- Increase palette table from 256 to 1024. the 1st 256 colors are used
by FCEUmm internally and for compatibility (PS2/PSP will use the old
emphasis located in this area). New 512 colors with emphasis will be
read from offset 256 of this palette table.
- Support loading of 512 palette, this will still use the same nes.pal
* M061: Add CHR-ROM variant.
* M227: Make DIP switch change only apply to submapper 1
* M242: Only assume DIP/solder pad read when A0-A7 are zero, corrects ET-187 and Xing-2462. Initialize M227's and M242's DIP switch setting on Hard Reset.
* M052: Support CHR-RAM-less variant of submapper 14.
* M364: Correct the outer bank register's address mask, for LT-953 multicart.
* M047: Supprt larger-sized multicarts using a compatible PCB. Reset to menu.
* M360: Add submapper 1.
* M221: Rewrite, add submapper 1 variant.
* M288: Remove bank masks to allow for already-existing larger cartridges.
* M411: Add submappers.
* M417: Add submapper 1.
* M115: Add multicart functionalities.
* M201: Simplify and correct the power-on value. CF-043, mentioned in the source code comment, needs no submapper; just a correct header with Horizontal mirroring.
* M200: Correct the power-on value.
* M432: Add submappers to distinguish three variants.
* Add mapper 412.
Co-authored-by: NewRisingSun <8vytz1+dhp372pv94ebg@sharklasers.com>
* M422: Fix an issue in CNROM mode.
* M351: Correct the emulation of Wai Wai World 2 in VRC4 mode.
* M268: Add Submappers 10/11.
* M422: Correct a problem with Super Mario Bros. 3.
Co-authored-by: NewRisingSun <8vytz1+dhp372pv94ebg@sharklasers.com>