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/* ScummVM - Scumm Interpreter
* Copyright (C) 2001 Ludvig Strigeus
* Copyright (C) 2001/2002 The ScummVM project
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
* $Header$
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "scumm/scumm.h"
#include "sound/fmopl.h"
#include "sound/mididrv.h"
#include "scumm/imuse.h"
#include "scumm/instrument.h"
#include "scumm/saveload.h"
2002-08-29 23:45:15 +00:00
#include "scumm/sound.h"
#include "common/util.h"
// Some constants
#define TICKS_PER_BEAT 480
#define IMUSE_SYSEX_ID 0x7D
#define ROLAND_SYSEX_ID 0x41
#define TRIGGER_ID 0
#define COMMAND_ID 1
#define MDPG_TAG "MDpg"
#define MDHD_TAG "MDhd"
// Put IMUSE specific classes here, instead of in a .h file
// they will only be used from this file, so it will reduce
// compile time.
// IMuseMonitor serves as a front-end to IMuseInternal and
// ensures that only one thread accesses the object at a time.
// This is necessary to prevent scripts and the MIDI parser
// from yanking objects out from underneath each other.
class IMuseMonitor : public IMuse {
OSystem *_system;
IMuse *_target;
void *_mutex;
void in() { _system->lock_mutex (_mutex); }
void out() { _system->unlock_mutex (_mutex); }
IMuseMonitor (OSystem *system, IMuse *target) : _system (system), _target (target) { _mutex = system->create_mutex(); }
virtual ~IMuseMonitor() { _system->delete_mutex (_mutex); };
void on_timer() { in(); _target->on_timer(); out(); }
void pause(bool paused) { in(); _target->pause (paused); out(); }
int save_or_load(Serializer *ser, Scumm *scumm) { in(); int ret = _target->save_or_load (ser, scumm); out(); return ret; }
int set_music_volume(uint vol) { in(); int ret = _target->set_music_volume (vol); out(); return ret; }
int get_music_volume() { in(); int ret = _target->get_music_volume(); out(); return ret; }
int set_master_volume(uint vol) { in(); int ret = _target->set_master_volume (vol); out(); return ret; }
int get_master_volume() { in(); int ret = _target->get_master_volume(); out(); return ret; }
bool start_sound(int sound) { in(); bool ret = _target->start_sound (sound); out(); return ret; }
int stop_sound(int sound) { in(); int ret = _target->stop_sound (sound); out(); return ret; }
int stop_all_sounds() { in(); int ret = _target->stop_all_sounds(); out(); return ret; }
int get_sound_status(int sound) { in(); int ret = _target->get_sound_status (sound); out(); return ret; }
bool get_sound_active(int sound) { in(); bool ret = _target->get_sound_active (sound); out(); return ret; }
int32 do_command(int a, int b, int c, int d, int e, int f, int g, int h) { in(); int32 ret = _target->do_command (a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h); out(); return ret; }
int clear_queue() { in(); int ret = _target->clear_queue(); out(); return ret; }
void setBase(byte **base) { in(); _target->setBase (base); out(); }
uint32 property(int prop, uint32 value) { in(); uint32 ret = _target->property (prop, value); out(); return ret; }
class IMuseDriver;
struct Part;
struct HookDatas {
2002-07-07 18:04:03 +00:00
byte _jump, _transpose;
byte _part_onoff[16];
byte _part_volume[16];
byte _part_program[16];
byte _part_transpose[16];
int query_param(int param, byte chan);
int set(byte cls, byte value, byte chan);
struct Player {
IMuseInternal *_se;
Part *_parts;
bool _active;
bool _scanning;
int _id;
byte _priority;
byte _volume;
int8 _pan;
int8 _transpose;
int8 _detune;
uint _vol_chan;
byte _vol_eff;
2002-07-07 18:04:03 +00:00
uint _song_index;
uint _track_index;
uint _timer_counter;
uint _loop_to_beat;
uint _loop_from_beat;
uint _loop_counter;
uint _loop_to_tick;
uint _loop_from_tick;
uint32 _tempo;
uint32 _tempo_eff; // No Save
uint32 _cur_pos;
uint32 _next_pos;
uint32 _song_offset;
uint32 _timer_speed; // No Save
uint _tick_index;
uint _beat_index;
uint _ticks_per_beat;
byte _speed; // No Save
bool _abort;
HookDatas _hook;
bool _mt32emulate;
bool _isGM;
// Player part
void hook_clear();
void clear();
bool start_sound(int sound);
void uninit_parts();
byte *parse_midi(byte *s);
void key_off(uint8 chan, byte data);
void key_on(uint8 chan, byte data, byte velocity);
void part_set_transpose(uint8 chan, byte relative, int8 b);
void parse_sysex(byte *p, uint len);
void maybe_jump (byte cmd, uint track, uint beat, uint tick);
void maybe_set_transpose(byte *data);
void maybe_part_onoff(byte *data);
void maybe_set_volume(byte *data);
void maybe_set_program(byte *data);
void maybe_set_transpose_part(byte *data);
uint update_actives();
Part *get_part(uint8 part);
void turn_off_pedals();
int set_vol(byte vol);
int get_param(int param, byte chan);
int query_part_param(int param, byte chan);
int set_transpose(byte relative, int b);
void set_priority(int pri);
void set_pan(int pan);
void set_detune(int detune);
void turn_off_parts();
void play_active_notes();
void cancel_volume_fade();
static void decode_sysex_bytes(byte *src, byte *dst, int len);
void clear_active_note(int chan, byte note);
void set_active_note(int chan, byte note);
void clear_active_notes();
// Sequencer part
bool set_loop(uint count, uint tobeat, uint totick, uint frombeat, uint fromtick);
void clear_loop();
void set_speed(byte speed);
bool jump(uint track, uint beat, uint tick);
void uninit_seq();
void set_tempo(uint32 data);
int start_seq_sound(int sound);
void find_sustaining_notes(byte *a, byte *b, uint32 l);
int scan(uint totrack, uint tobeat, uint totick);
int query_param(int param);
int fade_vol(byte vol, int time);
bool is_fading_out();
void sequencer_timer();
struct VolumeFader {
Player *player;
bool active;
byte curvol;
2002-07-07 18:04:03 +00:00
uint16 speed_lo_max, num_steps;
int8 speed_hi;
int8 direction;
int8 speed_lo;
uint16 speed_lo_counter;
2002-07-07 18:04:03 +00:00
void initialize() {
active = false;
void on_timer(bool probe);
byte fading_to();
struct SustainingNotes {
SustainingNotes *next;
SustainingNotes *prev;
Player *player;
2002-07-07 18:04:03 +00:00
byte note, chan;
uint32 off_pos;
uint32 pos;
uint16 counter;
struct CommandQueue {
uint16 array[8];
struct IsNoteCmdData {
byte chan;
byte note;
byte vel;
struct Part {
int _slot;
IMuseDriver *_drv;
Part *_next, *_prev;
MidiChannel *_mc;
Player *_player;
int16 _pitchbend;
byte _pitchbend_factor;
2002-07-07 18:04:03 +00:00
int8 _transpose, _transpose_eff;
byte _vol, _vol_eff;
int8 _detune, _detune_eff;
int8 _pan, _pan_eff;
bool _on;
byte _modwheel;
bool _pedal;
byte _program;
int8 _pri;
byte _pri_eff;
byte _chan;
byte _effect_level;
byte _chorus;
byte _percussion;
byte _bank;
// New abstract instrument definition
Instrument _instrument;
// Used to be in MidiDriver
uint16 _actives[8];
void key_on(byte note, byte velocity);
void key_off(byte note);
void set_param(byte param, int value);
2002-07-07 18:04:03 +00:00
void init(IMuseDriver * _driver);
void setup(Player *player);
void uninit();
void off();
void silence();
void set_instrument(uint b);
void set_instrument(byte * data);
void load_global_instrument (byte b);
void set_transpose(int8 transpose);
void set_vol(uint8 volume);
void set_detune(int8 detune);
void set_pri(int8 pri);
void set_pan(int8 pan);
void set_modwheel(uint value);
void set_pedal(bool value);
void set_pitchbend(int value);
void release_pedal();
void set_program(byte program);
void set_chorus(uint chorus);
void set_effect_level(uint level);
2002-07-07 18:04:03 +00:00
int update_actives(uint16 *active);
void set_pitchbend_factor(uint8 value);
void set_onoff(bool on);
void fix_after_load();
void update_pris();
void changed(uint16 what);
struct ImTrigger {
int sound;
byte id;
uint16 expire;
byte command [4];
// IMuseDriver class
class IMuseDriver {
enum {
pcMod = 1,
pcVolume = 2,
pcPedal = 4,
pcModwheel = 8,
pcPan = 16,
pcEffectLevel = 32,
pcProgram = 64,
pcChorus = 128,
pcPitchBendFactor = 256,
pcPriority = 512,
pcAll = 1023,
IMuseInternal *_se;
OSystem *_system;
MidiDriver *_md;
Instrument _glob_instr[32]; // Adlib custom instruments
byte _midi_program_last[16];
int16 _midi_pitchbend_last[16];
byte _midi_pitchbend_factor_last[16];
uint8 _midi_volume_last[16];
bool _midi_pedal_last[16];
byte _midi_modwheel_last[16];
byte _midi_effectlevel_last[16];
byte _midi_chorus_last[16];
int8 _midi_pan_last[16];
void midiPitchBend(byte chan, int16 pitchbend);
void midiPitchBendFactor (byte chan, byte factor);
void midiVolume(byte chan, byte volume);
void midiPedal(byte chan, bool pedal);
void midiModWheel(byte chan, byte modwheel);
void midiEffectLevel(byte chan, byte level);
void midiChorus(byte chan, byte chorus);
void midiControl0(byte chan, byte value);
void midiPan(byte chan, int8 pan);
void midiNoteOn(byte chan, byte note, byte velocity);
void midiNoteOff(byte chan, byte note);
void midiSilence(byte chan);
void midiInit();
static void timer_callback (void *);
IMuseDriver(MidiDriver *midi);
void uninit();
void init(IMuseInternal *eng, OSystem *os);
void update_pris();
void part_off(Part *part);
int part_update_active(Part *part, uint16 *active);
void on_timer() {}
void set_instrument(uint slot, byte *instr);
void part_load_global_instrument (Part *part, byte slot);
void part_set_param(Part *part, byte param, int value) {}
void part_key_on(Part *part, byte note, byte velocity);
void part_key_off(Part *part, byte note);
void part_changed(Part *part, uint16 what);
byte get_channel_program (byte channel) { return _midi_program_last [channel]; }
static int midi_driver_thread(void *param);
uint32 get_base_tempo() { return _md->getBaseTempo(); }
byte get_hardware_type() { return 5; }
// WARNING: This is the internal variant of the IMUSE class.
// imuse.h contains a public version of the same class.
// the public version, only contains a set of methods.
class IMuseInternal : public IMuse {
2002-07-07 18:04:03 +00:00
friend struct Player;
2002-08-21 16:07:07 +00:00
IMuseDriver * _driver;
byte **_base_sounds;
byte _locked;
byte _hardware_type;
2002-08-21 16:07:07 +00:00
bool _paused;
bool _active_volume_faders;
2002-07-07 18:04:03 +00:00
bool _initialized;
byte _volume_fader_counter;
int _game_tempo;
uint _queue_end, _queue_pos, _queue_sound;
byte _queue_adding;
SustainingNotes *_sustain_notes_used;
SustainingNotes *_sustain_notes_free;
SustainingNotes *_sustain_notes_head;
byte _queue_marker;
byte _queue_cleared;
byte _master_volume; // Master volume. 0-255
byte _music_volume; // Global music volume. 0-255
uint16 _trigger_count;
ImTrigger _snm_triggers[16]; // Sam & Max triggers
uint16 _snm_trigger_index;
2002-07-07 18:04:03 +00:00
uint16 _channel_volume[8];
uint16 _channel_volume_eff[8]; // No Save
uint16 _volchan_table[8];
2002-07-07 18:04:03 +00:00
Player _players[8];
SustainingNotes _sustaining_notes[24];
VolumeFader _volume_fader[8];
Part _parts[32];
2002-07-07 18:04:03 +00:00
uint16 _active_notes[128];
CommandQueue _cmd_queue[64];
byte *findTag(int sound, char *tag, int index);
bool isMT32(int sound);
bool isGM(int sound);
int get_queue_sound_status(int sound);
Player *allocate_player(byte priority);
void handle_marker(uint id, byte data);
int get_channel_volume(uint a);
void init_players();
void init_parts();
void init_volume_fader();
void init_sustaining_notes();
void init_queue();
void sequencer_timers();
void expire_sustain_notes();
void expire_volume_faders();
Part *allocate_part(byte pri);
int32 ImSetTrigger (int sound, int id, int a, int b, int c, int d);
int32 ImClearTrigger (int sound, int id);
int enqueue_command(int a, int b, int c, int d, int e, int f, int g);
int enqueue_trigger(int sound, int marker);
int query_queue(int param);
Player *get_player_byid(int id);
2002-07-07 18:04:03 +00:00
int get_volchan_entry(uint a);
int set_volchan_entry(uint a, uint b);
int set_channel_volume(uint chan, uint vol);
void update_volumes();
void reset_tick();
VolumeFader *allocate_volume_fader();
int set_volchan(int sound, int volchan);
void fix_parts_after_load();
void fix_players_after_load(Scumm *scumm);
static int saveReference(void *me_ref, byte type, void *ref);
static void *loadReference(void *me_ref, byte type, int ref);
void lock();
void unlock();
2002-07-07 18:04:03 +00:00
Part *parts_ptr() {
return _parts;
IMuseDriver *driver() {
return _driver;
int initialize(OSystem *syst, MidiDriver *midi, SoundMixer *mixer);
// Public interface
2002-07-07 18:04:03 +00:00
void on_timer();
void pause(bool paused);
int terminate();
int save_or_load(Serializer *ser, Scumm *scumm);
int set_music_volume(uint vol);
int get_music_volume();
int set_master_volume(uint vol);
int get_master_volume();
byte get_channel_program (byte channel) { return _driver->get_channel_program (channel); }
bool start_sound(int sound);
int stop_sound(int sound);
int stop_all_sounds();
int get_sound_status(int sound);
bool get_sound_active(int sound);
int32 do_command(int a, int b, int c, int d, int e, int f, int g, int h);
int clear_queue();
void setBase(byte **base);
uint32 property(int prop, uint32 value);
2002-07-07 18:04:03 +00:00
static IMuseInternal *create(OSystem *syst, MidiDriver *midi, SoundMixer *mixer);
// IMUSE helper functions
static int clamp(int val, int min, int max)
if (val < min)
return min;
if (val > max)
return max;
return val;
static int transpose_clamp(int a, int b, int c)
if (b > a)
a += (b - a + 11) / 12 * 12;
if (c < a)
a -= (a - c + 11) / 12 * 12;
return a;
static uint32 get_delta_time(byte **s)
byte *d = *s, b;
uint32 time = 0;
do {
b = *d++;
time = (time << 7) | (b & 0x7F);
} while (b & 0x80);
*s = d;
return time;
static uint read_word(byte *a)
return (a[0] << 8) + a[1];
static void skip_midi_cmd(byte **song_ptr)
byte *s, code;
const byte num_skip[] = {
2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2
s = *song_ptr;
code = *s++;
if (code < 0x80) {
s = NULL;
} else if (code < 0xF0) {
s += num_skip[(code & 0x70) >> 4];
} else {
if (code == 0xF0 || code == 0xF7 || code == 0xFF && *s++ != 0x2F) {
s += get_delta_time(&s);
} else {
s = NULL;
*song_ptr = s;
static int is_note_cmd(byte **a, IsNoteCmdData * isnote)
byte *s = *a;
byte code;
code = *s++;
switch (code >> 4) {
case 8: // Key Off
isnote->chan = code & 0xF;
isnote->note = *s++;
isnote->vel = *s++;
*a = s;
return 1;
case 9: // Key On
isnote->chan = code & 0xF;
isnote->note = *s++;
isnote->vel = *s++;
*a = s;
if (isnote->vel)
return 2;
return 1;
case 0xA:
case 0xB:
case 0xE:
case 0xC:
case 0xD:
case 0xF:
if (code == 0xF0 || code == 0xF7 || code == 0xFF && *s++ != 0x2F) {
s += get_delta_time(&s);
return -1;
return -1;
*a = s;
return 0;
// IMuseInternal implementation
IMuseInternal::~IMuseInternal() {
void IMuseInternal::lock()
void IMuseInternal::unlock()
byte *IMuseInternal::findTag(int sound, char *tag, int index)
byte *ptr = NULL;
int32 size, pos;
if (_base_sounds)
ptr = _base_sounds[sound];
if (ptr == NULL) {
debug(1, "IMuseInternal::findTag completely failed finding sound %d", sound);
return NULL;
ptr += 8;
ptr += 4;
pos = 0;
2002-07-07 18:04:03 +00:00
while (pos < size) {
if (!memcmp(ptr + pos, tag, 4) && !index--)
return ptr + pos + 8;
pos += READ_BE_UINT32_UNALIGNED(ptr + pos + 4) + 8;
2002-07-07 18:04:03 +00:00
debug(3, "IMuseInternal::findTag failed finding sound %d", sound);
return NULL;
bool IMuseInternal::isMT32(int sound)
byte *ptr = NULL;
uint32 tag;
if (_base_sounds)
ptr = _base_sounds[sound];
if (ptr == NULL)
return false;
2002-07-07 18:04:03 +00:00
tag = *(((uint32 *)ptr) + 1);
switch (tag) {
case MKID('ADL '):
return false;
case MKID('ROL '):
return true;
case MKID('GMD '):
return false;
case MKID('MAC '):
return true;
case MKID('SPK '):
return false;
2002-07-07 18:04:03 +00:00
return false;
bool IMuseInternal::isGM(int sound)
byte *ptr = NULL;
uint32 tag;
if (_base_sounds)
ptr = _base_sounds[sound];
if (ptr == NULL)
return false;
tag = *(((uint32 *)ptr) + 1);
switch (tag) {
case MKID('ADL '):
return false;
case MKID('ROL '):
return true; // Yeah... for our purposes, this is GM
case MKID('GMD '):
return true;
case MKID('MIDI'):
return true;
case MKID('MAC '):
return true; // I guess this one too, since it qualifies under isMT32()
case MKID('SPK '):
return false;
return false;
bool IMuseInternal::start_sound(int sound)
Player *player;
void *mdhd;
// Do not start a sound if it is already set to
// start on an ImTrigger event. This fixes carnival
// music problems where a sound has been set to trigger
// at the right time, but then is started up immediately
// anyway, only to be restarted later when the trigger
// occurs.
