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synced 2025-02-18 21:10:33 +00:00
381 lines
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381 lines
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#ifndef _GAME_NAVI_H
#define _GAME_NAVI_H
#include "BitFlag.h"
#include "Game/FakePiki.h"
#include "Game/PelletView.h"
#include "Game/StateMachine.h"
#include "Game/GameSystem.h"
#include "Game/gamePlayData.h"
#include "Game/gameStat.h"
#include "efx/TNaviEffect.h"
#include "Dolphin/mtx.h"
#include "JSystem/J2D/J2DGrafContext.h"
#include "JSystem/J3D/J3DModel.h"
#include "JSystem/J3D/J3DMtxCalc.h"
#include "JSystem/JSupport/JSUList.h"
#include "JSystem/JAudio/JAI/JAInter/Object.h"
#include "Sys/MatBaseAnimation.h"
#include "SysShape/Model.h"
#include "SysShape/Joint.h"
#include "Color4.h"
#include "MonoObjectMgr.h"
#include "CollInfo.h"
#include "Vector3.h"
struct Controller;
enum NaviIndex {
NAVIID_Olimar = 0,
NAVIID_Louie = 1, // or president
NAVIID_Multiplayer = 2,
NAVIID_Both = 2,
enum AliveOrimaType {
ALIVEORIMA_Active = 0,
ALIVEORIMA_Inactive = 1,
#define GET_OTHER_NAVI(navi) (1 - (navi)->mNaviIndex)
#define CG_NAVIPARMS(navi) (static_cast<NaviParms*>(navi->mParms)->mNaviParms)
// Louie scale is also used for president
#define OLIMAR_SCALE 1.3f
#define LOUIE_SCALE 1.5f
namespace PSM {
struct DirectorUpdator;
struct Navi;
} // namespace PSM
namespace Game {
struct CPlate;
struct NaviNukuAdjustStateArg;
struct NaviState;
struct NaviParms;
namespace ItemPikihead {
struct Item;
enum NaviControlFlags {
NAVICTRL_InMovie = 0x1,
NAVICTRL_InOnyon = 0x2,
struct NaviFSM : public StateMachine<Navi> {
virtual void init(Navi*); // _08
virtual void transit(Navi*, int, StateArg*); // _14
// _00 = VTBL
// _00-_1C = StateMachine
int mBackupStateID; // _1C
struct NaviWhistle {
enum WhistleState {
void init();
void updatePosition();
void start();
void stop();
bool timeout();
void setFaceDir(f32);
void updateWhistle();
void update(Vector3f&, bool);
inline f32 getTimePercentage();
inline Vector3f getPosition() const { return mPosition; }
Vector3f mNaviOffsetVec; // _00
Vector3f mPosition; // _0C
Vector3f mNormal; // _18
f32 mRadius; // _24
u16 mState; // _28
f32 mActiveTime; // _2C
bool mIsWhistleActive; // _30
Navi* mNavi; // _34
Color4 mColor; // _38
struct Navi : public FakePiki, virtual public PelletView {
typedef NaviState StateType;
// vtable 1 (Creature)
virtual Vector3f getPosition(); // _08
virtual void onInit(CreatureInitArg* settings); // _30
virtual void onKill(CreatureKillArg* settings); // _34
virtual void doAnimation(); // _3C
virtual void doEntry(); // _40
virtual void doSetView(int viewportNumber); // _44
virtual void doViewCalc(); // _48
virtual void doSimulation(f32); // _4C
virtual void doDirectDraw(Graphics& gfx); // _50
virtual void setVelocity(Vector3f& vel) { mTargetVelocity = vel; } // _68 (weak)
virtual void onSetPosition(Vector3f& dest); // _70
virtual void inWaterCallback(WaterBox* wb); // _84
virtual void outWaterCallback(); // _88
virtual void bounceCallback(Sys::Triangle* tri); // _E8
virtual void collisionCallback(CollEvent& event); // _EC
virtual void platCallback(PlatEvent& event); // _F0
virtual JAInter::Object* getJAIObject(); // _F4
virtual PSM::Creature* getPSCreature(); // _F8
virtual void on_movie_begin(bool shouldResetAnims); // _110
virtual void on_movie_end(bool shouldResetAnims); // _114
virtual void movieStartAnimation(u32 animIdx); // _118
virtual void movieStartDemoAnimation(SysShape::AnimInfo* info); // _11C
virtual void movieSetTranslation(Vector3f& dest, f32 faceDir); // _124
virtual void movieSetFaceDir(f32); // _128
virtual bool movieGotoPosition(Vector3f& dest); // _12C
virtual void movieUserCommand(u32 command, MoviePlayer* curPlayer); // _130
virtual void getShadowParam(ShadowParam& settings); // _134
virtual void getLODSphere(Sys::Sphere& lodSphere); // _140
virtual void onStickStart(Creature*); // _158
virtual void onStickEnd(Creature*); // _15C
virtual bool ignoreAtari(Creature* toIgnore); // _190
virtual bool stimulate(Interaction& data); // _1A4
virtual char* getCreatureName() { return "navi"; } // _1A8 (weak)
virtual s32 getCreatureID() { return mNaviIndex; } // _1AC (weak)
// vtable 2 (MotionListener + FakePiki + self)
virtual int getDownfloorMass(); // _1BC
virtual void update(); // _1CC
virtual f32 getMapCollisionRadius(); // _200
virtual void wallCallback(Vector3f& pos); // _204
virtual void onKeyEvent(const SysShape::KeyEvent& event); // _20C (weak)
virtual void do_updateLookCreature(); // _214
virtual bool isWalking(); // _21C
virtual void viewEntryShape(Matrixf&, Vector3f&); // _220 (weak)
virtual SysShape::Model* viewGetShape(); // _224 (weak)
virtual f32 viewGetBaseScale(); // _228 (weak)
virtual void transit(int, StateArg*); // _22C
// vtable 3 (PelletView) gets a few methods thunked by methods in vtable 2,
// but no direct overrides.
