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Compiling mk64 Decomp In Windows
This method is not recommended nor supported. However, it is the only solution to build in W7/W8. WSL is the path of least resistance, use that not this
Building decomp using msys on Windows is a journey.. A journey akin to crawling over broken glass in the dark.
- leogames
The extraneous and convoluted process to building mk64 decomp on Windows begins with disabling your anti-virus program or adding an exception to the mk64 decomp folder and the msys2 installation folder. Please note that this action may impact the security of your system. Prior to proceeding, make sure to understand the increased security risks that may result from this step. Nobody except you, is responsible and liable for your system and its security.
Any misteps may require a complete uninstall of MSYS2 MinGW x64
and restarting from the very beginning.
It is unknown if MSYS MinGW x32
is supported (most likely not).
Step 1: Download MSYS2 MinGW x64
Follow the initial instructions to update the base packages. Ignore installing any extra packages in-case they conflict with the below steps.
MinGW is a separate program from Msys2. However, it must be wrapped right into msys2.
Compiling recomp requires steps usingMSYS2 MSYS
and MSYS2 MinGW x64
. The instructions will clearly differentiate which terminal program to launch and run in the section titles.
Why flip-flop between both?
Compiling the recomp executable that generates the source files for compiling the compiler requires capstone. A disassembly, analysis, and reverse-engineering framework. Capstone is only available on MSYS2 MinGW x64
. It is not available on MSYS2 MSYS
. However, compiling the compiler itself requires
because it contains an equivallent dependency for mman
. A memory mapping library. MSYS2 MinGW x64
does not contain an equivallent dependancy.
Step 2: Install Dependancies in MSYS2 MinGW x64
pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-gcc mingw-w64-x86_64-capstone pkgconf make python3 git
Step 3: Install Dependencies in MSYS2 MSYS
pacman -S gcc
Step 3.5: Rename include in recomp.cpp
For some reason on Windows capstone is inside of a capstone folder.
#include <capstone/capstone.h>
Step 4: Get Binutils
Download and install the mips64 tool chain:
Merge the inner folders (bin, share, etc.) with the respective folders in C:\msys64\mingw64\
Step 5: Compiling recomp.exe in MSYS2 MinGW x64
In MSYS2 MinGW x64
run in mk64/tools/ido5.3_recomp/
g++ recomp.cpp -o recomp -g -lcapstone -Dugen53
Step 6: Generate Recomp Source Files in MSYS2 MinGW x64
Generate the .c files which will compile into the recomp binaries.
mk64 requires the following compiler binaries: as1, cc, cfe, copt, ugen, ujoin, uld, umerge, uopt
In MSYS2 MinGW x64
run in the directory mk64/tools/ido5.3_recomp/
./recomp ../ido5.3_compiler/usr/lib/as1 > as1_c.c
./recomp ../ido5.3_compiler/usr/lib/cc > cc_c.c
./recomp ../ido5.3_compiler/usr/lib/cfe > cfe_c.c
./recomp ../ido5.3_compiler/usr/lib/copt > copt_c.c
./recomp ../ido5.3_compiler/usr/lib/ugen > ugen_c.c
./recomp ../ido5.3_compiler/usr/lib/ujoin > ujoin_c.c
./recomp ../ido5.3_compiler/usr/lib/uld > uld_c.c
./recomp ../ido5.3_compiler/usr/lib/umerge > umerge_c.c
./recomp ../ido5.3_compiler/usr/lib/uopt > uopt_c.c
If you get an assertion failed error. Then the directory to the compiler is incorrect.
The binary for cc is in /ido5.3_compiler/usr/bin/
so do:
./recomp ../ido5.3_compiler/usr/bin/cc > cc_c.c
Step 7: Compiling the recomp compiler in MSYS2 MSYS
run in the directory mk64/tools/ido5.3_recomp/
gcc libc_impl.c as1_c.c -o as1 -g -fno-strict-aliasing -lm -no-pie -DIDO53 -O2
gcc libc_impl.c cc_c.c -o cc -g -fno-strict-aliasing -lm -no-pie -DIDO53 -O2
gcc libc_impl.c cfe_c.c -o cfe -g -fno-strict-aliasing -lm -no-pie -DIDO53 -O2
gcc libc_impl.c copt_c.c -o copt -g -fno-strict-aliasing -lm -no-pie -DIDO53 -O2
gcc libc_impl.c ugen_c.c -o ugen -g -fno-strict-aliasing -lm -no-pie -DIDO53 -O2
gcc libc_impl.c ujoin_c.c -o ujoin -g -fno-strict-aliasing -lm -no-pie -DIDO53 -O2
gcc libc_impl.c uld_c.c -o uld -g -fno-strict-aliasing -lm -no-pie -DIDO53 -O2
gcc libc_impl.c umerge_c.c -o umerge -g -fno-strict-aliasing -lm -no-pie -DIDO53 -O2
gcc libc_impl.c uopt_c.c -o uopt -g -fno-strict-aliasing -lm -no-pie -DIDO53 -O2
is an optional optimization flag.
Step 8: Compile mk64 in MSYS2 MinGW x64
In /mk64/
make -j#
Replace # with your number of CPU cores for quicker compilation.