int i;
ImTrigger *trigger = _snm_triggers;
for (i = ARRAYSIZE (_snm_triggers); i; --i, ++trigger) {
if (trigger->sound && trigger->id && trigger->command[0] == 8 && trigger->command[1] == sound)
return false;
mdhd = findTag(sound, MDHD_TAG, 0);
if (!mdhd) {
mdhd = findTag(sound, MDPG_TAG, 0);
if (!mdhd) {
warning("SE::start_sound failed: Couldn't find sound %d", sound);
return false;
// If the requested sound is already playing, start it over
// from scratch. This was originally a hack to prevent Sam & Max
// iMuse messiness while upgrading the iMuse engine, but it
// is apparently necessary to deal with fade-and-restart
// race conditions that were observed in MI2. Reference
// Bug #590511 and Patch #607175 (which was reversed to fix
// an FOA regression: Bug #622606).
for (i = ARRAYSIZE(_players), player = _players; i != 0; i--, player++) {
if (player->_active && player->_id == sound)
if (!i)
player = allocate_player(128);
if (!player)
return false;
return player->start_sound(sound);
Player *IMuseInternal::allocate_player(byte priority)
Player *player = _players, *best = NULL;
int i;
byte bestpri = 255;
for (i = ARRAYSIZE(_players); i != 0; i--, player++) {
if (!player->_active)
return player;
if (player->_priority < bestpri) {
best = player;
bestpri = player->_priority;
if (bestpri < priority)
return best;
debug(1, "Denying player request");
return NULL;
void IMuseInternal::init_players()
Player *player = _players;
int i;
for (i = ARRAYSIZE(_players); i != 0; i--, player++) {
player->_active = false;
player->_se = this;
void IMuseInternal::init_sustaining_notes()
SustainingNotes *next = NULL, *sn = _sustaining_notes;
int i;
_sustain_notes_used = NULL;
_sustain_notes_head = NULL;
for (i = ARRAYSIZE(_sustaining_notes); i != 0; i--, sn++) {
sn->next = next;
next = sn;
_sustain_notes_free = next;
void IMuseInternal::init_volume_fader()
VolumeFader *vf = _volume_fader;
int i;
for (i = ARRAYSIZE(_volume_fader); i != 0; i--, vf++)
_active_volume_faders = false;
void IMuseInternal::init_parts()
Part *part;
int i;
for (i = 0, part = _parts; i != ARRAYSIZE(_parts); i++, part++) {
part->_slot = i;
int IMuseInternal::stop_sound(int sound)
Player *player = _players;
int i;
int r = -1;
for (i = ARRAYSIZE(_players); i != 0; i--, player++) {
if (player->_active && player->_id == sound) {
r = 0;
return r;
int IMuseInternal::stop_all_sounds()
Player *player = _players;
int i;
for (i = ARRAYSIZE(_players); i != 0; i--, player++) {
if (player->_active)
return 0;
void IMuseInternal::on_timer()
if (_locked || _paused)
void IMuseInternal::sequencer_timers()
Player *player = _players;
int i;
for (i = ARRAYSIZE(_players); i != 0; i--, player++) {
if (player->_active)
void IMuseInternal::handle_marker(uint id, byte data)
uint16 *p;
uint pos;
pos = _queue_end;
if (pos == _queue_pos)
if (_queue_adding && _queue_sound == id && data == _queue_marker)
p = _cmd_queue[pos].array;
if (p[0] != TRIGGER_ID || p[1] != id || p[2] != data)
_queue_cleared = false;
do {
pos = (pos + 1) & (ARRAYSIZE(_cmd_queue) - 1);
if (_queue_pos == pos)
p = _cmd_queue[pos].array;
if (*p++ != COMMAND_ID)
_queue_end = pos;
do_command(p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3], p[4], p[5], p[6], 0);
if (_queue_cleared)
pos = _queue_end;
} while (1);
_queue_end = pos;
int IMuseInternal::get_channel_volume(uint a)
if (a < 8)
return _channel_volume_eff[a];
return (_master_volume * _music_volume / 255) >> 1;
Part *IMuseInternal::allocate_part(byte pri)
Part *part, *best = NULL;
int i;
for (i = ARRAYSIZE(_parts), part = _parts; i != 0; i--, part++) {
if (!part->_player)
return part;
if (pri >= part->_pri_eff) {
pri = part->_pri_eff;
best = part;
2002-12-18 17:14:05 +00:00
if (best) {
2002-12-18 17:14:05 +00:00
} else {
debug(1, "Denying part request");
2002-12-18 17:14:05 +00:00
return best;
void IMuseInternal::expire_sustain_notes()
SustainingNotes *sn, *next;
Player *player;
uint32 counter;
for (sn = _sustain_notes_head; sn; sn = next) {
next = sn->next;
player = sn->player;
counter = sn->counter + player->_timer_speed;
sn->pos += counter >> 16;
sn->counter = (unsigned short)counter & 0xFFFF;
if (sn->pos >= sn->off_pos) {
player->key_off(sn->chan, sn->note);
// Unlink the node
if (next)
next->prev = sn->prev;
if (sn->prev)
sn->prev->next = next;
_sustain_notes_head = next;
// And put it in the free list
sn->next = _sustain_notes_free;
_sustain_notes_free = sn;
void IMuseInternal::expire_volume_faders()
VolumeFader *vf;
int i;
if (++_volume_fader_counter & 7)
if (!_active_volume_faders)
_active_volume_faders = false;
vf = _volume_fader;
for (i = ARRAYSIZE(_volume_fader); i != 0; i--, vf++) {
if (vf->active) {
_active_volume_faders = true;
void VolumeFader::on_timer(bool probe)
byte newvol;
newvol = curvol + speed_hi;
speed_lo_counter += speed_lo;
if (speed_lo_counter >= speed_lo_max) {
speed_lo_counter -= speed_lo_max;
newvol += direction;
if (curvol != newvol) {
curvol = newvol;
if (!newvol) {
if (!probe)
active = false;
if (!probe)
if (!--num_steps) {
active = false;
byte VolumeFader::fading_to()
byte newvol;
byte orig_curvol;
uint16 orig_speed_lo_counter, orig_num_steps;
if (!active)
return 127;
// It would be so much easier to just store the fade-to volume in a
// variable, but then we'd have to break savegame compatibility. So
// instead we do a "dry run" fade.
orig_speed_lo_counter = speed_lo_counter;
orig_num_steps = num_steps;
orig_curvol = curvol;
while (active)
active = true;
newvol = curvol;
speed_lo_counter = orig_speed_lo_counter;
num_steps = orig_num_steps;
curvol = orig_curvol;
return newvol;
int IMuseInternal::get_sound_status(int sound)
int i;
Player *player;
for (i = ARRAYSIZE(_players), player = _players; i != 0; i--, player++) {
if (player->_active && player->_id == (uint16)sound) {
// Assume that anyone asking for the sound status is
// really asking "is it ok if I start playing this
// sound now?" So if the sound is about to fade out,
// pretend it's not playing.
if (player->is_fading_out())
return 1;
return get_queue_sound_status(sound);
// This is exactly the same as get_sound_status except that
// it treats sounds that are fading out just the same as
// other sounds. This is the method to use when determining
// what resources to expire from memory.
bool IMuseInternal::get_sound_active(int sound)
int i;
Player *player;
for (i = ARRAYSIZE(_players), player = _players; i != 0; i--, player++) {
if (player->_active && player->_id == (uint16)sound)
return 1;
return (get_queue_sound_status(sound) != 0);
int IMuseInternal::get_queue_sound_status(int sound)
uint16 *a;
int i, j;
j = _queue_pos;
i = _queue_end;
while (i != j) {
a = _cmd_queue[i].array;
if (a[0] == COMMAND_ID && a[1] == 8 && a[2] == (uint16)sound)
return 2;
i = (i + 1) & (ARRAYSIZE(_cmd_queue) - 1);
return 0;
int IMuseInternal::set_volchan(int sound, int volchan)
int r;
int i;
int num;
Player *player, *best, *sameid;
r = get_volchan_entry(volchan);
if (r == -1)
return -1;
if (r >= 8) {
for (i = ARRAYSIZE(_players), player = _players; i != 0; i--, player++) {
2002-07-07 18:04:03 +00:00
if (player->_active && player->_id == (uint16)sound && player->_vol_chan != (uint16)volchan) {
player->_vol_chan = volchan;
return 0;
return -1;
} else {
best = NULL;
num = 0;
sameid = NULL;
for (i = ARRAYSIZE(_players), player = _players; i != 0; i--, player++) {
if (player->_active) {
if (player->_vol_chan == (uint16)volchan) {
if (!best || player->_priority <= best->_priority)
best = player;
} else if (player->_id == (uint16)sound) {
sameid = player;
if (sameid == NULL)
return -1;
if (num >= r)
player->_vol_chan = volchan;
return 0;
int IMuseInternal::clear_queue()
_queue_adding = false;
_queue_cleared = true;
_queue_pos = 0;
_queue_end = 0;
_trigger_count = 0;
return 0;
2002-07-07 18:04:03 +00:00
int IMuseInternal::enqueue_command(int a, int b, int c, int d, int e, int f, int g)
uint16 *p;
uint i;
i = _queue_pos;
if (i == _queue_end)
return -1;
if (a == -1) {
_queue_adding = false;
return 0;
p = _cmd_queue[_queue_pos].array;
p[0] = COMMAND_ID;
p[1] = a;
p[2] = b;
p[3] = c;
p[4] = d;
p[5] = e;
p[6] = f;
p[7] = g;
i = (i + 1) & (ARRAYSIZE(_cmd_queue) - 1);
if (_queue_end != i) {
_queue_pos = i;
return 0;
} else {
_queue_pos = (i - 1) & (ARRAYSIZE(_cmd_queue) - 1);
return -1;
int IMuseInternal::query_queue(int param)
switch (param) {
case 0: // Get trigger count
return _trigger_count;
case 1: // Get trigger type
if (_queue_end == _queue_pos)
return -1;
return _cmd_queue[_queue_end].array[1];
case 2: // Get trigger sound
if (_queue_end == _queue_pos)
return 0xFF;
return _cmd_queue[_queue_end].array[2];
return -1;
int IMuseInternal::get_music_volume()
return _music_volume;
int IMuseInternal::set_music_volume(uint vol)
if (vol > 255)
vol = 255;
else if (vol < 0)
vol = 0;
if (_music_volume == vol)
return 0;
_music_volume = vol;
vol = vol * _master_volume / 255;
2002-11-18 20:05:25 +00:00
for (uint i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE (_channel_volume); i++) {
_channel_volume_eff[i] = _channel_volume[i] * vol / 255;
if (!_paused)
return 0;
int IMuseInternal::set_master_volume (uint vol)
if (vol > 255)
vol = 255;
else if (vol < 0)
vol = 0;
if (_master_volume == vol)
return 0;
_master_volume = vol;
vol = vol * _music_volume / 255;
2002-11-18 20:05:25 +00:00
for (uint i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE (_channel_volume); i++) {
_channel_volume_eff[i] = _channel_volume[i] * vol / 255;
if (!_paused)
return 0;
int IMuseInternal::get_master_volume()
return _master_volume;
int IMuseInternal::terminate()
if (_driver) {
delete _driver;
_driver = NULL;
return 0;
// Not implemented
int IMuseInternal::enqueue_trigger(int sound, int marker)
uint16 *p;
uint pos;
pos = _queue_pos;
p = _cmd_queue[pos].array;
p[0] = TRIGGER_ID;
p[1] = sound;
p[2] = marker;
pos = (pos + 1) & (ARRAYSIZE(_cmd_queue) - 1);
if (_queue_end == pos) {
_queue_pos = (pos - 1) & (ARRAYSIZE(_cmd_queue) - 1);
return -1;
_queue_pos = pos;
_queue_adding = true;
_queue_sound = sound;
_queue_marker = marker;
return 0;
2002-07-07 18:04:03 +00:00
int32 IMuseInternal::do_command(int a, int b, int c, int d, int e, int f, int g, int h)
int i;
byte cmd = a & 0xFF;
byte param = a >> 8;
Player *player = NULL;
if (!_initialized && (cmd || param))
return -1;
if (param == 0) {
switch (cmd) {
case 6:
if (b > 127)
return -1;
return set_master_volume ((b << 1) | (b ? 0 : 1)); // Convert b from 0-127 to 0-255
case 7:
return _master_volume >> 1; // Convert from 0-255 to 0-127
case 8:
return start_sound(b) ? 0 : -1;
case 9:
return stop_sound(b);
2002-10-10 15:16:58 +00:00
case 10: // FIXME: Sam and Max - Not sure if this is correct
return stop_all_sounds();
case 11:
return stop_all_sounds();
case 12:
// Sam & Max: Player-scope commands
for (i = ARRAYSIZE(_players), player = _players; i != 0; i--, player++) {
if (player->_active && player->_id == (uint16)b)
if (!i)
return -1;
switch (d) {
case 6:
// Set player volume.
return player->set_vol (e);
warning("IMuseInternal::do_command (6) unsupported sub-command %d", d);
return -1;
case 13:
2002-07-07 18:04:03 +00:00
return get_sound_status(b);
case 14:
// Sam and Max: Volume Fader?
// Prevent instantaneous volume fades.
