Some object functions allow actor IDs and object IDs as parameters. They are easily distinguishable in engines > 0 as actor IDs are < _numActors and object IDs are bigger. In v0 this is not the case as there are objects with IDs like 3 and 5 (e.g. the hamster). So object ID handling was unified for v0 and the other engines by introducing objIsActor(), objToActor() and ActorToObj().
- o5_breakHere() seems to be still needed. For example edna does not manage to walk up the ladder if this is not enabled.
- numLocalObjects seems to be big enough so that < instead of <= can be used. The original interpreter only uses the local ids 0 .. 44 whereas scummvm has _numLocalObjects set to 200.
- MM C64 uses command stack (SentenceTab, doSentence()) now
- _cmdObject... added for current SentenceTab. The _active... variables are only used to build a sentence in the inventory but never by a script.
-> many routines are not needed anymore and are removed
- removed complicated and unnecessary _v0ObjectIndex, _v0ObjectInInventory, _v0ObjectFlag vars
- started to merge object id and type into one object value (type<<8|id)
- verb preposition ids do not dependent on language -> remove from VerbSettings
- objects with type=0 are foreground objects. They have a state, an owner and a bg overlay image.
- objects with type=1 are bg objects. They do not have a state or owner and are already contained in the bg image. The do not have an entry in objectState/OwnerTable
Note: the transition is not completed yet. The code compiles but is probably not runnable as not every occurrence of _activeInventory has been properly replaced.
The usage of _v0ObjectIndex and _v0ObjectInInventory should be revised too and both variables should be replaced by another mechanism (maybe by using a single variable "obj = (type << 8) | id").
- moved v0 only vars _activeInventory, _activeObject, _activeVerb from ScummEngine_v2 to ScummEngine_v0
- removed _activeActor, _activeInvExecute, _activeObject2Inv and _activeInventory. They are handled by _activeObject/_activeObjectType and _activeObject2/_activeObject2Type now.
- removed _activeObject(2)Index as they only bloat the code without any benefit (?)
- merge prep-name tables from ScummEngine_v2::drawPreposition() and ScummEngine_v0::drawSentenceWord() by introducing ScummEngine_v2::drawPreposition()
- rename ObjectData.flags -> obj_type (quick-fix only, needs review! Maybe obj_nr and obj_type can be merged into one var: obj_nr = (obj_type << 8) | obj_nr)
- o_unknown2 is negation of o_ifActiveObject (o_ifNotEqualActiveObject2)
- renamed o_ifActiveObject -> o_ifEqualActiveObject2 as it acts only on _activeObject2
- renamed ScummEngine_v0::drawSentenceWord() -> ScummEngine_v0::getObjectName()
Previously, we had a couple of arrays of size N (where N = number of
resource types), one for each attribute of a resource type (such as as
the number of resources of that type.
Now, we have one array of size N, whose elements are a record
aggregating all the attributes of each resource type.
MKID_BE relied on unspecified behavior of the C++ compiler,
and as such was always a bit unsafe. The new MKTAG macro
is slightly less elegant, but does no longer depend on the
behavior of the compiler.
Inspired by FFmpeg, which has an almost identical macro.