void addDamage(f32, bool);
void applyDopes(int, Vector3f&);
void applyDopeSmoke(CellObject*);
void callPikis();
ItemBigFountain::Item* checkBigFountain();
ItemCave::Item* checkCave();
FakePiki* checkDemoNaviAndPiki(Sys::Sphere&);
ItemHole::Item* checkHole();
Onyon* checkOnyon();
void clearKaisanDisable();
void clearThrowDisable();
bool commandOn();
void control();
bool demoCheck();
void demowaitAllPikis();
void disableController();
void enterAllPikis();
void findNextThrowPiki();
bool formationable();
void fountainonAllPikis(Vector3f&);
int getDopeCount(int);
f32 getLifeRatio();
OlimarData* getOlimarData();
int getStateID();
bool hasDope(int);
void holeinAllPikis(Vector3f&);
// Increase the amount of sprays in sprayType (use enum SPRAY_TYPE)
void incDopeCount(int sprayType);
bool invincible();
bool isCStickNetural();
void makeCStick(bool);
void makeVelocity();
u32 ogGetNextThrowPiki();
bool procActionButton();
bool releasePikis();
void reviseController(Vector3f&);
void set_movie_draw(bool);
void setDeadLaydown();
void setInvincibleTimer(u8);
void setLifeMax();
void setupNukuAdjustArg(ItemPikihead::Item*, NaviNukuAdjustStateArg&);
void startDamage(f32);
void startThrowDisable();
bool throwable();
void throwPiki(Piki*, Vector3f&);
void updateCursor();
void updateKaisanDisable();
void updateThrowDisable();
void useDope(int);
inline void setCalcs()
SysShape::Model* model = mModel;
mAnimator.mBoundAnimator.setModelCalc(model, 0);
inline void setCamera(PlayCamera* cam)
mCamera = cam;
mCamera2 = cam;
inline void setController(Controller* control)
mController1 = control;
mController2 = control;
inline int getNaviID() { return mNaviIndex; }
// inline NaviState* getCurrentState() { return mCurrentState; }
inline void setControlFlag(u16 flag) { mNaviControlFlag.typeView |= flag; }
inline void resetControlFlag(u16 flag) { mNaviControlFlag.typeView &= ~flag; }
inline bool isControlFlag(u16 flag) { return mNaviControlFlag.typeView & flag; }
inline void setCurrState(StateType* state) { mCurrentState = state; }
inline StateType* getCurrState() { return mCurrentState; }
inline struct NaviParms* getParms() { return static_cast<NaviParms*>(mParms); }
// _000 = VTBL
// _000-_250 = FakePiki
// _250 = ptr to PelletView
CPlate* mCPlateMgr; // _254
u8 mPlateScaleTimer; // _258
u8 mStickCount; // _259
s32 mSprayCounts[2]; // _25C proven signed by Navi::hasDope
u8 _264[4]; // _264
bool mHideModel; // _268
u8 mUnusedFlag; // _269
u8 mPluckingCounter; // _26A
PSM::Navi* mSoundObj; // _26C
NaviFSM* mFsm; // _270
NaviState* mCurrentState; // _274
Controller* mController1; // _278
Controller* mController2; // _27C
PlayCamera* mCamera; // _280
PlayCamera* mCamera2; // _284
BitFlag<u16> mNaviControlFlag; // _288
NaviWhistle* mWhistle; // _28C
SysShape::Model* mMarkerModel; // _290
SysShape::Model* mCursorModel; // _294
Sys::MatRepeatAnimator* mCursorMatAnim; // _298
Sys::MatLoopAnimator* mArrowMatAnim; // _29C
f32 mHealth; // _2A0
u8 mInvincibleTimer; // _2A4
Piki* mNextThrowPiki; // _2A8
u8 mUnusedFlag2; // _2AC
f32 mHoldPikiTimer; // _2B0
