data = curRenderStep_->commands.push_uninitialized();
data.cmd = GLRRenderCommand::UNIFORM4UI;
data.uniform4.name = nullptr;
data.uniform4.loc = loc;
data.uniform4.count = count;
memcpy(data.uniform4.v, udata, sizeof(uint32_t) * count);
void SetUniformUI1(const GLint *loc, uint32_t udata) {
_dbg_assert_(curRenderStep_ && curRenderStep_->stepType == GLRStepType::RENDER);
#ifdef _DEBUG
GLRRenderData &data = curRenderStep_->commands.push_uninitialized();
data.cmd = GLRRenderCommand::UNIFORM4UI;
data.uniform4.name = nullptr;
data.uniform4.loc = loc;
data.uniform4.count = 1;
memcpy(data.uniform4.v, &udata, sizeof(udata));
void SetUniformF(const GLint *loc, int count, const float *udata) {
_dbg_assert_(curRenderStep_ && curRenderStep_->stepType == GLRStepType::RENDER);
#ifdef _DEBUG
GLRRenderData &data = curRenderStep_->commands.push_uninitialized();
data.cmd = GLRRenderCommand::UNIFORM4F;
data.uniform4.name = nullptr;
data.uniform4.loc = loc;
data.uniform4.count = count;
memcpy(data.uniform4.v, udata, sizeof(float) * count);
void SetUniformF1(const GLint *loc, const float udata) {
_dbg_assert_(curRenderStep_ && curRenderStep_->stepType == GLRStepType::RENDER);
#ifdef _DEBUG
GLRRenderData &data = curRenderStep_->commands.push_uninitialized();
data.cmd = GLRRenderCommand::UNIFORM4F;
data.uniform4.name = nullptr;
data.uniform4.loc = loc;
data.uniform4.count = 1;
memcpy(data.uniform4.v, &udata, sizeof(float));
void SetUniformF(const char *name, int count, const float *udata) {
_dbg_assert_(curRenderStep_ && curRenderStep_->stepType == GLRStepType::RENDER);
#ifdef _DEBUG
GLRRenderData &data = curRenderStep_->commands.push_uninitialized();
data.cmd = GLRRenderCommand::UNIFORM4F;
data.uniform4.name = name;
data.uniform4.loc = nullptr;
data.uniform4.count = count;
memcpy(data.uniform4.v, udata, sizeof(float) * count);
void SetUniformM4x4(const GLint *loc, const float *udata) {
_dbg_assert_(curRenderStep_ && curRenderStep_->stepType == GLRStepType::RENDER);
#ifdef _DEBUG
GLRRenderData &data = curRenderStep_->commands.push_uninitialized();
data.cmd = GLRRenderCommand::UNIFORMMATRIX;
data.uniformMatrix4.name = nullptr;
data.uniformMatrix4.loc = loc;
memcpy(data.uniformMatrix4.m, udata, sizeof(float) * 16);
void SetUniformM4x4Stereo(const char *name, const GLint *loc, const float *left, const float *right) {
_dbg_assert_(curRenderStep_ && curRenderStep_->stepType == GLRStepType::RENDER);
#ifdef _DEBUG
GLRRenderData &data = curRenderStep_->commands.push_uninitialized();
data.cmd = GLRRenderCommand::UNIFORMSTEREOMATRIX;
data.uniformStereoMatrix4.name = name;
data.uniformStereoMatrix4.loc = loc;
data.uniformStereoMatrix4.mData = new float[32];
memcpy(&data.uniformStereoMatrix4.mData[0], left, sizeof(float) * 16);
memcpy(&data.uniformStereoMatrix4.mData[16], right, sizeof(float) * 16);
void SetUniformM4x4(const char *name, const float *udata) {
_dbg_assert_(curRenderStep_ && curRenderStep_->stepType == GLRStepType::RENDER);
#ifdef _DEBUG
GLRRenderData &data = curRenderStep_->commands.push_uninitialized();
data.cmd = GLRRenderCommand::UNIFORMMATRIX;
data.uniformMatrix4.name = name;
data.uniformMatrix4.loc = nullptr;
memcpy(data.uniformMatrix4.m, udata, sizeof(float) * 16);
void SetBlendAndMask(int colorMask, bool blendEnabled, GLenum srcColor, GLenum dstColor, GLenum srcAlpha, GLenum dstAlpha, GLenum funcColor, GLenum funcAlpha) {
// Make this one only a non-debug _assert_, since it often comes first.