// Fixes a Ball of Twine issue, but might not be the right long-term solution.
if (f != 0) {
for (i = ARRAYSIZE(_players), player = _players; i != 0; i--, player++) {
if (player->_active && player->_id == (uint16)b) {
player->fade_vol(e, f);
return 0;
return -1;
case 15:
// Sam & Max: Set hook for a "maybe" jump
for (i = ARRAYSIZE(_players), player = _players; i != 0; i--, player++) {
if (player->_active && player->_id == (uint16)b) {
player->_hook._jump = d;
return 0;
2002-07-07 18:04:03 +00:00
return -1;
case 16:
return set_volchan(b, c);
case 17:
if (g_scumm->_gameId != GID_SAMNMAX) {
return set_channel_volume(b, c);
} else {
if (e || f || g || h)
return ImSetTrigger (b, d, e, f, g, h);
return ImClearTrigger (b, d);
2002-07-07 18:04:03 +00:00
case 18:
if (g_scumm->_gameId != GID_SAMNMAX) {
return set_volchan_entry(b, c);
} else {
// Sam & Max: ImCheckTrigger.
// According to Mike's notes to Ender,
// this function returns the number of triggers
// associated with a particular player ID and
// trigger ID.
a = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 16; ++i) {
if (_snm_triggers [i].sound == b && _snm_triggers [i].id &&
(d == -1 || _snm_triggers [i].id == d))
return a;
case 19:
// Sam & Max: ImClearTrigger
// This should clear a trigger that's been set up
// with ImSetTrigger (cmd == 17). Seems to work....
return ImClearTrigger (b, d);
case 20:
// Sam & Max: Deferred Command
// FIXME: Right now this acts as an immediate command.
// The significance of parameter b is unknown.
warning ("Incomplete support for iMuse::do_command(20)");
return do_command (c, d, e, f, g, h, 0, 0);
case 2:
case 3:
return 0;
warning("do_command (%d [%d/%d], %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d) unsupported", a, param, cmd, b, c, d, e, f, g, h);
} else if (param == 1) {
if ((1 << cmd) & (0x783FFF)) {
player = get_player_byid(b);
if (!player)
return -1;
if ((1 << cmd) & (1 << 11 | 1 << 22)) {
assert(c >= 0 && c <= 15);
player = (Player *)player->get_part(c);
if (!player)
return -1;
switch (cmd) {
case 0:
if (g_scumm->_gameId == GID_SAMNMAX) {
if (d == 1) // Measure number
return ((player->_beat_index - 1) >> 2) + 1;
else if (d == 2) // Beat number
return player->_beat_index;
return -1;
} else {
return player->get_param(c, d);
case 1:
if (g_scumm->_gameId == GID_SAMNMAX)
player->jump (d - 1, (e - 1) * 4 + f, ((g * player->_ticks_per_beat) >> 2) + h);
return 0;
case 2:
return player->set_vol(c);
case 3:
return 0;
case 4:
return player->set_transpose(c, d);
case 5:
return 0;
case 6:
return 0;
case 7:
return player->jump(c, d, e) ? 0 : -1;
case 8:
return player->scan(c, d, e);
case 9:
return player->set_loop(c, d, e, f, g) ? 0 : -1;
case 10:
return 0;
case 11:
((Part *)player)->set_onoff(d != 0);
return 0;
case 12:
return player->_hook.set(c, d, e);
case 13:
return player->fade_vol(c, d);
case 14:
return enqueue_trigger(b, c);
case 15:
return enqueue_command(b, c, d, e, f, g, h);
case 16:
return clear_queue();
case 19:
return player->get_param(c, d);
case 20:
return player->_hook.set(c, d, e);
case 21:
return -1;
case 22:
((Part *)player)->set_vol(d);
return 0;
case 23:
return query_queue(b);
case 24:
return 0;
warning("do_command (%d [%d/%d], %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d) unsupported", a, param, cmd, b, c, d, e, f, g, h);
return -1;
return -1;
int32 IMuseInternal::ImSetTrigger (int sound, int id, int a, int b, int c, int d) {
// Sam & Max: ImSetTrigger.
// Sets a trigger for a particular player and
// marker ID, along with do_command parameters
// to invoke at the marker. The marker is
// represented by MIDI SysEx block 00 xx (F7)
// where "xx" is the marker ID.
uint16 oldest_trigger = 0;
ImTrigger *oldest_ptr = NULL;
int i;
ImTrigger *trig = _snm_triggers;
for (i = ARRAYSIZE (_snm_triggers); i; --i, ++trig) {
if (!trig->id)
if (trig->id == id && trig->sound == sound)
uint16 diff;
if (trig->expire <= _snm_trigger_index)
diff = _snm_trigger_index - trig->expire;
diff = 0x10000 - trig->expire + _snm_trigger_index;
if (!oldest_ptr || oldest_trigger < diff) {
oldest_ptr = trig;
oldest_trigger = diff;
// If we didn't find a trigger, see if we can expire one.
if (!i) {
if (!oldest_ptr)
return -1;
trig = oldest_ptr;
trig->id = id;
trig->sound = sound;
trig->expire = (++_snm_trigger_index & 0xFFFF);
trig->command [0] = a;
trig->command [1] = b;
trig->command [2] = c;
trig->command [3] = d;
// If the command is to start a sound, stop that sound if it's already playing.
// This fixes some carnival music problems.
if (trig->command [0] == 8 && get_sound_status (trig->command [1]))
stop_sound (trig->command [1]);
return 0;
int32 IMuseInternal::ImClearTrigger (int sound, int id) {
int count = 0;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 16; ++i) {
if (_snm_triggers [i].sound == sound && _snm_triggers [i].id &&
(id == -1 || _snm_triggers [i].id == id))
_snm_triggers [i].sound = _snm_triggers [i].id = 0;
return (count > 0) ? 0 : -1;
int IMuseInternal::set_channel_volume(uint chan, uint vol)
if (chan >= 8 || vol > 127)
return -1;
_channel_volume[chan] = vol;
_channel_volume_eff[chan] = _master_volume * _music_volume * vol / 255 / 255;
return 0;
void IMuseInternal::update_volumes()
Player *player;
int i;
for (i = ARRAYSIZE(_players), player = _players; i != 0; i--, player++) {
if (player->_active)
int IMuseInternal::set_volchan_entry(uint a, uint b)
if (a >= 8)
return -1;
_volchan_table[a] = b;
return 0;
int HookDatas::query_param(int param, byte chan)
switch (param) {
case 18:
return _jump;
case 19:
return _transpose;
case 20:
return _part_onoff[chan];
case 21:
return _part_volume[chan];
case 22:
return _part_program[chan];
case 23:
return _part_transpose[chan];
return -1;
int HookDatas::set(byte cls, byte value, byte chan)
switch (cls) {
case 0:
_jump = value;
case 1:
_transpose = value;
case 2:
if (chan < 16)
_part_onoff[chan] = value;
else if (chan == 16)
memset(_part_onoff, value, 16);
case 3:
if (chan < 16)
_part_volume[chan] = value;
else if (chan == 16)
memset(_part_volume, value, 16);
case 4:
if (chan < 16)
_part_program[chan] = value;
else if (chan == 16)
memset(_part_program, value, 16);
case 5:
if (chan < 16)
_part_transpose[chan] = value;
else if (chan == 16)
memset(_part_transpose, value, 16);
return -1;
return 0;
VolumeFader *IMuseInternal::allocate_volume_fader()
VolumeFader *vf;
int i;
vf = _volume_fader;
for (i = ARRAYSIZE(_volume_fader); vf->active;) {
if (!--i)
return NULL;
vf->active = true;
_active_volume_faders = true;
return vf;
Player *IMuseInternal::get_player_byid(int id)
int i;
Player *player, *found = NULL;
for (i = ARRAYSIZE(_players), player = _players; i != 0; i--, player++) {
if (player->_active && player->_id == (uint16)id) {
if (found)
return NULL;
found = player;
return found;
int IMuseInternal::get_volchan_entry(uint a)
if (a < 8)
return _volchan_table[a];
return -1;
2002-07-07 18:04:03 +00:00
uint32 IMuseInternal::property(int prop, uint32 value)
switch (prop) {
_game_tempo = value;
return 0;
2002-07-07 18:04:03 +00:00
void IMuseInternal::setBase(byte **base)
_base_sounds = base;
2002-07-07 18:04:03 +00:00
IMuseInternal *IMuseInternal::create(OSystem *syst, MidiDriver *midi, SoundMixer *mixer)
IMuseInternal *i = new IMuseInternal;
i->initialize(syst, midi, mixer);
return i;
int IMuseInternal::initialize(OSystem *syst, MidiDriver *midi, SoundMixer *mixer)
int i;
2002-07-07 18:04:03 +00:00
IMuseDriver *driv;
if (midi == NULL)
driv = NULL;
driv = new IMuseDriver (midi);
_driver = driv;
_hardware_type = driv->get_hardware_type();
_game_tempo = driv->get_base_tempo();
2002-07-07 18:04:03 +00:00
driv->init(this, syst);
_master_volume = 255;
if (_music_volume < 1)
_music_volume = kDefaultMusicVolume;
for (i = 0; i != 8; i++)
_channel_volume[i] = _channel_volume_eff[i] = _volchan_table[i] = 127;
_initialized = true;
return 0;
void IMuseInternal::init_queue()
_queue_adding = false;
_queue_pos = 0;
_queue_end = 0;
_trigger_count = 0;
void IMuseInternal::pause(bool paused)
int vol = _music_volume;
if (paused)
_music_volume = 0;
_music_volume = vol;
_paused = paused;
// Player implementation
int Player::fade_vol(byte vol, int time)
VolumeFader *vf;
int i;
if (time == 0) {
return 0;
vf = _se->allocate_volume_fader();
if (vf == NULL)
return -1;
vf->player = this;
vf->num_steps = vf->speed_lo_max = time;
vf->curvol = _volume;
i = (vol - vf->curvol);
vf->speed_hi = i / time;
if (i < 0) {
i = -i;
vf->direction = -1;
} else {
vf->direction = 1;
vf->speed_lo = i % time;
vf->speed_lo_counter = 0;
return 0;
bool Player::is_fading_out()
VolumeFader *vf = _se->_volume_fader;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++, vf++) {
if (vf->active && vf->direction < 0 && vf->player == this && vf->fading_to() == 0)
return true;
return false;
void Player::clear()
_active = false;
_ticks_per_beat = TICKS_PER_BEAT;
bool Player::start_sound(int sound)
void *mdhd;
mdhd = _se->findTag(sound, MDHD_TAG, 0);
if (mdhd == NULL) {
mdhd = _se->findTag(sound, MDPG_TAG, 0);
if (mdhd == NULL) {
warning("P::start_sound failed: Couldn't find %s", MDHD_TAG);
return false;
_mt32emulate = _se->isMT32(sound);
_isGM = _se->isGM(sound);
_parts = NULL;
_active = true;
_id = sound;
_priority = 0x80;
_volume = 0x7F;
_vol_chan = 0xFFFF;
_vol_eff = (_se->get_channel_volume(0xFFFF) << 7) >> 7;
_pan = 0;
_transpose = 0;
_detune = 0;
if (start_seq_sound(sound) != 0) {
_active = false;
return false;
return true;
void Player::hook_clear()
memset(&_hook, 0, sizeof(_hook));
int Player::start_seq_sound(int sound)
byte *ptr, *track_ptr;
_song_index = sound;
_timer_counter = 0;
_loop_to_beat = 1;
_loop_from_beat = 1;
_track_index = 0;
_loop_counter = 0;
_loop_to_tick = 0;
_loop_from_tick = 0;
ptr = _se->findTag(sound, "MTrk", _track_index);
if (ptr == NULL)
return -1;
track_ptr = ptr;
_cur_pos = _next_pos = get_delta_time(&track_ptr);
_song_offset = track_ptr - ptr;
_tick_index = _cur_pos;
_beat_index = 1;
if (_tick_index >= _ticks_per_beat) {
_beat_index += _tick_index / _ticks_per_beat;
_tick_index %= _ticks_per_beat;
return 0;
void Player::set_tempo(uint32 b)
uint32 i, j;
i = _se->_game_tempo;
2002-07-07 18:04:03 +00:00
j = _tempo = b;
while (i & 0xFFFF0000 || j & 0xFFFF0000) {
i >>= 1;
j >>= 1;
_tempo_eff = (i << 16) / j;
void Player::cancel_volume_fade()
VolumeFader *vf = _se->_volume_fader;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++, vf++) {
if (vf->active && vf->player == this)
vf->active = false;
void Player::uninit_parts()
if (_parts && _parts->_player != this)
while (_parts)
_se->_driver->update_pris(); // In case another player couldn't allocate all its parts
void Player::uninit_seq()
_abort = true;
void Player::set_speed(byte speed)
_speed = speed;
_timer_speed = (_tempo_eff * speed >> 7);
byte *Player::parse_midi(byte *s)
byte cmd, chan, note, velocity, control;
uint value;
Part *part;
cmd = *s++;
chan = cmd & 0xF;
switch (cmd >> 4) {
case 0x8: // Key Off
note = *s++;
if (!_scanning) {
key_off(chan, note);
} else {
clear_active_note(chan, note);
s++; // Skip velocity
case 0x9: // Key On
note = *s++;
velocity = *s++;
if (velocity) {
if (!_scanning)
key_on(chan, note, velocity);
set_active_note(chan, note);
} else {
if (!_scanning)
key_off(chan, note);
clear_active_note(chan, note);
case 0xA: // Aftertouch
s += 2;
case 0xB: // Control Change
control = *s++;
value = *s++;
part = get_part(chan);
if (!part)
switch (control) {
case 1: // Modulation Wheel
case 7: // Volume
case 10: // Pan Position
part->set_pan(value - 0x40);
case 16: // Pitchbend Factor (non-standard)
case 17: // GP Slider 2
part->set_detune(value - 0x40);
case 18: // GP Slider 3
part->set_pri(value - 0x40);
case 64: // Sustain Pedal
part->set_pedal(value != 0);
case 91: // Effects Level
case 93: // Chorus Level
warning("parse_midi: invalid control %d", control);
case 0xC: // Program Change
value = *s++;
part = get_part(chan);
if (part) {
if (_isGM || value >= 32)
part->load_global_instrument (value);
case 0xD: // Channel Pressure
case 0xE: // Pitch Bend
part = get_part(chan);
if (part)
part->set_pitchbend(((s[1] << 7) | s[0]) - 0x2000);
s += 2;
case 0xF:
if (chan == 0) {
uint size = get_delta_time(&s);
parse_sysex(s, size);
s += size;
} else if (chan == 0xF) {
cmd = *s++;
if (cmd == 47)
goto Error; // End of song
if (cmd == 81) {
set_tempo((s[1] << 16) | (s[2] << 8) | s[3]);
s += 4;
s += get_delta_time(&s);
} else if (chan == 0x7) {
s += get_delta_time(&s);
} else {
goto Error;
if (!_scanning)
return NULL;
return s;
void Player::parse_sysex(byte *p, uint len)
byte code;
byte a;
uint b;
byte buf[128];
Part *part;
// Check SysEx manufacturer.
// Roland is 0x41
a = *p++;
if (a != IMUSE_SYSEX_ID) {
if (a == ROLAND_SYSEX_ID) {
// Roland custom instrument definition.
part = get_part (p[0] & 0x0F);
if (part) {
part->_instrument.roland (p - 1);
part->changed (IMuseDriver::pcProgram);
} else {
warning ("Unknown SysEx manufacturer 0x%02X", (int) a);
2002-12-18 09:27:46 +00:00
// Too big?
if (len >= sizeof(buf) * 2)
switch (code = *p++) {
case 0:
if (g_scumm->_gameId != GID_SAMNMAX) {
// There are 17 bytes of useful information beyond
// what we've read so far. All we know about them is
// as follows:
// BYTE 00: Channel #
// BYTE 02: BIT 01 (0x01): Part on? (1 = yes)
// BYTE 05: Volume (upper 4 bits) [guessing]
// BYTE 06: Volume (lower 4 bits) [guessing]
// BYTE 09: BIT 04 (0x08): Percussion? (1 = yes)
part = get_part (p[0] & 0x0F);
if (part) {
part->set_onoff (p[2] & 0x01);
part->set_vol ((p[5] & 0x0F) << 4 | (p[6] & 0x0F));
part->_percussion = _isGM ? ((p[9] & 0x08) > 0) : false;
if (part->_percussion) {
2002-12-18 17:14:05 +00:00
if (part->_mc) {
2002-12-18 17:14:05 +00:00
} else {
part->changed (IMuseDriver::pcAll);
} else {
// Sam & Max: Trigger Event
// Triggers are set by do_command (ImSetTrigger).
