Dex2jar have the ability to modify the code of an apk.
- It first translate the code from dex to jar.
- modify .class files in the jar.
- It translate jar back to dex and put into apk
- sign the apk, and we done the modification.
for demo, we will modify a apk to let it showing a message when it start.
and you need following components in you PATH. android-sdk,ant,dex2jar,jdk6
got an apk
you need an apk, which you didn't have the source. Just for demo, we build a simple hello-world apk by running the following command
android create project --name test_apk --path test_apk --package a.b --activity Main --target 1
cd test_apk
ant debug
cd bin
now we got test_apk/bin/test_apk-debug.apk. we can check it by running the apk inside an emulator.
work with dex-tools
Now we got the apk, and It's time to modify it.
Convert the code to a modifiable format.
we can't modify dex or jar(.class) file directly. dex2jar support to assemble/disassemble .class file from/to jasmin file. so we convert the apk to jar and disassemble it.
# convert classes.dex in test_apk-debug.apk to test_apk-debug_dex2jar.jar -f -o test_apk-debug_dex2jar.jar test_apk-debug.apk
# verify jar test_apk-debug_dex2jar.jar
# convert to jasmin format -f -o test_apk_jasmin test_apk-debug_dex2jar.jar
edit test_apk_jasmin/a/b/Main.j to show a toast
.method public onCreate(Landroid/os/Bundle;)V
aload 0
aload 1
invokespecial android/app/Activity/onCreate(Landroid/os/Bundle;)V
aload 0
ldc_w 2130837504
invokevirtual a/b/Main/setContentView(I)V
; Toast.makeText(this.getApplicationContext(), "hi", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
aload 0
invokevirtual android/app/Activity/getApplicationContext()Landroid/content/Context;
ldc "hi"
ldc_w 1
invokestatic android/widget/Toast/makeText(Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/lang/CharSequence;I)Landroid/widget/Toast;
invokevirtual android/widget/Toast/show()V
.limit locals 2
.limit stack 3
.end method
repack apk
# build jar -f -o test_apk_jasmin.jar test_apk_jasmin/
# verify jar test_apk_jasmin.jar
# convert to dex -f -o classes.dex test_apk_jasmin.jar
# make a copy
cp test_apk-debug.apk test_apk-debug-toast.apk
# replace classes.dex in test_apk-debug-toast.apk
zip -r test_apk-debug-toast.apk classes.dex
# sign the apk -f -o test_apk-debug-toast-signed.apk test_apk-debug-toast.apk
run the apk
# uninstall previously apk
adb uninstall a.b
# install
adb install test_apk-debug-toast-signed.apk
# start main activity
adb shell am start -n a.b/.Main
all the above command is for *
unix, for windows users, please replace the suffix from .sh to .bat.
and for the zip command, just open the test_apk-debug-toast.apk with winRAR,winZIP or 7z, then drag the classes.dex into it.