// Lets us collect info about this potential crash through assert extra data.
_assert_(curRenderStep_ && curRenderStep_->stepType == GLRStepType::RENDER);
GLRRenderData &data = curRenderStep_->commands.push_uninitialized();
data.cmd = GLRRenderCommand::BLEND;
data.blend.mask = colorMask;
data.blend.enabled = blendEnabled;
data.blend.srcColor = srcColor;
data.blend.dstColor = dstColor;
data.blend.srcAlpha = srcAlpha;
data.blend.dstAlpha = dstAlpha;
data.blend.funcColor = funcColor;
data.blend.funcAlpha = funcAlpha;
void SetNoBlendAndMask(int colorMask) {
_dbg_assert_(curRenderStep_ && curRenderStep_->stepType == GLRStepType::RENDER);
GLRRenderData &data = curRenderStep_->commands.push_uninitialized();
data.cmd = GLRRenderCommand::BLEND;
data.blend.mask = colorMask;
data.blend.enabled = false;
#ifndef USING_GLES2
void SetLogicOp(bool enabled, GLenum logicOp) {
_dbg_assert_(curRenderStep_ && curRenderStep_->stepType == GLRStepType::RENDER);
GLRRenderData &data = curRenderStep_->commands.push_uninitialized();
data.cmd = GLRRenderCommand::LOGICOP;
data.logic.enabled = enabled;
data.logic.logicOp = logicOp;
void SetStencil(bool enabled, GLenum func, uint8_t refValue, uint8_t compareMask, uint8_t writeMask, GLenum sFail, GLenum zFail, GLenum pass) {
_dbg_assert_(curRenderStep_ && curRenderStep_->stepType == GLRStepType::RENDER);
GLRRenderData &data = curRenderStep_->commands.push_uninitialized();
data.cmd = GLRRenderCommand::STENCIL;
data.stencil.enabled = enabled;
data.stencil.func = func;
data.stencil.ref = refValue;
data.stencil.compareMask = compareMask;
data.stencil.writeMask = writeMask;
data.stencil.sFail = sFail;
data.stencil.zFail = zFail;
data.stencil.pass = pass;
void SetStencilDisabled() {
_dbg_assert_(curRenderStep_ && curRenderStep_->stepType == GLRStepType::RENDER);
GLRRenderData &data = curRenderStep_->commands.push_uninitialized();
data.cmd = GLRRenderCommand::STENCIL;
data.stencil.enabled = false;
void SetBlendFactor(const float color[4]) {
_dbg_assert_(curRenderStep_ && curRenderStep_->stepType == GLRStepType::RENDER);
GLRRenderData &data = curRenderStep_->commands.push_uninitialized();
data.cmd = GLRRenderCommand::BLENDCOLOR;
CopyFloat4(data.blendColor.color, color);
void SetRaster(GLboolean cullEnable, GLenum frontFace, GLenum cullFace, GLboolean ditherEnable, GLboolean depthClamp) {
_dbg_assert_(curRenderStep_ && curRenderStep_->stepType == GLRStepType::RENDER);
GLRRenderData &data = curRenderStep_->commands.push_uninitialized();
data.cmd = GLRRenderCommand::RASTER;
data.raster.cullEnable = cullEnable;
data.raster.frontFace = frontFace;
data.raster.cullFace = cullFace;
data.raster.ditherEnable = ditherEnable;
data.raster.depthClampEnable = depthClamp;
// Modifies the current texture as per GL specs, not global state.