// When a SysEx marker is encountered whose sound
// ID and marker ID match what was set by ImSetTrigger,
// something magical is supposed to happen....
for (a = 0; a < 16; ++a) {
if (_se->_snm_triggers [a].sound == _id &&
_se->_snm_triggers [a].id == *p)
_se->_snm_triggers [a].sound = _se->_snm_triggers [a].id = 0;
_se->do_command (_se->_snm_triggers [a].command [0],
_se->_snm_triggers [a].command [1],
_se->_snm_triggers [a].command [2],
_se->_snm_triggers [a].command [3],
0, 0, 0, 0);
} // end if
case 1:
// This SysEx is used in Sam & Max for maybe_jump.
if (_scanning)
maybe_jump (p[0], p[1] - 1, (read_word (p + 2) - 1) * 4 + p[4], ((p[5] * _ticks_per_beat) >> 2) + p[6]);
case 2: // Start of song. Ignore for now.
case 16: // Adlib instrument definition (Part)
a = *p++ & 0x0F;
if (_se->_hardware_type != *p++ && false)
decode_sysex_bytes(p, buf, len - 3);
part = get_part(a);
if (part)
part->set_instrument((byte *) buf);
case 17: // Adlib instrument definition (Global)
if (_se->_hardware_type != *p++ && false)
a = *p++;
decode_sysex_bytes(p, buf, len - 4);
_se->_driver->set_instrument(a, buf);
case 33: // Parameter adjust
a = *p++ & 0x0F;
if (_se->_hardware_type != *p++ && false)
decode_sysex_bytes(p, buf, len - 3);
part = get_part(a);
if (part)
part->set_param(read_word(buf), read_word(buf + 2));
case 48: // Hook - jump
if (_scanning)
decode_sysex_bytes(p + 1, buf, len - 2);
maybe_jump (buf[0], read_word (buf + 1), read_word (buf + 3), read_word (buf + 5));
case 49: // Hook - global transpose
decode_sysex_bytes(p + 1, buf, len - 2);
case 50: // Hook - part on/off
buf[0] = *p++ & 0x0F;
decode_sysex_bytes(p, buf + 1, len - 2);
case 51: // Hook - set volume
buf[0] = *p++ & 0x0F;
decode_sysex_bytes(p, buf + 1, len - 2);
case 52: // Hook - set program
buf[0] = *p++ & 0x0F;
decode_sysex_bytes(p, buf + 1, len - 2);
case 53: // Hook - set transpose
buf[0] = *p++ & 0x0F;
decode_sysex_bytes(p, buf + 1, len - 2);
case 64: // Marker
len -= 2;
while (len--) {
_se->handle_marker(_id, *p++);
case 80: // Loop
decode_sysex_bytes(p + 1, buf, len - 2);
2002-07-07 18:04:03 +00:00
read_word(buf + 2), read_word(buf + 4), read_word(buf + 6), read_word(buf + 8)
case 81: // End loop
case 96: // Set instrument
part = get_part(p[0] & 0x0F);
2002-07-07 18:04:03 +00:00
b = (p[1] & 0x0F) << 12 | (p[2] & 0x0F) << 8 | (p[4] & 0x0F) << 4 | (p[4] & 0x0F);
if (part)
warning ("Unknown SysEx command %d", (int) code);
void Player::decode_sysex_bytes(byte *src, byte *dst, int len)
while (len >= 0) {
*dst++ = (src[0] << 4) | (src[1] & 0xF);
src += 2;
len -= 2;
void Player::maybe_jump (byte cmd, uint track, uint beat, uint tick)
// Is this the hook I'm waiting for?
if (cmd && _hook._jump != cmd)
// Reset hook?
if (cmd != 0 && cmd < 0x80)
_hook._jump = 0;
jump (track, beat, tick);
void Player::maybe_set_transpose(byte *data)
byte cmd;
cmd = data[0];
// Is this the hook I'm waiting for?
if (cmd && _hook._transpose != cmd)
// Reset hook?
if (cmd != 0 && cmd < 0x80)
_hook._transpose = 0;
2002-07-07 18:04:03 +00:00
set_transpose(data[1], (int8)data[2]);
void Player::maybe_part_onoff(byte *data)
byte cmd, *p;
uint chan;
Part *part;
cmd = data[1];
chan = data[0];
p = &_hook._part_onoff[chan];
// Is this the hook I'm waiting for?
if (cmd && *p != cmd)
if (cmd != 0 && cmd < 0x80)
*p = 0;
part = get_part(chan);
if (part)
part->set_onoff(data[2] != 0);
void Player::maybe_set_volume(byte *data)
byte cmd;
byte *p;
uint chan;
Part *part;
cmd = data[1];
chan = data[0];
p = &_hook._part_volume[chan];
// Is this the hook I'm waiting for?
if (cmd && *p != cmd)
// Reset hook?
if (cmd != 0 && cmd < 0x80)
*p = 0;
part = get_part(chan);
if (part)
void Player::maybe_set_program(byte *data)
byte cmd;
byte *p;
uint chan;
Part *part;
cmd = data[1];
chan = data[0];
// Is this the hook I'm waiting for?
p = &_hook._part_program[chan];
if (cmd && *p != cmd)
if (cmd != 0 && cmd < 0x80)
*p = 0;
part = get_part(chan);
if (part)
void Player::maybe_set_transpose_part(byte *data)
byte cmd;
byte *p;
uint chan;
cmd = data[1];
chan = data[0];
// Is this the hook I'm waiting for?
p = &_hook._part_transpose[chan];
if (cmd && *p != cmd)
// Reset hook?
if (cmd != 0 && cmd < 0x80)
*p = 0;
2002-07-07 18:04:03 +00:00
part_set_transpose(chan, data[2], (int8)data[3]);
int Player::set_transpose(byte relative, int b)
Part *part;
if (b > 24 || b < -24 || relative > 1)
return -1;
if (relative)
b = transpose_clamp(_transpose + b, -7, 7);
_transpose = b;
for (part = _parts; part; part = part->_next) {
return 0;
void Player::clear_active_notes()
memset(_se->_active_notes, 0, sizeof(_se->_active_notes));
void Player::clear_active_note(int chan, byte note)
_se->_active_notes[note] &= ~(1 << chan);
void Player::set_active_note(int chan, byte note)
_se->_active_notes[note] |= (1 << chan);
void Player::part_set_transpose(uint8 chan, byte relative, int8 b)
Part *part;
if (b > 24 || b < -24)
part = get_part(chan);
if (!part)
if (relative)
b = transpose_clamp(b + part->_transpose, -7, 7);
void Player::key_on(uint8 chan, uint8 note, uint8 velocity)
Part *part;
part = get_part(chan);
if (!part || !part->_on)
part->key_on(note, velocity);
void Player::key_off(uint8 chan, uint8 note)
Part *part;
for (part = _parts; part; part = part->_next) {
if (part->_chan == (byte)chan && part->_on)
bool Player::jump(uint track, uint beat, uint tick)
byte *mtrk, *cur_mtrk, *scanpos;
uint32 topos, curpos, track_offs;
if (!_active)
return false;
mtrk = _se->findTag(_song_index, "MTrk", track);
if (!mtrk)
return false;
cur_mtrk = _se->findTag(_song_index, "MTrk", _track_index);
if (!cur_mtrk)
return false;
if (beat == 0)
beat = 1;
topos = (beat - 1) * _ticks_per_beat + tick;
if (track == _track_index && topos >= _cur_pos) {
scanpos = _song_offset + mtrk;
curpos = _next_pos;
} else {
scanpos = mtrk;
curpos = get_delta_time(&scanpos);
while (curpos < topos) {
if (!scanpos) {
return false;
curpos += get_delta_time(&scanpos);
track_offs = scanpos - mtrk;
2002-07-07 18:04:03 +00:00
find_sustaining_notes(cur_mtrk + _song_offset, mtrk + track_offs, curpos - topos);
_beat_index = beat;
_tick_index = tick;
_cur_pos = topos;
_next_pos = curpos;
_timer_counter = 0;
_song_offset = track_offs;
if (track != _track_index) {
_track_index = track;
_loop_counter = 0;
_abort = true;
return true;
2002-07-07 18:04:03 +00:00
bool Player::set_loop(uint count, uint tobeat, uint totick, uint frombeat, uint fromtick)
if (tobeat + 1 >= frombeat)
return false;
if (tobeat == 0)
tobeat = 1;
_loop_counter = 0; // Because of possible interrupts
_loop_to_beat = tobeat;
_loop_to_tick = totick;
_loop_from_beat = frombeat;
_loop_from_tick = fromtick;
_loop_counter = count;
return true;
void Player::clear_loop()
_loop_counter = 0;
void Player::turn_off_pedals()
Part *part;
for (part = _parts; part; part = part->_next) {
if (part->_pedal)
void Player::find_sustaining_notes(byte *a, byte *b, uint32 l)
uint32 pos;
uint16 mask;
uint16 *bitlist_ptr;
SustainingNotes *sn, *next;
IsNoteCmdData isnote;
int j;
uint num_active;
uint max_off_pos;
num_active = update_actives();
// pos contains number of ticks since current position
pos = _next_pos - _cur_pos;
2002-07-07 18:04:03 +00:00
if ((int32)pos < 0)
pos = 0;
// Locate the positions where the notes are turned off.
// Remember each note that was turned off.
while (num_active != 0) {
// Is note off?
j = is_note_cmd(&a, &isnote);
if (j == -1)
if (j == 1) {
mask = 1 << isnote.chan;
bitlist_ptr = _se->_active_notes + isnote.note;
if (*bitlist_ptr & mask) {
*bitlist_ptr &= ~mask;
// Get a node from the free list
if ((sn = _se->_sustain_notes_free) == NULL)
_se->_sustain_notes_free = sn->next;
// Insert it in the beginning of the used list
sn->next = _se->_sustain_notes_used;
_se->_sustain_notes_used = sn;
sn->prev = NULL;
if (sn->next)
sn->next->prev = sn;
sn->note = isnote.note;
sn->chan = isnote.chan;
sn->player = this;
sn->off_pos = pos;
sn->pos = 0;
sn->counter = 0;
pos += get_delta_time(&a);
// Find the maximum position where a note was turned off
max_off_pos = 0;
for (sn = _se->_sustain_notes_used; sn; sn = sn->next) {
_se->_active_notes[sn->note] |= (1 << sn->chan);
if (sn->off_pos > max_off_pos) {
max_off_pos = sn->off_pos;
// locate positions where notes are turned on
pos = l;
while (pos < max_off_pos) {
j = is_note_cmd(&b, &isnote);
if (j == -1)
if (j == 2) {
mask = 1 << isnote.chan;
bitlist_ptr = _se->_active_notes + isnote.note;
if (*bitlist_ptr & mask) {
sn = _se->_sustain_notes_used;
while (sn) {
next = sn->next;
2002-07-07 18:04:03 +00:00
if (sn->note == isnote.note && sn->chan == isnote.chan && pos < sn->off_pos) {
*bitlist_ptr &= ~mask;
// Unlink from the sustain list
if (next)
next->prev = sn->prev;
if (sn->prev)
sn->prev->next = next;
_se->_sustain_notes_used = next;
// Insert into the free list
sn->next = _se->_sustain_notes_free;
_se->_sustain_notes_free = sn;
sn = next;
pos += get_delta_time(&b);
// Concatenate head and used list
if (!_se->_sustain_notes_head) {
_se->_sustain_notes_head = _se->_sustain_notes_used;
_se->_sustain_notes_used = NULL;
sn = _se->_sustain_notes_head;
while (sn->next)
sn = sn->next;
sn->next = _se->_sustain_notes_used;
_se->_sustain_notes_used = NULL;
if (sn->next)
sn->next->prev = sn;
Part *Player::get_part(uint8 chan)
Part *part;
part = _parts;
while (part) {
if (part->_chan == chan)
return part;
part = part->_next;
part = _se->allocate_part(_priority);
if (!part) {
warning("no parts available");
return NULL;
part->_chan = chan;
return part;
uint Player::update_actives()
Part *part;
uint16 *active;
int count = 0;
active = _se->_active_notes;
for (part = _parts; part; part = part->_next) {
if (part->_mc)
count += part->update_actives(active);
return count;
void Player::set_priority(int pri)
Part *part;
_priority = pri;
for (part = _parts; part; part = part->_next) {
void Player::set_pan(int pan)
Part *part;
_pan = pan;
for (part = _parts; part; part = part->_next) {
void Player::set_detune(int detune)
Part *part;
_detune = detune;
for (part = _parts; part; part = part->_next) {
int Player::scan(uint totrack, uint tobeat, uint totick)
byte *mtrk, *scanptr;
uint32 curpos, topos;
uint32 pos;
assert(totrack >= 0 && tobeat >= 0 && totick >= 0);
if (!_active)
return -1;
mtrk = _se->findTag(_song_index, "MTrk", totrack);
if (!mtrk)
return -1;
if (tobeat == 0)
scanptr = mtrk;
curpos = get_delta_time(&scanptr);
_scanning = true;
topos = (tobeat - 1) * _ticks_per_beat + totick;
while (curpos < topos) {
scanptr = parse_midi(scanptr);
if (!scanptr) {
_scanning = false;
return -1;
curpos += get_delta_time(&scanptr);
pos = scanptr - mtrk;
_scanning = false;
_beat_index = tobeat;
_tick_index = totick;
_cur_pos = topos;
_next_pos = curpos;
_timer_counter = 0;
_song_offset = pos;
if (_track_index != totrack) {
_track_index = totrack;
_loop_counter = 0;
return 0;
void Player::turn_off_parts()
Part *part;
for (part = _parts; part; part = part->_next)
2002-12-18 17:14:05 +00:00
void Player::play_active_notes()
int i, j;
uint mask;
for (i = 0; i != 128; i++) {
mask = _se->_active_notes[i];
for (j = 0; j != 16; j++, mask >>= 1) {
