From: Scott Watson
Subject: [SDL] Improper Windows message routine calling
If this hasn't been caught yet, there's an improper method of calling a
user's window message routine in the various SDL_xxevents.c files.
Calling it improperly can cause a crash under at least XP.
extra : convert_revision : svn%3Ac70aab31-4412-0410-b14c-859654838e24/trunk%40722
Date: Sun, 07 Sep 2003 02:51:58 +0200
From: Stephane Marchesin
Subject: [SDL] Two little patches
Compiling SDL with a recent gcc (gcc 3.3.1, 3.3 doesn't have this
behaviour) gives some nasty warnings :
SDL_blit_A.c: In function `BlitRGBtoRGBSurfaceAlpha128MMX':
SDL_blit_A.c:223: warning: integer constant is too large for "long" type
SDL_blit_A.c:225: warning: integer constant is too large for "long" type
SDL_blit_A.c:227: warning: integer constant is too large for "long" type
The first attached patch (longlongfix.patch) tells gcc to really treat
those constants as unsigned long long and not long.
The second patch (nasinclude.patch) fixes an include problem I had while
compiling nas audio : when the <audio/audiolib.h> file lies in
/usr/X11R6/include, a -I/usr/X11R6/include option is needed or the file
isn't found.
extra : convert_revision : svn%3Ac70aab31-4412-0410-b14c-859654838e24/trunk%40721
From: Matthew Danish
Subject: patch for k*bsd support
I am forwarding this patch from Robert Millan <> for
supporting K*BSD systems (BSD kernel GNU userland, and hurd) in
extra : convert_revision : svn%3Ac70aab31-4412-0410-b14c-859654838e24/trunk%40720
From: Philip D.S. Thoren <>
Reply-To: "" <>
To: "" <>
Subject: [SDL] BUG in src/video/windx5/SDL_dx5events.c
I tracked down a bug that crashed my program on Windows *all* the
FILE: src/video/windx5/SDL_dx5events.c
FUNCTION: handle_mouse
SDL_PublicSurface is being dereferenced when it is NULL.
I added the following to the very begining of handle_mouse
and it solved my crashing problems:
if (SDL_PublicSurface == NULL) return;
~ Philip D.S. Thoren
extra : convert_revision : svn%3Ac70aab31-4412-0410-b14c-859654838e24/trunk%40718
From: SUGIMOTO Sadahiro
Subject: [SDL] [PATCH] bsd joystick
on FreeBSD systems, I had troubles using a USB joystick with SDL.
There are two problems in src/joystick/bsd/SDL_sysjoystick.c .
1. The macro __FreeBSD_version is compared to inappropriate numbers.
According to
the APIs of USB HID are common in each following groups of OS versions,
a. 4.1-4.5
b. 4.6-4.8, and 5.0
c. 5.1
2. open() error
$ uname -sr
$ ls -l /dev/uhid0
crw-r--r-- 1 root operator 122, 0 8 3 14:06 /dev/uhid0
Then, open("/dev/uhid0", O_RDWR) fails.
It seems that this device file does not need to be writable, so O_RDONLY
may be suitable.
extra : convert_revision : svn%3Ac70aab31-4412-0410-b14c-859654838e24/trunk%40716
From: "Mike Gorchak"
Subject: Re: SDL 1.2.6
- minor changes about shared library building under QNX6 into README.QNX
- added forgotten libSDLmain.a into distribution,
- added header guards to the all headers.
- fixed fullscreen double buffered mode.
- fixed Photon crashes after/during using fullscreen OpenGL modes.
- added GL_MakeCurrent function.
- added SDL_VIDEOEXPOSE event, when OpenGL window have been resized
- added more HAVE_OPENGL checks to avoid dead code compilation without using OpenGL
- finished code reorganization (began into previous patches).
extra : convert_revision : svn%3Ac70aab31-4412-0410-b14c-859654838e24/trunk%40702
From: "Mike Gorchak"
Subject: Package building for QNX6
I'm just completed the package description file for QNX6 - qpg, it is like a\
.spec files for Linux. Please place file in the root of the proj\
ect, where .spec file is placed. And sdl12qpg.diff - just adding the SDL.qpg\
.in. The same for the SDL_image. I'm planning to add .qpg files creation for\
all SDL* projects.
