This is a long-needed cleanup aimed at removing the ddraw_primary,
ddraw_window, ddraw_width and ddraw_height members from
IWineD3DDeviceImpl, which just do not belong there. Destination
window and screen handling is supposed to be done by swapchains.
The base version won't suffice anymore as it is not able to upload
palette changes to the drawable in an efficient way for both GDI and
GL. Further the LoadLocation code in RealizePalette isn't needed for
the GDI version as in all cases it works on system memory.
This patch and the following intend to make the surface code more
manageable and are a preparation to add gl3 support. The code adds a
new IWineD3DBaseSurface surface type, which will contain the
non-rendering management code. IWineD3DSurface and IWineGDISurface
will be derived from IWineD3DBaseSurface, and IWineGL3Surface can be
added later.
D3DTEXF_NONE is a special value for mipmapping which disabled
mipmapping, but it is not a valid mag / min filter parameter.
D3DTEXF_POINT is what we want
Height * Pitch is not a valid way to calculate the surface size for
DXTn surfaces. Instead of messing with format specific formulas just
use the size stored in the destination surface.
This is to allow StretchRect to pass the texture filter to WineD3D.
DirectDraw sets the texture filter to WINED3DTEXF_NONE, simmilar to all
other functions which do not need filtering.
Previously the surfaces stored a flag if the system memory copy was
ahead of the gl copy(SFLAG_DIRTY) or the gl copy is
ahead(SFLAG_GLDIRTY). The pbuffer copy was 'managed' differently using
This patch replaces them with 3 flags, INSYSMEM, INPBUFFER and
INTEXTURE which specify which copy contains the most up to date
copy. It is perfectly valid to have more than one of those flags
set. One must be set at least (except at init, when no content is in
the surface yet). When one copy is modified, the flags for the others
are removed.
The method is removed because it does not really help with
anything. It should not be exported from wined3d, there is no need for
the other libs to call it. It does not help abstraction and code
simplification in any way because it is very specific and the code
calling it has to know what is happening in the surface to use this