if (mask & 1) {
key_on(j, i, 80);
int Player::set_vol(byte vol)
Part *part;
if (vol > 127)
return -1;
_volume = vol;
_vol_eff = _se->get_channel_volume(_vol_chan) * (vol + 1) >> 7;
for (part = _parts; part; part = part->_next) {
return 0;
int Player::get_param(int param, byte chan)
switch (param) {
case 0:
return (byte)_priority;
case 1:
return (byte)_volume;
case 2:
return (byte)_pan;
case 3:
return (byte)_transpose;
case 4:
return (byte)_detune;
case 5:
return _speed;
case 6:
return _track_index;
case 7:
return _beat_index;
case 8:
return _tick_index;
case 9:
return _loop_counter;
case 10:
return _loop_to_beat;
case 11:
return _loop_to_tick;
case 12:
return _loop_from_beat;
case 13:
return _loop_from_tick;
case 14:
case 15:
case 16:
case 17:
return query_part_param(param, chan);
case 18:
case 19:
case 20:
case 21:
case 22:
case 23:
return _hook.query_param(param, chan);
return -1;
int Player::query_part_param(int param, byte chan)
Part *part;
part = _parts;
while (part) {
if (part->_chan == chan) {
switch (param) {
case 14:
return part->_on;
case 15:
return part->_vol;
case 16:
return part->_program;
case 17:
return part->_transpose;
return -1;
part = part->_next;
return 129;
void Player::sequencer_timer()
byte *mtrk;
uint32 counter;
byte *song_ptr;
counter = _timer_counter + _timer_speed;
_timer_counter = counter & 0xFFFF;
_cur_pos += counter >> 16;
_tick_index += counter >> 16;
if (_tick_index >= _ticks_per_beat) {
_beat_index += _tick_index / _ticks_per_beat;
_tick_index %= _ticks_per_beat;
2002-07-07 18:04:03 +00:00
if (_loop_counter && _beat_index >= _loop_from_beat && _tick_index >= _loop_from_tick) {
jump(_track_index, _loop_to_beat, _loop_to_tick);
if (_next_pos <= _cur_pos) {
mtrk = _se->findTag(_song_index, "MTrk", _track_index);
if (!mtrk) {
warning("Sound %d was unloaded while active", _song_index);
} else {
song_ptr = mtrk + _song_offset;
_abort = false;
while (_next_pos <= _cur_pos) {
song_ptr = parse_midi(song_ptr);
if (!song_ptr || _abort)
_next_pos += get_delta_time(&song_ptr);
_song_offset = song_ptr - mtrk;
enum {
int IMuseInternal::saveReference(void *me_ref, byte type, void *ref)
IMuseInternal *me = (IMuseInternal *)me_ref;
switch (type) {
return (Part *)ref - me->_parts;
return (Player *)ref - me->_players;
error("saveReference: invalid type");
void *IMuseInternal::loadReference(void *me_ref, byte type, int ref)
IMuseInternal *me = (IMuseInternal *)me_ref;
switch (type) {
return &me->_parts[ref];
return &me->_players[ref];
error("loadReference: invalid type");
2002-07-07 18:04:03 +00:00
int IMuseInternal::save_or_load(Serializer *ser, Scumm *scumm)
const SaveLoadEntry mainEntries[] = {
MKLINE(IMuseInternal, _queue_end, sleUint8, VER_V8),
MKLINE(IMuseInternal, _queue_pos, sleUint8, VER_V8),
MKLINE(IMuseInternal, _queue_sound, sleUint16, VER_V8),
MKLINE(IMuseInternal, _queue_adding, sleByte, VER_V8),
MKLINE(IMuseInternal, _queue_marker, sleByte, VER_V8),
MKLINE(IMuseInternal, _queue_cleared, sleByte, VER_V8),
MKLINE(IMuseInternal, _master_volume, sleByte, VER_V8),
MKLINE(IMuseInternal, _trigger_count, sleUint16, VER_V8),
MKARRAY(IMuseInternal, _channel_volume[0], sleUint16, 8, VER_V8),
MKARRAY(IMuseInternal, _volchan_table[0], sleUint16, 8, VER_V8),
const SaveLoadEntry playerEntries[] = {
MKREF(Player, _parts, TYPE_PART, VER_V8),
MKLINE(Player, _active, sleByte, VER_V8),
MKLINE(Player, _id, sleUint16, VER_V8),
MKLINE(Player, _priority, sleByte, VER_V8),
MKLINE(Player, _volume, sleByte, VER_V8),
MKLINE(Player, _pan, sleInt8, VER_V8),
MKLINE(Player, _transpose, sleByte, VER_V8),
MKLINE(Player, _detune, sleInt8, VER_V8),
MKLINE(Player, _vol_chan, sleUint16, VER_V8),
MKLINE(Player, _vol_eff, sleByte, VER_V8),
MKLINE(Player, _speed, sleByte, VER_V8),
MKLINE(Player, _song_index, sleUint16, VER_V8),
MKLINE(Player, _track_index, sleUint16, VER_V8),
MKLINE(Player, _timer_counter, sleUint16, VER_V8),
MKLINE(Player, _loop_to_beat, sleUint16, VER_V8),
MKLINE(Player, _loop_from_beat, sleUint16, VER_V8),
MKLINE(Player, _loop_counter, sleUint16, VER_V8),
MKLINE(Player, _loop_to_tick, sleUint16, VER_V8),
MKLINE(Player, _loop_from_tick, sleUint16, VER_V8),
MKLINE(Player, _tempo, sleUint32, VER_V8),
MKLINE(Player, _cur_pos, sleUint32, VER_V8),
MKLINE(Player, _next_pos, sleUint32, VER_V8),
MKLINE(Player, _song_offset, sleUint32, VER_V8),
MKLINE(Player, _tick_index, sleUint16, VER_V8),
MKLINE(Player, _beat_index, sleUint16, VER_V8),
MKLINE(Player, _ticks_per_beat, sleUint16, VER_V8),
MKLINE(Player, _hook._jump, sleByte, VER_V8),
MKLINE(Player, _hook._transpose, sleByte, VER_V8),
MKARRAY(Player, _hook._part_onoff[0], sleByte, 16, VER_V8),
MKARRAY(Player, _hook._part_volume[0], sleByte, 16, VER_V8),
MKARRAY(Player, _hook._part_program[0], sleByte, 16, VER_V8),
MKARRAY(Player, _hook._part_transpose[0], sleByte, 16, VER_V8),
const SaveLoadEntry volumeFaderEntries[] = {
MKREF(VolumeFader, player, TYPE_PLAYER, VER_V8),
MKLINE(VolumeFader, active, sleUint8, VER_V8),
MKLINE(VolumeFader, curvol, sleUint8, VER_V8),
MKLINE(VolumeFader, speed_lo_max, sleUint16, VER_V8),
MKLINE(VolumeFader, num_steps, sleUint16, VER_V8),
MKLINE(VolumeFader, speed_hi, sleInt8, VER_V8),
MKLINE(VolumeFader, direction, sleInt8, VER_V8),
MKLINE(VolumeFader, speed_lo, sleInt8, VER_V8),
MKLINE(VolumeFader, speed_lo_counter, sleUint16, VER_V8),
const SaveLoadEntry partEntries[] = {
MKREF(Part, _next, TYPE_PART, VER_V8),
MKREF(Part, _prev, TYPE_PART, VER_V8),
MKREF(Part, _player, TYPE_PLAYER, VER_V8),
MKLINE(Part, _pitchbend, sleInt16, VER_V8),
MKLINE(Part, _pitchbend_factor, sleUint8, VER_V8),
MKLINE(Part, _transpose, sleInt8, VER_V8),
MKLINE(Part, _vol, sleUint8, VER_V8),
MKLINE(Part, _detune, sleInt8, VER_V8),
MKLINE(Part, _pan, sleInt8, VER_V8),
MKLINE(Part, _on, sleUint8, VER_V8),
MKLINE(Part, _modwheel, sleUint8, VER_V8),
MKLINE(Part, _pedal, sleUint8, VER_V8),
MKLINE(Part, _program, sleUint8, VER_V8),
MKLINE(Part, _pri, sleUint8, VER_V8),
MKLINE(Part, _chan, sleUint8, VER_V8),
MKLINE(Part, _effect_level, sleUint8, VER_V8),
MKLINE(Part, _chorus, sleUint8, VER_V8),
MKLINE(Part, _percussion, sleUint8, VER_V8),
MKLINE(Part, _bank, sleUint8, VER_V8),
#ifdef _WIN32_WCE // Don't break savegames made with andys' build
if (!ser->isSaving() && ser->checkEOFLoadStream())
return 0;
ser->_ref_me = this;
ser->_save_ref = saveReference;
ser->_load_ref = loadReference;
ser->saveLoadEntries(this, mainEntries);
2002-07-07 18:04:03 +00:00
ser->saveLoadArrayOf(_players, ARRAYSIZE(_players), sizeof(_players[0]), playerEntries);
ser->saveLoadArrayOf(_parts, ARRAYSIZE(_parts), sizeof(_parts[0]), partEntries);
// Load/save the instrument definitions, which were revamped with V11.
if (ser->getVersion() >= VER_V11) {
int i;
Part *part = &_parts[0];
for (i = ARRAYSIZE(_parts); i; --i, ++part) {
part->_program = 255;
part->_instrument.saveOrLoad (ser);
ser->saveLoadArrayOf(_volume_fader, ARRAYSIZE(_volume_fader),
sizeof(_volume_fader[0]), volumeFaderEntries);
if (!ser->isSaving()) {
// Load all sounds that we need
_active_volume_faders = true;
set_master_volume (_master_volume);
return 0;
#undef MKLINE
#undef MKEND
void IMuseInternal::fix_parts_after_load()
Part *part;
int i;
for (i = ARRAYSIZE(_parts), part = _parts; i != 0; i--, part++) {
if (part->_player)
// Only call this routine from the main thread,
// since it uses getResourceAddress
void IMuseInternal::fix_players_after_load(Scumm *scumm)
Player *player = _players;
int i;
for (i = ARRAYSIZE(_players); i != 0; i--, player++) {
if (player->_active) {
scumm->getResourceAddress(rtSound, player->_id);
player->_mt32emulate = isMT32(player->_id);
player->_isGM = isGM(player->_id);
void Part::set_detune(int8 detune)
_detune_eff = clamp((_detune = detune) + _player->_detune, -128, 127);
void Part::set_pitchbend(int value)
_pitchbend = value;
void Part::set_vol(uint8 vol)
_vol_eff = ((_vol = vol) + 1) * _player->_vol_eff >> 7;
void Part::set_pri(int8 pri)
_pri_eff = clamp((_pri = pri) + _player->_priority, 0, 255);
void Part::set_pan(int8 pan)
_pan_eff = clamp((_pan = pan) + _player->_pan, -64, 63);
void Part::set_transpose(int8 transpose)
2002-07-07 18:04:03 +00:00
_transpose_eff = transpose_clamp((_transpose = transpose) + _player->_transpose, -12, 12);
void Part::set_pedal(bool value)
_pedal = value;
void Part::set_modwheel(uint value)
_modwheel = value;
void Part::set_chorus(uint chorus)
_chorus = chorus;
void Part::set_effect_level(uint level)
_effect_level = level;
void Part::fix_after_load()
if (_program < 128) _instrument.program (_program, _player->_mt32emulate);
changed (IMuseDriver::pcAll);
void Part::set_pitchbend_factor(uint8 value)
if (value > 12)
_pitchbend_factor = value;
changed (IMuseDriver::pcPitchBendFactor);
void Part::set_onoff(bool on)
if (_on != on) {
_on = on;
if (!on)
if (!_percussion)
void Part::set_instrument(byte * data)
_instrument.adlib (data);
void Part::load_global_instrument (byte slot)
_drv->part_load_global_instrument (this, slot);
void Part::key_on(byte note, byte velocity)
_drv->part_key_on(this, note, velocity);
void Part::key_off(byte note)
_drv->part_key_off(this, note);
void Part::init(IMuseDriver * driver)
_drv = driver;
_player = NULL;
_next = NULL;
_prev = NULL;
_mc = NULL;
memset(_actives, 0, sizeof (_actives));
void Part::setup(Player *player)
_player = player;
// Insert first into player's list
_prev = NULL;
_next = player->_parts;
if (player->_parts)
player->_parts->_prev = this;
player->_parts = this;
_percussion = (player->_isGM && _chan == 9); // true;
_on = true;
_pri_eff = player->_priority;
_pri = 0;
_vol = 127;
_vol_eff = player->_vol_eff;
_pan = clamp(player->_pan, -64, 63);
_transpose_eff = player->_transpose;
_transpose = 0;
_detune = 0;
_detune_eff = player->_detune;
_pitchbend_factor = 2;
_pitchbend = 0;
_effect_level = 64;
2002-12-18 17:14:05 +00:00
// _program = player->_se->get_channel_program (_chan);
// _instrument.program (_program, player->_mt32emulate);
_program = 255;
_chorus = 0;
_modwheel = 0;
_bank = 0;
_pedal = false;
_mc = NULL;
if (_program < 128)
changed (IMuseDriver::pcAll);
void Part::uninit()
if (!_player)
// Unlink
if (_next)
_next->_prev = _prev;
if (_prev)
_prev->_next = _next;
_player->_parts = _next;
_player = NULL;
_next = NULL;
_prev = NULL;
void Part::off()
void Part::changed(uint16 what)
_drv->part_changed(this, what);
void Part::set_param(byte param, int value)
_drv->part_set_param(this, param, value);
void Part::update_pris()
int Part::update_actives(uint16 *active)
return _drv->part_update_active(this, active);
void Part::set_program(byte program)
if (_program != program || _bank != 0) {
_program = program;
_bank = 0;
_instrument.program (_program, _player->_mt32emulate);
void Part::set_instrument(uint b)
_bank = (byte)(b >> 8);
_program = (byte)b;
_instrument.program (_program, _player->_mt32emulate);
// General MIDI implementation of iMuse
IMuseDriver::IMuseDriver (MidiDriver *midi)
int i;
// Initialize our "last" trackers with impossible
// values, so that they don't accidentally match
// any changes that are sent (which would cause
// the changes to be ignored).