f32 mHoldPikiCharge; // _2B4, neither charge is used for anything
f32 mHoldPikiCharge2; // _2B8
u8 mThrowTimer; // _2BC, use NAVI_THROWSTATE enum
SysShape::Joint* mBeaconJoint; // _2C0
Vector3f mBeaconPosition; // _2C4
efx::TNaviEffect* mEffectsObj; // _2D0
s8 mDisbandTimer; // _2D4
Footmarks* mFootmarks; // _2D8
u16 mNaviIndex; // _2DC
u8 _2DE; // _2DE
Vector3f mCStickTargetVector; // _2E0
Vector3f mCStickPosition; // _2EC
f32 mCStickAngle; // _2F8
u8 _2FC; // _2FC
u8 _2FD; // _2FD
int mCStickState; // _300
int mCStickIncrement; // _304
f32 mSceneAnimationTimer; // _308
bool mCommandOn1; // _30C
bool mCommandOn2; // _30D
// PelletView: _310 - _320
struct NaviMgr : public MonoObjectMgr<Navi>, public JKRDisposer {
// vtable 1 (CNode, _00)
virtual ~NaviMgr(); // _08 (weak)
// vtable 2 (MonoObjectMgr, _00)
virtual void doAnimation(); // _64 (thunk at _34)
virtual void doEntry(); // _68 (thunk at _38)
virtual void doSimulation(f32 rate); // _74 (thunk at _44)
virtual Navi* birth(); // _7C
virtual void resetMgr(); // _80 (thunk at _54)
// vtable 3 (JKRDisposer + self, _30)
virtual void killAll(); // _98
virtual char* getMgrName() { return "NaviMgr"; } // _9C (weak)
virtual bool frozenable() { return false; } // _A0 (weak, thunk at _5C in vt 2)
virtual void loadResources(); // _A4 (thunk at _50 in vt 2)
void clearDeadCount();
SysShape::Model* createModel(int naviID);
void createPSMDirectorUpdator();
Navi* getActiveNavi();
int getAliveCount();
Navi* getAliveOrima(int aliveOrimaType); // see AliveOrimaType enum; 0 = get active, 1 = get inactive
Navi* getDeadOrima(int deadID); // 0 for first dead, 1 for second dead
void informOrimaDead(int naviID);
void load();
void loadResources_float();
void setMovieDraw(bool isMoviePlaying);
void setupSoundViewerAndBas();
void setupNavi(Navi* navi);
// Unused/inlined:
void init();
Navi* getSurviveNavi();
void draw2d(J2DGrafContext&);
static SysShape::AnimMgr* animMgr;
// _00 = VTBL 1 + 2
// _00-_30 = MonoObjectMgr
// _30 = VTBL 3
// _30-_48 = JKRDisposer
PSM::DirectorUpdator* mBackupPSMMgr; // _48 (appears to be completely unused)
PSM::DirectorUpdator* mPSMMgr; // _4C (used for damage taking bgm mix)
int mDeadNavis; // _50
int mNaviDeadFlags[2]; // _54 (seems to translate the order of killed captains to their ids?)
BitFlag<u8> mFlags; // _5C
Sys::MatTevRegAnimation mCursorAnims[2]; // _60
Sys::MatTevRegAnimation mMarkerAnims[2]; // _88
J3DModelData* mOlimarModel; // _B0
J3DModelData* mLouieModel; // _B4 (also president model)
J3DModelData* mCursorModelData; // _B8
u8 _BC[8]; // _BC, unused?
J3DModelData* mMarkerModelData; // _C4
NaviParms* mNaviParms; // _C8
CollPartFactory* mCollData; // _CC
extern NaviMgr* naviMgr;
} // namespace Game
namespace og {
namespace Screen {
void DataNavi::update(int naviIdx)
Game::Navi* navi = Game::naviMgr->getAt(naviIdx);
mFollowPikis = Game::GameStat::formationPikis.mCounter[naviIdx];
mNextThrowPiki = navi->ogGetNextThrowPiki();
mDope1Count = navi->getDopeCount(1);
mDope0Count = navi->getDopeCount(0);
mNaviLifeRatio = navi->getLifeRatio();
} // namespace Screen
} // namespace og