void SetTextureSampler(int slot, GLenum wrapS, GLenum wrapT, GLenum magFilter, GLenum minFilter, float anisotropy) {
_dbg_assert_(curRenderStep_ && curRenderStep_->stepType == GLRStepType::RENDER);
_dbg_assert_(slot < MAX_GL_TEXTURE_SLOTS);
GLRRenderData &data = curRenderStep_->commands.push_uninitialized();
data.cmd = GLRRenderCommand::TEXTURESAMPLER;
data.textureSampler.slot = slot;
data.textureSampler.wrapS = wrapS;
data.textureSampler.wrapT = wrapT;
data.textureSampler.magFilter = magFilter;
data.textureSampler.minFilter = minFilter;
data.textureSampler.anisotropy = anisotropy;
void SetTextureLod(int slot, float minLod, float maxLod, float lodBias) {
_dbg_assert_(curRenderStep_ && curRenderStep_->stepType == GLRStepType::RENDER);
_dbg_assert_(slot < MAX_GL_TEXTURE_SLOTS);
GLRRenderData &data = curRenderStep_->commands.push_uninitialized();
data.cmd = GLRRenderCommand::TEXTURELOD;
data.textureLod.slot = slot;
data.textureLod.minLod = minLod;
data.textureLod.maxLod = maxLod;
data.textureLod.lodBias = lodBias;
// If scissorW == 0, no scissor is applied (the whole render target is cleared).
void Clear(uint32_t clearColor, float clearZ, int clearStencil, int clearMask, int colorMask, int scissorX, int scissorY, int scissorW, int scissorH) {
_dbg_assert_(curRenderStep_ && curRenderStep_->stepType == GLRStepType::RENDER);
if (!clearMask)
GLRRenderData &data = curRenderStep_->commands.push_uninitialized();
data.cmd = GLRRenderCommand::CLEAR;
data.clear.clearMask = clearMask;
data.clear.clearColor = clearColor;
data.clear.clearZ = clearZ;
data.clear.clearStencil = clearStencil;
data.clear.colorMask = colorMask;
data.clear.scissorX = scissorX;
data.clear.scissorY = scissorY;
data.clear.scissorW = scissorW;
data.clear.scissorH = scissorH;
void Draw(GLRInputLayout *inputLayout, GLRBuffer *vertexBuffer, uint32_t vertexOffset, GLenum mode, int first, int count) {
_dbg_assert_(vertexBuffer && curRenderStep_ && curRenderStep_->stepType == GLRStepType::RENDER);
GLRRenderData &data = curRenderStep_->commands.push_uninitialized();
data.cmd = GLRRenderCommand::DRAW;
data.draw.inputLayout = inputLayout;
data.draw.vertexOffset = vertexOffset;
data.draw.vertexBuffer = vertexBuffer;
data.draw.indexBuffer = nullptr;
data.draw.mode = mode;
data.draw.first = first;
data.draw.count = count;
data.draw.indexType = 0;
// Would really love to have a basevertex parameter, but impossible in unextended GLES, without glDrawElementsBaseVertex, unfortunately.