for (i = 0; i < 16; ++i) {
_midi_program_last [i] =
_midi_pitchbend_factor_last [i] =
_midi_volume_last [i] =
_midi_modwheel_last [i] =
_midi_effectlevel_last [i] =
_midi_chorus_last [i] = 255;
_midi_pan_last [i] = 127;
_midi_pitchbend_last [i] = (int16) -1;
_midi_pedal_last [i] = false;
_md = midi;
void IMuseDriver::midiPitchBend(byte chan, int16 pitchbend)
uint16 tmp;
if (_midi_pitchbend_last[chan] != pitchbend) {
_midi_pitchbend_last[chan] = pitchbend;
tmp = pitchbend + 0x2000;
_md->send(((tmp >> 7) & 0x7F) << 16 | (tmp & 0x7F) << 8 | 0xE0 | chan);
void IMuseDriver::midiPitchBendFactor (byte chan, byte factor) {
if (_midi_pitchbend_factor_last[chan] != factor) {
_midi_pitchbend_factor_last[chan] = factor;
_md->setPitchBendRange (chan, factor);
void IMuseDriver::midiVolume(byte chan, byte volume)
if (_midi_volume_last[chan] != volume) {
_midi_volume_last[chan] = volume;
_md->send(volume << 16 | 7 << 8 | 0xB0 | chan);
void IMuseDriver::midiPedal(byte chan, bool pedal)
if (_midi_pedal_last[chan] != pedal) {
_midi_pedal_last[chan] = pedal;
_md->send(pedal << 16 | 64 << 8 | 0xB0 | chan);
void IMuseDriver::midiModWheel(byte chan, byte modwheel)
if (_midi_modwheel_last[chan] != modwheel) {
_midi_modwheel_last[chan] = modwheel;
_md->send(modwheel << 16 | 1 << 8 | 0xB0 | chan);
void IMuseDriver::midiEffectLevel(byte chan, byte level)
if (_midi_effectlevel_last[chan] != level) {
_midi_effectlevel_last[chan] = level;
_md->send(level << 16 | 91 << 8 | 0xB0 | chan);
void IMuseDriver::midiChorus(byte chan, byte chorus)
if (_midi_chorus_last[chan] != chorus) {
_midi_chorus_last[chan] = chorus;
_md->send(chorus << 16 | 93 << 8 | 0xB0 | chan);
void IMuseDriver::midiControl0(byte chan, byte value)
_md->send(value << 16 | 0 << 8 | 0xB0 | chan);
void IMuseDriver::midiPan(byte chan, int8 pan)
if (_midi_pan_last[chan] != pan) {
_midi_pan_last[chan] = pan;
_md->send(((pan - 64) & 0x7F) << 16 | 10 << 8 | 0xB0 | chan);
void IMuseDriver::midiNoteOn(byte chan, byte note, byte velocity)
_md->send(velocity << 16 | note << 8 | 0x90 | chan);
void IMuseDriver::midiNoteOff(byte chan, byte note)
_md->send(note << 8 | 0x80 | chan);
void IMuseDriver::midiSilence(byte chan)
_md->send((64 << 8) | 0xB0 | chan);
_md->send((123 << 8) | 0xB0 | chan);
void IMuseDriver::part_key_on(Part *part, byte note, byte velocity)
MidiChannel *mc = part->_mc;
part->_actives[note >> 4] |= (1 << (note & 0xF));
if (mc) {
mc->noteOn (note, velocity);
} else if (part->_percussion) {
mc = _md->getPercussionChannel();
if (!mc)
mc->volume (part->_vol_eff);
mc->programChange (part->_bank);
mc->noteOn (note, velocity);
void IMuseDriver::part_key_off(Part *part, byte note)
MidiChannel *mc = part->_mc;
part->_actives[note >> 4] &= ~(1 << (note & 0xF));
if (mc) {
mc->noteOff (note);
} else if (part->_percussion) {
mc = _md->getPercussionChannel();
if (mc)
mc->noteOff (note);
#if !defined(__MORPHOS__)
#include <proto/exec.h>
#include <proto/dos.h>
#include "morphos.h"
#include "morphos_sound.h"
int IMuseDriver::midi_driver_thread(void *param)
IMuseDriver *mid = (IMuseDriver *) param;
int old_time, cur_time;
MsgPort *music_timer_port = NULL;
timerequest *music_timer_request = NULL;
2002-07-07 18:04:03 +00:00
if (!OSystem_MorphOS::OpenATimer(&music_timer_port, (IORequest **) &music_timer_request, UNIT_MICROHZ, false)) {
warning("Could not open a timer - music will not play");
2002-07-07 18:04:03 +00:00
2002-07-07 18:04:03 +00:00
else {
old_time = mid->_system->get_msecs();
2002-07-07 18:04:03 +00:00
for (;;) {
music_timer_request->tr_node.io_Command = TR_ADDREQUEST;
music_timer_request->tr_time.tv_secs = 0;
music_timer_request->tr_time.tv_micro = 10000;
DoIO((struct IORequest *)music_timer_request);
2002-07-07 18:04:03 +00:00
if (CheckSignal(SIGBREAKF_CTRL_C))
cur_time = mid->_system->get_msecs();
2002-07-07 18:04:03 +00:00
while (old_time < cur_time) {
old_time += 10;
2002-07-07 18:04:03 +00:00
return 0;
void IMuseDriver::init(IMuseInternal *eng, OSystem *syst)
int i;
_system = syst;
// Open MIDI driver
int result = _md->open();
if (result)
error("IMuseDriver::error = %s", MidiDriver::getErrorName(result));
// Connect to the driver's timer
_se = eng;
_md->setTimerCallback (NULL, &IMuseDriver::timer_callback);
for (i = 0; i != ARRAYSIZE(_midi_program_last); i++) {
_midi_program_last [i] = 255;
void IMuseDriver::timer_callback (void *) {
if (g_scumm->_imuse)
void IMuseDriver::uninit()
void IMuseDriver::update_pris()
Part *part, *hipart;
int i;
byte hipri, lopri;
Part *lopart;
while (true) {
hipri = 0;
hipart = NULL;
for (i = 32, part = _se->parts_ptr(); i; i--, part++) {
2002-07-07 18:04:03 +00:00
if (part->_player && !part->_percussion && part->_on && !part->_mc && part->_pri_eff >= hipri) {
hipri = part->_pri_eff;
hipart = part;
if (!hipart)
2002-12-18 17:14:05 +00:00
if ((hipart->_mc = _md->allocateChannel()) == NULL) {
lopri = 255;
lopart = NULL;
for (i = 32, part = _se->parts_ptr(); i; i--, part++) {
if (part->_mc && part->_pri_eff <= lopri) {
lopri = part->_pri_eff;
lopart = part;
2002-12-18 17:14:05 +00:00
if (lopart == NULL || lopri >= hipri)
2002-12-18 17:14:05 +00:00
if ((hipart->_mc = _md->allocateChannel()) == NULL)
int IMuseDriver::part_update_active(Part *part, uint16 *active)
int i, j;
uint16 *act, mask, bits;
int count = 0;
bits = 1 << part->_chan;
act = part->_actives;
for (i = 8; i; i--) {
mask = *act++;
if (mask) {
for (j = 16; j; j--, mask >>= 1, active++) {
if (mask & 1 && !(*active & bits)) {
*active |= bits;
} else {
active += 16;
return count;
void IMuseDriver::set_instrument(uint slot, byte *data)
if (slot < 32) {
// memcpy(&_glob_instr[slot], data, sizeof(Instrument));
_glob_instr[slot].adlib (data);
void IMuseDriver::part_load_global_instrument (Part *part, byte slot)
if (slot >= 32)
_glob_instr [slot].copy_to (&part->_instrument);
part->changed (pcProgram);
void IMuseDriver::part_changed(Part *part, uint16 what)
MidiChannel *mc;
// Mark for re-schedule if program changed when in pre-state
2002-12-18 17:14:05 +00:00
if (what & pcProgram && !part->_mc && part->_on && !part->_percussion)
if (!(mc = part->_mc))
if (part->_player == NULL) { // No player, so dump phantom channel
part->_mc = NULL;
memset(part->_actives, 0, sizeof(part->_actives));
if (what & pcPitchBendFactor)
mc->pitchBendFactor (part->_pitchbend_factor);
if (what & pcMod)
mc->pitchBend (clamp(part->_pitchbend +
(part->_detune_eff * 64 / 12) +
(part->_transpose_eff * 8192 / 12), -8192, 8191));
if (what & pcVolume)
mc->volume (part->_vol_eff);
if (what & pcPedal)
mc->sustain (part->_pedal);
if (what & pcModwheel)
mc->modulationWheel (part->_modwheel);
if (what & pcPan)
mc->panPosition (part->_pan_eff);
if (what & pcEffectLevel)
mc->effectLevel (part->_effect_level);
if (what & pcProgram)
part->_instrument.send (mc);
if (what & pcChorus)
mc->chorusLevel (part->_effect_level);
if (what & pcPriority)
mc->priority (part->_pri_eff);
void IMuseDriver::part_off(Part *part)
MidiChannel *mc = part->_mc;
if (mc) {
part->_mc = NULL;
memset(part->_actives, 0, sizeof(part->_actives));
// The IMuse::create method provides a front-end factory
// for creating IMuseInternal without exposing that class
// to the client.
IMuse *IMuse::create(OSystem *syst, MidiDriver *midi, SoundMixer *mixer)
IMuse *engine = (IMuse *) IMuseInternal::create (syst, midi, mixer);
if (midi)
midi->property (MidiDriver::PROP_SMALLHEADER, (g_scumm->_features & GF_SMALL_HEADER) ? 1 : 0);
return (IMuse *) new IMuseMonitor (syst, engine);
// iMuse Digital Implementation
// for SCUMM v7 and higher
static void imus_digital_handler(void *engine) {
// Avoid race condition
if(engine && ((Scumm *)engine)->_imuseDigital)
((Scumm *)engine)->_imuseDigital->handler();
IMuseDigital::IMuseDigital(Scumm *scumm) {
memset(_channel, 0, sizeof(channel) * MAX_DIGITAL_CHANNELS);
_scumm = scumm;
2002-10-15 21:55:04 +00:00
for (int32 l = 0; l < MAX_DIGITAL_CHANNELS; l++) {
2002-10-16 07:59:11 +00:00
_channel[l]._initialized = false;
2002-10-15 21:55:04 +00:00
_scumm->_mixer->beginSlots(MAX_DIGITAL_CHANNELS + 1);
_scumm->_timer->installProcedure(imus_digital_handler, 200);
_pause = false;
IMuseDigital::~IMuseDigital() {
2002-10-15 21:55:04 +00:00
for (int32 l = 0; l < MAX_DIGITAL_CHANNELS; l++) {
struct imuse_music_table {
int16 index;
char name[30];
char title[30];
char filename[15];
2002-10-10 21:38:20 +00:00
int8 unk1;
struct imuse_music_map {
int16 room;
int16 table_index;
2002-10-09 17:54:18 +00:00
int16 unk1;
int16 unk2;
int16 unk3;
int16 unk4;
static const imuse_music_map _digStateMusicMap[] = {
2002-10-09 17:54:18 +00:00
{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{2, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{3, 47, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{4, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{5, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{6, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{7, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{8, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{9, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{10, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{11, 44, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{12, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{13, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{14, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{15, 6, 29, 7, 0, 0 },
{16, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{17, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{18, 9, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{19, 9, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{20, 6, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{21, 6, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{22, 44, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{23, 10, 7, 0, 0, 0 },
{24, 26, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{25, 17, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{26, 17, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{27, 18, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{28, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{29, 20, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{30, 22, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{31, 23, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{32, 22, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{33, 26, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{34, 24, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{35, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{36, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{37, 42, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{38, 43, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{39, 44, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{40, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{41, 43, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{42, 44, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{43, 43, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
2002-10-10 21:38:20 +00:00
{44, 45, 117,45, 114,26},
2002-10-09 17:54:18 +00:00
{45, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{46, 33, 6, 35, 5, 34},
2002-10-10 21:38:20 +00:00
{47, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
2002-10-09 17:54:18 +00:00
{48, 43, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{49, 44, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{50, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{51, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{52, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{53, 28, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{54, 28, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{55, 29, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{56, 29, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{57, 29, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{58, 31, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{59, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{60, 37, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{61, 39, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{62, 38, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{63, 39, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{64, 39, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{65, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{66, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{67, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{68, 39, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{69, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{70, 49, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{71, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{72, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{73, 50, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{74, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{75, 51, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{76, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{77, 52, 7, 0, 0, 0 },
{78, 63, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{79, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{80, 41, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{81, 48, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{82, 21, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{83, 27, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{84, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{85, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{86, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{87, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{88, 32, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{89, 33, 6, 35, 5, 34},