As for shared library building for QNX6. It is very hard to improve the exis\
ting libtool code to support QNX shared libraries. Much easyiest is to remov\
e libtool.m4 code from the acinclude.m4 for those persons, who building shar\
ed libraries for QNX6. I'm described all what they need to do with .so under\
QNX6 in the README.QNX file. And 90% of people used the precompiled librari\
es, so I think it is not big problem :)
extra : convert_revision : svn%3Ac70aab31-4412-0410-b14c-859654838e24/trunk%40694
From: "Mike Gorchak"
Subject: Patches for tests and QNX6
Here more fixes for the QNX6 in sdlqnx.diff file:
- Spellchecked README.QNX (thanks to Julian Kinraid)
- Fixed bugs in fullscreen mode: window region wasn't on top by default, so \
it caused some artifacts to be appeared on the screen, prevent window conten\
ts default filler in Photon while in fullscreen mode, it damages the screen.
- Added support for the SDL_VIDEO_WINDOW_POS, SDL_VIDEO_CENTERED env variabl\
- Some minor code restructurization.
extra : convert_revision : svn%3Ac70aab31-4412-0410-b14c-859654838e24/trunk%40693
From: "Mike Gorchak"
Subject: Patches for tests and QNX6
1) graywin - added support for the gray gradient in the 15/16 bpp modes. Added SDL_VIDEOEXPOSE event handling.
2) testalpha - added support for the gray gradient in the 15/16 bpp modes.
3) testbitmap - added support for the gray gradient in the 8/15/16 bpp modes.
extra : convert_revision : svn%3Ac70aab31-4412-0410-b14c-859654838e24/trunk%40692
From: Stephane Marchesin
Subject: Re: [SDL] [patch] MMX alpha blit patches with MMX detection
I think everything is correct now. I've done as much testing as I could,
but some real-world testing wouldn't hurt, I think.
The patch is here :
If you do byte-by-byte comparison of the output between C and MMX
functions, you'll notice that the results for 555 and 565 RGB alpha
blits aren't exactly the same. This is because MMX functions for 555 and
565 RGB have an higher accuracy. If you want the exact same behaviour
that's possible by masking the three lower alpha bits in the MMX
functions. Just ask !
I removed one MMX function because after I fixed it to match its C
equivalent, it revealed to be slower than the C version on a PIII
(although a bit faster on an Athlon XP).
I've also added MMX and PIII replacements for SDL_memcpy. Those provide
some speed up in testvidinfo -benchmark (at least for me, under linux &
extra : convert_revision : svn%3Ac70aab31-4412-0410-b14c-859654838e24/trunk%40690
From: "Mattias Engdeg?rd"
Subject: bug in SDL_GetRGB/GetRGBA
There's an embarrassing bug in GetRGB/GetRGBA which apparently has been there
for years. It incorrectly converts colours with < 8 bits/channel.
It came to my attention today in #sdl.
What it does now is (for each channel):
rv = (pixel & fmt->Rmask) >> fmt->Rshift;
*r = (rv << fmt->Rloss) + (rv >> (8 - fmt->Rloss));
which is wrong; the last line should be
*r = (rv << fmt->Rloss) + (rv >> (8 - (fmt->Rloss << 1)));
extra : convert_revision : svn%3Ac70aab31-4412-0410-b14c-859654838e24/trunk%40689
From: Peter Naulls
Subject: RISC OS patches
This patch includes a patch to for RISC OS cross compiling
which was somehow missed from last time.
It also corrects BPP setting and checking behaviour.
extra : convert_revision : svn%3Ac70aab31-4412-0410-b14c-859654838e24/trunk%40688
From: Darrell Walisser
Subject: Re: Updated projects?
There was one additional patch I forgot to send. I needed to add a few
exports to the exports file.
extra : convert_revision : svn%3Ac70aab31-4412-0410-b14c-859654838e24/trunk%40686
From: Darrell Walisser
Subject: Re: Updated projects?
>> Did you get a chance to look at my "Custom Cocoa" demo? I have a few
>> minor patches that enable SDL/Cocoa integration, and a project
>> template.
> I didn't yet, but go ahead and send me the patches. :)
I updated the patch for current CVS. There are a lot of changes, but I
don't think I've broken anything. This patch also improves the behavior
of window minimize/deminimize.
extra : convert_revision : svn%3Ac70aab31-4412-0410-b14c-859654838e24/trunk%40684