void DrawIndexed(GLRInputLayout *inputLayout, GLRBuffer *vertexBuffer, uint32_t vertexOffset, GLRBuffer *indexBuffer, uint32_t indexOffset, GLenum mode, int count, GLenum indexType, int instances = 1) {
_dbg_assert_(vertexBuffer && indexBuffer && curRenderStep_ && curRenderStep_->stepType == GLRStepType::RENDER);
GLRRenderData &data = curRenderStep_->commands.push_uninitialized();
data.cmd = GLRRenderCommand::DRAW;
data.draw.inputLayout = inputLayout;
data.draw.vertexOffset = vertexOffset;
data.draw.vertexBuffer = vertexBuffer;
data.draw.indexBuffer = indexBuffer;
data.draw.indexOffset = indexOffset;
data.draw.mode = mode;
data.draw.count = count;
data.draw.indexType = indexType;
data.draw.instances = instances;
void SetInflightFrames(int f) {
newInflightFrames_ = f < 1 || f > MAX_INFLIGHT_FRAMES ? MAX_INFLIGHT_FRAMES : f;
int GetCurFrame() const {
return curFrame_;
void Resize(int width, int height) {
targetWidth_ = width;
targetHeight_ = height;
queueRunner_.Resize(width, height);
void UnregisterPushBuffer(GLPushBuffer *buffer) {
int foundCount = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_INFLIGHT_FRAMES; i++) {
auto iter = frameData_[i].activePushBuffers.find(buffer);
if (iter != frameData_[i].activePushBuffers.end()) {
_dbg_assert_(foundCount == 1);
void SetSwapFunction(std::function<void()> swapFunction) {
swapFunction_ = swapFunction;
void SetSwapIntervalFunction(std::function<void(int)> swapIntervalFunction) {
swapIntervalFunction_ = swapIntervalFunction;
void SwapInterval(int interval) {
if (interval != swapInterval_) {
swapInterval_ = interval;
swapIntervalChanged_ = true;
void StartThread(); // Currently only used on iOS, since we fully recreate the context on Android
void StopThread();
bool SawOutOfMemory() {
return queueRunner_.SawOutOfMemory();
// Only supports a common subset.
std::string GetGLString(int name) const {
return queueRunner_.GetGLString(name);
// Used during Android-style ugly shutdown. No need to have a way to set it back because we'll be
// destroyed.
void SetSkipGLCalls() {
skipGLCalls_ = true;
int GetNumSteps() const {
return (int)steps_.size();
bool Run(GLRRenderThreadTask &task);
// Bad for performance but sometimes necessary for synchronous CPU readbacks (screenshots and whatnot).
void FlushSync();
// When using legacy functionality for push buffers (glBufferData), we need to flush them
// before actually making the glDraw* calls. It's best if the render manager handles that.
void RegisterPushBuffer(int frame, GLPushBuffer *buffer) {
GLFrameData frameData_[MAX_INFLIGHT_FRAMES];
// Submission time state
bool insideFrame_ = false;
GLRStep *curRenderStep_ = nullptr;
std::vector<GLRStep *> steps_;
FastVec<GLRInitStep> initSteps_;
// Execution time state
// TODO: Rename this, as we don't actually use a compile thread on OpenGL.
bool runCompileThread_ = true;
// Thread is managed elsewhere, and should call ThreadFrame.
GLQueueRunner queueRunner_;
// For pushing data on the queue.
std::mutex pushMutex_;
std::condition_variable pushCondVar_;
std::queue<GLRRenderThreadTask *> renderThreadQueue_;
// For readbacks and other reasons we need to sync with the render thread.
std::mutex syncMutex_;
std::condition_variable syncCondVar_;
bool firstFrame_ = true;
bool vrRenderStarted_ = false;
bool syncDone_ = false;
GLDeleter deleter_;
bool skipGLCalls_ = false;
int curFrame_ = 0;
std::function<void()> swapFunction_;
std::function<void(int)> swapIntervalFunction_;
GLBufferStrategy bufferStrategy_ = GLBufferStrategy::SUBDATA;
int inflightFrames_ = MAX_INFLIGHT_FRAMES;
int newInflightFrames_ = -1;
int swapInterval_ = 0;
bool swapIntervalChanged_ = true;
int targetWidth_ = 0;
int targetHeight_ = 0;
#ifdef _DEBUG
GLRProgram *curProgram_ = nullptr;
Draw::DeviceCaps caps_{};
std::string profilePassesString_;
InvalidationCallback invalidationCallback_;
uint64_t frameIdGen_ = FRAME_TIME_HISTORY_LENGTH;
HistoryBuffer<FrameTimeData, FRAME_TIME_HISTORY_LENGTH> &frameTimeHistory_;