{90, 16, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{91, 57, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{92, 25, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{93, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{94, 36, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{95, 19, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{96, 13, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{97, 14, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{98, 11, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{99, 15, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{100, 17, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{101, 38, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{102, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{103, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{104, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{105, 30, 128,29, 0, 0 },
{106, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{107, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{108, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{109, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{110, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{111, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{-1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
static const imuse_music_table _digStateMusicTable[] = {
2002-10-10 21:38:20 +00:00
{0, "STATE_NULL", "", "", 0},
{1, "stateNoChange", "", "", 0},
{2, "stateAstShip", "Asteroid (amb-ship)", "ASTERO~1.IMU", 3},
{3, "stateAstClose", "Asteroid (amb-close)", "ASTERO~2.IMU", 3},
{4, "stateAstInside", "Asteroid (inside)", "ASTERO~3.IMU", 3},
{5, "stateAstCore", "Asteroid (core)", "ASTERO~4.IMU", 3},
{6, "stateCanyonClose", "Canyon (close)", "CANYON~1.IMU", 3},
{7, "stateCanyonClose_m", "Canyon (close-m)", "CANYON~2.IMU", 3},
{8, "stateCanyonOver", "Canyon (over)", "CANYON~3.IMU", 3},
{9, "stateCanyonWreck", "Canyon (wreck)", "CANYON~4.IMU", 3},
{10, "stateNexusCanyon", "Nexus (plan)", "NEXUS(~1.IMU", 3},
{11, "stateNexusPlan", "Nexus (plan)", "NEXUS(~1.IMU", 3},
{12, "stateNexusRamp", "Nexus (ramp)", "NEXUS(~2.IMU", 3},
{13, "stateNexusMuseum", "Nexus (museum)", "NEXUS(~3.IMU", 3},
{14, "stateNexusMap", "Nexus (map)", "NEXUS(~4.IMU", 3},
{15, "stateNexusTomb", "Nexus (tomb)", "NE3706~5.IMU", 3},
{16, "stateNexusCath", "Nexus (cath)", "NE3305~5.IMU", 3},
{17, "stateNexusAirlock", "Nexus (airlock)", "NE2D3A~5.IMU", 3},
{18, "stateNexusPowerOff", "Nexus (power)", "NE8522~5.IMU", 3},
{19, "stateMuseumTramNear", "Tram (mu-near)", "TRAM(M~1.IMU", 3},
{20, "stateMuseumTramFar", "Tram (mu-far)", "TRAM(M~2.IMU", 3},
{21, "stateMuseumLockup", "Museum (lockup)", "MUSEUM~1.IMU", 3},
{22, "stateMuseumPool", "Museum (amb-pool)", "MUSEUM~2.IMU", 3},
{23, "stateMuseumSpire", "Museum (amb-spire)", "MUSEUM~3.IMU", 3},
{24, "stateMuseumMuseum", "Museum (amb-mu)", "MUSEUM~4.IMU", 3},
{25, "stateMuseumLibrary", "Museum (library)", "MUB575~5.IMU", 3},
{26, "stateMuseumCavern", "Museum (cavern)", "MUF9BE~5.IMU", 3},
{27, "stateTombTramNear", "Tram (tomb-near)", "TRAM(T~1.IMU", 3},
{28, "stateTombBase", "Tomb (amb-base)", "TOMB(A~1.IMU", 3},
{29, "stateTombSpire", "Tomb (amb-spire)", "TOMB(A~2.IMU", 3},
{30, "stateTombCave", "Tomb (amb-cave)", "TOMB(A~3.IMU", 3},
{31, "stateTombCrypt", "Tomb (crypt)", "TOMB(C~1.IMU", 3},
{32, "stateTombGuards", "Tomb (crypt-guards)", "TOMB(C~2.IMU", 3},
{33, "stateTombInner", "Tomb (inner)", "TOMB(I~1.IMU", 3},
{34, "stateTombCreator1", "Tomb (creator 1)", "TOMB(C~3.IMU", 3},
{35, "stateTombCreator2", "Tomb (creator 2)", "TOMB(C~4.IMU", 3},
{36, "statePlanTramNear", "Tram (plan-near)", "TRAM(P~1.IMU", 3},
{37, "statePlanTramFar", "Tram (plan-far)", "TRAM(P~2.IMU", 3},
{38, "statePlanBase", "Plan (amb-base)", "PLAN(A~1.IMU", 3},
{39, "statePlanSpire", "Plan (amb-spire)", "PLAN(A~2.IMU", 3},
{40, "statePlanDome", "Plan (dome)", "PLAN(D~1.IMU", 3},
{41, "stateMapTramNear", "Tram (map-near)", "TRAM(M~3.IMU", 3},
{42, "stateMapTramFar", "Tram (map-far)", "TRAM(M~4.IMU", 3},
{43, "stateMapCanyon", "Map (amb-canyon)", "MAP(AM~1.IMU", 3},
{44, "stateMapExposed", "Map (amb-exposed)", "MAP(AM~2.IMU", 3},
{45, "stateMapNestEmpty", "Map (amb-nest)", "MAP(AM~4.IMU", 3},
{46, "stateMapNestMonster", "Map (monster)", "MAP(MO~1.IMU", 3},
{47, "stateMapKlein", "Map (klein)", "MAP(KL~1.IMU", 3},
{48, "stateCathTramNear", "Tram (cath-near)", "TRAM(C~1.IMU", 3},
{49, "stateCathTramFar", "Tram (cath-far)", "TRAM(C~2.IMU", 3},
{50, "stateCathLab", "Cath (amb-inside)", "CATH(A~1.IMU", 3},
{51, "stateCathOutside", "Cath (amb-outside)", "CATH(A~2.IMU", 3},
{52, "stateWorldMuseum", "World (museum)", "WORLD(~1.IMU", 3},
{53, "stateWorldPlan", "World (plan)", "WORLD(~2.IMU", 3},
{54, "stateWorldTomb", "World (tomb)", "WORLD(~3.IMU", 3},
{55, "stateWorldMap", "World (map)", "WORLD(~4.IMU", 3},
{56, "stateWorldCath", "World (cath)", "WO3227~5.IMU", 3},
{57, "stateEye1", "Eye 1", "EYE1~1.IMU", 3},
{58, "stateEye2", "Eye 2", "EYE2~1.IMU", 3},
{59, "stateEye3", "Eye 3", "EYE3~1.IMU", 3},
{60, "stateEye4", "Eye 4", "EYE4~1.IMU", 3},
{61, "stateEye5", "Eye 5", "EYE5~1.IMU", 3},
{62, "stateEye6", "Eye 6", "EYE6~1.IMU", 3},
{63, "stateEye7", "Eye 7", "EYE7~1.IMU", 3},
{-1, "", "", "", 0},
static const imuse_music_table _digSeqMusicTable[] = {
2002-10-10 21:38:20 +00:00
{2000, "SEQ_NULL", "", "", 0},
{2005, "seqLogo", "", "", 0},
{2010, "seqIntro", "", "", 0},
{2020, "seqExplosion1b", "", "", 6},
{2030, "seqAstTunnel1a", "Seq (ast tunnel 1a)", "SEQ(AS~1.IMU", 3},
{2031, "seqAstTunnel2b", "", "", 6},
{2032, "seqAstTunnel3a", "Seq (ast tunnel 3a)", "SEQ(AS~2.IMU", 4},
{2040, "seqToPlanet1b", "", "", 5},
{2045, "seqArgBegin", "Seq (arg begin)", "SEQ(AR~1.IMU", 4},
{2046, "seqArgEnd", "Seq (arg end)", "SEQ(AR~2.IMU", 4},
{2050, "seqWreckGhost", "Seq (ghost-wreck)", "SEQ(GH~1.IMU", 4},
{2060, "seqCanyonGhost", "Seq (ghost-canyon)", "SEQ(GH~2.IMU", 4},
{2070, "seqBrinkFall", "", "", 0},
{2080, "seqPanUpCanyon", "Seq (pan up canyon)", "SEQ(PA~1.IMU", 4},
{2091, "seqAirlockTunnel1b", "", "", 6},
{2100, "seqTramToMu", "", "", 6},
{2101, "seqTramFromMu", "", "", 6},
{2102, "seqTramToTomb", "", "", 6},
{2103, "seqTramFromTomb", "", "", 6},
{2104, "seqTramToPlan", "", "", 6},
{2105, "seqTramFromPlan", "", "", 6},
{2106, "seqTramToMap", "", "", 6},
{2107, "seqTramFromMap", "", "", 6},
{2108, "seqTramToCath", "", "", 6},
{2109, "seqTramFromCath", "", "", 6},
{2110, "seqMuseumGhost", "", "", 0},
{2120, "seqSerpentAppears", "", "", 0},
{2130, "seqSerpentEats", "", "", 0},
{2140, "seqBrinkRes1b", "", "", 6},
{2141, "seqBrinkRes2a", "Seq (brink's madness)", "SEQ(BR~1.IMU", 4},
{2150, "seqLockupEntry", "Seq (brink's madness)", "SEQ(BR~1.IMU", 3},
{2160, "seqSerpentExplodes", "", "", 0},
{2170, "seqSwimUnderwater", "Seq (descent)", "SEQ(DE~1.IMU", 4},
{2175, "seqWavesPlunge", "Seq (plunge)", "SEQ(PL~1.IMU", 4},
{2180, "seqCryptOpens", "", "", 0},
{2190, "seqGuardsFight", "", "", 0},
{2200, "seqCreatorRes1.1a", "Seq (creator res 1.1a)", "SEQ(CR~1.IMU", 3},
{2201, "seqCreatorRes1.2b", "", "", 6},
{2210, "seqMaggieCapture1b", "", "", 6},
{2220, "seqStealCrystals", "Seq (brink's madness)", "SEQ(BR~1.IMU", 3},
{2230, "seqGetByMonster", "", "", 0},
{2240, "seqKillMonster1b", "", "", 6},
{2250, "seqCreatorRes2.1a", "Seq (creator res 2.1a)", "SEQ(CR~2.IMU", 3},
{2251, "seqCreatorRes2.2b", "", "", 6},
{2252, "seqCreatorRes2.3a", "Seq (creator res 2.3a)", "SEQ(CR~3.IMU", 4},
{2260, "seqMaggieInsists", "", "", 0},
{2270, "seqBrinkHelpCall", "", "", 0},
{2280, "seqBrinkCrevice1a", "Seq (brink crevice 1a)", "SEQ(BR~2.IMU", 3},
{2281, "seqBrinkCrevice2a", "Seq (brink crevice 2a)", "SEQ(BR~3.IMU", 3},
{2290, "seqCathAccess1b", "", "", 6},
{2291, "seqCathAccess2a", "Seq (cath access 2a)", "SEQ(CA~1.IMU", 4},
{2300, "seqBrinkAtGenerator", "Seq (brink's madness)", "SEQ(BR~1.IMU", 3},
{2320, "seqFightBrink1b", "", "", 6},
{2340, "seqMaggieDies1b", "", "", 6},
{2346, "seqMaggieRes1b", "", "", 6},
{2347, "seqMaggieRes2a", "Seq (maggie res 2a)", "SEQ(MA~1.IMU", 4},
{2350, "seqCreatureFalls", "", "", 0},
{2360, "seqFinale1b", "", "", 5},
{2370, "seqFinale2a", "Seq (finale 2a)", "SEQ(FI~1.IMU", 3},
{2380, "seqFinale3b1", "", "", 6},
{2390, "seqFinale3b2", "", "", 6},
{2400, "seqFinale4a", "Seq (finale 4a)", "SEQ(FI~2.IMU", 3},
{2410, "seqFinale5a", "Seq (finale 5a)", "SEQ(FI~3.IMU", 3},
{2420, "seqFinale6a", "Seq (finale 6a)", "SEQ(FI~4.IMU", 3},
{2430, "seqFinale7a", "Seq (finale 7a)", "SE3D2B~5.IMU", 3},
{2440, "seqFinale8b", "", "", 6},
{2450, "seqFinale9a", "Seq (finale 9a)", "SE313B~5.IMU", 4},
{-1, "", "", "", 0},
struct imuse_ft_music_table {
int16 index;
char audioname[15];
int8 unk1;
int8 volume;
char name[30];
static const imuse_ft_music_table _ftStateMusicTable[] = {
{0, "", 0, 0, "STATE_NULL" },
{1, "", 4, 127, "stateKstandOutside" },
{2, "kinside", 2, 127, "stateKstandInside" },
{3, "moshop", 3, 64, "stateMoesInside" },
{4, "melcut", 2, 127, "stateMoesOutside" },
{5, "mellover", 2, 127, "stateMellonAbove" },
{6, "radloop", 3, 28, "stateTrailerOutside" },
{7, "radloop", 3, 58, "stateTrailerInside" },
{8, "radloop", 3, 127, "stateTodShop" },
{9, "junkgate", 2, 127, "stateJunkGate" },
{10, "junkover", 3, 127, "stateJunkAbove" },
{11, "gastower", 2, 127, "stateGasTower" },
{12, "", 4, 0, "stateTowerAlarm" },
{13, "melcut", 2, 127, "stateCopsOnGround" },
{14, "melcut", 2, 127, "stateCopsAround" },
{15, "melcut", 2, 127, "stateMoesRuins" },
{16, "melcut", 2, 127, "stateKstandNight" },
{17, "trukblu2", 2, 127, "stateTruckerTalk" },
{18, "stretch", 2, 127, "stateMumblyPeg" },
{19, "kstand", 2, 127, "stateRanchOutside" },
{20, "kinside", 2, 127, "stateRanchInside" },
{21, "desert", 2, 127, "stateWreckedTruck" },
{22, "opening", 2, 127, "stateGorgeVista" },
{23, "caveopen", 2, 127, "stateCaveOpen" },
{24, "cavecut1", 2, 127, "stateCaveOuter" },
{25, "cavecut1", 1, 127, "stateCaveMiddle" },
{26, "cave", 2, 127, "stateCaveInner" },
{27, "corville", 2, 127, "stateCorvilleFront" },
{28, "mines", 2, 127, "stateMineField" },
{29, "bunyman3", 2, 127, "stateBunnyStore" },
{30, "stretch", 2, 127, "stateStretchBen" },
{31, "saveme", 2, 127, "stateBenPleas" },
{32, "", 4, 0, "stateBenConvinces" },
{33, "derby", 3, 127, "stateDemoDerby" },
{34, "fire", 3, 127, "stateLightMyFire" },
{35, "derby", 3, 127, "stateDerbyChase" },
{36, "carparts", 2, 127, "stateVultureCarParts"},
{37, "cavecut1", 2, 127, "stateVulturesInside" },
{38, "mines", 2, 127, "stateFactoryRear" },
{39, "croffice", 2, 127, "stateCorleyOffice" },
{40, "melcut", 2, 127, "stateCorleyHall" },
{41, "", 4, 0, "stateProjRoom" },
{42, "", 4, 0, "stateMMRoom" },
{43, "bumper", 2, 127, "stateBenOnBumper" },
{44, "benump", 2, 127, "stateBenOnBack" },
{45, "plane", 2, 127, "stateInCargoPlane" },
{46, "saveme", 2, 127, "statePlaneControls" },
{47, "", 4, 0, "stateCliffHanger1" },
{48, "", 4, 0, "stateCliffHanger2" },
{-1, "", 0, 0, "" },
static const imuse_ft_music_table _ftSeqMusicTable[] = {
{0, "", 2, 127, "SEQ_NULL" },
{1, "", 0, 0, "seqLogo" },
{2, "", 0, 0, "seqOpenFlick" },
{3, "", 0, 0, "seqBartender" },
{4, "opening", 2, 127, "seqBenWakes" },
{5, "", 0, 0, "seqPhotoScram" },
{6, "", 0, 0, "seqClimbChain" },
{7, "", 0, 0, "seqDogChase" },
{8, "barbeat", 2, 127, "seqDogSquish" },
{9, "barwarn", 2, 127, "seqDogHoist" },
{10, "", 0, 0, "seqCopsArrive" },
{11, "", 0, 0, "seqCopsLand" },
{12, "benwakes", 2, 127, "seqCopsLeave" },
{13, "", 0, 0, "seqCopterFlyby" },
{14, "", 0, 0, "seqCopterCrash" },
{15, "", 0, 0, "seqMoGetsParts" },
{16, "barwarn", 2, 127, "seqMoFixesBike" },
{17, "", 0, 0, "seqFirstGoodbye" },
{18, "", 0, 0, "seqCopRoadblock" },
{19, "", 0, 0, "seqDivertCops" },
{20, "swatben", 2, 127, "seqMurder" },
{21, "", 0, 0, "seqCorleyDies" },
{22, "", 0, 0, "seqTooLateAtMoes" },
{23, "", 0, 0, "seqPicture" },
{24, "dogattak", 2, 127, "seqNewsReel" },
{25, "", 0, 0, "seqCopsInspect" },
{26, "", 0, 0, "seqHijack" },
{27, "", 0, 0, "seqNestolusAtRanch" },
{28, "", 4, 0, "seqRipLimo" },
{29, "", 0, 0, "seqGorgeTurn" },
{30, "", 0, 0, "seqStealRamp" },
{31, "", 0, 0, "seqCavefishTalk" },
{32, "", 4, 0, "seqArriveCorville" },
{33, "", 0, 0, "seqSingleBunny" },
{34, "", 0, 0, "seqBunnyArmy" },
{35, "", 0, 0, "seqArriveAtMines" },
{36, "cops2", 2, 127, "seqArriveAtVultures" },
{37, "", 0, 0, "seqMakePlan" },
{38, "", 0, 0, "seqShowPlan" },
{39, "", 0, 0, "seqDerbyStart" },
{40, "cops2", 2, 127, "seqLightBales" },
{41, "", 0, 0, "seqNestolusBBQ" },
{42, "", 0, 0, "seqCallSecurity" },
{43, "", 0, 0, "seqFilmFail" },
{44, "cops2", 2, 127, "seqFilmBurn" },
{45, "", 0, 0, "seqRipSpeech" },
{46, "", 0, 0, "seqExposeRip" },
{47, "", 0, 0, "seqRipEscape" },
{48, "", 0, 0, "seqRareMoment" },
{49, "", 0, 0, "seqFanBunnies" },
{50, "", 0, 0, "seqRipDead" },
{51, "bunymrch", 2, 127, "seqFuneral" },
{52, "", 0, 0, "seqCredits" },
{-1, "", 0, 0, "" },
void IMuseDigital::handler() {
uint32 l = 0, i = 0;
if (_pause == true)
for (l = 0; l < MAX_DIGITAL_CHANNELS;l ++) {
if (_channel[l]._used) {
if (_channel[l]._toBeRemoved == true) {
2002-10-16 07:59:11 +00:00
if (_scumm->_mixer->_channels[l] == NULL) {
_channel[l]._used = false;
_channel[l]._initialized = false;
if (_channel[l]._delay > 0) {
if (_channel[l]._volumeFade != -1) {
if (_channel[l]._volumeFadeStep < 0) {
if (_channel[l]._volume > _channel[l]._volumeFade) {
_channel[l]._volume += _channel[l]._volumeFadeStep;
_channel[l]._volumeRight += _channel[l]._volumeFadeStep;
if (_channel[l]._volume < _channel[l]._volumeFade) {
_channel[l]._volume = _channel[l]._volumeFade;
if (_channel[l]._volumeRight < _channel[l]._volumeFade) {
_channel[l]._volumeRight = _channel[l]._volumeFade;
if ((_channel[l]._volume == 0) && (_channel[l]._volumeRight == 0)) {
_channel[l]._toBeRemoved = true;
} else if (_channel[l]._volumeFadeStep > 0) {
if (_channel[l]._volume < _channel[l]._volumeFade) {
_channel[l]._volume += _channel[l]._volumeFadeStep;
_channel[l]._volumeRight += _channel[l]._volumeFadeStep;
if (_channel[l]._volume > _channel[l]._volumeFade) {
_channel[l]._volume = _channel[l]._volumeFade;
