#define IDS_WTP_DISK_ERROR "There is a problem with your disk drive.Please make sure your Winnie-the-Pooh disk is in the drive correctly."
#define IDS_WTP_INTRO_1 " TM designates trademark of\n Sierra On-Line, Inc.\n (c) 1985 Walt Disney Productions"
#define IDS_WTP_HELP_0 "The <SPACE BAR> moves the pointer. Press <RETURN> when it is by the choice you want. Press the <Backspace> key to see what you just finished reading."
#define IDS_WTP_HELP_1 "Press <C> to see what you are carrying. <Ctrl-S> turns the sound off and on. <ESC> takes you to the playroom (in caseyou get lost or want to save the game)."
#define IDS_WTP_GAME_OVER_0 "Congratulations!! You did it! You returned everything that was lost. Now,Christopher Robin invites you to a Hero party."
#define IDS_WTP_GAME_OVER_1 "The good news is: YOU are the Hero!! The bad news is: you have to find the party by yourself. Good luck!"
#define IDS_WTP_OWL_0 "\"For example, that object you are carrying now is interesting. I know I've seen it before. Hmmm. Let me think about this . . .\""
#define IDS_WTP_OWL_1 "\"You know, this object here beside me isfamiliar. I'm sure I could give you some sort of clue about it. Let me see. . .\""
#define IDS_WTP_WIND_0 "Oh, no! The Blustery Wind begins to howl. It has returned, and mixed up all the objects in the Wood."
#define IDS_WTP_WIND_1 "But don't worry. Everyone still has theobjects you returned to them.\n\n (Today must be Winds-day!)"
#define IDS_WTP_MIST "Oh, look out! The mysterious mist is coming in. It gets so thick that you can't see through it. Just keep walkingand it will soon clear up."
#define IDS_WTP_SONG_0 "Winnie-the-Pooh, Winnie-the-Pooh, Tubby little cubby all stuffed with fluff, He's Winnie-the-Pooh, Winnie-the-Pooh, Willy, nilly, silly, old bear."
#define IDS_WTP_SONG_1 "Deep in the Hundred Acre Wood, Where Christopher Robin plays, You will find the enchanted neighborhoodof Christopher's childhood days."
#define IDS_WTP_SONG_2 "A donkey named Eeyore is his friend, and Kanga and little Roo. There's Rabbit and Piglet and there's Owl But most of all Winnie-the-Pooh!"
#define IDS_WTP_NSEW "North South East West"
#define IDS_WTP_TAKE "Take"
#define IDS_WTP_DROP "Drop"
#define IDS_WTP_CANT_GO "\nSorry, but you can't go that way."
#define IDS_WTP_CANT_TAKE "You can't take it. You can only carry one object at a time."
#define IDS_WTP_CANT_DROP "You can't drop it. Another object is already here."
#define IDS_WTP_WRONG_PLACE "\nOk, but it doesn't belong here."
#define IDS_WTP_OK "\nOk."
#define IDS_WTP_INVENTORY_0 "You are carrying nothing."
#define IDS_WTP_INVENTORY_1 "Number of objects still missing: %d"
// COMMODORE 64 version strings
#define IDS_WTP_FILE_SAVEGAME_C64 "saved game"
#define IDS_WTP_DISK_ERROR_C64 "There is a problem with your disk drive.Please make sure your disk is in the drive correctly."
#define IDS_WTP_HELP_0_C64 "The <SPACE BAR> moves the pointer. Press <RETURN> when it is by the choice you want. <F1> brings back what you have already read."
#define IDS_WTP_HELP_1_C64 "<F3> takes you back to the playroom (if you get lost, or want to save the game).<F5> turns the sound off and on. <F7> shows what you're carrying."
#define IDS_WTP_WRONG_PLACE_C64 "\nOk, but this is not the right place."