if (_channel[l]._volumeRight > _channel[l]._volumeFade) {
_channel[l]._volumeRight = _channel[l]._volumeFade;
if ((_channel[l]._jump[0]._numLoops == 0) && (_channel[l]._isJump == true)) {
_channel[l]._isJump = false;
uint32 new_size = _channel[l]._mixerSize;
uint32 mixer_size = new_size;
2002-10-16 07:59:11 +00:00
if (_channel[l]._initialized == false) {
mixer_size *= 2;
new_size *= 2;
if (_channel[l]._isJump == false) {
if (_channel[l]._offset + mixer_size > _channel[l]._size) {
new_size = _channel[l]._size - _channel[l]._offset;
if (_channel[l]._numLoops == 0) {
_channel[l]._toBeRemoved = true;
mixer_size = new_size;
} else if (_channel[l]._isJump == true) {
if (_channel[l]._jump[0]._numLoops != 500) {
if (_channel[l]._offset + mixer_size >= _channel[l]._jump[0]._offset) {
new_size = _channel[l]._jump[0]._offset - _channel[l]._offset;
byte *buf = (byte*)malloc(mixer_size);
2002-10-16 07:59:11 +00:00
memcpy(buf, _channel[l]._data + _channel[l]._offset, new_size);
if ((new_size != mixer_size) && (_channel[l]._isJump == true)) {
memcpy(buf + new_size, _channel[l]._data + _channel[l]._jump[0]._dest, mixer_size - new_size);
_channel[l]._offset = _channel[l]._jump[0]._dest + (mixer_size - new_size);
} else if ((_channel[l]._numLoops > 0) && (new_size != mixer_size)) {
memcpy(buf + new_size, _channel[l]._data, mixer_size - new_size);
_channel[l]._offset = mixer_size - new_size;
} else {
_channel[l]._offset += mixer_size;
if (_channel[l]._bits == 12) {
for(i = 0; i < (mixer_size / 4); i++) {
byte sample1 = buf[i * 4 + 0];
byte sample2 = buf[i * 4 + 1];
byte sample3 = buf[i * 4 + 2];
byte sample4 = buf[i * 4 + 3];
uint16 sample_a = (uint16)(((int16)((sample1 << 8) | sample2) * _channel[l]._volumeRight) >> 8);
uint16 sample_b = (uint16)(((int16)((sample3 << 8) | sample4) * _channel[l]._volume) >> 8);
buf[i * 4 + 0] = (byte)(sample_a >> 8);
buf[i * 4 + 1] = (byte)(sample_a & 0xff);
buf[i * 4 + 2] = (byte)(sample_b >> 8);
buf[i * 4 + 3] = (byte)(sample_b & 0xff);
} else if (_channel[l]._bits == 8) {
for(i = 0; i < (mixer_size / 2); i++) {
2002-10-03 23:16:10 +00:00
buf[i * 2 + 0] = (byte)(((int8)(buf[i * 2 + 0] ^ 0x80) * _channel[l]._volumeRight) >> 8) ^ 0x80;
buf[i * 2 + 1] = (byte)(((int8)(buf[i * 2 + 1] ^ 0x80) * _channel[l]._volume) >> 8) ^ 0x80;
if (_scumm->_silentDigitalImuse == false) {
if (_channel[l]._initialized == false) {
_scumm->_mixer->playStream(NULL, l, buf, mixer_size,
_channel[l]._freq, _channel[l]._mixerFlags, 3, 2000000);
_channel[l]._initialized = true;
} else {
_scumm->_mixer->append(l, buf, mixer_size, _channel[l]._freq, _channel[l]._mixerFlags);
void IMuseDigital::startSound(int sound) {
debug(2, "IMuseDigital::startSound(%d)", sound);
int32 l;
for(l = 0; l < MAX_DIGITAL_CHANNELS; l++) {
if(_channel[l]._used == false) {
byte *ptr = _scumm->getResourceAddress(rtSound, sound);
byte *s_ptr = ptr;
if(ptr == NULL) {
warning("IMuseDigital::startSound(%d) NULL resource pointer", sound);
_channel[l]._idSound = sound;
_channel[l]._offset = 0;
_channel[l]._numRegions = 0;
_channel[l]._numJumps = 0;
_channel[l]._volumeRight = 127;
_channel[l]._volume = 127;
_channel[l]._volumeFade = -1;
_channel[l]._volumeFadeParam = 0;
_channel[l]._delay = 1;
2002-10-03 23:16:10 +00:00
uint32 tag, size = 0, r, t;
if (READ_UINT32_UNALIGNED(ptr) == MKID('Crea')) {
_channel[l]._bits = 8;
_channel[l]._channels = 2;
2002-10-03 23:16:10 +00:00
_channel[l]._mixerSize = (22050 / 5) * 2;
_channel[l]._mixerFlags = SoundMixer::FLAG_AUTOFREE | SoundMixer::FLAG_STEREO | SoundMixer::FLAG_REVERSE_STEREO | SoundMixer::FLAG_UNSIGNED;
byte * t_ptr= _scumm->_sound->readCreativeVocFile(ptr, size, _channel[l]._freq, _channel[l]._numLoops);
2002-10-03 23:16:10 +00:00
if (_channel[l]._freq == 22222) {
_channel[l]._freq = 22050;
} else if (_channel[l]._freq == 10989) {
_channel[l]._freq = 11025;
2002-10-03 23:16:10 +00:00
2002-10-03 23:16:10 +00:00
if (_channel[l]._freq == 11025) {
_channel[l]._mixerSize /= 2;
size *= 2;
_channel[l]._data = (byte *)malloc(size);
for (t = 0; t < size / 2; t++) {
*(_channel[l]._data + t * 2 + 0) = *(t_ptr + t);
*(_channel[l]._data + t * 2 + 1) = *(t_ptr + t);
2002-10-03 23:16:10 +00:00
_channel[l]._size = size;
2002-10-03 23:16:10 +00:00
} else if (READ_UINT32_UNALIGNED(ptr) == MKID('iMUS')) {
ptr += 16;
for (;;) {
tag = READ_BE_UINT32(ptr); ptr += 4;
switch(tag) {
case MKID_BE('FRMT'):
ptr += 12;
_channel[l]._bits = READ_BE_UINT32(ptr); ptr += 4;
_channel[l]._freq = READ_BE_UINT32(ptr); ptr += 4;
_channel[l]._channels = READ_BE_UINT32(ptr); ptr += 4;
case MKID_BE('TEXT'):
size = READ_BE_UINT32(ptr); ptr += size + 4;
case MKID_BE('REGN'):
ptr += 4;
if (_channel[l]._numRegions >= MAX_IMUSE_REGIONS) {
warning("IMuseDigital::startSound(%d) Not enough space for Region");
ptr += 8;
_channel[l]._region[_channel[l]._numRegions]._offset = READ_BE_UINT32(ptr); ptr += 4;
_channel[l]._region[_channel[l]._numRegions]._length = READ_BE_UINT32(ptr); ptr += 4;
case MKID_BE('STOP'):
ptr += 4;
_channel[l]._offsetStop = READ_BE_UINT32(ptr); ptr += 4;
case MKID_BE('JUMP'):
ptr += 4;
if (_channel[l]._numJumps >= MAX_IMUSE_JUMPS) {
warning("IMuseDigital::startSound(%d) Not enough space for Jump");
ptr += 16;
_channel[l]._jump[_channel[l]._numJumps]._offset = READ_BE_UINT32(ptr); ptr += 4;
_channel[l]._jump[_channel[l]._numJumps]._dest = READ_BE_UINT32(ptr); ptr += 4;
_channel[l]._jump[_channel[l]._numJumps]._id = READ_BE_UINT32(ptr); ptr += 4;
_channel[l]._jump[_channel[l]._numJumps]._numLoops = READ_BE_UINT32(ptr); ptr += 4;
_channel[l]._isJump = true;
2002-10-03 23:16:10 +00:00
case MKID_BE('DATA'):
size = READ_BE_UINT32(ptr); ptr += 4;
error("IMuseDigital::startSound(%d) Unknown sfx header %c%c%c%c", tag>>24, tag>>16, tag>>8, tag);
if (tag == MKID_BE('DATA')) break;
2002-10-16 07:59:11 +00:00
// if ((sound == 131) || (sound == 123) || (sound == 122)) {
2002-10-15 21:55:04 +00:00
_channel[l]._isJump = false;
_channel[l]._numJumps = 0;
2002-10-16 07:59:11 +00:00
// }
2002-10-15 21:55:04 +00:00
2002-10-03 23:16:10 +00:00
uint32 header_size = ptr - s_ptr;
_channel[l]._offsetStop -= header_size;
if (_channel[l]._bits == 12) {
2002-10-03 23:16:10 +00:00
_channel[l]._offsetStop = (_channel[l]._offsetStop / 3) * 4;
2002-10-03 23:16:10 +00:00
for (r = 0; r < _channel[l]._numRegions; r++) {
_channel[l]._region[r]._offset -= header_size;
if (_channel[l]._bits == 12) {
2002-10-03 23:16:10 +00:00
_channel[l]._region[r]._offset = (_channel[l]._region[r]._offset / 3) * 4;
_channel[l]._region[r]._length = (_channel[l]._region[r]._length / 3) * 4;
2002-10-03 23:16:10 +00:00
if (_channel[l]._numJumps > 0) {
for (r = 0; r < _channel[l]._numJumps; r++) {
_channel[l]._jump[r]._offset -= header_size;
_channel[l]._jump[r]._dest -= header_size;
if (_channel[l]._bits == 12) {
_channel[l]._jump[r]._offset = (_channel[l]._jump[r]._offset / 3) * 4;
_channel[l]._jump[r]._dest = (_channel[l]._jump[r]._dest / 3) * 4;
2002-10-03 23:16:10 +00:00
_channel[l]._mixerSize = (22050 / 5) * 2;
_channel[l]._mixerFlags = SoundMixer::FLAG_AUTOFREE | SoundMixer::FLAG_STEREO | SoundMixer::FLAG_REVERSE_STEREO;
if (_channel[l]._bits == 12) {
_channel[l]._mixerSize *= 2;
_channel[l]._mixerFlags |= SoundMixer::FLAG_16BITS;
_channel[l]._size = _scumm->_sound->decode12BitsSample(ptr, &_channel[l]._data, size, (_channel[l]._channels == 2) ? false : true);
if (_channel[l]._bits == 8) {
_channel[l]._mixerFlags |= SoundMixer::FLAG_UNSIGNED;
if (_channel[l]._channels == 1) {
size *= 2;
_channel[l]._channels = 2;
_channel[l]._data = (byte *)malloc(size);
for (t = 0; t < size / 2; t++) {
*(_channel[l]._data + t * 2 + 0) = *(ptr + t);
*(_channel[l]._data + t * 2 + 1) = *(ptr + t);
} else {
_channel[l]._data = (byte *)malloc(size);
memcpy(_channel[l]._data, ptr, size);
_channel[l]._size = size;
if (_channel[l]._freq == 11025) {
_channel[l]._mixerSize /= 2;
_channel[l]._toBeRemoved = false;
_channel[l]._used = true;
void IMuseDigital::stopSound(int sound) {
debug(2, "IMuseDigital::stopSound(%d)", sound);
2002-10-01 21:19:52 +00:00
for (int32 l = 0; l < MAX_DIGITAL_CHANNELS; l++) {
if ((_channel[l]._idSound == sound) && (_channel[l]._used == true)) {
_channel[l]._toBeRemoved = true;
2002-10-01 21:19:52 +00:00
void IMuseDigital::stopAll() {
for (int32 l = 0; l < MAX_DIGITAL_CHANNELS; l++) {
if (_channel[l]._used == true) {
_channel[l]._toBeRemoved = true;
void IMuseDigital::pause(bool p) {
_pause = p;
int32 IMuseDigital::doCommand(int a, int b, int c, int d, int e, int f, int g, int h) {
byte cmd = a & 0xFF;
byte param = a >> 8;
2002-10-11 08:35:12 +00:00
int32 sample = b, r;
byte sub_cmd = c >> 8;
2002-10-23 00:24:43 +00:00
int8 chan = -1, l;
int8 tmp;
if (!(cmd || param))
return 1;
if (param == 0) {
switch (cmd) {
case 12:
switch (sub_cmd) {
case 5:
debug(2, "IMuseDigital::doCommand 12,5 sample(%d), param(%d)", sample, d);
return 0;
case 6: // volume control (0-127)
debug(2, "IMuseDigital::doCommand setting volume sample(%d), volume(%d)", sample, d);
for (l = 0; l < MAX_DIGITAL_CHANNELS; l++) {
if ((_channel[l]._idSound == sample) && (_channel[l]._used == true)) {
2002-10-23 00:24:43 +00:00
chan = l;
2002-10-23 00:24:43 +00:00
if (chan == -1) {
debug(2, "IMuseDigital::doCommand 12,6 sample(%d) not exist in channels", sample);
return 1;
2002-10-23 00:24:43 +00:00
_channel[chan]._volume = d;
_channel[chan]._volumeRight = d;
if (_channel[chan]._volumeFade != -1) {
tmp = ((_channel[chan]._volumeFade - _channel[chan]._volume) * 2) / _channel[chan]._volumeFadeParam;
if ((tmp < 0) && (tmp > -2)) {
tmp = -1;
} else if ((tmp > 0) && (tmp < 2)) {
tmp = 1;
} else {
tmp /= 2;
2002-10-23 00:24:43 +00:00
_channel[chan]._volumeFadeStep = tmp;
return 0;
case 7: // right volume control (0-127)
debug(2, "IMuseDigital::doCommand setting right volume sample(%d),volume(%d)", sample, d);
for (l = 0; l < MAX_DIGITAL_CHANNELS; l++) {
if ((_channel[l]._idSound == sample) && (_channel[l]._used == true)) {
2002-10-23 00:24:43 +00:00
chan = l;
2002-10-23 00:24:43 +00:00
if (chan == -1) {
debug(2, "IMuseDigital::doCommand 12,7 sample(%d) not exist in channels", sample);
return 1;
2002-10-23 00:24:43 +00:00
_channel[chan]._volumeRight = d;
return 0;
2002-10-05 20:22:56 +00:00
warning("IMuseDigital::doCommand 12 DEFAULT sub command %d", sub_cmd);
return 1;
case 14:
switch (sub_cmd) {
case 6: // fade volume control
debug(2, "IMuseDigital::doCommand fading volume sample(%d),fade(%d, %d)", sample, d, e);
for (l = 0; l < MAX_DIGITAL_CHANNELS; l++) {
if ((_channel[l]._idSound == sample) && (_channel[l]._used == true)) {
2002-10-23 00:24:43 +00:00
chan = l;
2002-10-23 00:24:43 +00:00
if (chan == -1) {
debug(2, "IMuseDigital::doCommand 14,6 sample %d not exist in channels", sample);
return 1;
2002-10-23 00:24:43 +00:00
_channel[chan]._volumeFade = d;
_channel[chan]._volumeFadeParam = e;
tmp = ((_channel[chan]._volumeFade - _channel[chan]._volume) * 2) / _channel[chan]._volumeFadeParam;
if ((tmp < 0) && (tmp > -2)) {
tmp = -1;
} else if ((tmp > 0) && (tmp < 2)) {
tmp = 1;
} else {
tmp /= 2;
2002-10-23 00:24:43 +00:00
_channel[chan]._volumeFadeStep = tmp;
return 0;
2002-10-05 20:22:56 +00:00
warning("IMuseDigital::doCommand 14 DEFAULT sub command %d", sub_cmd);
return 1;
2002-10-05 20:22:56 +00:00
warning("IMuseDigital::doCommand DEFAULT command %d", cmd);
return 1;
} else if (param == 16) {
switch (cmd) {
case 0: // play music (state)
debug(2, "IMuseDigital::doCommand 0x1000 (%d)", b);
if (_scumm->_gameId == GID_DIG) {
for(l = 0;; l++) {
if (_digStateMusicMap[l].room == -1) {
return 1;
2002-10-11 08:35:12 +00:00
if (_digStateMusicMap[l].room == b) {
int16 music = _digStateMusicMap[l].table_index;
debug(2, "Play imuse music: %s, %s, %s", _digStateMusicTable[music].name, _digStateMusicTable[music].title, _digStateMusicTable[music].filename);
if (_digStateMusicTable[music].filename[0] != 0) {
return 0;
} else if (_scumm->_gameId == GID_FT) {
2002-10-11 08:35:12 +00:00
for(l = 0;; l++) {
if (_ftStateMusicTable[l].index == -1) {
return 1;
if (_ftStateMusicTable[l].index == b) {
debug(2, "Play imuse music: %s, %s", _ftStateMusicTable[l].name, _ftStateMusicTable[l].audioname);
2002-10-11 08:35:12 +00:00
if (_ftStateMusicTable[l].audioname[0] != 0) {
for(r = 0; r < _scumm->_numAudioNames; r++) {
if (strcmp(_ftStateMusicTable[l].audioname, &_scumm->_audioNames[r * 9]) == 0) {
doCommand(12, r, 1536, _ftStateMusicTable[l].volume, 0, 0, 0, 0);
return 0;
case 1: // play music (seq)
debug(2, "IMuseDigital::doCommand 0x1001 (%d)", b);
if (_scumm->_gameId == GID_DIG) {
for(l = 0;; l++) {
if (_digSeqMusicTable[l].index == -1) {
return 1;
if ((_digSeqMusicTable[l].index == b)) {
debug(2, "Play imuse music: %s, %s, %s", _digSeqMusicTable[l].name, _digSeqMusicTable[l].title, _digSeqMusicTable[l].filename);
if (_digSeqMusicTable[l].filename[0] != 0) {
return 0;
} else if (_scumm->_gameId == GID_FT) {
2002-10-11 08:35:12 +00:00
for(l = 0;; l++) {
if (_ftSeqMusicTable[l].index == -1) {
return 1;
if (_ftSeqMusicTable[l].index == b) {
debug(2, "Play imuse music: %s, %s", _ftSeqMusicTable[l].name, _ftSeqMusicTable[l].audioname);
2002-10-11 08:35:12 +00:00
if (_ftSeqMusicTable[l].audioname[0] != 0) {
for(r = 0; r < _scumm->_numAudioNames; r++) {
if (strcmp(_ftSeqMusicTable[l].audioname, &_scumm->_audioNames[r * 9]) == 0) {
doCommand(12, r, 1536, _ftSeqMusicTable[l].volume, 0, 0, 0, 0);
return 0;
case 2: // dummy in DIG and CMI
debug(2, "IMuseDigital::doCommand 0x1002 (%d)", b);
2002-10-05 20:22:56 +00:00
return 0;
case 3: // ??? (stream related)
debug(2, "IMuseDigital::doCommand 0x1003 (%d,%d)", b, c);
return 0;
2002-10-05 20:22:56 +00:00
warning("IMuseDigital::doCommand (0x1xxx) DEFAULT command %d", cmd);
return 1;
return 1;
int IMuseDigital::getSoundStatus(int sound) {
debug(2, "IMuseDigital::getSoundStatus(%d)", sound);
for (int32 l = 0; l < MAX_DIGITAL_CHANNELS; l++) {
if ((_channel[l]._idSound == sound) && (_channel[l]._used == true)) {
return 1;
return 0;